Suchprofil: Selbständigkeit Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 04/21 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** %0 Journal Article %J Small business economics %V 56 %N 3 %F Z 998 %A Backman, Mikaela %A Lopez, Esteban %A Rowe, Francisco %T The occupational trajectories and outcomes of forced migrants in Sweden. Entrepreneurship, employment or persistent inactivity? %D 2021 %P S. 963-983 %G en %# 1991-2013 %R 10.1007/s11187-019-00312-z %U %U %X "The current surge in forced migration to Europe is probably the largest and most complex since the Second World War. As population aging accelerates and fertility falls below replacement level, immigration may be seen as a key component of human capital to address labor and skill shortages. Receiving countries are, however, hesitant about the contribution that forced migrants can make to the local economy. Coupled with increasing pressure on welfare services, they are associated with increased job competition and crime. Underutilization of immigrants' skills is, however, a waste of resources that countries can scarcely afford. Understanding the labor market integration process of forced migrants is thus critical to develop policies that unleash their full skills potential and ultimately foster local economic productivity. While prior studies have examined the employment and salary outcomes of these immigrants at a particular point in time post-migration, they have failed to capture the temporal dynamics and complexity of this process. Drawing on administrative data from Sweden, we examine the occupational pathways of forced migrants using sequence analysis from their arrival in 1991 through to 2013. Findings reveal polarized pathways of long-term labor market integration with over one-third of refugees experiencing a successful labor market integration pathway and an equally large share facing a less fruitful employment outcomes. Our findings suggest education provision is key to promote a more successful integration into the local labor market by reducing barriers of cultural proximity and increasing the occurrence of entrepreneurship activity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Geflüchtete %K Berufsverlauf %K berufliche Integration %K Berufserfolg %K Unternehmertum %K abhängig Beschäftigte %K Nichterwerbstätigkeit %K Erwerbsbeteiligung %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K Schweden %K L26 %K J24 %K J31 %K J15 %K C55 %K J61 %K C33 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2021-04-06 %M K210325IMX %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Small business economics %V 56 %N 3 %F Z 998 %A Brieger, Steven A. %A Gielnik, Michael M. %T Understanding the gender gap in immigrant entrepreneurship: a multi-country study of immigrants' embeddedness in economic, social, and institutional contexts %D 2021 %P S. 1007-1031 %G en %# 2012-2012 %R 10.1007/s11187-019-00314-x %U %U %X "Given the rising rate of migration across the globe, immigrant entrepreneurship is more than ever a topic of high theoretical and practical relevance. Immigrant entrepreneurship can offer host societies a win-win situation, generating incomes for immigrant entrepreneurs and contributing to knowledge transfer, innovativeness, and economic growth within the host economy. However, studies reveal that immigrant entrepreneurship is primarily male dominated and our understanding of the drivers and contextual factors that explain the gender gap is limited. Based on the mixed embeddedness approach, this multi-country study investigates the effects of immigrants' embeddedness in supportive economic, social, and institutional environmental conditions on the gender gap in immigrant entrepreneurship. Our key findings are threefold: First, the results confirm that a gender gap in immigrant entrepreneurship exists. Female immigrants, compared with their male counterparts, are less likely to start and run their own business. Second, the results reveal that female immigrant entrepreneurship is encouraged by a supportive entrepreneurial environment, showing that policy can enhance female immigrant entrepreneurship through supportive conditions. Third, we find the same pattern of results for forced immigrants and opposite results for natives, suggesting that entrepreneurship is a 'Plan A' employment strategy for (forced) female immigrants, whereas it is only a 'Plan B' employment strategy for female natives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Einwanderer %K Unternehmertum %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K ausländische Frauen %K ausländische Männer %K internationaler Vergleich %K Determinanten %K institutionelle Faktoren %K soziale Integration %K Unternehmensgründung %K Förderung %K ökonomische Faktoren %K Absatzmarkt %K Welt %K P48 %K M16 %K L26 %K F22 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2021-04-06 %M K210325IMZ %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Small business economics %V 56 %N 3 %F Z 998 %A Desai, Sameeksha %A Naudé, Wim %A Stel, Nora %T Refugee entrepreneurship: context and directions for future research %D 2021 %P S. 933-945 %G en %R 10.1007/s11187-019-00310-1 %U %U %X "This article provides an overview of future directions for research related to refugee entrepreneurship. It puts forward key concepts, explores the relations within the current broader literature on migration and entrepreneurship, and identifies several promising clusters of questions. We also introduce five papers in a special section of this issue, which offer nuanced findings and cues for further research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Geflüchtete %K Unternehmertum %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K Arbeitsmarktforschung %K Forschungsansatz %K empirische Forschung %K Unternehmensgründung %K Datengewinnung %K Forschungsmethode %K O15 %K L26 %K F22 %K J61 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2021-04-06 %M K210325IMV %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Work, employment and society %V 35 %N 2 %F Z 917 %A Gregory, Karen %T 'My Life Is More Valuable Than This': Understanding Risk among On-Demand Food Couriers in Edinburgh %D 2021 %P S. 316-331 %G en %R 10.1177/0950017020969593 %U %U %X "Drawing from the social study of the gig economy and platform labour and from the sociology of risk, this article explores how on-demand food couriers in Edinburgh, Scotland, construct and represent work-related risks. By taking the gig economy?s contested and contentious status of ?self-employment? as a starting point, this article positions couriers as experts of their own work process and draws on in-depth interviews with 25 couriers to illustrate how platformed labour creates a range of risks, including physical risk and bodily harm, financial risks and epistemic risks. To negotiate these risks, couriers use a range of strategies, including privatising, normalising and minimising risks and by forging new communities of support. While some risks can be negotiated by recourse to the private, entrepreneurial, or ?choosing? self, interview data illustrate how algorithmically managed work creates uncertainty and confounds the issue of choice by obscuring the work process and associated risk probabilities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Zulieferer %K Nahrungs- und Genussmittelgewerbe %K Berufskraftfahrer %K Risikobereitschaft %K Risikoabschätzung %K Plattformökonomie %K kapazitätsorientierte variable Arbeitszeit %K