Suchprofil: SGB2 Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 06/23 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** @Article{Avram:2022:UJA, Journal= {Socio-economic review}, Volume= {20}, Number= {3}, Author= {Silvia Avram}, Title= {Unstable jobs and time out of work: evidence from the UK}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {1151-1171}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This article tests the hypothesis that unstable jobs with variable hours or pay enhance the job-finding chances of the working-age non-employed in the UK, by using a combination of the UK Household Longitudinal Study and the Labour Force Survey data and a discrete time model. We find no evidence on the share of unstable jobs in the non-employed person's local labour market impacts on the probability to move into employment. This result holds both for men and women and for groups with low employability such as the low educated and the long-term unemployed. It is robust to alternative ways of defining unstable jobs and to the inclusion of unobserved heterogeneity. Overall, findings cast doubt on the importance of unstable jobs for employment creation in the UK." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufsverlauf; atypische Beschäftigung; Niedriglohnbereich; Niedrigqualifizierte; kapazitätsorientierte variable Arbeitszeit; Nichterwerbstätigkeit; Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer; Beschäftigungsdauer; prekäre Beschäftigung; Arbeitsmarktchancen; berufliche Reintegration; Auswirkungen; Arbeitslose; Nichterwerbstätige; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2009-2018}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J88 ; J81 ; I31 ; J64}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2183}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZG2}, } @Article{Azmat:2021:CFH, Journal= {The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy}, Volume= {21}, Number= {1}, Author= {Ghazala Azmat and Stefania Simion}, Title= {Charging for Higher Education: Estimating the Impact on Inequality and Student Outcomes}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {175-239}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Over the last two decades, undergraduate university education in England moved from being state-funded and free for students, to costing all students substantial amounts in tuition fees. In this paper, using detailed administrative longitudinal microdata that follow all students attending state schools in England (approximately 95% of student population), we causally show that, despite the substantial reforms, enrollment fell only by 0.5 percentage points, where the effect is largely borne by those in wealthier groups, reducing the enrolment gap across socio-economic groups. Since tuition fees were introduced in conjunction with the government offering generous means-tested maintenance (cash) grants, as well as loans, our results highlight the importance of reducing financing constraints. Beyond enrollment, we find that the reforms have limited impact on students' higher education choices, such as relocation decisions, university choice, and field of study. Finally, by tracking the students after graduation, we show similarly small effects on labor market outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Studiengebühr; Auswirkungen; soziale Ungleichheit; Studenten; Studienerfolg; Hochschulbildung; Bildungsbeteiligung; Bildungschancengleichheit; Studium; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Hochschulreform; Reformpolitik; Bildungsertrag; Finanzierung; Darlehen; Stipendium; Studienfachwahl; Studienortwahl; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2004-2013}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I29 ; J30 ; I23 ; I22}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2088}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZJ9}, } @Article{Baeriswyl:2023:SPA, Journal= {Ageing & Society}, Volume= {43}, Number= {6}, Author= {Marie Baeriswyl and Michel Oris}, Title= {Social participation and life satisfaction among older adults: diversity of practices and social inequality in Switzerland}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1022-1041}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper examines the associations between social participation and individual life satisfaction among older adults. It specifically considers the diversity of the practices and social inequalities among this population. For analyses, we used a large survey of individuals of 65 years and older conducted in 2011 in Switzerland (N = 2,727). The first set of linear regression analyses examines Diener's Satisfaction with Life Scale and its association with various indicators of social participation. While the second set of logistic regression addresses the issue of social inequalities by evaluating the impacts of gender, age group, region and education on social participation indicators that are significantly associated with the satisfaction with life score. Our results stressed the importance of combining multiple forms of participation for life satisfaction and shows that some forms are particularly meaningful: in particular, the involvement in associations, visitation of family or visitation of friends/acquaintances and church attendance. When inequalities among older adults are considered, having rich and varied social participation, being involved in associations and maintaining private sociability with non-kin appear more elitist. While institutionalised and/or private sociability types of participation appear particularly significant for older adults' life satisfaction, the most traditional integration forms – i.e. family and religions – are crucial for the more vulnerable. Implications for active ageing was equally discussed as well." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: alte Menschen; soziale Partizipation; Zufriedenheit; soziale Ungleichheit; Auswirkungen; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; altersspezifische Faktoren; regionale Faktoren; Bildungsabschluss; soziale Schicht; regionaler Vergleich; Lebenssituation; Schweiz; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2011-2012}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2232}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230605ZCK}, } @Article{Baranowska-Rataj:2023:EFL, Journal= {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, Volume= {83}, Author= {Anna Baranowska-Rataj and Zoltán Elekes and Rikard Eriksson}, Title= {Escaping from low-wage employment: The role of co-worker networks}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 100747}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Low-wage jobs are often regarded as dead ends in the labour market careers of young people. Previous research focused on disentangling to what degree the association between a low-wage job at the start of working life and limited chances of transitioning to better-paid employment is causal or spurious. Less attention has been paid to the factors that may facilitate the upward wage mobility of low-wage workers. We focus on such mechanisms, and we scrutinize the impact of social ties to higher-educated co-workers. Due to knowledge spillovers, job referrals, as well as firm-level productivity gains, having higher-educated co-workers may improve an individual's chances of transitioning to a better-paid job. We use linked employer-employee data from longitudinal Swedish registers and panel data models that incorporate measures of low-wage workers' social ties to higher-educated co-workers. Our results confirm that having social ties to higher-educated co-workers increases individual chances of transitioning to better-paid employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Auswirkungen; berufliche Mobilität; beruflicher Aufstieg; Berufsanfänger; Berufseinmündung; Berufsverlauf; Determinanten; Hochqualifizierte; Mitarbeiter; Niedrigqualifizierte; Geringverdiener; Niedriglohnbereich; soziale Beziehungen; soziales Netzwerk; Schweden; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1990-2015}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: C23 ; D85 ; J24 ; J31}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2109}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230620ZM5}, } @Article{Bastianelli:2023:EPL, Journal= {European Journal of Population}, Volume= {39}, Number= {1}, Author= {Elena Bastianelli and Raffaele Guetto and Daniele Vignoli}, Title= {Employment Protection Legislation, Labour Market Dualism, and Fertility in Europe}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 15}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Theoretically, whether a more loosely regulated labour market inhibits or fosters fertility in a society is ambiguous. Empirically, the few studies analysing the relationship between the strictness of employment protection Legislation - the norms and procedures regulating labour markets' hiring and firing processes - and fertility have found mixed evidence. This paper reconciles the ambivalent conclusions of previous studies by analysing the impact of employment protection legislation and labour market dualism on total fertility across 19 European countries between 1990 and 2019. Our results indicate that an increase in employment protection for regular workers positively affects total fertility. Nonetheless, an increasing gap between the regulation of regular and temporary employment - that is, labour market dualism - negatively impacts total fertility. These effects, of small-to-moderate intensity, are relatively homogeneous across age groups and geographical areas and are especially pronounced among the lower educated. We conclude that labour market dualism, rather than a 'rigid' employment protection legislation, discourages fertility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: dualer Arbeitsmarkt; Arbeitsmarktsegmentation; Kündigungsschutz; Auswirkungen; Fruchtbarkeit; internationaler Vergleich; Normalarbeitsverhältnis; atypische Beschäftigung; befristeter Arbeitsvertrag; Regulierung; Europa; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1990-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 858}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230605ZCR}, } @Article{Bosi:2023:HCA, Journal= {Oxford economic papers}, Volume= {75}, Number= {2}, Author= {Stefano Bosi and Carmen Camacho and David Desmarchelier}, Title= {Human capital and welfare}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {307-324}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We introduce the Human Development Index (HDI) in a growth model to show that if households cared about human capital, even if infinitesimally, then human capital would increase forever protecting economies indirectly. Here, human capital will have an additional positive effect on social welfare through the quality of individual health and education. In a simple economy with a Cobb-Douglas technology and logarithmic preferences, we provide the explicit trajectories for human capital, consumption, and the HDI, which correspond to the balanced growth path (BGP). Using a two-step maximization strategy, we compute the optimal initial value of the control variable, in this case, the initial optimal labour supply. In other words, we prove the optimality of the BGP. We highlight a HDI crossing property: the propensity to consume has a positive effect on the HDI in the short run, but negative in the long run." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Humankapital; Auswirkungen; gesellschaftliche Wohlfahrt; Bildungsinvestitionen; Wirtschaftswachstum; Konsum; individuelle Wohlfahrt; Gesundheitszustand; Lebenssituation; Zufriedenheit; Arbeitskräfteangebot; }, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: C61 ; O11 ; I00}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 215}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230621ZOP}, } @Article{Bruelle:2023:VVA, Journal= {K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, Volume= {75}, Number= {1}, Author= {Jan Br{\"u}lle and Markus Gangl}, Title= {Verfestigung von Armut und die zunehmende Bedeutung von Pfadabh{\"a}ngigkeiten im Lebenslauf}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-35}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Die Ausstiegswahrscheinlichkeit aus relativer Einkommensarmut hat sich in Deutschland seit Mitte der 1990er-Jahre deutlich verringert. Anhand von Daten des SOEP wird diese Entwicklung mithilfe von Ereignisdatenmodellen und einer nichtlinearen Dekompositionsanalyse durch Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung der von Armut betroffenen Bevölkerung und der veränderten Struktur der Ausstiegsprozesse erklärt. Die zunehmende Anzahl von Alleinlebenden, vor allem aber steigende Arbeitslosigkeitserfahrungen und ein selbstverstärkender Effekt längerer Armutsepisoden erklären empirisch die abnehmenden Ausstiegschancen, sodass die Ergebnisse insgesamt auf die herausragende Relevanz von Pfadabhängigkeiten im Lebenslauf hinweisen. Zudem sind besonders Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter sowie jüngere Erwachsene von sinkenden Ausstiegswahrscheinlichkeiten betroffen. Es zeigt sich auch, dass die Verfestigung von Armut vor allem für Ostdeutschland charakteristisch ist. Entwicklungen, die einen Trend sinkender Ausstiegschancen in Westdeutschland zum Teil kompensieren ' etwa ein gestiegenes Bildungsniveau innerhalb der von Armut betroffenen Bevölkerung ' fehlen in Ostdeutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)}, Abstract= {"The probability to exit poverty has been declining in Germany since the 1990s. We assess the contribution of shifts in the composition of the population in poverty and the changing structure of exit probabilities using a nonlinear decomposition analysis and data from the German Socio-Economic Panel. We find that the growing proportion of single-adult households has contributed to declining exit probabilities but that more frequent past experiences of unemployment and a self-reinforcing effect of longer durations of episodes in poverty have been even more important. Thus, our results emphasize the importance of path dependencies in individual life courses. At the same time, we show that younger adults and members of the working classes face the strongest decline in exit rates from poverty. Furthermore, the hardening of poverty is mainly found in eastern Germany. Trends toward declining probabilities to exit poverty are counterbalanced by other developments in western Germany-for example, rising education levels of the population in poverty." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Persistenz; Armut; soziale Schicht; schichtspezifische Sozialisation; Risiko; Entwicklung; Auswirkungen; Arbeitslosigkeit; Arbeiterberufe; allein Stehende; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; altersspezifische Faktoren; regionaler Vergleich; Migrationshintergrund; Lebenslauf; sozialer Aufstieg; Chancengleichheit; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Ostdeutschland; Westdeutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1992-2016}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 042}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230515Y0R}, } @Article{Buscha:2023:SSA, Journal= {Labour economics}, Volume= {81}, Author= {Franz Buscha and Emma Gorman and Patrick Sturgis}, Title= {Selective schooling and social mobility in England}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 102336}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We assess whether changing from an academically selective to a comprehensive schooling system promotes social mobility, using England as a case study. Over a period of two decades, the share of pupils in academically selective schools in England declined sharply and differentially by area. Using a sample of census records matched to data on selective schooling, we exploit temporal and geographic variation in the proportion of pupils attending selective schools to estimate the effects of schooling system on intergenerational social mobility. Our results provide no support for the contention that the move from selective to comprehensive schooling had a notable effect on social mobility in England. The findings are robust to a battery of sensitivity and robustness checks." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: soziale Mobilität; soziale Ungleichheit; Bildungschancengleichheit; Bildungschancen; Schulwesen; Schulwahl; Privatschule; Segregation; Bildungsreform; Auswirkungen; Intergenerationsmobilität; England; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1971-2011}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I21 ; I24 ; I28 ; J18 ; J24}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1120}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230525Y6L}, } @Article{Bushway:2022:JPF, Journal= {The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science}, Volume= {701}, Number= {1}, Author= {Shawn Bushway}, Title= {Job-Related Programs for People on Supervision: Reframing the Problem}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {98-113}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Job training programs for people under supervision have been based on an economic framework that identifies individuals involved in crime as a disadvantaged group with poor human capital. The best available research evidence has not found that these programs consistently improve employment outcomes. This article reviews the evidence for the effectiveness of standard job training programs and then examines new developments in the field that use alternative frameworks for understanding the roles of such programs. The first alternative is signaling: how people under community supervision use the completion of job training to signal to employers and others that the behavior that led to their conviction is either anomalous or no longer representative of them. The second alternative is a model of desistance known as identity change: the ways in which job training can help individuals solidify a new, more prosocial identity. I make sense of extant work and new alternatives and provide a set of recommendations for change in the community supervision system." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Strafentlassene; Straffällige; Überwachung; Bewährungshilfe; Qualifizierungsmaßnahme; Auswirkungen; berufliche Reintegration; berufliche Resozialisation; soziale Identität; Identitätsbildung; Niedrigqualifizierte; Rückfälligkeit; Straffälligkeit; soziale Kontrolle; Stigmatisierung; Personaleinstellung; USA; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2285}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZHV}, } @Article{Capece:2022:CSA, Journal= {The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science}, Volume= {701}, Number= {1}, Author= {Jesse Capece}, Title= {Community Supervision and Employment}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {61-75}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Evidence suggests that steady employment is a key component in reducing the likelihood that people under community supervision will return to prison. Largely unexplored, however, is the extent to which employment outcomes and self-perceptions of employability among people under community supervision are affected by stipulations mandated upon release from prison. These stipulations include measures like visits with a probation office, court appearances, or drug and mental health treatments. This article review research on the relationship between the stipulations of community supervision and employment outcomes. It presents evidence from a new study that explores relationships between release stipulations, probation officer support, feelings of employability, and employment outcomes. The new evidence suggests that there is a negative relationship between community supervision and employment outcomes and perceptions of employability. I argue for alternative policies that could productively reshape community supervision." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Strafentlassene; berufliche Reintegration; berufliche Resozialisation; soziale Reintegration; Straffällige; Lohnhöhe; soziale Kontrolle; Bewährungshilfe; Beschäftigungsfähigkeit; Wahrnehmung; Rückfälligkeit; Überwachung; Auswirkungen; Fehlzeiten; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2017-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2285}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZHU}, } @Article{Chang:2023:HIU, Journal= {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, Volume= {83}, Author= {Grace Chang}, Title= {How is university students' paid work associated with their locus of control?}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 100764}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This study examines whether university students doing paid work during their studies improves their internal locus of control – the belief in one's ability to have control over their life events. Using longitudinal data on a cohort of English students, I estimate a standard skill production function and control for lagged locus of control and a rich set of covariates to partially account for unobserved heterogeneity and selection into paid work. The findings show that engagement in paid work, rather than hours spent in work, is associated with greater students' internal locus of control. Students who have ever worked during university had 0.08 standard deviations more internal locus of control than students who do not work, and these estimates are largely relevant for term-time work. Estimates during the holidays are smaller in magnitude and statistically insignificant. I do not find any non-linearities in hours of work to skills development, nor do I find heterogeneities by gender. The findings show support for the human capital theory that work experience can help facilitate skills development." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Studenten; Nebentätigkeit; Auswirkungen; Selbstverantwortung; Ferienarbeit; Berufserfahrung; Qualifikationsentwicklung; Selbstbewusstsein; soziale Qualifikation; Großbritannien; England; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2010-2010}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I23 ; J22 ; J24}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2109}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230620ZM9}, } @Article{Chassamboulli:2023:PEW, Journal= {Labour economics}, Volume= {82}, Author= {Andri Chassamboulli and Pedro Gomes}, Title= {Public-sector employment, wages and education decisions}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 102345}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We set up a search and matching model with a private and a public sector to understand the effects of employment and wage policies in the public sector on unemployment and education decisions. The effects on the educational composition of the labor force depend crucially on the structure of the labor market. An increase of skilled public-sector wages has a small positive impact on educational composition and larger negative impact on the private employment of skilled workers, if the two sectors are segmented. If there are movements across the two sectors, it has large positive impacts on education and on skilled private employment. We highlight the usefulness of the model for policymakers by calculating the value of public-sector job security for skilled and unskilled workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Ausbildungswahl; Auswirkungen; Beschäftigtenstruktur; Bildungsertrag; Hochqualifizierte; Hochschulabsolventen; internationaler Vergleich; labour turnover; Lohnpolitik; Niedrigqualifizierte; öffentlicher Dienst; Privatwirtschaft; Qualifikationsstruktur; Arbeitsmarktsegmentation; Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; Arbeitsplatzwahl; Arbeitsuche; Frankreich; Großbritannien; Spanien; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2002-2017}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: E24 ; J31 ; J64}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1120}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230627ZSY}, } @Article{Chevalier:2023:CWS, Journal= {Journal of European Social Policy}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Tom Chevalier}, Title= {Can the welfare state reduce youth poverty? The determinants of material deprivation and subjective poverty among young people in Europe}, Year= {2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"As an age-group, young people are most at risk of poverty. Yet significant cross-national variation persists, which seems puzzling: the countries displaying the highest levels of youth poverty are (uncharacteristically) Nordic. How can such diversity be accounted for? Is the welfare state part of the story? First, I argue, unlike most studies, that in order to measure youth poverty it is better to use material deprivation and subjective poverty indicators, rather than income poverty. Second, I hypothesize that the welfare state has two potential routes to the alleviation of youth poverty. On the one hand, via ?individualization? of claims (allowing young people to claim benefits as full adult citizens), access to income support leads to lower levels of youth poverty. On the other, youth poverty levels can also be reduced through investment in young people?s human capital, in line with the ?social investment? strategy. These claims are confirmed by multilevel logistic regressions on three waves and across 23 European countries of the Eurofound?s European Quality of Life Survey." