Suchprofil: unterwertige_Beschäftigung Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 08/21 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** %0 Journal Article %J Journal of refugee studies %V 34 %N 1 %F X 1065 %A Disney, Lindsey R. %A McPherson, Jane %A Jamal, Ziad S. %T 'We know more than that': The Underemployment Experiences of College-educated Iraqi Refugees Living in the US %D 2021 %P S. 1168-1184 %G en %# 2016-2017 %R 10.1093/jrs/feaa128 %U %U %X "Underemployment (i.e. a skilled worker in a low-skill job) has a negative impact on life satisfaction, and college-educated refugees often experience underemployment in the countries where they are resettled. Using interviews, this small-scale study explores college-educated Iraqi refugees' experiences of employment in the US, and how employment experiences impact their resettlement and life satisfaction. Our participants share a complex picture of gratitude and loss, and a common framework for making short-term and long-term employment and education decisions post-resettlement. Our findings support the hypothesis that employment is one of the most influential areas of a refugee's resettlement experience." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Geflüchtete %K Herkunftsland %K Hochschulabsolventen %K unterwertige Beschäftigung %K Auswirkungen %K Lebenssituation %K Zufriedenheit %K Arbeitslosigkeit %K Berufswegplanung %K Überqualifikation %K USA %K Irak %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2021-08-31 %M K210803K5O %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* %0 Journal Article %J The social policy blog %N 22 06 2021 %F Z 2275 %A Christoph, Bernhard %A Lietzmann, Torsten %T Will Accepting Less Bring Success? Job Related Concessions and Welfare Recipients in Germany %D 2021 %P o. Sz. %# 2005-2014 %U %U %X "It is often argued that in order to find new employment, the unemployed have to compromise and accept jobs that are inferior (e.g. paying less or requiring a lower qualification) than the jobs they held before becoming unemployed. Making such compromise to find new employment is what we call a job related concession. Our results show that while there might be some truth to this Assertion - in particular with regard to accepting lower paying Jobs - being generally flexible with regard to job search has comparably positive effects without requiring the unemployed to make such compromise. Therefore, we argue that enabling the unemployed to find new occupational perspectives - ideally in combination with training and qualification measures for the new occupation - should be at least as promising as requiring them to make job-related concessions." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K berufliche Reintegration %K unterwertige Beschäftigung %K Stichprobe der Integrierten Grundsicherungsbiografien (SIG) %K Überqualifikation %K Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer %K Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien %K Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger %K Arbeitsuche %K Zumutbarkeitsregelung %K Auswirkungen %K Arbeitsplatzqualität %K Arbeitsmarktchancen %K Einkommenserwartung %K Berufswechsel %K berufliche Flexibilität %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2021-08-11 %M K210811K8W %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** %0 Book %A Blair, Peter Q. %A Debroy, Papia %A Heck, Justin %T Skills, Degrees, and Labor Market Inequality %D 2021 %P 28 S. %C Chicago %G en %# 1976-2019 %B HCEO working paper series : 2021,32 %U %U %X "Over the past four decades, income inequality grew significantly between workers with bachelor's degrees and those with high school diplomas (often called 'unskilled'). Rather than being unskilled, we argue that these workers are STARs because they are skilled through alternative routes - namely their work experience. Using the skill requirements of a worker's current job as a proxy of their actual skill, we find that though both groups of workers make transitions to occupations requiring similar skills to their previous occupations, worke rs with bachelor's degrees have dramatically better access to higher wage occupations where the skill requirements exceed the workers' observed skill. This measured opportunity gap offers a fresh explanation of income inequality by degree status and reestablishes the important role of on-the-job training in human capital formation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Hochschulabsolventen %K Bachelor %K Schulabschluss %K Sekundarbereich %K Bildungsertrag %K Berufserfahrung %K adäquate Beschäftigung %K Unterqualifikation %K Arbeitsmarktchancen %K Einkommensunterschied %K qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren %K on-the-job training %K Ungelernte %K berufliche Mobilität %K Einkommenseffekte %K USA %K J62 %K J24 %K I21 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-08-02 %M K210719KV2 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Hrsg.) %A Del Bono, Emilia %A Morando, Greta %T For Some, Luck Matters More: The Impact of the Great Recession on the Early Careers of Graduates from Different Socio-Economic Backgrounds %D 2021 %P 50 S. %C Bonn %G en %# 2002-2012 %B IZA discussion paper : 14540 %U %U %X "This paper uses variation in unemployment caused by the 2008 recession to analyse socio- economic gaps in graduate outcomes. Our data comes from a survey which collects information on several cohorts of students from all English universities and reports their destinations at 6 months after graduation. The results show that when students from less advantaged family backgrounds graduate during a recession they are more likely to become unemployed, to work part-time, and to earn less than students from more advantaged families. There is evidence that professional networks established while at university are important in explaining some of these socio-economic gaps in outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Wirtschaftskrise %K Rezession %K Hochschulabsolventen %K Arbeitsmarktchancen %K Berufsanfänger %K Erwerbsbeteiligung %K sozioökonomische Faktoren %K sozialer Status %K soziale Herkunft %K Akademiker %K adäquate Beschäftigung %K Berufseinmündung %K Großbritannien %K J62 %K I26 %K I24 %K I23 %K E32 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-08-24 %M K210727K1V %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Hrsg.) %A Wanner, Philippe %A Pecoraro, Marco %A Tani, Massimiliano %T Does Educational Mismatch Affect Emigration Behaviour? %D 2021 %P 46 S. %C Bonn %G en %# 2010-2015 %B IZA discussion paper : 14558 %U %U %X "This paper uses linked Swiss administrative and survey data to examine the relationship between educational mismatch in the labour market and emigration decisions, carrying out the analysis for both Swiss native and previous immigrant workers. In turn, migrants' decisions separate returning home from onward migration to a third country. We find that undereducation is positively associated with the probability of emigration and return to the country of origin. In contrast, the reverse relationship is found between overeducation and emigration, especially among non-European immigrant workers. According to the predictions of the traditional model of migration, based on self-selection, migrants returning home are positively selected relative to migrants emigrating to other countries. We also find that immigrants from a country outside the EU27/EFTA have little incentive to return home and generally accept jobs for which they are mismatched in Switzerland. These results highlight the relevance to understand emigration behaviours in relation to the type of migrant that is most integrated, and productive, in the Swiss market, hence enabling better migration and domestic labour market policy design." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Arbeitsmigration %K mismatch %K Bildungsabschluss %K Unterbeschäftigung %K Überqualifikation %K Auswanderung %K Einwanderung %K internationale Migration %K Entscheidung %K Determinanten %K Rückwanderung %K adäquate Beschäftigung %K Wanderungsmotivation %K Schweiz %K O15 %K J24 %K J61 %K J15 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-08-24 %M K210727K1X %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek 5 von 259 Datensätzen ausgegeben.