Arbeitsmarktrisiko %K Selbständige %K Gesundheitsgefährdung %K Unsicherheit %K Gastgewerbe %K prekäre Beschäftigung %K Unfallgefahr %K Arbeitsunfälle %K Straßenverkehr %K Großbritannien %K Schottland %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2021-04-06 %M K210325IM8 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Small business economics %V 56 %N 3 %F Z 998 %A Klaesson, Johan %A Lopez, Esteban %T Ethnic enclaves and segregation - self-employment and employment patterns among forced migrants %D 2021 %P S. 985-1006 %G en %# 2005-2005 %R 10.1007/s11187-019-00313-y %U %U %X "The relevance of residential segregation and ethnic enclaves for labor market sorting of immigrants has been investigated by a large body of literature. Previous literature presents competing arguments and mixed results for the effects of segregation and ethnic concentration on various labor market outcomes. The geographical size of the area at which segregation and/or ethnic concentration is measured, however, is left to empirical work to determine. We argue that ethnic concentration and segregation should not be used interchangeably, and more importantly, the geographical area at which they are measured relates directly to different mechanisms. We use a probabilistic approach to identify the likelihood that an immigrant is employed or a self-employed entrepreneur in the year 2005 with respect to residential segregation and ethnic concentration at the level of the neighborhood, municipality, and local labor market level jointly. We study three groups of immigrants that accentuate the differences between forced and pulled migrants: (i) the first 15 member states of European Union (referred to as EU 15) and the Nordic countries, (ii) the Balkan countries, and (iii) countries in the Middle East. We find that ethnic enclaves, proxied by ethnic concentration at varying levels, indicate mixed results for the different immigrant groups we study, both for their employment and entrepreneurship probability, whereas residential segregation has a more uniformly distributed result where its relationship to any of the two labor market outcomes is almost always negative or insignificant." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Geflüchtete %K berufliche Integration %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K Segregation %K ethnische Gruppe %K Auswirkungen %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K regionaler Vergleich %K Wohnort %K regionale Verteilung %K Einwanderer %K EU-Bürger %K Beschäftigungsform %K Schweden %K R23 %K L26 %K O18 %K F22 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2021-04-06 %M K210325IMY %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Small business economics %V 56 %N 3 %F Z 998 %A Kone, Zovanga L. %A Ruiz, Isabel %A Vargas-Silva, Carlos %T Self-employment and reason for migration: are those who migrate for asylum different from other migrants? %D 2021 %P S. 947-962 %G en %# 2007-2018 %R 10.1007/s11187-019-00311-0 %U %U %X "This paper explores differences in the likelihood of engaging in self-employment among migrants who moved for different reasons to the UK. The results suggest that, conditional on being in employment, those who initially migrated for asylum reasons are six percentage points more likely to engage in self-employment than the UK-born, while those who migrated for work reasons are not significantly different from UK-born workers in this regard. We also find that mediating factors, such as the presence of networks and years since migration, relate differently to the likelihood of self-employment for each group of migrants. Finally, there are also differences when looking at the number of persons employed by the self-employed and the skill level associated with the activity of self-employment. Those who migrated for asylum are not significantly different from the UK-born in their likelihood of employing someone else, while those who migrated for work are two percentage points less likely to employ others relative to the UK-born." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Einwanderer %K Asylbewerber %K Geflüchtete %K Wanderungsmotivation %K Auswirkungen %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K Arbeitsmigration %K ausländische Arbeitgeber %K soziales Netzwerk %K ethnische Gruppe %K Aufenthaltsdauer %K Unternehmertum %K Unternehmensgründung %K Großbritannien %K J61 %K L26 %K R23 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2021-04-06 %M K210325IMW %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Small business economics %V 56 %N 3 %F Z 998 %A Naldi, Lucia %A Baù, Massimo %A Ahl, Helene %A Markowska, Magdalena %T Gender (in)equality within the household and business start-up among mothers %D 2021 %P S. 903-918 %G en %# 2000-2014 %R 10.1007/s11187-019-00275-1 %U %U %X "Using data on all businesses started by mothers of young children in Sweden between 2000 and 2014, we explore which factors are associated with entrepreneurship among mothers. We find that being unemployed or being an immigrant is positively associated with business start-up by mothers; however, our findings show that what matters more is the paternity leave taken by the mothers' partners. These findings suggest that in institutional contexts such as Sweden, gender inequality is not a persistent feature of most households and that women can make career choices by negotiating with their partners who will make use of the parental benefits offered by the government." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Mütter %K Unternehmensgründung %K Determinanten %K Arbeitsteilung %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Beruf und Familie %K Arbeitslose %K Migrationshintergrund %K Väter %K Elternzeit %K Inanspruchnahme %K institutionelle Faktoren %K Gleichstellung %K Schweden %K J64 %K J24 %K L26 %K M13 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2021-04-06 %M K210325IM1 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Entrepreneurship and Regional Development %N online first %F Z 1265 %A Welsh, Dianne H. B. %A Llanos-Contreras, Orlando %A Alonso-Dos-Santos, Manuel %A Kaciak, Eugene %T How much do network support and managerial skills affect women's entrepreneurial success? The overlooked role of country economic development %D 2021 %P S. 1-22 %G en %# 2010-2018 %R 10.1080/08985626.2021.1872939 %U %U %X "The success of women-owned businesses with regard to the stages of economic development of countries is under-examined on a global basis. This study explores the relationship between country economic and political contexts and assesses the importance of entrepreneurs' networks and managerial skills on women's entrepreneurial success. The research uses data from 22 countries chosen from multi-dimensional country context constructs (i.e., select economic and political factors) and measures both family and external moral and financial support and managerial skills. The results show that stock (managerial skill) and flow (family and non-family support) differentially influence women's entrepreneurial success in countries at varying levels of competitive development. In particular, the results confirm the positive influence of managerial skills and family moral and financial support on women's entrepreneurial success (based on annual income) in countries at a higher level of competitive development and confirm their negative influence in countries at a lower level of competitive growth. Moreover, the results reveal influences of non-family