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Jugendliche; Armut; internationaler Vergleich; Armutsbekämpfung; Wohlfahrtsstaat; soziale Indikatoren; Sozialinvestitionen; Bildungsinvestitionen; Sozialleistungen; Leistungsanspruch; soziale Deprivation; junge Erwachsene; Jugend; Europa; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2007-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1342}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZEY}, } @Article{Cottini:2023:SEA, Journal= {Oxford economic papers}, Volume= {75}, Number= {2}, Author= {Elena Cottini and Paolo Ghinetti and Elisabetta Iossa and Pierluigi Sacco}, Title= {Stress, effort, and incentives at work}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {325-345}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"An extensive medical and occupational-health literature finds that an imbalance between effort and reward is an important stressor which produces serious health consequences. We incorporate these effects in a simple agency model with moral hazard and limited liability and study the impact on agents' effort and utility, as well as incentive pay provision, assuming agents differ in stress susceptibility. We test main model's implications using the 2015 wave of the European Working Condition Survey. We find that individuals who are more susceptible to stress work harder and have lower subjective well-being. The likelihood of receiving incentive pay is not monotone in stress susceptibility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Stress; Auswirkungen; Gesundheitszustand; Arbeitsmotivation; Lohnhöhe; Arbeitszufriedenheit; Leistungslohn; Lebenssituation; Zufriedenheit; Arbeitsleistung; Arbeitsanreiz; internationaler Vergleich; Europa; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2015-2015}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: D82 ; L20 ; J33 ; I31}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 215}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230621ZOQ}, } @Article{Crossley:2023:ADF, Journal= {Labour economics}, Volume= {81}, Author= {Thomas F. Crossley and Paul Fisher and Omar Hussein}, Title= {Assessing data from summary questions about earnings and income}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 102331}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In short surveys, or in surveys that prioritise other content domains, earnings and income are often elicited using small sets of summary questions. This contrasts with the detailed questions recommended for surveys that focus on earnings and income, that ask source by source. We evaluate earnings and income data collected with summary questions in a series of recent web-surveys: the Understanding Society COVID-19 Study. The fact that many COVID-19 Study respondents also contemporaneously answered the main annual Understanding Society survey provides individual- and household-level validation data. We find that measures of household earnings and income in the COVID-19 Study are noisier than those from the main annual Understanding Society survey, and that there is evidence of systematic under-reporting for household totals. However, for most measures and samples, we find that measurement errors in the COVID-19 Study are substantively uncorrelated with true values. We conclude that the COVID-19 Study collected valuable data on earnings and income, and more broadly, that summary questions on earnings or income can be a useful data collection tool." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Pandemie; Befragung; Datengewinnung; Haushaltseinkommen; Einkommenshöhe; Messfehler; Datenqualität; Validität; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2021}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: C81 ; C83 ; I32}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1120}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230525Y58}, } @Article{DeLa:2023:EWB, Journal= {Social Policy and Administration}, Volume= {57}, Number= {4}, Author= {Caroline De La Porte and Zhen Jie Im and Brigitte Pircher and Dorota Szelewa}, Title= {The EU's work-life balance directive: Institutional change of father-specific leave across member states}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {549-563}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper examines institutional change in father-specific leave - a centre-piece of the EU's work-life balance directive (WLBD) - from the perspective of gradual institutional change. The WLBD, a highly contentious directive, represents a litmus test for the possible impact of the European pillar of social rights (EPSR), on welfare state institutions, which are responsible for the organisation, financing and delivery of social rights in member states. The analysis comprises in-depth case studies in Denmark, Germany, France and Poland, with different combinations of family and parental leave policies prior to the WLBD. The findings reveal that the EU's directive is leading to convergence in paternity leave, but to divergence in parental leave. Our study is important because it shows that even if EU directives in social policy in principle can lead to upwards social convergence across the EU, when they are relatively weak in terms of precise constraint, for instance, for the level of remuneration for leave, this leads to differentiated integration. This could undermine the very purpose of the EPSR, which seeks to improve social rights for all citizens across the EU. Similar dynamics are likely to be present in other areas at the welfare state-labor market nexus, such as minimum wages or platform work, where the EU is also developing regulation under the auspices of the EPSR." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: europäische Sozialpolitik; europäische Integration; Work-Life-Balance; Auswirkungen; Väter; Elternzeit; internationaler Vergleich; Europäische Union; Beruf und Familie; Sozialpolitik; EU-Staat; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Konvergenz; Reformpolitik; Familienpolitik; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Dänemark; Frankreich; Polen; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2019-2023}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2257}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZE0}, } @Article{Easterlin:2023:WDH, Journal= {Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization}, Volume= {209}, Author= {Richard A. Easterlin}, Title= {Why does happiness respond differently to an increase vs. decrease in income?}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {200-204}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The answer is that people's evaluations of their income situation are based on different considerations when the economy is expanding and when it is contracting. When, in the course of economic growth, incomes generally are rising, evaluations of one's own income-whether it is satisfactory 'tend to be dominated by comparisons with the incomes of others'by 'social comparison'. If one's income is just 'keeping up with the Joneses', happiness is unchanged. But in a recession, as incomes decline and people increasingly have difficulty satisfying consumption habits and fixed financial obligations acquired when incomes were higher, the benchmark for income evaluations shifts to comparisons with one's past experience' how current income compares with one's previous peak income. The greater the shortfall, the less one's happiness. The shift when income declines, from comparison with others to comparison with one's past experience, is typically forced on individuals by the growing pressure of meeting fixed financial obligations. There is thus an asymmetry in the psychological roots of income evaluations when income is rising vs. falling, and this causes a corresponding asymmetry in the response of happiness to income change. When income is rising and social comparison is the basis for evaluating one's income situation, changes in income have, on average, a nil effect on happiness. When income falls below its previous peak and past personal experience is the basis for evaluating one's income situation, happiness goes down and up with income." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Glück; peer group; Bezugsgruppe; Einkommenshöhe; Wahrnehmung; Auswirkungen; Zufriedenheit; Wirtschaftswachstum; Rezession; Einkommensunterschied; }, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I31 ; D60 ; O10}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 856}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230606ZDW}, } @Article{Franzen:2023:PIE, Journal= {International Journal of Social Welfare}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Axel Franzen and Sebastian Bahr}, Title= {Poverty in Europe: How long-term poverty developed following the financial crisis and what drives it}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-13}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The purpose of this paper is to provide an update on the development of the long-term relative poverty rate in Europe. We use European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions data (EU-SILC) for 26 European countries between 2009 and 2018. In addition to describing the development of long-term poverty, we also analyse the drivers of poverty on the country level via fixed effects panel regression analysis. We are particularly interested in how economic growth, employment rates, social expenditure, and short-term poverty rates are related to long-term poverty. Overall, the results show that long-term poverty has increased in 13 out of 26 countries, but was unchanged or decreased in 13 countries. Gross domestic product growth is not related to the development of long-term poverty. However, we find that male employment and social welfare expenditure reduce poverty rates. Furthermore, short-term poverty is negatively associated with long-term poverty. Hence, short-term poverty and long-term poverty rather substitute than complement each other." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Armut; Entwicklung; internationaler Vergleich; Europäisches Haushaltspanel; Persistenz; Wirtschaftswachstum; Erwerbsquote; Sozialausgaben; Auswirkungen; Armutsbekämpfung; Europa; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2009-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2073}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230616ZK9}, } @Article{Fuchs:2023:SPA, Journal= {Socio-economic review}, Volume= {21}, Number= {2}, Author= {Benjamin Fuchs and Sebastian Prechsl and Tobias Wolbring}, Title= {Social policy and labor supply: the impact of activating labor market institutions on reservation wages}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {863-884}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Activation is an efficacious policy paradigm in modern welfare states. Taking the case of Germany, we study the relationship between the embeddedness of benefit recipients in activating labor market institutions and individual labor supply. Using panel data, we estimate the effects of transitions between key institutional states with different degrees of activation on reservation wages (RWs). We show that RWs react to activation: the transition from gainful employment to unemployment benefit receipt leads to an average decrease of 3.1% in RWs. The transition from gainful employment to welfare benefit receipt'an institutional state with far more rigorous activation-leads to a stronger decrease of 4.9%. Mediation analyses show that the income associated with different institutional states is the predominant mechanism that drives the effect on RWs. However, subjective social status also partly mediates the effect. Implications of these findings for active labor market policies are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku), © Oxford University Press) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Haushaltspanel; aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Einkommenserwartung; IAB-Haushaltspanel; Auswirkungen; sozialer Status; Lohnabstandsgebot; Haushaltseinkommen; Leistungshöhe; Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger; Arbeitsanreiz; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2006-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2183}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZEQ}, } @Article{Fuchs-Schuendeln:2022:CSC, Journal= {Economic Policy}, Volume= {37}, Number= {112}, Author= {Nicola Fuchs-Sch{\"u}ndeln}, Title= {Covid-induced school closures in the United States and Germany: long-term distributional effects}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {609-639}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Almost all countries worldwide closed schools at the outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis. I document that schooling time dropped on average by '55% in the United States and '45% in Germany from the onset of the crisis to the summer of 2021. In the United States, schools were closed longer in richer than in poorer areas, while in Germany the regional variation is much smaller. However, Germany exhibited substantial variation by grade level, with a strong U-shaped pattern that implies that children attending middle school faced the longest closures. A structural model of human capital accumulation predicts that the US school closures on average lead to a reduction of life-time earnings of '1.8% for the affected children. While the overall losses are likely somewhat smaller in Germany, the socio-economic gradient in the losses could be larger than in the United States, leading to increased inequality and decreased intergenerational mobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Pandemie; Schulbesuch; Lernsituation; Benachteiligung; Schule; Betriebsunterbrechung; Dauer; Auswirkungen; Humankapital; Kapitalakkumulation; Verteilungseffekte; individuelle Wohlfahrt; gesellschaftliche Wohlfahrt; internationaler Vergleich; regionaler Vergleich; soziale Ungleichheit; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1091}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230606ZD3}, } @Article{Fuchs-Schuendeln:2023:FAW, Journal= {IMF economic review}, Volume= {71}, Author= {Nicola Fuchs-Sch{\"u}ndeln and Dirk Krueger and André Kurmann and Etienne Lalé and Alexander Ludwig and Irina Popova}, Title= {The Fiscal and Welfare Effects of Policy Responses to the Covid-19 School Closures}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {35-98}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Based on data on school visits from Safegraph and on school closures from Burbio, we document that during the Covid-19 crisis secondary schools were closed for in-person learning for longer periods than elementary schools, private schools experienced shorter closures than public schools, and schools in poorer US counties experienced shorter school closures. To quantify the long-run consequences of these school closures, we extend the structural life cycle model of private and public schooling investments by Fuchs-Schündeln et al. (Econ J 132:1647-1683, 2022) to include private school choice and feed into the model the school closure measures from our empirical analysis. Future earnings and welfare losses are largest for children that started public secondary schools at the onset of the Covid-19 crisis. Comparing children from the top to children from the bottom quartile of the income distribution, welfare losses are 0.5 percentage points larger for the poorer children if school closures were unrelated to income. Accounting for the longer school closures in richer counties reduces this gap by about 1/4. A policy intervention that extends schools by 6 weeks generates significant welfare gains for children and raises future tax revenues sufficient to pay for the cost of this schooling expansion." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Schule; Betriebsunterbrechung; Dauer; Pandemie; Krisenmanagement; Elementarbereich; Sekundarbereich; Privatschule; öffentliche Einnahmen; Auswirkungen; Bildungsungleichheit; Bildungsertrag; Einkommenseffekte; regionaler Vergleich; Bildungspolitik; Intergenerationsmobilität; Bildungsmobilität; soziale Ungleichheit; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1007}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230606ZD0}, } @Article{Fuchs-Schuendeln:2022:LDA, Journal= {The Economic Journal}, Volume= {132}, Number= {645}, Author= {Nicola Fuchs-Sch{\"u}ndeln and Dirk Krueger and Alexander Ludwig and Irina Popova}, Title= {The Long-Term Distributional and Welfare Effects of Covid-19 School Closures}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {1647-1683}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Using a structural life-cycle model, we quantify the heterogeneous impact of school closures during the corona crisis on children affected at different ages and coming from households with different parental characteristics. In the model, public investment through schooling is combined with parental time and resource investments in the production of child human capital at different stages in the children's development process. We quantitatively characterise the long-term consequences from a COVID-19-induced loss of schooling, and find average losses in the present discounted value of lifetime earnings of the affected children of 2.1% ', as well as welfare losses equivalent to about 1.2% of permanent consumption. Because of self-productivity in the human capital production function, younger children are hurt more by the school closures than older children. The negative impact of the crisis on children's welfare is especially severe for those with parents with low educational attainment and low assets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Pandemie; Auswirkungen; Betriebsunterbrechung; Schule; Verteilungseffekte; soziale Herkunft; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Bildungsungleichheit; Einkommenseffekte; Lebenslauf; individuelle Wohlfahrt; altersspezifische Faktoren; Kinder; soziale Ungleichheit; soziale Kosten; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2021}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: D15 ; D31 ; E24 ; I24}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 019}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230607ZEM}, } @Article{Gielens:2023:DCI, Journal= {International Journal of Social Welfare}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Erwin Gielens and Femke Roosma and Peter Achterberg}, Title= {Dimensions of controversy: Investigating the structure of public support for universal basic income in the Netherlands}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-20}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"As interest in universal basic income (UBI) policy has peaked in recent years, the study of public support for such a policy is rapidly developing. While recent studies recognise the multidimensionality of the UBI proposal, we still know little about to what extent support for UBI is unambiguously supported or rejected. We show that the public holds distinct but related opinions towards three dimensions of UBI: universalism, redistribution and unconditionality. The higher and lower educated are equally ambivalent towards the policy, suggesting a lack of political entrenchment towards UBI in Dutch society. Post hoc comparisons show that key demographics and constituencies support some dimensions while rejecting others, enabling both compromise and division on the issue. Despite these distinct controversies, however, the strong correlation between attitudinal dimensions suggests that survey experiments tend to overstate the degree of multidimensionality by ignoring the strong commonalities in support for policy aspects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen; öffentliche Meinung; Diskurs; politische Einstellungen; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Leistungsanspruch; Anspruchsvoraussetzung; Einkommenshöhe; Einkommensanrechnung; Bildungsniveau; Auswirkungen; Niederlande; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2022-2022}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2073}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230616ZLA}, } @Article{Herbst-Debby:2023:AEF, Journal= {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, Volume= {84}, Author= {Anat Herbst-Debby and Amit Kaplan and Miri Endeweld and Noa Achouche}, Title= {Adolescent employment, family income and parental divorce}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 100772}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The study examines the relation between parental family status, family income and three aspects of adolescent employment: the likelihood to be employed, the adolescent's earnings and the share of the adolescent's earnings as part of family income. While the relation between parental divorce and adolescents' outcomes has been widely studied, the relation between parental divorce, family income and the adolescent's employment has received less attention. Based on longitudinal administrative data on 12-17 year olds (n = 4023), results showed that adolescents whose family had a medium income level and those experiencing parental divorce had higher employment rates. Once employed, adolescents from the lowest household income level had higher earnings and contributed a higher share of household income than adolescents from the middle and top levels. While experiencing parental divorce was unrelated to adolescents' earnings, it did increase their contribution to household income compared to peers from intact families. The combination of parental divorce and low family income increased the adolescent's share compared to less vulnerable socioeconomic groups. The study proposes another mechanism of coping with low family income in general and with the negative economic consequences of union dissolution in particular: the adolescent as third breadwinner." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Familieneinkommen; Familienstruktur; Jugendliche; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Auswirkungen; Erwerbseinkommen; Eltern; Ehescheidung; Erwerbsquote; Einkommensverteilung; Niedrigeinkommen; unvollständige Familie; Israel; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2003-2008}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2109}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230620ZNS}, } @Article{Holtemoeller:2020:EEI, Journal= {Economic Modelling}, Volume= {89}, Author= {Oliver Holtem{\"o}ller and Felix Pohle}, Title= {Employment effects of introducing a minimum wage: The case of Germany}, Year= {2020}, Pages= {108-121}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Income inequality has been a major concern of economic policy makers for several years. Can minimum wages help to mitigate inequality? In 2015, the German government introduced a nationwide statutory minimum wage to reduce income inequality by improving the labour income of low-wage employees. However, the employment effects of wage increases depend on time and region specific conditions and, hence, they cannot be known in advance. Because negative employment effects may offset the income gains for low-wage employees, it is important to evaluate minimum-wage policies empirically. We estimate the employment effects of the German minimum-wage introduction using panel regressions on the state-industry-level. We find a robust negative effect of the minimum wage on marginal and a robust positive effect on regular employment. In terms of the number of jobs, our results imply a negative overall effect. Hence, low-wage employees who are still employed are better off at the expense of those who have lost their jobs due to the minimum wage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Auswirkungen; Beschäftigungseffekte; geringfügige Beschäftigung; Mindestlohn; Mini-Job; sozialversicherungspflichtige Arbeitnehmer; Substitutionseffekte; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2010-2015}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: C21 ; E24 ; J38}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 093}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230620ZMY}, } @Article{Holzer:2022:WDP, Journal= {The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science}, Volume= {701}, Number= {1}, Author= {Harry J. Holzer}, Title= {Why Do People under Community Supervision Work and Earn So Little? And What Can Policy Do to Increase Their Employment and Earnings?}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {46-60}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In this article, I review what we know about the impacts of felony convictions and incarceration on later employment and earnings, particularly for those under community supervision. I then discuss what employers and public policymakers can do to improve these outcomes. First, I review the basic empirical facts on the employment and earnings of returning citizens, various hypotheses that could explain these facts, and the available evidence that support those hypotheses. Second, I review why people under community supervision may have either similar or different employment outcomes from those of returning citizens more broadly. Third, I consider the perspectives of employers and why it might be in their interests to reduce hiring penalties associated with earlier incarceration (especially in tight labor markets). Fourth, I consider what we know about policies to reduce these penalties and improve outcomes. In sum, I argue that both moral and economic arguments exist for a general reduction of hiring penalties that would improve employment outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Strafentlassene; berufliche Reintegration; berufliche Resozialisation; soziale Reintegration; Niedrigqualifizierte; Stigmatisierung; Straffällige; Straffälligkeit; Auswirkungen; Justiz; Arbeitsuche; Stereotyp; Beschäftigerverhalten; Lohnhöhe; soziale Kontrolle; Bewährungshilfe; USA; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2285}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZG8}, } @Article{Hudde:2023:FIO, Journal= {Demographic Research}, Volume= {48}, Author= {Ansgar Hudde and Henriette Engelhardt}, Title= {Family inequality: On the changing educational gradient of family patterns in Western Germany}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 20, 549-590}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Objective: A comprehensive and thorough investigation of the key trends in family patterns in Western Germany. Methods: Descriptive analyses of educational differences in marital status, cohabitation, partnerlessness, and children in the household in Western Germany from 1976 to 2019. We analyze unique data from the German Microcensus with information from more than 1.7 million individuals. Results: In the 1970s, men with higher education were moderately more likely to live with a partner and be married, and less likely to be divorced. The reverse was mainly the case for women. Over time, higher education levels for men and women became increasingly associated with living with a partner, being married, and living with children; lower levels of education became increasingly associated with divorce, partnerlessness, and single parenthood. Today, men with lower levels of education are least likely to live with a partner, be married, or have children in the household. Women with lower education levels are most likely to be single parents. Conclusions: Education is turning more and more into a generalized life resource: those with higher education are not only the winners in the labor market but are also increasingly more likely to achieve those partnership and family outcomes to which the majority of young people aspire – a stable partnership and children. Contribution: This 'big picture' analysis deepens our understanding of changes in family-related social inequalities in Germany. Analyses based on high-quality data have not been available for Germany and can serve as bases for future research at the granular level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Max-Planck-Institut für demographische Forschung) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Familienstruktur; Familienstand; Ehe; Heterogenität; soziale Ungleichheit; Ehefrauen; Beruf und Familie; Frauen; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Eheschließung; Determinanten; Bildungsniveau; Ehepartner; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Westdeutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1976-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1997}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZER}, } @Article{Jordan:2021:DRL, Journal= {The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy}, Volume= {21}, Number= {1}, Author= {Jeffrey Jordan and Aparna Mathur and Abdul Munasib and Devesh Roy}, Title= {Did Right-To-Work Laws Impact Income Inequality? Evidence from U.S. States Using the Synthetic Control Method}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {45-81}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In this paper, we use the Synthetic Control Method (SCM) to examine the impact of a state's adoption of a Right-To-Work (RTW) law on income inequality. We explore possible pathways through which RTW laws may impact inequality, namely, unionization, investment, and wages. Our finding of a lack of impact of RTW laws on inequality is further supported by findings of a lack of impact of the law on these variables. Our results follow Farber (1984), who suggests that RTW laws may simply mirror pre-existing preferences against union representation. Hence RTW laws are not the primary driver of changes in inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Auswirkungen; Gesetzgebung; Einkommensverteilung; soziale Ungleichheit; Gewerkschaftszugehörigkeit; Macht; regionaler Vergleich; Gewerkschaft; Arbeitsrecht; Organisationsgrad; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1964-2013}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2088}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230614ZIH}, } @Article{KoHyejin:2023:ERT, Journal= {Journal of Social Policy}, Volume= {52}, Number= {2}, Author= {Hyejin Ko and Andrew Weaver}, Title= {Employer Responses to Legislation Protecting Non-Regular Workers: Evidence from South Korea}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {424-448}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Many countries have taken steps to address employment insecurity by enacting employment protection legislation (EPL) for non-regular workers. Although the aggregate impacts of EPL reforms have been examined in the literature, less attention has been paid to the heterogeneous ways that different types of employers respond to these reforms. In this paper, we seek to shed additional light on the impact of non-regular workforce protections by investigating the response of establishments to legal changes in Korea in 2007. We employ a difference-in-difference framework to explore which establishment characteristics predict that employers will convert non-regular workers to regular status. Results indicate that, in the short term, the Korean labor reforms led to increased conversions of fixed-term workers to permanent status. Establishments that have shifted risk onto workers via the use of performance pay are more likely to extend permanent status to non-regular workers. However, establishments that provide favorable employment conditions were less likely to convert. Unions play a double-edged role. Unions in large establishments with a wide range of occupational categories are associated with relatively greater conversion of outsiders to regular status, while unions in smaller, more resource-constrained establishments with a narrower occupational focus are associated with more exclusionary behavior." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Beschäftigerverhalten; Arbeitsrecht; atypische Beschäftigung; Kündigungsschutz; Reformpolitik; befristeter Arbeitsvertrag; unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag; Weiterbeschäftigung; Auswirkungen; Zeitarbeitnehmer; Unternehmensgröße; Gewinn; Leistungslohn; Lohnhöhe; Gewerkschaftspolitik; Südkorea; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2005-2013}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1971}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y4Q}, } @Article{Koning:2021:DET, Journal= {The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy}, Volume= {21}, Number= {4}, Author= {Pierre Koning and Heike Vethaak}, Title= {Decomposing Employment Trends of Disabled Workers}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {1217-1255}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper estimates Age-Period-Cohort models on employment rates of Dutch Disability Insurance (DI) applicants. We find that the substantial decrease in employment between 1999 and 2013 is explained by year-of-application cohort effects and that period effects are negligible. In turn, application cohort effects partly stem from increasing shares of applicants without permanent contracts. Changes in application cohort effects are largely confined to the years following two DI reforms that increased self-screening among workers. We next analyze changes in employment rates of awarded and rejected applicants and follow a Difference-in-Differences approach. Assuming common compositional cohort effects, we infer negligible effects of changes in benefit conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Behinderte; Behindertenpolitik; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; Beschäftigungsförderung; Erwerbsquote; Erwerbstätige; Erwerbstätigkeit; Erwerbsunfähigkeitsrente; institutionelle Faktoren; Leistungsempfänger; Niedrigqualifizierte; Arbeitsmarkt; Zu- und Abgänge; Niederlande; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1999-2013}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J21 ; C23 ; H75}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2088}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZKD}, } @Article{Krachler:2023:ISF, Journal= {BJIR}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Nick Krachler}, Title= {Institutional support for new work roles: The case of care coordinators in the United States and England}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-24}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Drawing on comparative employment relations literature, this article explores how employment relations (ER) institutions support the 'care coordinator', a new role tasked with aiding the exchange of information between health and social services in the United States and the UK. Findings show that in both countries, multi-employer collective bargaining facilitated this role by providing good working conditions and a stable work environment; additionally, the new role performed better in England due to the broader scope of bargaining and supportive management practices. The article advances a comparative institutional perspective on the creation of new tasks focused on sub-national (sectoral and regional) ER." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Gesundheitswesen; neue Berufe; institutionelle Faktoren; Tarifverhandlungen; Berufsrolle; Case Management; soziale Dienste; Kompetenzverteilung; Arbeitsbedingungen; Managementmethode; Unternehmensführung; Sozialwesen; chronische Krankheit; Arbeitsproduktivität; internationaler Vergleich; Großbritannien; England; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2016-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2149}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZH6}, } @Article{Krekó:2023:JTS, Journal= {Social Policy and Administration}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Judit Krekó and Balázs Munkácsy and Márton Csillag and Ágota Scharle}, Title= {A job trial subsidy for youth: Cheap labour or a screening device?}, Year= {2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper evaluates a 90-day hiring subsidy designed for young jobseekers aged below 25, introduced in Hungary in 2015 as part of the Youth Guarantee programme. The subsidy covers the total wage cost with no obligation to retain the new hire when the subsidy expires. The analysis is based on linked administrative data on registered unemployment, cognitive skills measured around age 15, healthcare, and social security records. The causal impact of the subsidy on subsequent employment is identified in comparison to participants of a uniquely large public works programme, using propensity score matching with exceptionally rich controls. The estimates indicate significant positive effects: participants spent 14-20'days more in employment within 6 months after the programme ended in the whole sample. The impact is weaker on the 12-month horizon. We find that the subsidy works well as a screening device: the programme has the highest impact on youths who have very low levels of schooling (8'years of primary school or less), but scored high on cognitive skills tests. One potential explanation is that employers tend to retain those with better cognitive skills, irrespective of their formal qualifications. We also find some indication that the subsidy is (mis)used by some employers to hire short term, seasonal workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: junge Erwachsene; Jugendliche; Lohnsubvention; Auswirkungen; berufliche Integration; arbeitslose Jugendliche; Arbeitslose; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; kognitive Fähigkeit; Determinanten; Bildungsniveau; Mitnahmeeffekte; Beschäftigungseffekte; kurzfristige Beschäftigung; Einkommenseffekte; Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme; sozialer Arbeitsmarkt; Ungarn; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2015-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2257}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230602ZB3}, } @Article{Kroh:2023:IRS, Journal= {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, Volume= {85}, Number= {June}, Author= {Jacqueline Kroh and Sebastian Prechsl}, Title= {The intervening role of social integration in the effect of education on subjective mental health}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 100786}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper contributes to the literature examining the interplay of education, social integration, and mental health. Based on social network theories, we argue that social integration plays a role in explaining the link between education and mental health. Using data from the German Panel Study Labour Market and Social Security (PASS) (observation period: 2006/2007-2018), our sample comprises 16,870 individuals. We use panel regression models to analyze the association between education and the probability of reporting at least good mental health. Based on mediation analysis techniques, we investigate the mediating role of strong and weak ties in this relationship. Results show that overall social integration, the number of close friends and relatives, and memberships in voluntary associations partly explain the link between education and mental health." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: soziale Integration; Bildungsniveau; Auswirkungen; Gesundheitszustand; psychische Faktoren; IAB-Haushaltspanel; soziales Netzwerk; soziale Beziehungen; soziale Ungleichheit; psychosoziale Faktoren; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2006-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2109}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230531Y7Y}, } @Article{Kuitto:2023:PPG, Journal= {Journal of Social Policy}, Volume= {52}, Number= {2}, Author= {Kati Kuitto and Joan E. Madia and Federico Podestà}, Title= {Public Pension Generosity and Old-Age Poverty in OECD countries}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {256-275}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Pension adequacy is gaining importance as old-age poverty remains a pressing problem. In many advanced welfare states, the population is ageing rapidly and recent pension reforms have led to cuts in public pension provision. There are, however, few comparative longitudinal studies on the relationship between pension generosity and old-age poverty. This study provides a comparative empirical assessment of how the prevalence and depth of old-age poverty relates to generosity of public pension benefits in 14 advanced OECD welfare states from 1980-2010. We focus on the role of mandatory public pension provision of mainly first tier schemes that grant the major share of retirees' income in most countries. We use data on theoretical pension replacement rates for retirees who had different working-age incomes. In order to address endogeneity issues, we adopt an instrumental-variable approach. Our main finding shows that pensions systems and earnings-related schemes, in particular, are quite efficient in reducing the risk of old-age poverty. Yet they still do very little to alleviate poverty among those pensioners in the most disadvantaged situations. We also found that redistribution within the pension system does not substantially contribute to poverty alleviation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Rentenversicherung; Rentenhöhe; Altersarmut; Auswirkungen; internationaler Vergleich; OECD; Armutsbekämpfung; Risiko; Rentner; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1980-2010}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1971}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y4N}, } @Article{Lopez:2023:IAI, Journal= {Journal of regional science}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Juan Carlos Lopez and Tadashi Morita}, Title= {Inter- and intraregional inequality in a spatial economy}, Year= {2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In this paper, we develop a three-region economic geography model with workers of heterogeneous skills and mobility rates to consider how first-nature, regional differences impact both inter- and intraregional inequality. In our model, the skill premium within a region summarizes both the degree of intraregional inequality between mobile, skilled workers and immobile, unskilled workers and the interregional inequality through differences in the welfare of unskilled workers across regions. Regions with the highest skill premium have the greatest degree of intraregional inequality and provide the lowest level of welfare to unskilled workers, relative to other regions. We find that the skill premium will be higher in regions with a greater supply of unskilled labor, lower supply of housing, or are more remote. An increase in a region's housing supply or centrality will lower intraregional inequality and raise the welfare of the local, unskilled workforce. However, the magnitude of these changes are declining in the initial number of skilled workers in the region. The model is extended to consider imperfectly elastic housing supply. The larger the price elasticity of housing, the larger the range of values, such that more populated regions will host a disproportionate share of skilled workers, have lower levels of intraregional inequality, and provide higher levels of welfare for unskilled workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: soziale Ungleichheit; regionale Disparität; Wirtschaftsgeografie; regionale Mobilität; Hochqualifizierte; Niedrigqualifizierte; regionaler Vergleich; Bildungsertrag; individuelle Wohlfahrt; Arbeitsmarktregion; regionale Faktoren; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Immobilienmarkt; Preisentwicklung; Lohnunterschied; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 041}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZH9}, } @Article{Mazar:2023:ECA, Journal= {Economica}, Volume= {90}, Number= {359}, Author= {Yuval Mazar and Yaniv Reingewertz}, Title= {The effect of child allowances on female labour supply: evidence from Israel}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {882-910}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This study estimates the effect of the sharp reduction in Israel's child allowances in the early 2000s on female labour supply. The study uses the difference-in-differences method to estimate changes in the labour supply of Israeli women with more children (four or five) compared to changes in the labour supply of women with fewer children (two or three). The results show an increase of approximately 3.1 percentage points (4.4%) in the labour supply of women with four or five children, relative to that of women with two or three children. These numbers translate to an income elasticity of labour supply in the range '0.50 to '0.81. Finally, we document the heterogeneity of these effects and provide several tests of their validity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Kindergeld; Leistungskürzung; Auswirkungen; Mütter; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Kinderzahl; Einkommenselastizität; Reformpolitik; Erwerbsquote; Frauen; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Israel; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1980-2011}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 020}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZES}, } @Article{Moawad:2023:HGR, Journal= {Social science research}, Volume= {113}, Author= {Jad Moawad}, Title= {How the Great Recession changed class inequality: Evidence from 23 European countries}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 102829}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The question of whether economic recessions increase or decrease the earnings gap between the working and upper-middle class is debated. We study this issue and examine the Great Recession period using two different analytical strategies: three-level multilevel models and multivariate analysis over time. Based on EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) data in 23 countries from 2004 to 2017, our results under both analytical strategies provide robust evidence that, by and large, the Great Recession widened the earnings gap between the working and uppermiddle class. The effect magnitude is sizable; an increase of 5 percentage points in the unemployment rate is associated with an increase in the class earnings gap of approximately 0.10 log points." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: soziale Ungleichheit; Europäisches Haushaltspanel; Rezession; Auswirkungen; internationaler Vergleich; Einkommensunterschied; Einkommensstruktur; Entwicklung; Arbeitslosigkeit; Einkommensverteilung; soziale Klasse; Einkommenseffekte; Europa; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2004-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 269}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230605ZCC}, } @Article{Muñoz:2023:EAC, Journal= {Sociological methods & research}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Juan F. Muñoz and Pablo J. Moya-Fernández and Encarnación Álvarez-Verdejo}, Title= {Exploring and Correcting the Bias in the Estimation of the Gini Measure of Inequality}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-38}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The Gini index is probably the most commonly used indicator to measure inequality. For continuous distributions, the Gini index can be computed using several equivalent formulations. However, this is not the case with discrete distributions, where controversy remains regarding the expression to be used to estimate the Gini index. We attempt to bring a better understanding of the underlying problem by regrouping and classifying the most common estimators of the Gini index proposed in both infinite and finite populations, and focusing on the biases. We use Monte Carlo simulation studies to analyse the bias of the various estimators under a wide range of scenarios. Extremely large biases are observed in heavy-tailed distributions with high Gini indices, and bias corrections are recommended in this situation. We propose the use of some (new and traditional) bootstrap-based and jackknife-based strategies to mitigate this bias problem. Results are based on continuous distributions often used in the modelling of income distributions. We describe a simulation-based criterion for deciding when to use bias corrections. Various real data sets are used to illustrate the practical application of the suggested bias corrected procedures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einkommensverteilung; soziale Ungleichheit; Wohlfahrtsmessung; Messfehler; Stichprobenverfahren; soziale Indikatoren; Verteilungstheorie; statistische Methode; Europäisches Haushaltspanel; Datenqualität; Selektionskorrektur; Spanien; Welt; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1142}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230620ZN9}, } @Article{Pohlig:2021:USA, Journal= {Socio-economic review}, Volume= {19}, Number= {1}, Author= {Matthias Pohlig}, Title= {Unemployment sequences and the risk of poverty: from counting duration to contextualizing sequences}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {273-305}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Research has consistently shown that unemployment is a strong predictor for income poverty. So far, most studies have focused on the duration of unemployment to account for differences in income poverty. However, this practice may mistreat trajectories which conform less to the norm of continuous full-time employment before unemployment. In this article, I first develop a generalized framework which contextualizes unemployment sequences according to duration as well as timing and order. Second, I apply a sequence analysis to longitudinal data from five European welfare states-Austria, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden-using the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions. Thereby, I construct a typology of unemployment sequences which includes some non-standard types of unemployment sequences. These sequences contain inactivity, part-time employment and self-employment spells and have an increased poverty risk. Thus, the sequence-based framework and the sequence analysis are able to contextualize unemployment sequences better than the conventional measure of unemployment duration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitslosigkeit; Auswirkungen; Armut; Berufsverlauf; Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer; internationaler Vergleich; Europäisches Haushaltspanel; Nichterwerbstätigkeit; berufliche Selbständigkeit; Teilzeitarbeit; Risiko; atypische Beschäftigung; Österreich; Niederlande; Polen; Spanien; Schweden; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2006-2014}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J64 ; I32}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2183}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230616ZKV}, } @Article{Ragnarsdóttir:2023:AFV, Journal= {European Sociological Review}, Volume= {39}, Number= {2}, Author= {Berglind Hólm Ragnarsdóttir and Sarah Kostecki and Janet Gornick}, Title= {Accounting for the Value of Unpaid Domestic Work: A Cross-National Study of Variation across Household Types}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {262-279}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This article estimates the value of extended earnings-market earnings plus the imputed value of unpaid work-and assesses how this alternative measure affects the level and distribution of economic wellbeing within households of differing compositions. Prior research finds that excluding the value of unpaid work distorts conclusions about women's contributions to household income and inequality more generally. Variation across household types has been understudied. The authors use data from the Harmonized European and American Time Use Surveys, combined with income data from the Luxembourg Income Study Database, to assess outcomes in six European countries and the United States. The study compares market to extended earnings to assess inequality within and across household types: single adults with and without children, and cohabiting adults with and without children. Key findings include: (i) women's time in unpaid work exceeds men's in all study countries; (ii) shifting from market earnings to extended earnings narrows gender disparities in all countries; and (iii) moving to extended earnings reduces inequality among both women and men, but more so among women. On all outcomes, we find that household composition shapes women's outcomes more than men's, and, overall, parenting status plays a larger role than partnership status." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Hausarbeit; Arbeitswerttheorie; internationaler Vergleich; Erwerbsarbeit; Erwerbseinkommen; Familienstand; Familienstruktur; Auswirkungen; Zeitverwendung; Frauen; Männer; Einkommensverteilung; Gleichstellung; Mütter; Väter; Haushaltseinkommen; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; soziale Ungleichheit; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Europa; USA; Finnland; Frankreich; Italien; Spanien; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1998-2010}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 863}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y4J}, } @Article{Rampersad:2020:RWT, Journal= {Journal of Business Research}, Volume= {116}, Author= {Giselle Rampersad}, Title= {Robot will take your job: Innovation for an era of artificial intelligence}, Year= {2020}, Pages= {68-74}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Fear is growing that robots and artificial intelligence will replace many occupations. To remain relevant in this changing career landscape, the worker of the future is expected to be innovative, able to spot opportunities transform industries and provide creative solutions to meet global challenges. To develop such capabilities, work integrated learning (WIL) has emerged as an important approach. The purpose of this study is to investigate the key factors driving innovation among WIL students. Unlike prior studies that have been predominantly qualitative or based on one single snapshot, this quantitative, longitudinal study measures student capabilities before and after participation in a WIL placement at a business. It then undertakes confirmatory factor analysis to compare pre- and post-placement capabilities. The study found that critical thinking, problem solving, communication and teamwork have significant impacts on the development of innovation: vital in the era of artificial intelligence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: künstliche Intelligenz; Roboter; Industrieroboter; Automatisierung; technischer Wandel; Auswirkungen; Angst; Arbeitsplatzverlust; Arbeitsplatzgefährdung; Qualifikationsdefizit; Problemlösen; Teamarbeit; Innovation; Beschäftigungsfähigkeit; Lernen am Arbeitsplatz; Technikakzeptanz; abhängig Beschäftigte; Kompetenzentwicklung; Australien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2017-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 310}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230602ZBL}, } @Article{Redmond:2023:IOF, Journal= {Oxford economic papers}, Volume= {75}, Number= {2}, Author= {Paul Redmond and Seamus McGuinness and Claire Keane}, Title= {The impact of one-parent family payment reforms on the labour market outcomes of lone parents}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {346-370}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We evaluate the impact of a reduction in the child qualifying age for the One-Parent Family Payment in Ireland. From 2012 to 2015, the child qualifying age was reduced from 18 to 7 years. Lone parents who no longer qualified for the payment, based on the age of their child, could avail of Jobseekers Transitional Payment, which involves a labour activation component. The reforms led to an increase in the average hours worked of lone parents of between 2 and 5 h per week. Lone parents impacted by the policy were 13 percentage points more likely to be working. In addition, we find an increase in household income of between 9% and 12%, and an increase of between 23% and 29% in earnings from employment. Finally, the policy was associated with a 10-14 percentage point reduction in the poverty rate of lone parents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Familienpolitik; allein Erziehende; Auswirkungen; Reformpolitik; Beschäftigungseffekte; altersspezifische Faktoren; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Wochenarbeitszeit; Haushaltseinkommen; Einkommenseffekte; Erwerbseinkommen; Armut; Kindergeld; Leistungskürzung; Irland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2012-2017}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I38 ; J22 ; J64 ; I32}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 215}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230621ZOR}, } @Article{Scharf:2023:REA, Journal= {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, Volume= {84}, Author= {Jan Scharf and Michael Becker and Marko Neumann and Kai Maaz}, Title= {Rapid expansion of academic upper secondary graduation in Germany-Changing social inequalities in the transition to secondary and to tertiary education?