financial support (positive for highly competitive countries) on income but not non-family moral support. Public policy implications are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Frauen %K Unternehmenserfolg %K Determinanten %K soziales Netzwerk %K unternehmerische Qualifikation %K Führungskompetenz %K Wirtschaftsentwicklung %K Unternehmer %K internationaler Vergleich %K Sozialkapital %K Familie %K soziale Unterstützung %K Eigenkapital %K Unternehmensgründung %K Finanzierung %K Wettbewerbsfähigkeit %K internationaler Wettbewerb %K Welt %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2021-04-22 %M K210408IXO %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************************ 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************************ %0 Journal Article %J WSI-Mitteilungen %V 74 %N 2 %F Z 086 %A Walwei, Ulrich %T Erwerbsformen in Krisenzeiten: Was folgt aus Corona? %D 2021 %P S. 151-159 %G de %# 2000-2019 %R 10.5771/0342-300X-2021-2-151 %U %U %X "Wirtschaftliche Krisen betreffen Sektoren und Beschäftigte in unterschiedlicher Weise. Während frühere Krisen eher die Produktion in Mitleidenschaft gezogen haben, schlägt die Corona-Krise darüber hinaus mit Vehemenz bei Dienstleistungsbereichen zu. Der Beitrag setzt sich damit auseinander, wie sich dies auf die Zahl und die Verteilung verschiedener Erwerbsformen niederschlagen könnte und was daraus arbeitsmarkt- und sozialpolitisch folgt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Erwerbsformenwandel %K Beschäftigungsform %K Wirtschaftskrise %K Teilzeitarbeit %K Leiharbeit %K Beschäftigungsentwicklung %K geringfügige Beschäftigung %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K befristeter Arbeitsvertrag %K unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag %K sektorale Verteilung %K Rezession %K Vollzeitarbeit %K atypische Beschäftigung %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 2. sonstige referierte Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2021-04-27 %M K210408IX1 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J WSI-Mitteilungen %V 74 %N 2 %F Z 086 %A Weber, Enzo %T Soziale Sicherung: Vorwärts nach Corona! : Kommentar %D 2021 %P S. 86 %G de %R 10.5771/0342-300X-2021-2-86 %U %U %X "Die Corona-Krise führt den Wert sozialer Sicherung dramatisch vor Augen. Während sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigte durch den Anspruch auf Kurzarbeitergeld bzw. Arbeitslosengeld abgesichert sind, ist das vor allem bei Selbstständigen und Minijobbern nicht der Fall. Deshalb sollte die soziale Sicherung auf eine breitere Basis gestellt werden. Eine umfassende soziale Absicherung zeigt ihren Nutzen dabei nicht erst im Krisenfalle, sondern bietet Rückhalt und Perspektive für eine nachhaltige und zuversichtliche Erwerbsentwicklung. Auch würde so sichergestellt, dass das Lohnniveau am Arbeitsmarkt die Kosten der sozialen Sicherung einbezieht. Eine generelle Regelung bietet also große Vorteile, während im individuellen Kalkül üblicherweise hauptsächlich Kosten im Vordergrund stehen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku) %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Selbständige %K Mini-Job %K Soziale Sicherheit %K Arbeitslosenversicherung %K Arbeitslosenversicherungsbeitrag %K Plattformökonomie %K Sozialabgaben %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 2. sonstige referierte Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2021-04-19 %M K210407IU6 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* %0 Journal Article %J Monatsberichte / WIFO, Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung %V 94 %N 3 %F Z 280 %A Bock-Schappelwein, Julia %A Fink, Marian %A Mayrhuber, Christine %A Rocha-Akis, Silvia %T Selbständig Erwerbstätige in Österreich : Struktur, Einkommen und Betroffenheit von der COVID-19-Krise %D 2021 %P S. 205-223 %G de %# 2017-2020 %U %X "Die Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Krise und der behördlichen Schließungsmaßnahmen auf selbständig Erwerbstätige zeigen sich sowohl an der rückläufigen Zahl der Selbständigen als auch am Umsatz- und Einkommensrückgang. Die Betroffenheit kann aufgrund fehlender Datengrundlagen gegenwärtig nicht quantifiziert werden, lässt sich aber unter Rückgriff auf Daten abschätzen, die die Verteilung der Selbständigeneinkommen und die Struktur der von solchen Einkommen abhängigen Haushalte vor der Krise zeigen. 2017 hing rund ein Fünftel der Bevölkerung von Selbständigeneinkommen ab, mehr als die Hälfte davon mittel bis stark. Die Polarisierung der von Selbständigeneinkommen abhängigen Personen im unteren und oberen Einkommenssegment legt nahe, dass die COVID-19-Krise bestehende Ungleichheiten innerhalb der Gruppe der Selbständigen weiter verstärken dürfte." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © WIFO - Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) %X "The impact of the COVID-19 crisis and the regulatory closure measures on self-employed workers is evident both in the declining number of self-employed workers and in the drop in sales and income. The impact cannot be quantified at this time due to a lack of data, but can be estimated by relying on data showing the distribution of selfemployment income and the structure of households dependent on such income before the crisis. In 2017, about one-fifth of the population depended on self-employment income, more than half of them moderately to heavily. The polarisation of those dependent on self-employment income in the lower and upper income segments suggests that the COVID-19 crisis is likely to further exacerbate existing inequalities within the self-employed group." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © WIFO - Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) ((en)) %K Selbständige %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Einkommenseffekte %K private Haushalte %K Armut %K Risiko %K soziale Ungleichheit %K sektorale Verteilung %K Berufsgruppe %K Beschäftigungsentwicklung %K Österreich %K L26 %K J21 %K I38 %K I32 %K D31 %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2021-04-29 %M K210416I32 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Deutscher Bundestag. Drucksachen %V Dr 19/26486 v 05 02 2021 %F Z 198 %A Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie %A Deutscher Bundestag. Fraktion Bündnis 90, Die Grünen %T Ausgestaltung der Corona-Hilfen : Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (Drucksache 19/25475) %D 2021 %P S. 1-25 %G de %# 2020-2021 %U %X Die Bundesregierung antwortet auf die Anfrage der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN zur Ausgestaltung der Corona-Hilfen u.a. mit Statistiken zum Betrag an ausgezahlten Überbrückungshilfen II getrennt nach Bundesländern. (IAB-Doku) %K Pandemie %K Krisenmanagement %K Wirtschaftsförderung %K Selbständige %K Unternehmereinkommen %K Liquidität %K Insolvenz %K Risiko %K Kleinstunternehmen %K Bürokratie %K Kulturwirtschaft %K öffentliche Ausgaben %K Inanspruchnahme %K Leistungshöhe %K Auswirkungen %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2021-04-13 %M K210325IM6 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Economic analysis and policy %V 70 %N June %F Z 2216 %A Caliendo, Marco %A Tübbicke, Stefan %T Design and effectiveness of start-up subsidies: Evidence from a policy reform in Germany %D 2021 %P S. 333'340 %G en %# 2009-2012 %R 10.1016/j.eap.2021.02.015 %U %U %U %X "While a growing body of literature finds positive impacts of Start-Up Subsidies (SUS) on labor market outcomes of participants, little is known about how the design of these programs shapes their effectiveness and hence how to improve policy. As experimental variation in program design is unavailable, we exploit the 2011 reform of the current German SUS program for the unemployed which strengthened caseworkers' discretionary power, increased entry requirements and reduced monetary support. We estimate the impact of the reform on the program's effectiveness using samples of participants and non-participants from before and after the reform. To control for time-constant unobserved heterogeneity as well as differential selection patterns based on observable characteristics over time, we combine Difference-in-Differences with inverse probability weighting using covariate balancing propensity scores. Holding participants' observed characteristics as well as macroeconomic conditions constant, the results suggest that the reform was successful in raising employment effects on average. As these findings may be contaminated by changes in selection patterns based on unobserved characteristics, we assess our results using simulated-based sensitivity analyses and find that our estimates are highly robust to changes in unobserved characteristics. Hence, the reform most likely had a positive impact on the effectiveness of the program, suggesting that increasing entry requirements and reducing support increased the program's impacts while reducing the cost per participant." (Author's abstract, © 2021 Economic Society of Australia, Queensland) ((en)) %K Unternehmensgründung %K Förderung %K Erfolgskontrolle %K Reformpolitik %K Arbeitslose %K Case Management %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Teilnehmerauswahl %K Gründungszuschuss %K Einkommenseffekte %K Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K J68 %K H43 %K C23 %K L26 %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2021-04-06 %M K210312ICA %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J DIW-Wochenbericht %V 88 %N 15 %F Z 016 %A Seebauer, Johannes %A Kritikos, Alexander S. %A Graeber, Daniel %T Warum vor allem weibliche Selbstständige Verliererinnen der Covid-19-Krise sind %D 2021 %P S. 261-269 %G de %# 2020-2020 %R 10.18723/diw_wb:2021-15-3 %U %U %X "Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat das Leben vieler Menschen negativ beeinflusst. Auf Basis einer Sonderbefragung des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP-CoV) zeigt sich, dass die Pandemie die rund 4,2 Millionen Selbstständigen in Deutschland im Vergleich zu den abhängig Beschäftigten stärker getroffen hat. Dabei besteht ein deutlicher Gender Gap: Während 47 Prozent der selbstständigen Männer Einkommensverluste verzeichnen, sind es bei den selbstständigen Frauen 63 Prozent. Ein wesentlicher Grund hierfür ist, dass selbstständige Frauen häufiger in Branchen tätig sind, die besonders stark von der Pandemie betroffen sind und deshalb mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit direkt mit den Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Pandemie wie der Regulierung von Öffnungszeiten konfrontiert werden. Darüber hinaus zeigt sich, dass auch die psychische Gesundheit selbstständiger Frauen stärker unter den Folgen der Pandemie leidet als diejenige selbstständiger Männer. Insgesamt machen die Ergebnisse deutlich, dass die Maßnahmen zur Pandemiebekämpfung in ihrer Wirkung nicht geschlechterneutral sind; dies müssen politische Verantwortungsträger stärker berücksichtigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Selbständige %K Einkommenseffekte %K Frauen %K Männer %K Krisenmanagement %K psychische Faktoren %K Wirtschaftsförderung %K Depression %K Angst %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Gesundheitszustand %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Z13 %K D72 %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2021-04-29 %M K210415I28 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** %0 Book %1 London School of Economics and Political Science. European Institute (Hrsg.) %A Avlijas, Sonja %T The dynamism of the new economy: Non-standard employment and access to social security in EU-28 %D 2019 %P 76 S. %C London %G en %# 2002-2017 %B LEQS – LSE 'Europe in Question' Discussion Paper Series : 141 %U %U %X "This paper examines the prevalence of non-standard workers in EU-28, rules for accessing social security, and these workers' risk of not being able to access it. It focuses on temporary and part-time workers, and the self-employed, and offers a particularly detailed analysis of their access to unemployment benefits. It focuses on eligibility, adequacy (net income replacement rates) and identifies those workers which are at the greatest risk of either not receiving benefits or receiving low benefits. It offers a special overview of foreign non-standard workers, who may be particularly vulnerable due to the absence of citizenship in the host country. The paper also analyses access to maternity and sickness benefits for these three groups of workers, as well as their access to pensions. Its key contribution is in bringing together the different dimensions of disadvantage that non-standard workers face vis-à-vis access to social protection. This allows us to comprehensively assess the adaptation of national social security systems across EU-28 to the changing world of work over the past 10 years. The paper shows that there is a lot of variation between the Member States, both in the structure of their social security systems, as well as the prevalence of non-standard work. Most notably, the paper concludes that: i) access to unemployment benefits is the most challenging component of welfare state provision for people in non-standard employment; ii) policy reforms vis-à-vis access to social benefits have improved the status of non-standard workers in several countries, while they have worsened it in others, particularly in Bulgaria, Ireland and Latvia; iii) some Eastern European countries can offer lessons to other Member States due to their experiences with labour market challenges during transition and the subsequent adaptations of their social security systems to greater labour market flexibility. The paper also implies that a country's policy towards nonstandard work" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K atypische Beschäftigung %K Sozialversicherung %K internationaler Vergleich %K Europäische Union %K befristeter Arbeitsvertrag %K Teilzeitarbeitnehmer %K Zeitarbeitnehmer %K Selbständige %K Arbeitslosenversicherung %K Arbeitslosenunterstützung %K Zugangsvoraussetzung %K Leistungsanspruch %K Leistungshöhe %K ausländische Arbeitnehmer %K Krankenversicherung %K Krankengeld %K Mutterschaftsgeld %K Rentenversicherung %K Alterssicherung %K mithelfende Familienangehörige %K Teilzeitarbeit %K Plattformökonomie %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Belgien %K Bulgarien %K Dänemark %K Estland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Italien %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Malta %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Schweden %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Tschechische Republik %K Ungarn %K Großbritannien %K Zypern %K Kroatien %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-16 %M K210407IUF %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Hrsg.) %A Caliendo, Marco %A Tübbicke, Stefan %T Design and Effectiveness of Start-up Subsidies: Evidence from a Policy Reform in Germany %D 2021 %P 20 S. %C Bonn %# 2009-2012 %B IZA discussion paper : 14209 %U %U %U %X "While a growing body of literature finds positive impacts of Start-Up Subsidies (SUS) on labor market outcomes of participants, little is known about how the design of these programs shapes their effectiveness and hence how to improve policy. As experimental variation in program design is unavailable, we exploit the 2011 reform of the current German SUS program for the unemployed which strengthened case-workers' discretionary power, increased entry requirements and reduced monetary support. We estimate the impact of the reform on the program's effectiveness using samples of participants and non-participants from before and after the reform. To control for time-constant unobserved heterogeneity as well as differential selection patterns based on observable characteristics over time, we combine Difference-in-Differences with inverse probability weighting using covariate balancing propensity scores. Holding participants' observed characteristics as well as macroeconomic conditions constant, the results suggest that the reform was successful in raising employment effects on average. As these findings may be contaminated by changes in selection patterns based on unobserved characteristics, we assess our results using simulation-based sensitivity analyses and find that our estimates are highly robust to changes in unobserved characteristics. Hence, the reform most likely had a positive impact on the effectiveness of the program, suggesting that increasing entry requirements and reducing support increased the program's impacts while reducing the cost per participant." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Einkommenseffekte %K Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien %K Case Management %K Förderung %K Teilnehmerauswahl %K Unternehmensgründung %K Gründungszuschuss %K Erfolgskontrolle %K Reformpolitik %K Arbeitslose %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K J68 %K H43 %K L26 %K J68 %K H43 %K C23 %K L26 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-15 %M K210326IN8 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Universität Potsdam. Center for Economic Policy Analysis (Hrsg.) %A Caliendo, Marco %A Tübbicke, Stefan %T Design and Effectiveness of Start-up Subsidies: Evidence from a Policy Reform in Germany %D 2021 %P 20 S. %C Potsdam %# 2009-2012 %B CEPA discussion papers : 30 %R 10.25932/publishup-50005 %U %U %U %X "While a growing body of literature finds positive impacts of Start-Up Subsidies (SUS) on labor market outcomes of participants, little is known about how the design of these programs shapes their effectiveness and hence how to improve policy. As experimental variation in program design is unavailable, we exploit the 2011 reform of the current German SUS program for the unemployed which strengthened case-workers' discretionary power, increased entry requirements and reduced monetary support. We estimate the impact of the reform on the program's effectiveness using samples of participants and non-participants from before and after the reform. To control for time-constant unobserved heterogeneity as well as differential selection patterns based on observable characteristics over time, we combine Difference-in-Differences with inverse probability weighting using covariate balancing propensity scores. Holding participants' observed characteristics as well as macroeconomic conditions constant, the results suggest that the reform was successful in raising employment effects on average. As these findings may be contaminated by changes in selection patterns based on unobserved characteristics, we assess our results using simulation-based sensitivity analyses and find that our estimates are highly robust to changes in unobserved characteristics. Hence, the reform most likely had a positive impact on the effectiveness of the program, suggesting that increasing entry requirements and reducing support in-creased the program's impacts while reducing the cost per participant." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Einkommenseffekte %K Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien %K Case Management %K Förderung %K Teilnehmerauswahl %K Unternehmensgründung %K Gründungszuschuss %K Erfolgskontrolle %K Reformpolitik %K Arbeitslose %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K J68 %K H43 %K L26 %K J68 %K H43 %K C23 %K L26 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-15 %M K210329IQ3 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Europäische Kommission. Joint Research Centre (Hrsg.) %A Fasil, Cristiana Benedetti %A Sedlácek, Petr %A Sterk, Vincent %T EU start-up calculator: impact of COVID-19 on aggregate employment: Scenario analysis for Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Spain %D 2020 %P 47 S. %C Brüssel %G en %# 2008-2030 %B JRC technical report %@ ISBN 978-92-76-21710-7 %R 10.2760/049945 %U %U %X "Early data show that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected particularly strongly start-up activity. This may have dramatic and lasting effects on aggregate employment which persist as the cohort of new firms age. To assess the impact, we developed the EU start-up calculator. This is an empirical tool that allows to conduct scenario analysis to compute the impact that the disruption of start-up activity has on aggregate employment on EU Member States and their economic sectors. In particular, we simulate a strong (i.e. of magnitude equivalent to the Great Recession) but short-lived (i.e. lasting one-year) crisis in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Spain. This shock generates important and persistent job losses in all the countries that range between 0.7 (Belgium) to 2.2% (Austria) in 2020 and adds to a cumulative employment loss for the period 2020-2030 that ranges between 82 thousand (Belgium) to 1186 thousand (Italy). The negative impact is particularly high in Austria, Hungary, Italy and Spain, as well as in the service sector, which are characterized by a high firm turnover and that rely on start-ups and young firms for job creation. We also find that in most countries the deterioration of the survival rate of young firms plays an important role in driving employment, seconded by the number of new entrants. As a consequence, policies aimed at supporting young firms and incentivizing the creation of new ones may significantly mitigate the medium-term effect of the pandemic. In fact, when we simulate bounce-back scenarios where the number of firms entering the economy rapidly increases in 2021, in every country the outlook is significantly improved, the recovery is faster and the aggregate job loss is lower." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K internationaler Vergleich %K Szenario %K Unternehmensgründung %K Unternehmenserfolg %K Unternehmensentwicklung %K Beschäftigungsentwicklung %K zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze %K Arbeitsplatzpotenzial %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Österreich %K Belgien %K Ungarn %K Italien %K Spanien %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-13 %M K210329IQE %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Europäische Kommission. Joint Research Centre (Hrsg.) %A Fasil, Cristiana Benedetti %A Sedlácek, Petr %A Sterk, Vincent %T EU start-up calculator: impact of COVID-19 on aggregate employment: Scenario analysis for Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Sweden %D 2020 %P 68 S. %C Brüssel %G en %# 2008-2030 %B JRC technical report %@ ISBN 978-92-76-27387-5 %R 10.2760/232741 %U %U %X "Early data show that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected particularly strongly start-up business activity. This may have dramatic and lasting effects on aggregate employment which persist as the cohort of new firms age. To assess such an impact, we developed the EU start-up calculator. A first application targeted to Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Spain is discussed in Benedetti Fasil, Sedlacek and Sterk (2020). The EU start-up calculator is an empirical tool that allows to conduct scenario analysis to compute the impact that the disruption of start-up activity has on aggregate employment on EU Member States and their economic sectors. In this paper, we simulate the effects of a strong (i.e. of magnitude equivalent to the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009) but short-lived (i.e. lasting one-year) crisis in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Sweden. This shock generates important and persistent job losses in all the countries ranging between 0.9 (Portugal) and 4.5% (Latvia) from the employment trend in 2020 and results in a computed potential cumulative loss of jobs for the period 2020-2030 ranging from 59,000 (Estonia) to 798,000 (France). The potential negative impact is particularly high in Estonia, France, Latvia, Lithuania and Portugal, as well as in the service sector, which are characterized by a high firm turnover and a reliance on start-ups and young firms for job creation. We also find that in most countries the deterioration of the survival rate of young firms plays an important role in driving employment, seconded by the number of new entrants. As a consequence, policies aimed at supporting young firms and incentivizing the creation of new ones may significantly mitigate the medium-term effect of the pandemic. In fact, when we simulate bounce-back scenarios where the number of firms entering the economy rapidly increases in 2021, in every country the outlook is significantly improved, the recovery is faster and" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K internationaler Vergleich %K Szenario %K Unternehmensgründung %K Unternehmenserfolg %K Unternehmensentwicklung %K Beschäftigungsentwicklung %K zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze %K Arbeitsplatzpotenzial %K Bulgarien %K Kroatien %K Tschechische Republik %K Luxemburg %K Niederlande %K Polen %K Rumänien %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-13 %M K210329IQA %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Birkbeck College. Centre for Innovation Management Research (Hrsg.) %A Gray, Gillian %A Smith, Helen Lawton %T Experience versus youth: An exploratory study of the motivations of older entrepreneurs %D 2020 %P 23 S. %C London %G en %# 2018-2018 %B CIMR research working paper : 46 %U %U %X "People over 50 have accumulated significant resources over their working lives. However, they can find it difficult to find a job after redundancy or they may become disenfranchised with traditional employment. Accordingly, they can often become an under-used economic resource. With an ageing population, a solution to both the UK Government's and individuals' challenges could be entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial opportunities have grown significantly in the last two decades. Contrary to media perception older people are more successful than their younger counterparts. Through the three theoretical concepts of motivation, resources and environmental determinants, this study looks at the factors that influence individuals over 50 to switch from traditional employment to entrepreneurship. The research was conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs based in London, who have had professional or managerial careers. The findings revealed that there are complex interdependences among the three concepts explored, and that contrary to previous research, neither push or pull motivations were predominant. Environmental determinants were found to have significant impact; an area that has had little attention in previous research focussed on the over 50s." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K Unternehmensgründung %K Motivation %K Determinanten %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K Unternehmer %K ältere Menschen %K unternehmerische Qualifikation %K Berufserfahrung %K regionale Faktoren %K kulturelle Faktoren %K Sozialkapital %K Humankapital %K Großbritannien %K London %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-27 %M K210415I2P %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %A Hernanz, Virginia %A Carrasco, Raquel %T Dependent self-employment across Europe: involuntariness, country's wealth and labor market institutions %D 2021 %P 23 S. %C Madrid %G en %# 2017-2017 %B Working paper. Economics / uc3m, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid : 2021,2 %U %U %X "This paper investigates the degree of involuntariness in the entrepreneurial activity ofthe dependent solo self-employed, as well as the effect of the country's wealth and labormarket institutions. Using the unique information available in the 2017 European LaborForce Survey (EU-LFS) for 25 countries, we can properly identify the dependent soloself-employed and analyze to what extent they behave in accordance with anoccupational choice model when making their self-employment decision. For that, weaccount for the reasons why they enter into self-employment (voluntarily orinvoluntarily either out of necessity or requested by the former employer). The resultsindicate that involuntary self-employment, mostly due to being required by previousemployer, significantly increases the probability of being dependent solo versus nondependent self-employed. The wealthiest countries have a lower incidence of this groupof workers, mainly if they are involuntary self-employed. Moreover, labor marketinstitutions that decrease the flexibility of paid employment tend to increase theincidence of dependent solo self-employment. These results point to this group ofworkers being particularly vulnerable with the degree of vulnerability significantlyincreasing for those self-employed with a lesser degree of occupational choice." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Selbständige %K Kleinstunternehmen %K Arbeitskraftunternehmer %K Freiwilligkeit %K Scheinselbständige %K institutionelle Faktoren %K Arbeitsmarktpolitik %K ökonomische Faktoren %K internationaler Vergleich %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K Bruttoinlandsprodukt %K Kündigungsschutz %K Europa %K J08 %K L26 %K J28 %K J01 %K L24 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-29 %M K210416I3U %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 University of Sussex. Science and Technology Policy Research (Hrsg.) %A Hottenrott, Hanna %A Richstein, Robert %T Start-up Subsidies: Does the Policy Instrument Matter? %D 2019 %P 48 S. %C Brighton %G en %# 2005-2012 %B SPRU working paper series : 2019,23 %U %U %X "New knowledge-intensive firms contribute to innovation, competition, and employment growth, but externalities like knowledge spillovers can prevent entrepreneurs from appropriating the full returns from their investments. In addition, uncertainty and information asymmetry pose challenges for financing. Public policy programs therefore aim to support start-ups. This study evaluates the effects of participation in such programs on the performance of start-ups in high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors that were founded in Germany between 2005 and 2012. Distinguishing between grants and subsidized loans and after matching recipients and non-recipients based on a broad set of founder and company characteristics, we find that both grants and subsidized loans facilitate tangible investment, employment and revenue growth. Grants are, however, better suited to increasing R&D investments than loans are. Combined with grants, subsidized loans facilitate turning research results into marketable products by means of investments in tangible assets. Start-ups that participate in both types of programs outperform grant-only recipients in terms of innovation performance, employment and future revenues. Finally, program participation does not crowd out private venture capital." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Unternehmensgründung %K Förderung %K Auswirkungen %K Hochtechnologie %K Wissenswirtschaft %K Unternehmenserfolg %K Subvention %K Kredit %K Beschäftigungsentwicklung %K Investitionen %K Forschungsaufwand %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Forschungsumsetzung %K Innovationsfähigkeit %K Umsatzentwicklung %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K O38 %K H25 %K G32 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-29 %M K210416I3T %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn (Hrsg.) %A Kay, Rosemarie %A Kranzusch, Peter %T Gewerbliche Existenzgründungen und Unternehmensaufgaben in 2020 %D 2021 %P 17 S. %C Bonn %G de %# 2020-2020 %B IfM-Hintergrundpapier %U %X "Die Coronavirus-Pandemie beeinflusst das Wirtschaftsgeschehen Deutschlands in erheblichem Maße. Angesichts schlechter Geschäftsaussichten sollten die Anzahl der Markteintritte (Gründungen) abgenommen haben und die der -austritte gestiegen sein. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage, wie sich das Existenzgründungs- und Liquidationsgeschehen tatsächlich 2020 - entwickelt hat. Dazu werden die Gewerbeanzeigen monatsbezogen betrachtet." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %K Unternehmensentwicklung %K Unternehmensgründung %K Betriebsstilllegung %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Insolvenz %K Quote %K Entwicklung %K Nebenerwerbsbetrieb %K Vollerwerbsbetrieb %K sektorale Verteilung %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-27 %M K210412IZP %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Monash University. Department of Economics (Hrsg.) %A Maitra, Pushkar %A Neelim, Ananta %T Behavioral Characteristics, Stability of Preferences and Entrepreneurial Success %D 2020 %P 26 S. %C Clayton %G en %B Discussion paper / Monash University, Department of Economics : 2020,15 %U %U %X "We start by providing a brief review of literature to identify the main behavioural preferences and non-cognitive traits of individuals that affect entrepreneurial choice and success. We utilise studies conducted in both developing and developed countries, though our primary focus is on those conducted in developing countries. Second, we provide a review of experimental studies from development literature that examine the impact of standard interventions including the provision of finance and business training in improving micro-enterprise performance. We show that behavioural preferences and non-cognitive skills of entrepreneurs are often correlated with the success and failures of these standard interventions conducted in the developing countries. Finally, we present a discussion on the stability of behavioural preferences and examine whether individuals can be trained to alter these preferences with an aim to make them better" (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Persönlichkeitsmerkmale %K soziales Verhalten %K Präferenz %K Auswirkungen %K Unternehmenserfolg %K Unternehmensgründung %K internationaler Vergleich %K soziale Qualifikation %K Risikobereitschaft %K Entwicklungsländer %K Verhaltensänderung %K Industrieländer %K Wirtschaftskrise %K Umweltschaden %K Unternehmer %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-27 %M K210415I2Q %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Hrsg.) %A Reuschke, Darja %A Henley, Andrew %A Daniel, Elizabeth %A Price, Victoria %T Testing the Differential Impact of COVID-19 on Self-Employed Women and Men in the United Kingdom %D 2021 %P 37 S. %C Bonn %G en %# 2020-2020 %B IZA discussion paper : 14216 %U %U %X "This paper investigates whether the female self-employed are more affected by the COVID-19 crisis than the male self-employed using longitudinal data four months following the first 'lockdown' in the UK. We specifically test the role of family/social, economic and psychological factors on gendered differential impact. We find that self-employment exits are not gendered but women are more likely to experience reductions in hours worked and earnings. This greater adverse impact on women's working hours and earnings is despite family responsibilities and home-schooling, industrial gender segregation and women's greater propensity to run a non-employing business and to work part-time. However, lower attitude to risk in women is associated with lower risk of reduction in earnings. Policy needs to look beyond business exits when considering crisis support for the self-employed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Selbständige %K Unternehmer %K Frauen %K Männer %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K individuelle Arbeitszeit %K Work-Life-Balance %K Risikobereitschaft %K soziale Unterstützung %K Einkommenseffekte %K Einkommensentwicklung %K Großbritannien %K L26 %K J22 %K J16 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-09 %M K210326IN4 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn (Hrsg.) %A Welter, Friederike %A Wolter, Hans-Jürgen %T Perspektiven für den Mittelstand in der Covid19-Pandemie Teil 2 : Herausforderungen für die Mittelstand %D 2021 %P 11 S. %C Bonn %G de %# 2020-2021 %B IfM-Hintergrundpapier %U %X "Die Pandemie stellt den Mittelstand seit Frühjahr 2020 vor große Herausforderungen. Standen zunächst die wirtschaftlichen Einschränkungen im Vordergrund, rücken mit der Zeit auch die – möglichen – gesellschaftlichen und individuellen Auswirkungen in den Blick. In diesem Hintergrundpapier befassen sich die Autoren mit den wirtschaftlichen, gesellschaftlichen und persönlichen Herausforderungen für den Mittelstand und eruieren, welche Konsequenzen sich daraus für den Mittelstand in seiner ganzen Vielfalt ergeben können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Mittelstand %K Klein- und Mittelbetrieb %K sektorale Verteilung %K Liquidität %K Umsatzentwicklung %K Krisenmanagement %K Unternehmer %K Lebenssituation %K Zufriedenheit %K wirtschaftliche Situation %K Kleinstunternehmen %K Erwartung %K soziale Kosten %K Betriebsunterbrechung %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Wertschöpfung %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2021-04-27 %M K210412IZO %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek *************************** 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR *************************** %0 Book %A Europäische Kommission. Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration %T Employment and Social Developments in Europe, Quarterly Review March 2021 %D 2021 %P 27 S. %C Brüssel %G en %# 2008-2022 %B Employment and social developments in Europe : Quarterly review %U %U %U %X "Selbstständige sind durch eine starke Verkürzung ihrer Arbeitszeit und schwerwiegendere Einkommensverluste EU-weit besonders stark von den Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie betroffen. Das zeigt ein Quartalsbericht zu Beschäftigung und sozialen Entwicklungen in Europa (ESDE) mit einem thematischen Schwerpunkt auf die Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf Selbstständige. Die nationalen Sozialschutzsysteme bieten in der Regel eine geringere Absicherung und Entschädigung für Selbstständige. Insgesamt zeigt der Bericht, dass sich die Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Arbeitsplätzen als wirksam erwiesen und die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Arbeitsmarktes verbessert haben. In den letzten Monaten des Jahres 2020 stieg die Zahl der Erwerbstätigen moderat an und die Arbeitslosigkeit blieb stabil." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %X "The March 2021 edition analyses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related restrictions on the self-employed. The review shows that this group has experienced a strong contraction of their working time and more severe income losses than employees in most Member States and across a broad range of economic sectors. National social protection systems typically provide lower coverage and compensation for the self-employed. However, in the context of the economic downturn brought by the coronavirus pandemic, most Member States have introduced temporary measures to support the income of the self-employed, in addition to short-time work schemes and similar measures accessible for workers. The way in which this support has been delivered varies significantly across countries, reflecting differences in welfare systems, the specificities of self-employment, but also the diversity of the relevant categories of workers. The review points to the overall resilience of the labour market, supported by job-preserving measures. In the last months of 2020, the number of people in employment increased and unemployment remained stable. Social benefits and other transfers contributed to supporting households' income." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Beschäftigungsentwicklung %K internationaler Vergleich %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung %K Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit %K Arbeitskräftenachfrage %K Einkommensentwicklung %K Haushaltseinkommen %K private Haushalte %K Selbständige %K Krisenmanagement %K Wirtschaftsförderung %K EU-Politik %K Bruttoinlandsprodukt %K Europäische Union %K Eurozone %K Europa %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2021-04-19 %M K210407IVE %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %A Feldmann, Martin %T Intergenerational Transmission of Self-Employment in Europe %D 2020 %P 238 S. %C Berlin %I Logos %G en %# 2006-2016 %X "Family, genes, and individual preferences - the intersection of these determinants of choosing to become self-employed is the starting point of this book. How much, where, and when does family matter? And which are the implications for policy makers hoping to leverage young entrepreneurship throughout Europe." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Selbständige %K Intergenerationsmobilität %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K Familienbetrieb %K Unternehmensnachfolge %K Unternehmensgründung %K Unternehmertum %K internationaler Vergleich %K Förderung %K soziale Werte %K Unternehmer %K kulturelle Faktoren %K Europa %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2021-04-16 %M K210119G8E %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund. Abteilung Arbeitsmarktpolitik (Hrsg.) %A Piel, Anja %A Jakob, Johannes (Red.) %A Künkler, Martin (Red.) %A Empen, Ruxandra (Red.) %A Kuhn, Renate (Red.) %T Einkommenssicherung in der Corona-Krise: Günstige Hartz-IV-Regeln gelten weiter : Info für Erwerbstätige mit Einkommenseinbußen %D 2021 %P 8 S. %9 Stand: März 2021 %C Berlin %G de %B Der DGB informiert: Hartz IV %U %X "Bei Anträgen, die bis zum Jahresende gestellt werden, werden Ersparnisse in der Regel nicht berücksichtigt und die tatsächlichen Wohnkosten in voller Höhe erstattet. Ersparnisse müssen nicht mehr vorab aufgebraucht werden und die vertraute Wohnung ist gesichert. Diese Verbesserungen helfen vor allem Soloselbstständigen und Beschäftigten in Kurzarbeit, da Einkommenseinbußen zumindest abgemildert werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %K Pandemie %K Krisenmanagement %K Einkommenseffekte %K Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger %K Vermögensanrechnung %K Wohnkosten %K Grundsicherung nach SGB II %K Leistungsanspruch %K Selbständige %K Kleinstunternehmen %K Arbeitskraftunternehmer %K Kurzarbeit %K Arbeitslosengeld II %K Leistungshöhe %K Wohngeld %K Kindergeldzuschlag %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2021-04-06 %M K210324ILG %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek *************************** 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN *************************** %0 Book Section %A Walwei, Ulrich %T Digitalization: a new driver for changes in employment forms %E The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences %B Dignity and the Future of Work in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution %D 2020 %P getr. Sz. %G en %# 1995-2016 %U %U %X "Regarding the long-term tendency of more heterogeneity and inequality in employment, digitalization has a certain potential to become a new driver. First of all, this is due to the impact of digital technologies on structural change. Parts of the labour market, which are favoured by the emergence of digitalization, particularly employment in services or employment of women, are those in which one can already today observe a greater spreading of regular part-time work. There are also indications that digital technologies may influence the relationship between dependent employment and self-employment. Due to the lowering of transaction costs through innovative platforms, market coordination is getting more attractive. New types of self-employment such as crowd employment have a potential in certain market segments and may, therefore, gain in importance in future. Since mobile work and working at home will become much easier through digital technologies, traditional concepts of measuring working hours may lose in importance. They might increasingly be replaced by new forms of output-orientation. There are also no indications that the long-term trend towards wage inequality might fundamentally be reversed through new technologies. This is mainly because low-skilled workers and other problem groups of the labour market would probably face even more difficulties to (re-)enter the labour market and well-paid manufacturing jobs are endangered." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K technischer Wandel %K Auswirkungen %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Erwerbsformenwandel %K atypische Beschäftigung %K Niedriglohnbereich %K Einkommenseffekte %K internetbasierte Arbeitsorganisation %K Beschäftigungsentwicklung %K Telearbeit %K Teilzeitarbeit %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K Plattformökonomie %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 6. Beiträge zu Sammelwerken %Z fertig: 2021-04-27 %M K210414I1F %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek 30 von 401 Datensätzen ausgegeben.