}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 100771}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Taking as its point of departure the rapid expansion in the proportion of students graduating with a university entrance diploma (Abitur) in Germany, this paper adds to research on the mechanisms and effects of academic educational expansion, a worldwide phenomenon in the 20th and 21st century. Drawing on Boudon's theory of primary and secondary effects of social origin, we seek to understand if the educational expansion went along with a decreasing or persisting role of social background. Therefore, we analyze educational inequalities in two respects: first, in the transition from primary school to the academic track (Gymnasium) leading to the Abitur and, second, in the transition to tertiary education after academic upper secondary education. The study is based on two student cohorts (initial N = 13,026 and N = 13,873) who obtained university entrance diplomas in 2005 (cohort 1) and 2011/2012 (cohort 2) in the school system of the federal state of Hamburg (Germany). These cohorts were assessed during secondary education between 1996 (start of cohort 1) and 2012 (end of cohort 2). Employing the KHB decomposition method, we break the total effect of social background down into the relative importance of achievement differentials (primary effects) and educational decisions (secondary effects). Our findings indicate no changes in the total effects of social background and thus suggest that educational inequalities related to social origin persisted in both of the transitions we studied. However, when comparing both cohorts, we noted a clear decrease in secondary effects regarding transitions to the academic secondary track, meaning that achievement-related social differences gained in importance compared to the period before the educational expansion. At the same time, we observed a slight increase in the relative importance of secondary effects for transitions to tertiary education during the expansion. As a further result, our study shows that the rapid expansion of academic upper secondary graduation is mainly the consequence of an increase in the number of Abitur graduates via alternative paths besides the Gymnasium." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Abitur; Bildungsexpansion; Auswirkungen; Bildungschancengleichheit; Schullaufbahnwahl; Gymnasium; Hochschulbildung; Studium; soziale Herkunft; soziale Ungleichheit; Bildungsungleichheit; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Hamburg; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1996-2012}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2109}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230620ZNO}, } @Article{Schmidt:2023:CAW, Journal= {Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society}, Volume= {16}, Number= {1}, Author= {Torben Dall Schmidt and Timo Mitze}, Title= {Crisis and the welfare state: the role of public employment services for job placement and the Danish flexicurity system during COVID-19}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {65-79}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Denmark is a Nordic welfare state with local government autonomy in public service provision related to workfare policies. We use a policy experiment that re-opened on-site public employment services after the first COVID-19 lockdown in a spatially staggered manner to provide evidence on the effect of public employment services on job placement during a crisis. Early re-opening of on-site public employment services is associated with a better local labour market performance. It particularly benefits low-skilled unemployed and rural areas with specific sector mixes and demographic structures, why workfare-oriented welfare state arrangements remain important to counter social and regional imbalances." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Pandemie; Krisenmanagement; Wohlfahrtsstaat; Arbeitsverwaltung; öffentliche Verwaltung; Flexicurity; regionaler Arbeitsmarkt; Kommunalverwaltung; Workfare; Niedrigqualifizierte; aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Arbeitslosenquote; Vermittlungserfolg; regionaler Vergleich; Arbeitsberatung; online; Telefon; Arbeitsvermittlung; Dänemark; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2020}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: H72 ; H73 ; J64 ; R23}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2300}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230605ZC5}, } @Article{Sluiter:2022:AWW, Journal= {Socio-economic review}, Volume= {20}, Number= {3}, Author= {Roderick Sluiter and Katerina Manevska and Agnes Akkerman}, Title= {Atypical work, worker voice and supervisor responses}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {1069-1089}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We study atypical workers' experiences with voice of in the Netherlands. We take a relational approach to worker voice and hypothesize that atypical workers are particularly vulnerable to refrain from voice and to experience suppression. We test our hypotheses using unique data on workers' actual experiences with voicing discontent and supervisors' responses (N = 4708; collected in 2017 and 2018). We find that temporary and freelance work, job insecurity, replaceability and precarious values are barriers to worker voice. Job insecurity and precarious values are associated with less support and more suppression from supervisors. These insights offer a valuable contribution to scholarly and public debates on atypical work by demonstrating how it not only affects workers' job security, income stability and entitlements but also reduces workers' ability to speak up and solve problems at work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: atypische Beschäftigung; Mitbestimmung; Beschäftigerverhalten; befristeter Arbeitsvertrag; Zeitarbeitnehmer; freie Mitarbeiter; Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; prekäre Beschäftigung; Auswirkungen; Konfliktmanagement; Arbeitszufriedenheit; Vorgesetzte; Niederlande; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2017-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2183}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZF7}, } @Article{Streibelt:2022:BTN, Journal= {Die Rehabilitation}, Volume= {62}, Number= {3}, Author= {Marco Streibelt and Angelika H{\"u}ppe and Jana Langbrandtner and Gero Steimann and Pia Zollmann}, Title= {Berufliche Teilhabe nach einer medizinischen Rehabilitation aufgrund von Erkrankungen des Verdauungssystems. Repr{\"a}sentative Analysen auf Basis der Routinedaten der Deutschen Rentenversicherung}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {165-173}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Erkrankungen des Verdauungssystems wie Morbus Crohn (MC) oder Colitis Ulcerosa (CU) gehen mit Problemen in der beruflichen Teilhabe einher, machen aber nur einen kleinen Teil aller Rehabilitationsleistungen der Deutschen Rentenversicherung (DRV) aus. Die medizinische Rehabilitation ist eine gute Behandlungsoption, ihre Wirksamkeit hinsichtlich berufsbezogener Zielgrößen ist jedoch unklar. Ebenso liegen bislang keine repräsentativen Befunde zur Rückkehr in Arbeit nach einer gastroenterologischen Rehabilitation sowie zu relevanten Einflussfaktoren vor. Diese Lücke zu schließen ist Ziel der vorliegenden Analyse." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"Diseases of the digestive system such as Crohn's disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC) are associated with problems in occupational participation, but they only make up a very small part of all rehabilitation services provided by the German Pension Insurance. Rehabilitation is a very good treatment option, but its effectiveness is largely unclear. So far, several studies exist on the return to work after medical rehabilitation. However, representative findings and the relevant influencing factors are still lacking. This is the aim of the present analysis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: medizinische Rehabilitation; Rehabilitanden; berufliche Reintegration; chronische Krankheit; berufliche Integration; Berufsverlauf; Krankengeld; Leistungsbezug; Arbeitslosigkeit; Erwerbstätigkeit; Berufsausstieg; Erwerbsminderungsrente; Erwerbsquote; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2017-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1439}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230616ZLD}, } @Article{Struffolino:2023:RNP, Journal= {Journal of Family Research}, Volume= {35}, Author= {Emanuela Struffolino and Zachary Van Winkle}, Title= {Research note: The persistent risk of in-work poverty following the birth of a first, second, and third child across the life course}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {372-392}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Objective: The association between a first, second, and third childbirth and in-work poverty in the short- and medium-term were assessed across age groups in the US and Germany. Background: Previous research on in-work poverty has concentrated on structural and ascriptive characteristics, while family processes – especially childbirths – received less attention. This gap was filled by adopting a processual life course approach. Method: Longitudinal data from the US and Germany were applied to between-within random effects models to estimate within-individual change in the probability of in-work poverty up to six years following a first, second, and third childbirth across age groups. Results: First, second, and third birth were associated with an immediate increase in the probability of in-work poverty (up to 10 and 5 percentage points in the US and in Germany, respectively). Among US adults aged 30 and younger probabilities increased in the medium term (from 9 to 15 percentage points for a first, 6 to 15 for a second, and 9 to 18 for a third birth), but remained unchanged for older adults in the US and all adults in Germany. Conclusion: There was no recovery in risk of in-work poverty in the medium-term following childbirth in the US and Germany. Increasing the labor market participation of adult household members via more and low-cost childcare options remains crucial. However, higher levels of income support and child benefits may be needed to avoid poverty." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Armut; Niedrigeinkommen; Risiko; Elternschaft; Arbeitsmarktrisiko; junge Erwachsene; Eltern; Benachteiligte; Geburtenhäufigkeit; Kinderzahl; Schwangerschaft; Erwerbsunterbrechung; Beruf und Familie; internationaler Vergleich; Niedriglohn; Auswirkungen; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1970-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1259}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230531Y72}, } @Article{Sykes:2022:BLM, Journal= {The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science}, Volume= {701}, Number= {1}, Author= {Bryan L. Sykes and Meghan Ballard and Daniela Kaiser and Vicente Celestino Mata and J. Amanda Sharry and Justin Sola}, Title= {Barred: Labor Market Dynamics and Human Capital Development among People on Probation and Parole}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {28-45}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Obtaining employment is a major barrier to social reintegration for people on probation or parole. Research on the reentry process identifies several mechanisms that accentuate difficulties in locating work, including human capital development, structural changes in the labor market, and onerous probation and parole conditions. In this article, we review theories that explain low labor market participation rates among people reentering society, and we draw on multiple sources of data to identify the types of jobs that are available to people with low human capital. We find that nearly a quarter of people in America's state and federal prisons had permanently removed themselves from the formal labor market before their most recent arrest; however, exclusionary hiring practices in the formal labor market often push those carrying the stigma of a criminal record into underground or informal labor markets, where wage rates are markedly higher than the federal minimum wage. Our findings demonstrate that severe and chronic employment struggles often predate and follow incarceration. We provide a detailed discussion of policy reform proposals that could help to remedy this harmful dynamic." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Strafentlassene; berufliche Reintegration; berufliche Resozialisation; soziale Reintegration; Niedrigqualifizierte; Stigmatisierung; informeller Sektor; Straffällige; Straffälligkeit; Auswirkungen; Justiz; Arbeitsuche; Stereotyp; Beschäftigerverhalten; Schattenwirtschaft; Plattformökonomie; USA; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2285}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZG7}, } @Article{Tazhitdinova:2022:IHW, Journal= {American Economic Journal. Economic Policy}, Volume= {14}, Number= {1}, Author= {Alissa Tazhitdinova}, Title= {Increasing Hours Worked: Moonlighting Responses to a Large Tax Reform}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {473-500}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Moonlighting is increasingly popular in OECD countries, with 5 to 10 percent of workers holding two or more jobs. However, little is known about the responsiveness of moonlighting to financial incentives due to the lack of identifying variation. This paper studies a unique reform in Germany that allowed workers to hold small secondary jobs tax-free, decreasing the marginal tax rate by between 19.5 to 66 pp. I show that the reform resulted in a dramatic increase in moonlighting that was not offset by reductions in primary earnings and that hours constraints are a key determinant of moonlighting." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Auswirkungen; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; geringfügige Beschäftigung; Stichprobe der Integrierten Arbeitsmarktbiografien (SIAB); Mini-Job; Nebentätigkeit; Nebenverdienst; Reformpolitik; Steuerpolitik; Verteilungseffekte; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1999-2010}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: H24 ; H31 ; J22 ; J31 ; H20 ; J01}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2023}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230619ZMU}, } @Article{Trinh:2023:WDT, Journal= {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, Volume= {83}, Author= {Nhat An Trinh}, Title= {Why do trends in social fluidity at labour market entry and occupational maturity differ? Evidence from Germany and the UK}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 100746}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This study examines how intragenerational class mobility can lead to differing over-time trends in intergenerational class mobility depending on when class destination is measured in individuals' careers. Specifically, it tackles the puzzle why increases in social fluidity are observed when class destination is measured at labour market entry, while only trendless fluctuation is found when class destination is measured 15 years later in Germany and the UK. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (1984-2019) and the UK Household Longitudinal Survey (2009-2020) on respondents entering the labour market during the second half of the twentieth century, the analyses show that this divergence is driven by increases in 'counter mobility' that are subject to country-specific patterns. In the UK, rising counter mobility results from a growing proportion of individuals from salariat origins who enter the labour market in a lower class position but experience upward career mobility. In Germany, it is driven by a rising proportion of individuals from working class backgrounds who start their careers in a higher class but experience downward career mobility. No evidence for origin-specific changes in the relative importance of upward and downward career mobility is found. The results provide a strikingly similar picture for women and men in either country." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: soziale Klasse; Intergenerationsmobilität; Intragenerationsmobilität; internationaler Vergleich; beruflicher Aufstieg; beruflicher Abstieg; soziale Herkunft; berufliche Mobilität; Berufsverlauf; soziale Mobilität; soziale Ungleichheit; Auswirkungen; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1984-2020}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2109}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230620ZM3}, } @Article{VanHeuvelen:2023:TSI, Journal= {Social forces}, Volume= {101}, Number= {4}, Author= {Tom VanHeuvelen}, Title= {The Topography of Subnational Inequality}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1682-1711}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In this study, I examine inequality divergence, or the inequality of inequalities across local labor markets. While divergence trends of central tendencies such as per capita income have been well documented, less is known about the descriptive trends or contributing mechanisms for inequality itself. In this study, I construct wage inequality measures in 722 commuting zones covering the entire contiguous United States across 22 waves of Census and American Community Survey data from 1940 to 2019 to assess the historical trends of inequality divergence. I synthesize counterfactual and variance decomposition techniques to develop main conclusions. Results show two eras, one of convergence between 1950 and 1990, and divergence between 1990 and 2019, resulting in rates of divergence today as high as any time in the past 80 years. With a brief exception from 1990 to 2007, most changes occurred through the geographical mobility of wages across labor markets. In the 1950-1990 period, this primarily occurred through equalization of wages across regions and within the US South, while the takeoff of highly urban and unequal labor markets made a novel contribution to the 1990-2019 era. In total, results point to the fundamental importance of what I term the topography of inequality, or the contours of inequality levels across spatial locations and the change in the size and location of peaks and valleys across time, for understanding the full nature of long run inequality change." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: soziale Ungleichheit; regionaler Vergleich; regionale Disparität; Einkommensverteilung; Lohnunterschied; historische Entwicklung; Konvergenz; Lohnentwicklung; Einkommensentwicklung; regionaler Arbeitsmarkt; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1940-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 160}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230606ZDQ}, } @Article{Vosko:2023:PPD, Journal= {International Migration}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Leah F. Vosko}, Title= {Probationary precarity? Differential inclusion among post-graduation work permit-holders in Canada}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-19}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In high-income receiving states, educational visa-holders are routinely cast as beneficiaries of immigration systems prioritizing well-trained workers. Promising pathways to permanent residency, Canada's Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP), an expanding stream of its new International Mobility Program, is a case in point. Yet there is a dearth of scholarly analysis of program design and its effects on visa-holders. Addressing this lacuna, this article examines the PGWPP through a multi-method approach focusing on the interface between program requirements, distinctions between doors of entry with attention to criteria for accessing permanent residency, country of origin, and gender. Underlining the porosity of entry categories, contributing to multiple doors through which educational migrants must pass to secure permanent residency, it reveals that PGWP-holders experience 'probationary precarity' – a concept devised to capture labour market insecurities permit-holders endure." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Migranten; Bildungswanderung; Aufenthaltserlaubnis; Arbeitserlaubnis; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Hochschulabsolventen; Auslandsstudium; ausländische Studenten; soziale Ungleichheit; Herkunftsland; internationale Migration; Mobilitätsförderung; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; prekäre Beschäftigung; Einwanderer; Kanada; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2002-2022}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 453}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230614ZIE}, } @Article{Witte:2023:CSA, Journal= {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, Volume= {83}, Author= {Nils Witte and Nico Stawarz and Nicolai Netz}, Title= {Career start abroad: The implications of graduate migration for social inequality}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 100763}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Integrating research on school-to-work transitions, international migration, and social inequality, this article investigates the social stratification of international school-to-work transitions and their payoff. Existing research shows that spatial mobility can amplify social inequalities both through social selectivity in access to mobility and through heterogeneity in its labor market outcomes. Building on these findings, we investigate the social selectivity of international school-to-work transitions (ISWT) and the wage difference between ISWT and national school-to-work transitions (NSWT) among graduates from higher education institutions in Germany. Drawing on the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study and the DZHW Graduate Panel, we account for selection on observables through entropy balancing. Our analysis reveals that graduates from advantaged social origins are more likely to opt for ISWT than graduates from disadvantaged social origins. Furthermore, we find that ISWT are associated with higher wages than NSWT. Notably, the wage benefits of ISWT are relatively higher among graduates from disadvantaged social origins than among graduates from advantaged social origins. Whereas our findings regarding the social selectivity of ISWT are in line with the literature on the reproduction of social inequality through spatial mobility, our findings on the origin-specific returns to ISWT stand out inasmuch graduates from disadvantaged origins benefit relatively more." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Hochschulabsolventen; Berufseinmündung; internationale Migration; soziale Ungleichheit; Auswirkungen; Auslandstätigkeit; Lohnunterschied; soziale Herkunft; Einkommenseffekte; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2013-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2109}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230620ZNF}, } @Article{Zhao:2023:JDA, Journal= {Labour economics}, Volume= {81}, Author= {Yuejun Zhao}, Title= {Job displacement and the mental health of households: Burden sharing counteracts spillover}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 102340}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In this paper, I investigate the mental health effects of job displacement in 1-adult and 2-adult households. In a 1-adult household, if a worker loses a job unexpectedly, significant mental health deterioration can become manifest. In a 2-adult household, the deterioration may be less severe for the displaced worker due to burden and risk sharing with the partner. However, in this 2-adult household, there exists the additional risk of the partner's unemployment, which could be detrimental to the worker's mental health. I compare the overall burden in 1- and 2-adult households and find no statistically significant difference. This follows because the distress associated with the partner's displacement is offset by the lower distress upon own displacement. Regarding gender differences, I show that job displacement upsets male and female workers for different reasons and to different extents depending on partnership status. These results offer fresh insights into unemployment shocks, the crucial role of partner support, and how the gender gap in mental health can be linked to household structure." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsplatzverlust; Auswirkungen; Gesundheitsgefährdung; psychische Störung; Arbeitslosigkeitsbewältigung; Ehepartner; Familie; soziale Unterstützung; Rollenverhalten; Verhaltensänderung; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Beruf und Familie; Australien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2007-2019}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I12 ; J12 ; J64}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1120}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230525Y6M}, } @Article{Zubrickas:2023:RIE, Journal= {Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization}, Volume= {209}, Author= {Robertas Zubrickas}, Title= {The relative income effect and labor supply}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {176-184}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In the presence of relative income concerns, labor supply response is predicted to be smaller for individual wage change than for global wage change. This difference arises from the relative income effect, which in the case of global wage change is offset by changes in income distribution. We relate the predicted difference in labor supply response to the controversy about differences in micro and macro labor supply elasticities. The relative income effect can also account for a variety of empirical patterns of labor supply elasticity that could not be previously addressed within a single framework." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitskräfteangebot; Lohnelastizität; Lohnentwicklung; Auswirkungen; Bezugsgruppe; peer group; Modell; Einkommensverteilung; soziale Ungleichheit; Besteuerung; }, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J22 ; D91 ; E24}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 856}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230606ZDU}, } ************************************ 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************************ @Article{Althaber:2023:FSO, Journal= {Social Inclusion}, Volume= {11}, Number= {1}, Author= {Agnieszka Althaber and Kathrin Leuze and Ramona K{\"u}nzel}, Title= {Financial Solidarity or Autonomy? How Gendered Wealth and Income Inequalities Influence Couples' Money Management}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {187-199}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"It is well established that women have lower income and wealth levels than men. These inequalities are most pronounced within heterosexual couples and grow once partners get married and have children. Nevertheless, equality in controlling money within couples is highly valued and might ameliorate women's disadvantages in income and wealth ownership. Previous research has focused on explaining gender wealth inequalities at the household level; less is known about the possible consequences of these inequalities on how couples manage their money. In this article, we investigate how income and wealth inequalities among couples are associated with joint or independent money management. In theoretical terms, we perceive money management systems as representing two different norms of reciprocity within couples for buffering income and wealth inequalities between partners, depending on the transferability of resources and their institutional regulation. We apply pooled logistic regression models to data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study. Our findings confirm that income and wealth are relevant but have opposite associations with couples' money management strategies. While couples with unequal income constellations tend to pool their money, couples with unequal wealth constellations manage their money independently. Accordingly, couples seem to use labour income to buffer gender inequalities by sharing resources, thereby following the norm of partnership solidarity. In contrast, gender wealth inequalities are reproduced by keeping resources separate, thus representing the norm of financial autonomy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Haushaltseinkommen; Vermögen; Ehemänner; Ehefrauen; Ehepartner; soziale Ungleichheit; Einkommensunterschied; Einkommensverwendung; Entscheidung; Solidarität; autonomes Verhalten; soziale Beziehungen; Reziprozität; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2002-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1292}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230517Y2J}, } @Article{Beduek:2023:IPW, Journal= {Social Inclusion}, Volume= {11}, Number= {1}, Author= {Selçuk Bed{\"u}k}, Title= {Insured Privately? Wealth Stratification of Job Loss in the UK}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {135-147}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Job loss is a significant income shock that can lead to declines in living standards and satisfaction. Wealth can provide a key resource in stratifying the risk and the consequences of such an event. In this article, I examine the extent to which wealth stratified the experience of job loss in the UK from 1991 to 2008. I distinguish between different wealth groups using information on homeownership and home value of primary residency, and then study whether these groups face different risks and/or consequences of job loss. The results show that renters were a significantly disadvantaged group compared to homeowners during the observation period. Not only did they faced a significantly higher risk of job loss, they also experienced greater declines in earnings, household income, and life satisfaction, and larger increases in income poverty in the year of job loss. Among homeowners, the risk and consequences of job loss were similar. In a country like the UK with minimal public insurance for unemployment, homeownership appears to provide a significant source of stratification for job loss." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsplatzverlust; Auswirkungen; Lebensstandard; Lebenssituation; Zufriedenheit; Vermögen; Eigentum; Wohnsituation; Einkommenseffekte; Haushaltseinkommen; Armut; Arbeitslose; Arbeitsmarktrisiko; Soziale Sicherheit; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1991-2008}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1292}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230517Y2I}, } @Article{Blank:2023:TZT, Journal= {WSI-Mitteilungen}, Volume= {76}, Number= {3}, Author= {Florian Blank}, Title= {Tarifsozialpolitik – zwischen Tarifautonomie und sozialpolitischem Auftrag}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {194-201}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Der Beitrag behandelt tarifliche Regelungen zur sozialen Sicherung der Beschäftigten. Er gibt einen Überblick über die Thematik und stellt anhand von zwei Fallbeispielen das Zusammenspiel von Tarifsystem und staatlicher Regulierung dar. Beleuchtet werden das Kurzarbeitergeld und die betriebliche Altersversorgung, die beide in der Vergangenheit Gegenstand von neuen Tarifabschlüssen oder Anpassungen bestehender Tarifverträge waren, bei gleichzeitigen Reformen des rechtlichen Rahmens. Darauf aufbauend argumentiert der Autor, dass das deutsche System der Tarifsozialpolitik auf Probleme stößt, da staatliche Regulierungen die Bemühungen der Tarifparteien zwar rahmen und fördern sollen, sie aber nicht erzwingen. Angesichts von geringem oder unklarem Nutzen für die Tarifparteien ist die Tarifsozialpolitik damit durch eine hohe Selektivität bei relativ geringer Reichweite geprägt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"The article deals with collective agreements on welfare provision for employees. It provides an overview of the topic and presents two short examples dealing with short-time work and occupational pensions. Both policy fields were recently subject to new legislation but also witnessed new or amended collective agreements. These serve to illustrate the division of labour between state legislation and the efforts of trade unions and employers' associations. The author argues that the German system of welfare provision through collective agreements faces problems, as legislation enables and fosters activities of social partners, but does not enforce such activities. Given that the return of activities for employers' associations and trade unions is minimal or unclear, the system of welfare provision through collective agreements is signified by low coverage and high selectivity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Tarifpolitik; Sozialpolitik; Soziale Sicherheit; Tarifautonomie; Auswirkungen; abhängig Beschäftigte; soziale Ungleichheit; Regulierung; Tarifvertrag; Kurzarbeitergeld; Kurzarbeit; betriebliche Alterssicherung; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 086}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZIY}, } @Article{Bodi-Fernandez:2023:BJI, Journal= {{\"O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, Volume= {48}, Number= {1}, Author= {Otto Bodi-Fernandez and Karina Fernandez and Elisabeth Zehetner and Gudrun Quenzel and Martin Auferbauer}, Title= {Bildungsaspirationen Jugendlicher in {\"O}sterreich im Kontext sozialer und regionaler Ungleichheit}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {67-95}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Im Beitrag werden mittels Daten aus der Jugendstudie 'Lebenswelten' die Einflüsse sozialer und regionaler Ungleichheiten auf die Bildungsaspirationen Jugendlicher in Österreich analysiert. In der Erhebung wurden 14.432 Schülerinnen und Schüler in Österreich aus den Jahrgangsstufen 8 bis 10 zu ihren Lebenszielen, Einstellungen und Lebensbedingungen befragt. Als Ungleichheitsindikatoren dienen neben Stadt-Land-Vergleichen der sozioökonomische Status der Herkunftsfamilie, der Bildungshintergrund der Eltern und der sprachliche Hintergrund. Dabei zeigen sich enge Verflechtungen zwischen regionalen und sozialen Ungleichheiten, wobei beide Ungleichheitsdimensionen unabhängig voneinander Erklärungsanteile für unterschiedliche Bildungsaspirationen liefern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)}, Abstract= {"The article uses data from the youth study 'Lebenswelten' [life-worlds] to analyze the influence of social and regional inequalities on the educational aspirations of young people in Austria. In the survey, 14,432 pupils in Austria from grades 8 to 10 were asked about their goals in life, attitudes and living conditions. In addition to urban-rural comparisons, the socio-economic status of the family, the educational background of the parents and the language background serve as indicators of inequality. There are close links between regional and social inequalities, with both dimensions of inequality providing independent explanations for different educational aspirations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Bildungsmotivation; soziale Ungleichheit; regionale Disparität; Bildungschancengleichheit; Auswirkungen; Jugendliche; Bildungsniveau; Eltern; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Familie; Stadtregion; ländlicher Raum; Muttersprache; Schulwahl; Bildungsabschluss; regionaler Vergleich; Bildungsungleichheit; Österreich; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2020}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 593}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y4Y}, } @Article{Copeland:2023:PAS, Journal= {Transfer}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Paul Copeland}, Title= {Poverty and social exclusion in the EU: third-order priorities, hybrid governance and the future potential of the field}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-15}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU haben beschlossen, die Anzahl der von Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung bedrohten Menschen bis 2030 um 15 Millionen (darunter mindestens fünf Millionen Kinder) zu verringern. Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit diesem ambitionierten Ziel und analysiert die Positionierung dieses Bereichs in der EU-Governance-Hierarchie insgesamt sowie die Governance-Strukturen innerhalb des Bereichs. Der Bericht stellt fest, dass innerhalb der Governance-Strukturen insgesamt das Risiko, von Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung betroffen zu sein, vorrangig durch zwischenstaatliche Vereinbarungen verringert werden soll und in der EU nur eine drittrangige Priorität hat, hinter der wirtschaftlichen Integration als erstrangiger und der Beschäftigungspolitik als zweitrangiger Priorität. Inzwischen werden aktuell innerhalb dieses Bereichs vorhandene Governance-Strukturen geändert, um die Mitgliedstaaten zu eigenen Maßnahmen zu motivieren. Zwar ist dies eine signifikante Entwicklung, aber damit die EU insgesamt die Zahl der von Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung bedrohten Menschen verringern kann, muss diesem Bereich in Zukunft eine höhere Priorität als bisher zuerkannt werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"EU leaders have agreed to reduce the number of people who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion by 15 million (including at least five million children) by 2030. This article explores this ambitious target and analyses the positioning of the field throughout the EU's broader governance hierarchy, as well as the governance arrangements within the field. It finds that throughout such governance arrangements, the issue of being at risk of poverty or social exclusion is largely dealt with by intergovernmental agreements and is thereby a third-order priority for the EU, with economic integration first-order and employment policy second-order. Meanwhile, within the field EU governance arrangements are currently being transformed to further encourage the Member States to take action. While this is a significant development, the overall ability of the EU to reduce the number of those at risk of poverty or social exclusion requires the field to move beyond its current third-order status." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Armut; soziale Ausgrenzung; EU-Politik; Armutsbekämpfung; Governance; internationale Zusammenarbeit; europäische Integration; Hierarchie; Beschäftigungspolitik; Wirtschaftspolitik; europäische Sozialpolitik; Europäische Union; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1180}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230616ZK4}, } @Article{Crespy:2023:LIT, Journal= {Transfer}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Amandine Crespy and Mario Munta}, Title= {Lost in transition? Social justice and the politics of the EU green transition}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-17}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung zweier wichtiger Instrumente, des Fonds für einen gerechten Übergang und des Klima-Sozialfonds, schätzt der vorliegende Artikel ein, in welchem Ausmaß das Versprechen der EU auf einen 'gerechten Übergang' das Potenzial hat, bei der Umsetzung des europäischen Grünen Deals mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit zu fördern. Wir analysieren die damit verbundenen Zielsetzungen, politischen Werkzeuge und politischen Konfliktmuster und stellen fest, dass beide Fonds in dieser Hinsicht nur wenig ausgeprägte Ziele ausweisen, die in einer reaktiven Logik verankert sind und bereits vorhandene Initiativen für Sozialinvestitionen ergänzen. Schwerpunkt sind dabei Umschulung und Weiterqualifizierung von Beschäftigten, die durch die Umstellung auf eine emissionsarme Wirtschaft betroffen sind. Beide Instrumente beruhen auf mehrstufigen Investitionen in grünes Wachstum, verbunden mit zielgerichteten Ausgleichszahlungen für besonders schutzbedürftige Gruppen. Wir meinen, dass diese Maßnahmen nicht für einen gerechten Übergang geeignet sind, der die sich überschneidenden sozialen und ökologischen Probleme in ganzheitlicher Weise bewältigen kann. Letztlich bergen die erkennbaren politischen Konfliktlinien die Gefahr, dass die Maßnahmen der EU in Zukunft nicht ausreichen werden, um die verschärften Ungleichheiten zu beseitigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"Focusing on two key instruments, the Just Transition Fund and the Social Climate Fund, this article assesses to what extent the EU's pledge for a 'just transition' has the potential to foster greater social justice while implementing the European Green Deal. We analyse the related objectives, policy tools and patterns of political conflict and find that both Funds have narrow objectives anchored in a reactive logic complementing existing social investment initiatives with a focus on reskilling the workforce hit by decarbonisation. Both instruments rely on multi-level investment aiming to generate green growth, combined with targeted compensation for the more vulnerable. This, we argue, is not conducive to a just transition that addresses the intersection of environmental and social problems in a holistic way. Finally, various political fault lines pose the threat that EU action will be insufficient to tackle exacerbated inequalities in the future." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Europäische Union; Klimaschutz; soziale Gerechtigkeit; Sozialverträglichkeit; Umweltpolitik; Dekarbonisierung; Weiterbildungsförderung; Wirtschaftswachstum; Umweltverträglichkeit; nachhaltige Entwicklung; europäische Sozialpolitik; Sozialinvestitionen; EU-Politik; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1180}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230616ZK5}, } @Article{Eder:2023:NFE, Journal= {{\"O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, Volume= {48}, Number= {1}, Author= {Anja Eder and Franz H{\"o}llinger}, Title= {Notions of fair earnings for high-Status and low-status professions}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {37-51}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In den heutigen europäischen Gesellschaften beruhen Vorstellungen von Lohngerechtigkeit einerseits auf dem meritokratischen Prinzip, demnach Menschen, die in ihrem Job mehr leisten, mehr verdienen sollten; andererseits sind diese Vorstellungen von historisch gewachsenen Ideen sozialer Gerechtigkeit geprägt, die sich von Land zu Land unterscheiden. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersuchen wir, welche Lohnunterschiede zwischen Berufen mit hohem Status (Manager*innen, Minister*innen, Mediziner*innen) und solchen mit niedrigem Status (Verkäufer*innen, ungelernte Arbeiter*innen) von der Bevölkerung in 14 west- und osteuropäischen Ländern als gerecht angesehen werden. Die Analysen beruhen auf Umfragedaten des International Social Survey Programme. Ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse für 2009 und 2019 zeigt auch, ob sich die Vorstellungen zur Lohngerechtigkeit zwischen den Berufsgruppen in einer Zeit zunehmender sozialer Ungleichheit und prekärer Arbeitsbedingungen verändert haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)}, Abstract= {"In contemporary European societies, notions of earnings justice are based on the one hand, on the meritocratic principle, that people who perform better in their job should earn more; on the other hand, these notions are shaped by historically grown ideas of social justice which differ between countries. Against this backdrop, we examine what earnings gaps between high-status occupations (managers, cabinet ministers, doctors) and low-status jobs (shop assistants, unskilled workers) are considered as fair by the population of 14 Western and Eastern European countries. Analyses are based on survey data from the International Social Survey Programme. Comparing results for 2009 and 2019, we also analyze, whether notions of legitimate differences in earnings between occupational groups changed, in a period of increasing social inequality and precarious working conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: soziale Ungleichheit; soziale Gerechtigkeit; gesellschaftliche Einstellungen; Lohnunterschied; Berufsgruppe; sozialer Status; internationaler Vergleich; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Dänemark; Island; Finnland; Großbritannien; Schweiz; Österreich; Italien; Tschechische Republik; Slowenien; Kroatien; Bulgarien; Litauen; Russland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2009-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1976}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y4U}, } @Article{Eleveld:2023:ANT, Journal= {Social Policy and Society}, Volume= {22}, Number= {2}, Author= {Anja Eleveld}, Title= {Applying Neo-Republican Theory to Welfare to Work Practices: Rules and Arbitrary Power in Mandatory Work Programmes in the Netherlands}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {267-281}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Drawing on the neo-republican theory of non-domination and a qualitative case study conducted in three Dutch municipalities, this article explores the extent to which external rules are able to prevent arbitrary power in relationships between welfare officers and work supervisors, on the one hand, and welfare recipients participating in mandatory work programmes, on the other hand. It concludes that external rules were insufficiently implemented in the three municipalities in question. In addition, it found that rules cease to be capable of constraining arbitrary power where institutional contexts themselves are unpredictable and insecure. Under these conditions, welfare recipients may seek to avoid risks and act in accordance with the preferences (or their expectation of the preferences) of the welfare officer or work supervisor by playing the role of the 'good recipient' instead of relying on available rules of a protective nature or rules that enable them to have a say in their participation in mandatory work programmes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: aktivierende Sozialpolitik; Workfare; politische Theorie; Case Management; Macht; Sozialhilfeempfänger; Sozialverwaltung; Arbeitsverwaltung; Regulierung; institutionelle Faktoren; Mitbestimmung; Interaktion; Sanktion; Selbstbestimmung; Niederlande; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2017-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1976}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y4S}, } @Article{Globisch:2012:SSS, Journal= {{\"O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, Volume= {37}, Number= {Suppl 1}, Author= {Claudia Globisch}, Title= {Strukturwandel sozialpolitischer Steuerung}, Year= {2012}, Pages= {133-154}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Der Beitrag nimmt die Reformen des SGBII unter einer modernisierungstheoretischen Perspektive auf Grundlage der historisch-genetischen Theorie in den Blick. Es wird argumentiert, dass mit der Reform des Sozialgesetzbuches II im Jahre 2005 ein Strukturwandel der Sozialpolitik vollzogen wurde, der mit Autonomieverlusten von Subjekten einhergeht und das in der Forschung bereits empirisch widerlegte Armutsfallentheorem reproduziert. Die neue Dimension der Sozialpolitik besteht in einem Autonomieabbau in Form von Planungshorizontverkürzungen und Entrechtlichungstendenzen sowie einer weitere Verkopplung von Arbeiten und Essen. Damit wird die Möglichkeit autonomer 'eigensinniger' Handlungen durch Sozialpolitik abgeschafft. Das bedeutet, dass die Konstitutionsbedingung von Sozialpolitik, der Selbstgestaltungsgedanke, unterlaufen wird und Sozialpolitik hinter die funktionalen Errungenschaften der Moderne zurückfällt. Dieser Argumentation liegt eine Semantikanalyse der Reformen innerhalb zweier Funktionssysteme der Gesellschaft, Recht und Politik, zugrunde." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)}, Abstract= {"This article focuses, from the vantage point of modernization theory, on the reforms of the Code of Social Law II (Sozialgesetzbuch II) in Germany. Its argumentation is based on the historico-genetic theory. The argument is that the reforms of SGB II in the year 2005 implement a structural change within social policy that is based on the loss of autonomy of its subjects and reproduce the 'theoreme of the poverty trap' (Armutsfallentheorem), which has already been refuted empirically. The new dimension of social policy lies in a downsizing of autonomy based on a cut of planning horizons and of individual rights as well as on a reinforced connection of employment and food. The possibility of autonomous action gets lost. That means that the constitutive condition of social policy, the idea that people shape their own lives, is undermined and social policy is regressing behind the functional achievements of modernity. The argumentation is based on a semantic analysis of the reforms within two functional systems of society, law and politics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Sozialgesetzbuch II; Reformpolitik; Strukturwandel; Aktivierung; Hartz-Reform; Auswirkungen; Selbstbestimmungsrecht; Individuum; Handlungsspielraum; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Semantik; Arbeitsgelegenheit; Zumutbarkeitsregelung; Bundessozialhilfegesetz; Selbstverantwortung; Sozialpolitik; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 593}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZGN}, } @Article{Grand:2023:DAH, Journal= {{\"O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, Volume= {48}, Number= {1}, Author= {Peter Grand and Marcel Fink and Guido Tiemann}, Title= {Deservingness als Heuristik oder als Automatismus?}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {11-36}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Subjektorientierte Ansätze erklären die Einstellungen der Bürger:innen zum Sozialstaat durch ihre individuellen Eigenschaften, Präferenzen und Werte. Diese klassische Perspektive wird zunehmend um objektorientierte Erklärungen erweitert, die bei den Eigenschaften und Charakteristiken von Leistungsempfänger:innen ansetzen. Das Stichwort Deservingness zielt darauf, welchen Individuen mit welcher Begründung Ansprüche auf sozialstaatliche Leistungen anerkannt und gewährt werden sollen. Dieser Beitrag basiert auf einem Umfrageexperiment, das 2016/17 als Teil des 'European Social Survey' (ESS-8) durchgeführt wurde. Den Befragten wird zufällig eine von vier Vignetten zugewiesen, die eine arbeitslose Person beschreibt, die Unterstützungsleistungen bezieht, jedoch aus drei verschiedenen Gründen ein Arbeitsangebot ausschlägt; als Reaktion auf dieses Treatment werden die Proband:innen gebeten, abgestufte Sanktionen für dieses Verhalten festzulegen. Zudem werden demografische Eigenschaften und politische Präferenzen als Kontroll- und/oder Moderatorvariablen berücksichtigt. Die Analysen des vielfältigen Datenmaterials aus 23 europäischen Staaten legen nahe, dass Deservingness eher als ein kontextunabhängiger Automatismus denn als eine individual- und kontextspezifische Heuristik funktioniert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)}, Abstract= {"Previous contributions have cogently addressed the effect of individual-specific and context-related features, preferences, and values on welfare attitudes. Imminent studies have also reviewed their collective impact on the construction and reform of social security systems. This article proceeds from subject- to object-related arguments and explores the effect, robustness, and stability of deservingness attributions on the willingness to enforce active labor market policies. We utilize a comprehensive survey experiment embedded with the European Social Survey (Round 8, fieldwork in 2016/17). Across twenty-three different countries, respondents were randomly assigned vignettes that characterize diverse levels of control, need, and reciprocity of benefit claimants. The empirical findings demonstrate that deservingness cues provide consistent and robust causal effects on the willingness to enforce active labor market policies. These findings are of scientific and political relevance because they enable self-interested political actors to frame benefit claimants and thus to impact political opinion on the welfare state more directly." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitslosenunterstützung; Wohlfahrtsstaat; gesellschaftliche Einstellungen; Leistungsanspruch; soziale Gerechtigkeit; Arbeitslosigkeitsbewältigung; Leistungsempfänger; Bedürftigkeit; Sanktion; Europäische Union; internationaler Vergleich; öffentliche Meinung; Arbeitslose; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2017-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 593}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y4V}, } @Article{Guzi:2021:WEI, Journal= {Migration Studies}, Volume= {9}, Number= {4}, Author= {Martin Guzi and Martin Kahanec and Lucia Mýtna Kureková}, Title= {What explains immigrant-native gaps in European labor markets: The role of institutions}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {1823-1856}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The understanding of how institutional and policy contexts affect immigrant integration is essential for any effort to foster a sustainable and effective migration and integration policy framework. Immigrant-native labor market gaps may arise not only due to differences in human capital or other socio-economic and demographic characteristics, but also due to differentiated impacts of institutions and policies on otherwise similar immigrants and natives. Different integration policy approaches are needed to close the gaps arising through these different mechanisms. This article exploits the variation across Europe to study the institutional and policy determinants of immigrant-native gaps in host labor markets. Using the EU Labor Force Survey as the primary source of data and a novel analytical approach, we study immigrant-native gaps in labor force participation, unemployment, low-skilled employment, and temporary employment and measure the contribution of institutional and policy contexts to the part of these gaps that cannot be explained by immigrant-native differences in characteristics. Our findings confirm that institutional and policy contexts play a significant role in immigrant integration and highlight the importance of tailoring policy approaches with regard to the causes of immigrant-native gaps." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Lohnunterschied; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Inländer; institutionelle Faktoren; Bildungssystem; Arbeitsmarkt; Gütermarkt; Regulierung; Sozialstaat; internationaler Vergleich; Europäische Union; berufliche Integration; Erwerbsquote; Arbeitslosenquote; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Belgien; Dänemark; Estland; Finnland; Frankreich; Griechenland; Irland; Italien; Lettland; Litauen; Luxemburg; Niederlande; Österreich; Portugal; Schweden; Slowakei; Spanien; Tschechische Republik; Ungarn; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2004-2016}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2221}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230614ZIR}, } @Article{Klein:2022:AAI, Journal= {Social Inclusion}, Volume= {10}, Number= {2}, Author= {Jerusha Klein and Katja Driesel-Lange and Svenja Ohlemann}, Title= {Are Adolescents in One-Parent Families a Previously Unnoticed Group in Inclusive Career Guidance?}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {278-289}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In Germany, schools are largely responsible for adolescents' career development. Corresponding interventions in career guidance must take into account various endogenous and exogenous factors of individualized development to foster successful post-school transitions. Parents, in particular, are one of the most significant influencing factors when it comes to shaping after-school plans usually having a highly positive effect along with teacher support. Children in one-parent families constitute a group that has received little attention so far in the context of career guidance analysis. They are at a higher risk of social decline into precarious circumstances and of living in families with lower education levels as well as less parental care time. In addition, one-parent families more often report that they are unable to adequately support their children concerning career development, ultimately impacting the children's post-school transition. Based on the theoretical model of career competence, a sample from eight German schools (N = 1998) is used to investigate to what extent adolescents in one-parent families differ from their peers in other family compositions regarding both support and development of career competence. Each school's location and teacher support are included in the calculations. This study shows that adolescents in one-parent families display below-average levels concerning three of the analysed facets (occupational knowledge, exploration, and self-regulation)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufswahl; Berufswahlverhalten; Sekundarbereich; Schüler; Jugendliche; junge Erwachsene; soziale Unterstützung; soziale Herkunft; unvollständige Familie; Lehrer; Ausbildungsberatung; Ausbildungsmotivation; Adoleszenz; Berufswahlreife; Auswirkungen; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Nordrhein-Westfalen; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2019-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1292}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230517Y13}, } @Article{Kracke:2021:SCA, Journal= {Journal of International Migration and Integration}, Volume= {22}, Number= {4}, Author= {Nancy Kracke and Christina Klug}, Title= {Social Capital and Its Effect on Labour Market (Mis)match: Migrants' Overqualification in Germany}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {1573-1598}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"If a person is overqualified in the sense that an employee's level of training exceeds the job requirements, then some human capital lies idle and cannot be converted into appropriate (monetary and non-monetary) returns. Migrants are particularly at risk of being overqualified in their employment; however, this phenomenon cannot be fully explained by differences in human capital or socio-economic characteristics. This paper examines whether social capital plays a decisive role in migrants' risk of overqualification in Germany. Using data from the German IAB-SOEP Migration Sample, we analyse the job search process of migrants to determine whether social networks influence their risk of being employed below their acquired educational level. We estimate logistic regression models and find that social capital influences the adequacy of migrants' jobs: We show that migrants are at a greater risk of overqualification if they use only informal job search strategies such as relying on friends or family members. Moreover, we find that homophilous migrant networks and jobs in employment niches are risk factors for overqualification. We conclude that the combination of informal job search modes and homophilous migrant networks leads to a comparably high risk for migrants of being overqualified in their employment in the German labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einwanderer; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; berufliche Integration; Sozialkapital; Arbeitsuche; Arbeitsuchende; soziales Netzwerk; soziale Unterstützung; informelle Kommunikation; Risiko; mismatch; Überqualifikation; IAB-SOEP-Migrationsstichprobe; Auswirkungen; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2012-2014}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2415}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZJ2}, } @Article{Miyamoto:2021:MLU, Journal= {IZA Journal of Labor Policy}, Volume= {11}, Author= {Hiroaki Miyamoto and Nujin Suphaphiphat}, Title= {Mitigating Long-term Unemployment in Europe}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {Art. 3}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"While unemployment rates in Europe declined after the global financial crisis until 2018/2019, the incidence of long-term unemployment, the share of people who have been unemployed for >1 year to the total unemployed, remained high. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic could aggravate the long-term unemployment. This paper explores the factors associated with longterm unemployment in European countries using a panel of 25 European countries over the period 2000-2018. We find that skill mismatches, labor market matching efficiency, and labor market policies are associated with the incidence of long-term unemployment. Among the different types of active labor market policies, training and startup incentives are found to be effective in reducing long-term unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Effizienz; Förderung; Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung; internationaler Vergleich; Konjunkturabhängigkeit; Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit; matching; mismatch; Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung; Unternehmensgründung; Ursache; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Weiterbildungsförderung; Europa; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2000-2018}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J68 ; J64 ; E24}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2180}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZKH}, } @Article{Movahed:2023:VCA, Journal= {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Masoud Movahed}, Title= {Varieties of capitalism and income inequality}, Year= {2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Why do countries diverge significantly in the levels of income inequality across the Global North? Most scholars believe that the answer lies in the ways that economic resources are organized through institutions. Drawing on a country-level, longitudinal dataset from 1985 to 2016 matched with three other data sources, the author explains how and to what extent institutions matter for income inequality across the ?varieties of capitalism.? To sort countries based on their institutional similarities, the author conducts cluster analysis and examines the extent to which institutions predict variation in the levels of income inequality, both cross-nationally and within each cluster of countries. In cross-national, panel data regressions, strong evidence is presented that labor market interventions such as vocational rehabilitation programs as well as characteristics of corporate governance are important determinants of income inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einkommensverteilung; soziale Ungleichheit; internationaler Vergleich; institutionelle Faktoren; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Wirtschaftspolitik; Auswirkungen; berufliche Rehabilitation; Behinderte; öffentliche Ausgaben; Aktiengesellschaft; Quote; OECD; Marktwirtschaft; Typologie; Tarifverhandlungen; Kündigungsschutz; Innovationspolitik; Bildungspolitik; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1985-2016}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2288}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZEV}, } @Article{Muehlboeck:2022:SDY, Journal= {Social Inclusion}, Volume= {10}, Number= {2}, Author= {Monika M{\"u}hlb{\"o}ck and Fabian Kalleitner and Nadia Steiber and Bernhard Kittel}, Title= {Scarring Dreams? Young People's Vocational Aspirations and Expectations During and After Unemployment}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {252-264}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Young people's early-career unemployment experience has been found to have long-lasting effects, resulting in lower earnings even decades later. However, while this so'called 'scarring effect' is well established, there is still little knowledge about the mechanisms through which it comes about. We take a closer look at the period that produces the wounds that later turn to scars. Drawing on a panel survey in which young adults in Austria were interviewed once at the beginning of an unemployment period and again one year later, we study how job aspirations and expectations changed during this period. We find that respondents on average lowered their aspirations and expectations over time, particularly those who experienced latent deprivation during unemployment. Furthermore, while the aspirations and expectations of those who were unemployed at the time of the second interview remained relatively unchanged, those who were employed lowered their expectations and to some extent also their aspirations. Our results suggest that research should pay more attention to the heterogenous effects of early-career unemployment: It produces scarred dreams for some while others manage to keep their aspirations and expectations alive." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: arbeitslose Jugendliche; Arbeitslose; junge Erwachsene; NEET; Arbeitslosigkeit; Auswirkungen; Frustration; Einstellungsänderung; Ausbildungswunsch; Berufsausbildung; Erwartung; Berufserwartungen; Berufswunsch; berufliche Reintegration; Wien; Österreich; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2014-2015}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1292}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230517Y11}, } @Article{Neises:2023:JZA, Journal= {Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis}, Volume= {52}, Number= {2}, Author= {Frank Neises and Ulrich Wei{\"ss}}, Title= {Jugend zwischen Aufbruch und Stagnation}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {40-43}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Vor der konkreten Berufswahl entsteht bei vielen Jugendlichen erstmals das Gefühl, für das eigene Leben verantwortlich zu sein. Der Beitrag schlägt das Konzept der erwerbsbiografischen Selbstverantwortung als eine der konkreten Berufswahl vorgängige Orientierungsleistung vor, um diese Herausforderung theoretisch zu fassen. Es werden Kriterien pädagogischen Handelns zur Entwicklung erwerbsbiografischer Selbstverantwortung formuliert und es wird beispielhaft gezeigt, wie digitale Angebote im Sinne einer tragfähigen pädagogischen Beziehung im Übergang genutzt werden können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © W. Bertelsmann Verlag)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Jugendliche; Berufswahl; Selbstverantwortung; Berufsverlauf; Selbstbestimmung; autonomes Verhalten; soziale Anerkennung; Handlungsfähigkeit; Berufsorientierung; sozialpädagogische Betreuung; EDV-Anwendung; Lernplattform; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 494}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y48}, } @Article{NgIrene:2023:ICD, Journal= {Social Policy and Society}, Volume= {22}, Number= {2}, Author= {Irene Y. H. Ng and Jian Qi Tan and Mathews Mathew and Kong Weng Ho and Yi Ting Ting}, Title= {The Importance of Considering Debt and Young Children in Activation: A Survival Analysis of Return to Welfare}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {299-314}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"While there has been much research on welfare exit and entry into employment, less research has looked at return to government assistance. Applying survival analysis on data from a national government assistance programme in Singapore, we found two important factors of welfare return to which activation programmes need to pay greater attention. First, return was more likely if former beneficiaries accumulated a higher number of types of arrears rather than higher dollar values of arrears. This new finding contributes to the emerging literature on bandwidth tax, and suggests the importance of designing programmes that relieve mental accounting due to debt and poverty. Second, return was more likely if respondents had an infant or toddler child. This points to the importance of a range of support policies including affordable and accessible childcare, exemption from work requirement in receipt of welfare, and family leave for low-wage workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Sozialhilfe; Zu- und Abgänge; aktivierende Sozialpolitik; Auswirkungen; Verschuldung; Mütter; Väter; Sozialhilfeempfänger; Aktivierung; Geringverdiener; Familie; Niedrigeinkommen; Schuldnerberatung; Familienpolitik; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; Singapur; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2010-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1976}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y4T}, } @Article{Nowakowski:2023:SON, Journal= {Social Inclusion}, Volume= {11}, Number= {1}, Author= {Alexandra C. H. Nowakowski}, Title= {Same Old New Normal: The Ableist Fallacy of 'Post-Pandemic' Work}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {16-25}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has catalyzed long-needed changes in accessibility and flexibility for work tasks. Disabled and chronically ill people have often experienced unprecedented inclusion during this time. As someone who is both disabled and chronically ill, I have experienced this firsthand. My work as a medical educator, public health program evaluator, and community advocate has been more accessible in recent months than at any prior time. As the pandemic escalated in early 2020, people readily embraced a 'new normal' that would allow them to sustain their own livelihoods while staying as safe as possible. Yet even as Covid-19 cases increase sharply both locally and nationally with the spread of the Delta virus variant, many abled people from both my institution and others increasingly demand a return to pre-pandemic practices. The 'normal' state for which abled individuals ardently long violates the basic human rights of disabled and chronically ill people. This desire for 'normalcy' is fueled by false notions of the pandemic being over. It remains preferred by many for the sake of their own comfort-even though sustaining the inclusive approaches to collaboration introduced during the pandemic often requires little effort and offers advantages for abled people as well. This experiential piece describes ableist implications of seeking 'post-pandemic' work environments-and how these constitute 'generic processes' in the reproduction of ableism-using both oral history from the author and emerging literature from fellow scholars. In response, it recommends inclusive strategies for anti-ableist work collaboration that achieve justice in accessibility while fostering a welcome sense of normalcy for all." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Pandemie; Behinderte; Behinderung; Behinderungsbewältigung; chronische Krankheit; Inklusion; Barrierefreiheit; soziale Ungleichheit; Telearbeit; Risiko; soziale Ausgrenzung; Persistenz; Auswirkungen; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1292}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230517Y1Z}, } @Article{Pignatti:2021:BTA, Journal= {IZA journal of development and migration}, Volume= {12}, Number= {1}, Author= {Clemente Pignatti and Eva van Belle}, Title= {Better together: Active and passive labor market policies in developed and developing economies}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {Art. 9}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We investigate the macroeconomic impact of public expenditure in active labor market policies (ALMPs) and passive labor market policies (PLMPs) on main employment indicators (i.e., unemployment, employment, and labor force participation) for a large and novel panel database of 121 countries (36 developed, 64 emerging and 21 developing economies). Compared to previous studies, we include for the first time evidence from developing and emerging economies and explicitly examine the possible presence of complementarities between active and passive policies. We find that the interaction between interventions is crucial, as the effect of spending in either of the two policies is more favorable the more is spent on the other. Even the detrimental labor market effects of passive policies disappear on the condition that sufficient amounts are spent on active interventions. This complementarity seems even more important for emerging and developing economies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsmarktpolitik; aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Beschäftigungseffekte; Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung; Arbeitslosenquote; Erwerbsquote; internationaler Vergleich; Industrieländer; Schwellenländer; Entwicklungsländer; Auswirkungen; Welt; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1985-2016}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: O10 ; E24 ; J08}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2178}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZGE}, } @Article{Rapp:2023:WAW, Journal= {Social Inclusion}, Volume= {11}, Number= {1}, Author= {Severin Rapp and Stefan Humer}, Title= {Wealth and Welfare: Do Private and Public Safety Nets Compensate for Asset Poverty?}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {176-186}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Economic shocks test the resilience of families around the world. Lockdowns, extended periods of unemployment, and inflation challenge the capabilities of private households to maintain their living standards whilst keeping their budgets in balance. Asset poverty is a concept invoked frequently to measure the capacity of private households to mitigate income loss by relying exclusively on their savings. In contrast to conventional asset poverty measures, we quantify the combined cushioning effect of private and public safety nets. Highlighting the importance of public safety nets and familial networks, this article devises a modified concept of asset poverty: Rather than purely simulating a household's asset decumulation without replacement income, the modified indicator accounts for replacement income in a static setting. The empirical assessment of modified asset poverty in Europe and America combines harmonised microdata on household finances with simulations of institutional rules set by social insurance systems. Our results reveal how differences in social relations and institutional rules shape cross-country variation in the vulnerability of private households. We find that, in contrast to the US, where the asset poverty of families is particularly low, households in most European countries are less vulnerable because generous social security systems coexist with low private assets. However, in some European countries, benefit generosity decreases the longer income losses last, exposing time dynamics in vulnerability. Complementing social insurance mechanisms, in countries such as Greece, households are more likely to receive financial support from family or friends. Cross-national heterogeneity in vulnerability suggests that a shock may have different implications across countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Familieneinkommen; soziale Deprivation; Armut; Armutsbewältigung; individuelle Wohlfahrt; Soziale Sicherheit; soziale Unterstützung; Familie; Sozialstaat; internationaler Vergleich; institutionelle Faktoren; Sozialversicherung; soziales Netzwerk; OECD; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Österreich; Belgien; Estland; Finnland; Griechenland; Ungarn; Italien; Lettland; Litauen; Luxemburg; Niederlande; Polen; Portugal; Slowakei; Slowenien; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2016-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1292}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230517Y2K}, } @Article{Rickne:2021:WCM, Journal= {IZA Journal of Labor Policy}, Volume= {11}, Author= {Johanna Rickne}, Title= {Who cleans my house if the government pays? Refugees, low-educated workers, and long-term unemployed in tax-subsidized domestic service firms}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {Art. 1}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Many European countries have implemented policies to revive their domestic service sectors. A common goal of these reforms has been to create employment for disadvantaged groups on the domestic labor market. I evaluate a Swedish policy where domestic service firms receive a 50% tax deduction on labor costs. Detailed data from tax records identify all formal workers and owners of firms that receive deductions. I describe the composition of workers and owners in these firms with respect to three groups targeted by Swedish policymakers: refugees, people with low education, and people who enter the workforce from long-term unemployment. I find that the shares of refugees and long-term unemployed in the subsidized sector barely exceed the shares in the full private labor force, and fall far below the shares in industrial sectors with a predominance of elementary jobs. The share of people with low education is higher than in the full private sector and on par with other low-skilled sectors. I conclude that the tax subsidy largely failed to improve employment opportunities among the target groups. An extended analysis suggests that labor immigration from other EU countries may be a partial explanation for this. EU immigrants operate half of all subsidized firms in Sweden's largest cities and nearly exclusively employ other EU immigrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: private Haushalte; Dienstleistungsarbeit; Hausarbeit; Lohnkostenzuschuss; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; Beschäftigungsförderung; Benachteiligtenförderung; Steuerentlastung; Dienstleistungsbereich; Geflüchtete; Niedrigqualifizierte; Langzeitarbeitslose; Beschäftigtenstruktur; Reinigungsberufe; Subventionspolitik; private Dienstleistungen; Schweden; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2010-2015}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J61 ; J23 ; J21 ; H20}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2180}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZKG}, } @Article{Seibel:2021:WDM, Journal= {Journal of International Migration and Integration}, Volume= {22}, Number= {3}, Author= {Verena Seibel}, Title= {What Do Migrants Know About Their Childcare Rights? A First Exploration in West Germany}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {1181-1202}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Although an increasing number of studies emphasise migrants' lack of knowledge about their childcare rights as a crucial barrier to their childcare usage, almost none examines the conditions under which migrant families acquire this knowledge. This study contributes to the literature by exploring potential individual factors determining migrant families' knowledge about their childcare rights in Germany. I use unique data collected through the project Migrants' Welfare State Attitudes (MIFARE), in which nine different migrant groups in Germany were surveyed about their relation to the welfare state, including childcare. Analysing a total sample of 623 migrants living with children in their household and by using logistic regression analyses, I find that human and social capital play significant roles in explaining migrants' knowledge about their childcare rights. Migrants who speak the host language sufficiently are more likely to know about their childcare rights; however, it does not matter whether migrants are lower or higher educated. Moreover, I observe that migrants benefit from their co-ethnic relations only if childcare usage is high among their ethnic group. Based on these results, policy recommendations are discussed in order to increase migrants' knowledge about their childcare rights in Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einwanderer; Kinderbetreuung; Informationsbedarf; Rechtsanspruch; Wohlfahrtsstaat; Determinanten; Sozialkapital; Sprachkenntnisse; soziales Netzwerk; Sozialrecht; Bildungsniveau; Eltern; Wissenstransfer; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Westdeutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2015-2016}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2415}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZJZ}, } @Article{Taylor:2022:PTV, Journal= {The international journal of sociology and social policy}, Volume= {43}, Number= {5/6}, Author= {Abigail Taylor and Anne Green and Rosie Gloster and George Bramley}, Title= {Physical to virtual: challenges and opportunities for a neighbourhood-based employment support initiative}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {491-506}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Purpose: This paper aims to explore challenges and opportunities of shifting from physical to virtual employment support delivery prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic. It investigates associated changes in the nature and balance of support and implications for beneficiary engagement with programmes and job search. Design/methodology/approach:: The study draws on longitudinal interviews conducted with beneficiaries and delivery providers from a neighbourhood-based employment support initiative in an English region with a strong manufacturing heritage between 2019 and 2021. The initiative established prior to the Covid-19 pandemic involved a strong physical presence locally but switched to virtual delivery during Covid-19 lockdowns. Findings:: Moving long-term to an entirely virtual model would likely benefit some beneficiaries closer to or already in employment. Conversely, others, particularly lone parents, those further from employment, some older people and those without computer/Internet access and/or digital skills are likely to struggle to navigate virtual systems. The study emphasises the importance of blending the benefits of virtual delivery with aspects of place-based physical support. Originality/value:: Previous studies of neighbourhood-based employment policies indicate the benefits of localised face-to-face support for transforming communities. These were conducted prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and the more widespread growth of virtual employment support. This study fills a gap regarding understanding the challenges and opportunities for different groups of beneficiaries when opportunities for physical encounters decline abruptly and support moves virtually." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Pandemie; Auswirkungen; Beschäftigungsförderung; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; Arbeitsberatung; online; soziale Ungleichheit; schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose; Benachteiligte; strukturschwache Räume; Regionalpolitik; Nachbarschaft; lernende Region; Großbritannien; England; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2019-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 450}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y5B}, } @Article{Wiesboeck:2023:SEZ, Journal= {{\"O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, Volume= {48}, Number= {1}, Author= {Laura Wiesb{\"o}ck and Roland Verwiebe}, Title= {Sind Einkommensunterschiede zu gro{\"ss}? Eine Analyse von Einstellungen in der {\"o}sterreichischen Bev{\"o}lkerung}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {53-66}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Im Zentrum dieser Forschungsnotiz steht die Frage nach der Bewertung von Einkommensungleichheit in der österreichischen Gegenwartsgesellschaft. Anhand von ISSP- und SSÖ-Daten können unsere Analysen diesbezüglich zeigen, dass Einkommensungleichheit von einer großen Mehrheit aktuell als zu hoch wahrgenommen wird. Zudem sehen die Menschen in Österreich sehr häufig den Staat in der Verantwortung Einkommensungleichheit abzubauen; viel häufiger als das in anderen europäischen Ländern der Fall ist. Während der Bereich Gesundheit und Pension seit Mitte der 1980er von der überwiegenden Mehrheit als staatliche Aufgabe gesehen wurde, liegt die Verantwortung für den Abbau von Einkommensungleichheit auf einem niedrigeren Zustimmungsniveau. Die Befürwortung der Absicherung von Arbeitslosen als Verantwortung des Staats nimmt aktuell eher ab, trotz der gestiegenen Arbeitslosigkeit zu Beginn der Pandemie. Schließlich zeigen unsere Regressionsanalysen, dass Unterschiede in der Beurteilung von Einkommensungleichheiten u.'a. durch sozio-demographische Faktoren, die berufliche Stellung, das Haushaltseinkommen aber auch durch persönliche Einstellungen und Gerechtigkeitsüberzeugungen erklärt werden können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)}, Abstract= {"This research note focuses on the question of how income inequality is assessed in contemporary Austrian society. Using ISSP and SSE data, our empirical results show that income inequality is currently perceived as too high by a large majority. In addition, respondents very often see the state as being responsible for reducing income inequality; much more frequently than it is the case in other European countries. While health care and pensions have been seen as the responsibility of the state by the vast majority since the mid-1980s, the responsibility for reducing income inequality has been perceived at a lower level of approval. Support for protecting the unemployed as a government responsibility tends to decline currently, despite the increase in unemployment at the beginning of the pandemic. Finally, our regression analyses show that differences in the assessment of income inequality can be explained by socio-demographic factors, occupational status, household income, but also by personal attitudes and justice beliefs, among others." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einkommensverteilung; soziale Ungleichheit; öffentliche Meinung; gesellschaftliche Einstellungen; Verteilungspolitik; politische Einstellungen; Umverteilung; Präferenz; Staatstätigkeit; öffentliche Aufgaben; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Haushaltseinkommen; soziale Verantwortung; Sozialpolitik; internationaler Vergleich; Österreich; Europa; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1986-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 593}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y4W}, } @Article{Wintersteller:2022:TRO, Journal= {Social Inclusion}, Volume= {10}, Number= {2}, Author= {Teresa Wintersteller and Veronika W{\"o}hrer and Shenja Danz and Mariam Malik}, Title= {They Really Only Look for the Best": How Young People Frame Problems in School'to'Work Transition}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {335-346}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This article presents how young people in educational measures experience and discuss tensions between structural and individualised challenges they face in the transition from school to work. The findings are based on an Austrian citizen social science research project that involved conducting participatory research in Vienna with 33 young people between the ages of 15 and 23 years who are in measures for early school leavers that are preparing for further education and training. These co'researchers struggle with constant comparisons to 'norm' biographies and their accompanying social pressure as they try to meet the high expectations of school, work, and family. Additionally, mental health was a prominent issue, as the young co'researchers experience stigma and a lack of professional support, which can impede their access to the labour market. The results of our research indicate that young people in employment measures require a more inclusive school and work environment that supports them regardless of their origin, family background, appearance, or mental health status. They negotiate the tension between individual employability and structural disadvantage and demand a recognised place in society, a request that connects to current debates concerning the individualisation of transitions from school to work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufseinmündung; junge Erwachsene; Berufsvorbereitung; benachteiligte Jugendliche; Stigmatisierung; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; soziale Unterstützung; NEET; Gesundheitszustand; psychische Faktoren; soziale Ausgrenzung; Ausbildungsförderung; psychisch Kranke; Diskriminierung; Migrationshintergrund; Österreich; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1292}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230517Y18}, } @Article{Wojtynska:2021:RML, Journal= {Migration Studies}, Volume= {9}, Number= {3}, Author= {Anna Wojtynska and Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir}, Title= {Reproduction of marginality: The labour market position of unemployed foreign citizens during economic recession in Iceland}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {702-720}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Following the economic crash in 2008, many migrants in Iceland lost their jobs and experienced deteriorating working conditions. In 2011, four years after the onset of the recession, the unemployment rates among the foreign population remained significantly higher than among Icelanders. In this article, we discuss experiences of unemployed migrants concerning their changed position on the labour market in order to highlight the different mechanisms of labour market exclusion. On the basis of research among registered unemployed foreign citizens, we analyse the main reasons for their difficulties in finding new employment. The main obstacles as reported by survey respondents and focus groups participants were limited knowledge of Icelandic, increased reluctance among Icelandic employers to hire foreigners and insufficient social networking with the native population." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einwanderer; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Arbeitslose; Rezession; Auswirkungen; Marginalität; Arbeitslosenquote; Arbeitsmarktchancen; Sprachbarriere; berufliche Reintegration; soziale Beziehungen; Inländer; Determinanten; soziale Ausgrenzung; Vorurteil; Island; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2011-2011}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2221}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230614ZIL}, } @Article{Zilian:2023:ENA, Journal= {{\"O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, Volume= {48}, Number= {1}, Author= {Laura Zilian and Georg J{\"a}ger and Manfred F{\"u}llsack}, Title= {Eine netzwerkbasierte Analyse der Verteilung von Berufskompetenzen - am Beispiel der Steiermark}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {115-143}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Verteilung von (Berufs) Kompetenzen in der Steiermark. Für die Analyse der sozialen Ungleichheit in einer Region bietet dieser Ansatz eine Möglichkeit potenzielle Risiken und Chancen der Region aufzuzeigen, da anhand der Berufskompetenz-Landschaft Rückschlüsse über mögliche Ungleichheiten, Defizite und Entwicklungspotentiale gezogen werden können. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden mit netzwerkbasierten Methoden vermehrt nachgefragte Kompetenzen, Kompetenzen, die als Verbindungen zwischen Berufen fungieren, und Kompetenzcluster identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine Prädominanz kognitiver Kompetenzen hin. Diese Tendenz könnte einerseits das Entwicklungspotential der Region aufzeigen, andererseits auf mögliche Lohnungleichheiten hinweisen. Der Artikel zeigt einerseits das Potenzial der verwendeten Analysemethoden, andererseits den Bedarf für die Schärfung der Methode und eine bessere Datengrundlage." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)}, Abstract= {"The paper at hand analyses the distribution of workplace skills (or competencies) in Styria. This approach highlights potential risks and chances a region faces since conclusions about possible inequalities, deficits and development potentials can be drawn on the basis of the occupational skill landscape. We use network-based methods to identify competencies that are increasingly in demand, competencies that act as links between occupations, and clusters of competencies. The results of the analysis point to a prevalence of cognitive competencies. On the one hand, this tendency could indicate the region's development potential; on the other hand, it could point to possible wage inequalities. While the article demonstrates the potential of the analytical methods used, it also highlights the need for refining the method and a better data basis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: berufliche Qualifikation; Kompetenzverteilung; Kompetenzprofil; kognitive Fähigkeit; Berufsgruppe; Berufsanforderungen; Qualifikationsanforderungen; Auswirkungen; soziale Ungleichheit; Arbeitsmarktregion; Berufsstruktur; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; Österreich; Steiermark; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2017-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 593}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230523Y40}, } ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* @Article{Bundesministerium:2023:TAU, Journal= {Deutscher Bundestag. Drucksachen}, Number= {Dr 20/6671 v 03 05 2023}, Institution={Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Arbeit und Soziales ; Deutscher Bundestag. Fraktion der AfD}, Title= {Tats{\"a}chliche Arbeitslosigkeit und Arbeitskr{\"a}ftepotenzial in Deutschland : Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion der AfD (Drucksache 20/6144)}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-51}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {Die Kleine Anfrage zur 'tatsächlichen' Arbeitslosigkeit und dem entsprechenden Arbeitskräftepotenzial in Deutschland gründet auf dem Verdacht methodisch-konzeptioneller Unschärfen der Arbeitslosenstatistik. Entsprechend wird eine Klärung der Begriffe 'Unterbeschäftigung' 'Stille Reserve', 'Vollzeitarbeit' ersucht; Fragen zum Verfahren beziehen sich auf Änderungen der Berechnungsmethoden der Arbeitslosenstatistik, auf die Erfassung von Leistungsberechtigten im Kontext von Flucht und Migration und die Umstände der Registrierungen unter dem internen Kennzeichen FLUE in VerBIS (Vermittlungs-, Beratungs- und Informationssystem). Die abgefragten Zahlen und Daten der Statistik betreffen in der Regel die jüngst verfügbaren, also in der Regel aus dem Jahr 2022, und die Entwicklung innerhalb der letzten zehn Jahre. Im Fall der Erwerbsquote wird zusätzlich zur Quote insgesamt nach alten/neuen Bundesländern, Geschlecht und Staatsangehörigkeit, Deutschen, Ausländern insgesamt, EU-Ausländern und Top8-Asylherkunftsländern differenziert. Bei den Arbeitslosenzahlen werden erwerbsfähige Leistungsberechtigte im SGB-II-Bezug statistisch nach Untergruppen aufgegliedert dargestellt, Unterbeschäftigte und Unterbeschäftigungsquote, Aufstocker und Ergänzer. Bei der Stillen Reserve wird außerdem nach Maßnahmen gefragt, die die Bundesregierung in den letzten zehn Jahren unternommen hat, um dort liegende Arbeitskraftpotenziale zu heben. Weitere Auskünfte werden zu den Zahlen von Leistungsberechtigten nach SGB II sowie von Leistungsberechtigten nach SGB III verlangt, die aufgrund gesundheitlicher Einschränkungen dauerhaft nicht arbeitsfähig sind. Ein Themenkomplex betrifft die Berufsbezeichnung 'Helfer', die nicht allgemein für eine zu vermittelnde ungelernte Person angegeben werden darf, sondern immer spezifiziert werden muss (z. B. Helfer Bau), wodurch sich die Vermittlungschancen bzw. die passgenauen Vermittlungsvorschläge deutlich eingrenzen. Weiteres Thema sind die Handlungsstrategien, die seit 2015 in VerBIS hinterlegt sind, und bei denen das Interesse der Anfrage vor allem Belegungszahlen von Sprach- und Orientierungskursen gilt und der Entwicklung der Zahlen der SGB-II-Leistungsberechtigten im Kontext von Flucht und Migration, die über keine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung und/oder keinen Bildungsabschluss verfügen. Eine letzte Gruppe von Fragen thematisiert die Anerkennung der Ausbildungs- und Studienabschlüsse von Ukraine-Flüchtlingen und Inkonsistenzen in den Bestimmungen des SGB II bei Freistellung eines Elternteils eines unter dreijährigen Kindes. (IAB)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitslosigkeit; Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung; Erwerbspersonenpotenzial; stille Reserve; Arbeitslosenstatistik; Datenqualität; leistungsberechtigte Arbeitslose; registrierte Arbeitslose; Unterbeschäftigung; Aufstocker; Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger; Arbeitsunfähigkeit; Arbeitsvermittlung; Geflüchtete; Ungelernte; Vermittlungshemmnisse; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2012-2022}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 198}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZJV}, } @Article{Busemeyer:2023:HZZ, Journal= {DIW-Wochenbericht}, Volume= {90}, Number= {21}, Author= {Marius R. Busemeyer and Adrian Rinscheid and J{\"u}rgen Schupp}, Title= {Hohe Zustimmung zu bedingungslosem Grundeinkommen - vor allem bei den m{\"o}glichen Profiteur*innen}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {246-253}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Eine repräsentative Befragung aus dem August 2022 bestätigt die hohe Popularität in der Bevölkerung für ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen (BGE). Zwischen 45 und 55 Prozent der Befragten stimmen für die Einführung eines bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens mit dem vermeintlichen Versprechen von finanzieller Sicherheit ohne Verpflichtungen. Wer genau die Unterstützer*innen eines BGE sind und welches Modell sie bevorzugen, zeigen zwei repräsentative Befragungen aus dem August 2022. Sie belegen, dass vor allem jüngere Altersgruppen sowie Personen mit geringen Einkünften und mit großen Sorgen um die eigene wirtschaftliche Situation die Idee eines bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens unterstützen. Eine der in diesem Wochenbericht analysierten Erhebungen zeigt, dass die meisten Befragten sich ein Grundeinkommen von 1 200 Euro ohne Restriktionen wünschen. Zur staatlichen Finanzierung eines Grundeinkommens findet der Vorschlag die meiste Unterstützung, die Einkommen- und Vermögensteuern für Reiche anzuheben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen; öffentliche Meinung; gesellschaftliche Einstellungen; politische Einstellungen; Einkommenshöhe; Finanzierung; Steuern; Vermögen; Besteuerung; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2022-2022}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: D63 ; I38 ; H23}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 016}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230526Y6W}, } @Article{Butterwegge:2023:SUK, Journal= {Soziale Sicherheit}, Volume= {66}, Number= {5}, Author= {Christoph Butterwegge}, Title= {Streit um die Kindergrundsicherung : Steht das familien- und sozialpolitische Prestigeprojekt der Ampel-Koalition auf der Kippe?}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {190-196}, Abstract= {"Die für ein reiches Land wie die Bundesrepublik erschreckend hohe Kinderarmut wird von großen Teilen der Öffentlichkeit mittlerweile als ein gravierendes soziales Problem betrachtet, das die Regierungspolitik sehr viel energischer als während der vergangenen Jahrzehnte angehen muss. Spätestens seit die SPD, Bündnisgrüne und FDP die Kindergrundsicherung in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag verankert haben, gehört sie zu jenen Instrumenten, mit denen Armut der jüngsten Gesellschaftsmitglieder verhindert oder vermindert werden soll. Doch sie steht angesichts finanzieller Konkurrenzprojekte und erheblicher inhaltlicher Differenzen zwischen den Regierungsparteien möglicherweise zur Disposition." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Kinder; Armutsbekämpfung; Mindesteinkommen; Diskurs; Familienpolitik; Sozialpolitik; Armut; Entwicklung; Jugendliche; Einkommenshöhe; Entbürokratisierung; FDP; SPD; politische Einstellungen; Bündnis 90/DIE GRÜNEN; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1128}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230607ZEL}, } @Article{Byra:2023:AUE, Journal= {Migration Letters}, Volume= {20}, Number= {2}, Author= {'ukasz Byra}, Title= {An Unnoted Effect of a Social Welfare Transfers Program on Unskilled Migration}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {147-154}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We consider a link between a country's social welfare transfers program, SWTP, and the attractiveness of migration to the country by unskilled workers. The existing literature maintains that a SWTP attracts unskilled migrants, and explicitly or implicitly that excluding unskilled migrants from the SWTP neutralizes the effect of the program on unskilled migration. We reason differently. Even when unskilled migrants are excluded from a SWTP, for example because they are undocumented, the program still affects the said attractiveness, and it does so negatively. The explanation for that is that the program encourages native workers to choose unskilled work: for example, the program provides a cushion against unemployment, which otherwise could be guarded against by skill upgrading. The consequent increased supply of native unskilled workers translates into a lower wage for unskilled work. As a result, the lure of unskilled migration is dimmed. In sum then: in the presence of a SWTP there will be less unskilled migration than in the absence of an SWTP, even when unskilled migrants are excluded from the program. We conclude that the optimal SWTP involves less income redistribution when the relationship between the SWTP and unskilled migration is taken into account than when it is not." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: internationale Migration; Wanderungsmotivation; Einwanderungsland; Sozialrecht; Sozialstaat; Transferleistung; Sozialleistungen; Ungelernte; nicht formal Qualifizierte; Einwanderer; Leistungsanspruch; Migrationsforschung; illegale Einwanderung; }, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: F22 ; H31 ; J24 ; J61}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1188}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230602ZBP}, } @Article{Celbis:2023:ICO, Journal= {Regional Science Policy and Practice}, Volume= {15}, Number= {3}, Author= {Mehmet G{\"u}ney Celbis and Pui-hang Wong and Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp}, Title= {Impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on older-age cohorts in European Labor Markets: A machine learning exploration of vulnerable groups}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {559-584}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We identify vulnerable groups through the examination of their employment status in the face of the initial coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) shock through the application of tree-based ensemble machine learning algorithms on a sample of individuals over 50 years old. The present study elaborates on the findings through various interpretable machine learning techniques, namely Shapley values, individual conditional expectations, partial dependences, and variable importance scores. The structure of the data obtained from the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) dataset enables us to specifically observe the before versus the after effects of the pandemic shock on individual job status in spatial labor markets. We identify small but distinct subgroups that may require particular policy interventions. We find that the persons in these groups are prone to pandemic-related job loss owing to different sets of individual-level factors such as employment type and sector, age, education, and prepandemic health status in addition to location-specific factors such as drops in mobility and stringency policies affecting particular regions or countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Pandemie; ältere Arbeitnehmer; Beschäftigungseffekte; Auswirkungen; Arbeitsplatzverlust; Arbeitsmarktchancen; beruflicher Status; Statusinkonsistenz; Arbeitsmarktrisiko; soziale Ungleichheit; privater Sektor; staatlicher Sektor; Gesundheitszustand; Wirtschaftszweige; Europäische Union; internationaler Vergleich; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2020}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2070}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230605ZCU}, } @Article{Cerina:2021:RGI, Journal= {International Economic Review}, Volume= {62}, Number= {4}, Author= {Fabio Cerina and Alessio Moro and Michelle Rendall}, Title= {The Role Of Gender In Employment Polarization}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {1655-1691}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We document that U.S. employment polarization in the 1980-2017 period is largely generated by women. In addition, we provide evidence that the increase of employment shares at the bottom of the skill distribution is generated in market sectors producing services representing home production substitutes. We use a calibrated macroeconomic model to show that a rising skill premium induces high-skilled women to participate more in the labor market, reduce home working hours, and demand more home substitutes in the market, thus fostering a rise in employment shares at the bottom of the skill distribution. Counterfactual experiments suggest that without the large increase in the skill premium of high-skilled women, employment polarization would have been substantially reduced, and changes of employment shares at the bottom of the distribution would have been negative." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Beschäftigungsentwicklung; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Arbeitsmarktsegmentation; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; sektorale Verteilung; Frauenerwerbstätigkeit; erwerbstätige Frauen; Hochqualifizierte; Bildungsertrag; Arbeitskräftenachfrage; Hausarbeit; Dienstleistungsbereich; private Haushalte; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Arbeitszeitentwicklung; Niedrigqualifizierte; mittlere Qualifikation; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1980-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2455}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230619ZL4}, } @Article{Duval-Hernández:2023:IAP, Journal= {International Economic Review}, Volume= {64}, Number= {1}, Author= {Robert Duval-Hernández and Gary S. Fields and George H. Jakubson}, Title= {Inequality And Panel Income Changes: Conditions For Possibilities And Impossibilities}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {295-324}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Income changes in an economy are usually assessed through the changes over time in cross-sectional variables such as economy-wide inequality. An alternative is to use panel data to gauge income changes among identified income recipients. In this article, we analyze these two approaches taken together, each measured in multiple ways. We establish that under specific conditions, it is impossible to have falling inequality together with divergent panel income changes. We also provide conditions explaining when rising inequality can arise together with convergent panel changes. We provide the intuition behind these results and show when such results fail to hold." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einkommensentwicklung; Einkommensverteilung; Entwicklung; Intragenerationsmobilität; Längsschnittuntersuchung; Lorenzkurve; Panel; Querschnittuntersuchung; Einkommensmobilität; soziale Indikatoren; soziale Ungleichheit; }, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: D63 ; J31}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2455}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230619VF0}, } @Article{Farrokhi:2021:SAA, Journal= {International Economic Review}, Volume= {62}, Number= {2}, Author= {Farid Farrokhi}, Title= {Skill, Agglomeration, And Inequality In The Spatial Economy}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {671-721}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper develops a spatial equilibrium model with skill heterogeneity and agglomeration forces that stem from local idea exchange. I structurally estimate the model using American census data to study policy effects on real wage inequality between and within college and noncollege workers. Using the estimated model, I find: (1) Skill composition and local spillovers, respectively, account for 30% and 70% of the city-level relationship between productivity and employment. (2) Recent skill-biased technological changes largely increased the welfare inequality between groups and within college workers. (3) Small transfers from larger to smaller cities may reduce inequality without changing aggregate welfare." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Regionalökonomie; Ballungsraum; Wissenstransfer; Auswirkungen; Lohnunterschied; Hochschulabsolventen; Arbeitsproduktivität; Beschäftigungseffekte; regionaler Vergleich; technischer Wandel; soziale Ungleichheit; Einkommensverteilung; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; Einkommenseffekte; Stadt; Regionalpolitik; Verteilungseffekte; regionaler Arbeitsmarkt; Bildungsertrag; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1980-2000}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2455}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230619ZLS}, } @Article{Gellermann:2016:JZS, Journal= {Siegen: sozial}, Number= {1}, Author= {Jan F. C. Gellermann}, Title= {"Schwierige Jugend". Zur Studie "Disconnected Youth" - Entkopplungen beim {\"U}bergang von der Schule in Ausbildung und Berufe}, Year= {2016}, Pages= {36-39}, Abstract= {"Seit 2014 führt das Zentrum für Planung und Evaluation Sozialer Dienste der Universität Siegen (ZPE) ein auf drei Jahre angelegtes Forschungsprojekt mit dem Titel 'Disconnected Youth - Entkopplungen beim Übergang von der Schule in Ausbildung und Beruf' durch. Auftraggeber ist die Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Ziel der laufenden Studie ist es, Sozialisationsprozesse und Biografieverläufe von Jugendlichen zu erfassen, denen der stabile Übergang in das Ausbildungssystem mittel- und langfristig nicht gelingt. Die Untersuchung wird an zwei vorgegebenen Standorten in Rheinland-Pfalz durchgeführt. Der Fokus dieser Studie liegt auf jenen Fällen, die von beteiligten Fachkräften als 'besonders schwierig' bezeichnet werden und davon bedroht sind, den Anschluss an den Ausbildungsmarkt im Zweifel dauerhaft zu verlieren." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: benachteiligte Jugendliche; Berufseinmündung; Jugendliche ohne Ausbildungsvertrag; soziale Ausgrenzung; junge Erwachsene; NEET; soziale Herkunft; ausländische Jugendliche; Case Management; Sozialisationsbedingungen; Vermittlungshemmnisse; Lebenslauf; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Rheinland-Pfalz; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2014-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2447}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230118WTZ}, } @Article{Globisch:2023:GBF, Journal= {IAB-Forum}, Number= {15 05 2023}, Institution={Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, N{\"u}rnberg (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Claudia Globisch and Philipp Ramos Lobato}, Title= {Gef{\"o}rderte Besch{\"a}ftigung f{\"u}r Langzeitarbeitslose: Eine Zwischenbilanz nach vier Jahren Teilhabechancengesetz (Serie "Eingliederung von Langzeitarbeitslosen und Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt")}, Year= {2023}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Vier Jahre nach Einführung des Teilhabechancengesetzes hat das IAB seine bisherigen Evaluationsergebnisse auf einer gemeinsam mit der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum organisierten Tagung vorgestellt und mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Verwaltung diskutiert. Trotz unterschiedlicher Einschätzungen im Detail, waren sich die anwesenden Expertinnen und Experten einig: Die Einführung von 'Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt' war eine überfällige Erweiterung des Förderangebots der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; Lohnkostenzuschuss; Erfolgskontrolle; sozialer Arbeitsmarkt; Langzeitarbeitslose; berufliche Integration; Beschäftigungsförderung; soziale Partizipation; Arbeitsmarktchancen; Sozialgesetzbuch II; Gleichstellung; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Erwartung; Auswirkungen; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2019-2023}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2182}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230516Y07}, } @Article{Grabbe:2023:FMA, Journal= {European Journal of Social Security}, Volume= {25}, Number= {1}, Author= {Christina Grabbe}, Title= {Free movement and access to social security in the EU: The challenge of exporting unemployment benefits}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {20-40}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The freedom of movement of EU workers and access to national welfare state systems has become a controversial topic among policymakers in recent years. To understand this, the article analyses the positions of Western European states towards the proposal of the European Commission to reform the European social security coordination. The structural problems of this reform and the current Regulation (EC) 883/2004 can be seen in the discussion on the export of unemployment benefits. Although Western European states have similar insurance-based and comprehensive unemployment systems, they have conflicting views on this issue. The article presents a comparative case study of Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany. Data was generated via expert interviews and policy documents and analysed through institutionalist approaches. By tracing the debates on the export of unemployment benefits, the article makes a more general argument about the debate on the free movement of workers and social security in the EU. It explains that policymakers' main concern is not only the financial burden on their welfare systems, but also that the current Regulation (EC) 883/2004 and the reform proposal are incompatible with national monitoring and enforcement systems, which are designed to work best when the worker is in the Member State of last employment. This incompatibility of the coordination rules with national rules creates opposition among policymakers to the access of EU workers to national welfare systems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Intersentia, Ltd.) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: europäische Sozialpolitik; Freizügigkeit; EU-Bürger; Soziale Sicherheit; Sozialleistungen; Arbeitslosenunterstützung; Leistungsanspruch; internationale Migration; Arbeitslose; Arbeitsuche; Ausland; soziale Rechte; institutionelle Faktoren; Europäische Union; internationaler Vergleich; Migranten; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Niederlande; Dänemark; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2438}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230515Y0P}, } @Article{Griffy:2021:SAS, Journal= {International Economic Review}, Volume= {62}, Number= {4}, Author= {Benjamin S. Griffy}, Title= {Search And The Sources Of Life-Cycle Inequality}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {1321-1362}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"I study how initial wealth affects lifetime earnings inequality when labor markets are frictional. To do this, I construct a model life-cycle model with search frictions, incomplete markets, and endogenous human capital accumulation. In the model, incomplete markets prevent low-wealth workers from smoothing consumption, causing them to accept low pay jobs while unemployed. In anticipation, they build savings instead of human capital while employed. This amplifies the importance of initial wealth for life-cycle inequality. Using this model, I find that differences in initial wealth cause larger differences in lifetime earnings than either initial human capital or ability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Vermögen; Auswirkungen; Lebenseinkommen; soziale Ungleichheit; Lebenslauf; Arbeitslosigkeit; Niedriglohn; prekäre Beschäftigung; Niedrigqualifizierte; Bildungsinvestitionen; soziale Herkunft; Humankapital; Arbeitsuche; Armut; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1968-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2455}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230619ZLU}, } @Article{Kiener:2023:NSI, Journal= {International Journal of Manpower}, Volume= {44}, Number= {4}, Author= {Fabienne Kiener and Ann-Sophie Gnehm and Uschi Backes-Gellner}, Title= {Noncognitive Skills in Training Curricula and Nonlinear Wage Returns}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {772-788}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate self-competence - the ability to act responsibly on one's own - and likely nonlinear wage returns across different levels of self-competence as part of training curricula. Design/methodology/approach: The authors identify the teaching of self-competence at the occupational level by applying machine-learning methods to the texts of occupational training curricula. Defining three levels of self-competence (high, medium, and low) and using individual labor market data, the authors examine nonlinearities in wage returns to different levels of self-competence. Findings: The authors find nonlinear returns to teaching self-competence: a medium level of self-competence taught in an occupation has the largest wage returns compared to low or high levels. However, in occupations with a high cognitive requirement profile, a high level of self-competence generates positive wage returns. Originality/value: This paper first adds to research on the importance of teaching noncognitive skills for economic outcomes, which recently - in addition to personality traits Research - has primarily focused on social skills by introducing self-competence as another largely unexplored but important noncognitive skill. Second, the paper studies not only average but also nonlinear wage returns, showing that the right level of self-competence is crucial, i.e. neither teaching too little nor too much self-competence provides favorable returns because of trade-offs with other skills (e.g. technical or professional skills). Third, the paper also examines complementarities between cognitive skills and noncognitive skills, again pointing toward nonlinear returns, i.e. only in occupations with a high cognitive requirement profile, high levels of self-competence generate positive wage returns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Kompetenzentwicklung; Selbstverantwortung; Bildungsertrag; Curriculum; Berufsausbildung; Einkommenseffekte; Qualifikationsvermittlung; Auszubildende; Problemlösen; Schlüsselqualifikation; Ausbildungsabsolventen; Lohnhöhe; Verantwortungsbewusstsein; Zuverlässigkeit; autonomes Verhalten; Leistungsmotivation; soziale Qualifikation; Schweiz; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2010-2018}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I26 ; J24 ; M53}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 672}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230601Y8I}, } @Article{Mantu:2023:SOS, Journal= {European Journal of Social Security}, Volume= {25}, Number= {1}, Author= {Sandra Mantu and Paul Minderhoud}, Title= {Struggles over social rights: Restricting access to social assistance for EU citizens}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {3-19}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The freedom of movement of EU workers and access to national welfare state systems has become a controversial topic among policymakers in recent years. To understand this, the article analyses the positions of Western European states towards the proposal of the European Commission to reform the European social security coordination. The structural problems of this reform and the current Regulation (EC) 883/2004 can be seen in the discussion on the export of unemployment benefits. Although Western European states have similar insurance-based and comprehensive unemployment systems, they have conflicting views on this issue. The article presents a comparative case study of Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany. Data was generated via expert interviews and policy documents and analysed through institutionalist approaches. By tracing the debates on the export of unemployment benefits, the article makes a more general argument about the debate on the free movement of workers and social security in the EU. It explains that policymakers' main concern is not only the financial burden on their welfare systems, but also that the current Regulation (EC) 883/2004 and the reform proposal are incompatible with national monitoring and enforcement systems, which are designed to work best when the worker is in the Member State of last employment. This incompatibility of the coordination rules with national rules creates opposition among policymakers to the access of EU workers to national welfare systems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Intersentia, Ltd.) ((en))" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Intersentia, Ltd.) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: EU-Bürger; soziale Rechte; Sozialleistungen; Anspruchsvoraussetzung; Leistungsanspruch; Freizügigkeit; internationale Migration; Sozialrecht; europäische Sozialpolitik; Europäischer Gerichtshof; EU-Staat; Politikumsetzung; Rechtsprechung; europäische Integration; Europäische Union; internationaler Vergleich; Migranten; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Österreich; Belgien; Dänemark; Spanien; Frankreich; Irland; Italien; Niederlande; Polen; Schweden; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2016-2020}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2438}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230515Y0Q}, } @Article{Niska:2023:JFP, Journal= {Journal of education and work}, Volume= {36}, Number= {4}, Author= {Miira Niska}, Title= {Jockeying for position: university students' employability constructions}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {284-298}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"As governments and international organisations have pressured universities to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of tertiary education, universities have started to highlight graduate employability as a key driver and measure of university outcomes. This paper contributes to the underutilised processual employability studies by applying the framework of critical discursive psychology to analyse university students' employability construction. Following this framework, employability is something students do rather than something they have. The empirical study was based on interviews of Finnish students of social science. Analysis of the interviews demonstrated notable variation in the ways in which university students talk about their employability. While some students constructed their employability by positioning themselves as traditional bureaucrats, others constructed their employability by positioning themselves as entrepreneurial agents. Nevertheless, the central point is that some students related ambiguously to both positions and tried to manage the ideological dilemma between stability and security of the bureaucrat position, and variability and risk of the entrepreneurial position. The study calls for better understanding of ways in which students and graduates deal with the dilemmatic nature and requirements of the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Studenten; Hochschulabsolventen; Beschäftigungsfähigkeit; Berufswegplanung; Berufswunsch; Berufsinteresse; Stellung im Beruf; Berufsaussichten; Arbeitsmarktchancen; öffentlicher Dienst; tertiärer Sektor; berufliche Flexibilität; berufliche Selbständigkeit; internetbasierte Arbeitsorganisation; Digitale Arbeitswelt; Plattformökonomie; Selbsteinschätzung; Finnland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2016-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 679}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230602ZB7}, } @Article{Schoeb:2023:NFA, Journal= {Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium}, Volume= {52}, Number= {5}, Author= {Ronnie Sch{\"o}b}, Title= {Nicht-monet{\"a}re Folgen der Arbeitslosigkeit und ihre Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Arbeitsmarktpolitik}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {20-25}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Arbeitslosigkeit verringert die soziale Identität Betroffener. Das subjektive Wohlbefinden Arbeitsloser ist im Vergleich zu Beschäftigten deutlichniedriger als durch den Einkommensverlust erklärt werden kann. Beschäftigungsfördernde Maßnahmen sollten deshalb in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik Vorrang haben. Doch bei deren Ausgestaltung ist Vorsicht angesagt: Auch gut gemeinte Politikmaßnahmen können ihre beabsichtigte und erhoffte Wirkung verfehlen, weil sie ihrerseits die soziale Identität Betroffener schmälern. Es ist daher wichtig, die Erkenntnisse der Lebenszufriedenheitsforschung stärker als bislang in die evidenzbasierte Arbeitsmarktpolitik mit einzubeziehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Verlag Franz Vahlen )}, Abstract= {"Unemployment negatively affects the socialidentity of the unemployed. This leads to a much greater decrease in subjective well-being for the unemployed than can be explained by the associated loss of income. Therefore, Labor market policy should focus on promoting employment. However, such measures must be designed with great care: many labor Policy measures do not restore life satisfaction of the subsidized-employed to the level of those in regular employment. Well-intended Policy measures may thus fail to have the desired effect. An evidence-based Labor market policy should take the findings of life satisfaction Research much more into account than in the past." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Verlag Franz Vahlen ) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitslosigkeit; Auswirkungen; soziale Identität; soziale Kosten; Arbeitslose; Lebenssituation; Zufriedenheit; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; Beschäftigungsförderung; Theorie; Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger; Zuverdienstregelung; Workfare; Flexicurity; Stigmatisierung; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Dänemark; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 507}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230524Y5K}, } @Article{WegMarianne:2023:NDS, Journal= {Streit : feministische Rechtszeitschrift}, Number= {1}, Author= {Marianne Weg}, Title= {24-Stunden-Pflege neu denken : STREITige Gedanken zu einer emotionalisierten Debatte}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {13-21}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Der Pflegenotstand in der Altenpflege ist Dauerthema in Politik, Gesellschaft und Medien. Zur Realität gehört die '24-Stunden-Pflege' durch osteuropäische 'Live-In'-Betreuungskräfte in schätzungsweise 300.000 bis 400.000 Haushalten mit rund 600.000 bis 700.000 Betreuungskräften. Ihre Arbeitsbedingungen sind meist hochbelastend mit rechtswidrigen Arbeitszeiten und Löhnen weit unter dem Mindestlohn. Dienstleistungsagenturen mit Sitz in einem osteuropäischen EU-Mitgliedstaat entsenden die Beschäftigten in Privathaushalte in Deutschland; die Geschäftsanbahnung erfolgt durch eine in Deutschland ansässige Vermittlungsagentur. Politischer Handlungsbedarf wird seit Jahren beschworen. Die Ampel-Koalition hat im Koalitionsvertrag eine Lösung in Aussicht gestellt, geschehen ist noch nichts. Andere EU-Mitgliedstaaten haben dazu rechtliche Wege geschaffen, die nicht unkritisch zu sehen sind, aber den Gestaltungswillen fu'r rechtssichere, faire und handhabbare Rahmenbedingungen zeigen. Die 99. Konferenz der Arbeits- und Sozialminister* innen der Bundesländer hat am 30.11./01.12.2022 mit einem einstimmigen Beschluss die Bundesregierung aufgefordert, ein Gesamtkonzept vorzulegen, mit dem diese faktisch bestehende und weiter zunehmende Betreuungsform in legale Bahnen gelenkt, als Gute Arbeit gestaltet sowie fu'r Privathaushalte finanzierbar gemacht wird." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: 24-Stunden-Betreuung; Diskurs; Altenpflege; Osteuropäer; ausländische Frauen; Regulierung; prekäre Beschäftigung; Kritik; Gleichstellungspolitik; Sozialethik; Beruf und Familie; Arbeitsschutz; Gesundheitsschutz; erwerbstätige Frauen; Inländer; Pflegeversicherung; Reform; Freistellung; Humanisierung der Arbeit; Case Management; häusliche Pflege; Sozialrecht; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230524Y5N}, } @Article{Winters:2023:OOM, Journal= {IAB-Forum}, Number= {09 05 2023}, Institution={Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, N{\"u}rnberg (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Jutta Winters}, Title= {Over one million temporary workers lost their jobs at the beginning of the pandemic, as companies preferred not to include them in short-time work schemes (Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic) : (Interview with Marcel Jansen)}, Year= {2023}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Spain used a short-time work scheme called 'Expediente Temporal de Regulación de Empleo' during the Covid-19 crisis. In this interview, Marcel Jansen, Associate Professor of Economics at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), will explain how it worked, how it changed during the pandemic, and what lessons can be learned from the Spanish experience." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; Pandemie; Dauer; Inanspruchnahme; Krisenmanagement; Kurzarbeit; Kurzarbeitergeld; Leistungsanspruch; Leistungsbezug; Leistungshöhe; Anspruchsvoraussetzung; Weiterbildungsförderung; Arbeitsplatzsicherung; Zuverdienstregelung; Spanien; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2182}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230511YZO}, } @Article{Winters:2023:EMB, Journal= {IAB-Forum}, Number= {09 05 2023}, Institution={Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, N{\"u}rnberg (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Jutta Winters}, Title= {{\"U}ber eine Million befristet Besch{\"a}ftigte verloren zu Beginn der Pandemie ihren Arbeitsplatz, weil Unternehmen sie nicht zur Kurzarbeit anmelden wollten (Serie Kurzarbeit: Internationale Erfahrungen w{\"a}hrend der Covid-19-Krise ) : (Interview mit Marcel Jansen)}, Year= {2023}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Spanien nutzte während der Corona-Krise eine Kurzarbeitsregelung namens-Expediente Temporal de Regulación de Empleo'. In diesem Interview erläutert Marcel Jansen, außerordentlicher Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Autonomen Universität Madrid (UAM), wie diese Regelung funktionierte, wie sie sich während der Pandemie veränderte und welche Lehren aus den Erfahrungen in Spanien gezogen werden können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; Pandemie; Krisenmanagement; Kurzarbeit; Kurzarbeitergeld; Arbeitsplatzsicherung; Leistungsbezug; Dauer; Leistungshöhe; Leistungsanspruch; Anspruchsvoraussetzung; Inanspruchnahme; Weiterbildungsförderung; Zuverdienstregelung; Spanien; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2182}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230511YZQ}, } ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** @Book{AhnHie:2023:DUL, Institution={National Bureau of Economic Research (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Hie Joo Ahn and Bart Hobijn and Ayseg{\"u}l Sahin}, Title= {The Dual U.S. Labor Market Uncovered}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {78}, Address= {Cambridge, Mass}, Series= {NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research}, Number= {31241}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Aggregate U.S. labor market dynamics are well approximated by a dual labor market supplemented with a third, predominantly, home-production segment. We uncover this structure by estimating a Hidden Markov Model, a machine-learning method. The different market segments are identified through (in-)equality constraints on labor market transition probabilities. This method yields time series of stocks and flows for the three segments for 1980-2021. Workers in the primary sector, who make up around 55 percent of the population, are almost always employed and rarely experience unemployment. The secondary sector, which constitutes 14 percent of the population, absorbs most of the short-run fluctuations, both at seasonal and business cycle frequencies. Workers in this segment experience six times higher turnover rates than those in the primary tier and are ten times more likely to be unemployed than their primary counterparts. The tertiary segment consists of workers who infrequently participate in the labor market but nevertheless experience unemployment when they try to enter the labor force. Our individual-level analysis shows that observable demographic characteristics only explain a small part of the cross-individual variation in segment membership. The combination of the aggregate and individual-level evidence we provide points to dualism in the U.S. labor market being an equilibrium division of labor, under labor market imperfections, that minimizes adjustment costs in response to predictable seasonal as well as unpredictable business cycle fluctuations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: dualer Arbeitsmarkt; Arbeitsmarktsegmentation; Arbeitsmarkttheorie; Arbeitsmarktentwicklung; Normalarbeitsverhältnis; atypische Beschäftigung; Arbeitsmarktrisiko; Arbeitslosigkeit; Arbeitsmarktstruktur; Zu- und Abgänge; Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; labour turnover; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1980-2021}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J20 ; J60}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230602ZA7}, } @Book{Albanesi:2022:SWL, Institution={University of Chicago. Department of Economics (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Stefania Albanesi and María José Prados}, Title= {Slowing Women's Labor Force Participation: The Role of Income Inequality}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {47}, Address= {Chicago, Ill.}, Series= {HCEO working paper / Human capital and economic opportunity global working group}, Number= {2022-037}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The entry of married women into the labor force and the rise in women's relative wages are amongst the most notable economic developments of the twentieth century. The growth in these indicators was particularly pronounced in the 1970s and 1980s, but it stalled since the early 1990s, especially for college graduates. In this paper, we argue that the discontinued growth in female labor supply and wages since the 1990s is a consequence of growing inequality. Our hypothesis is that the growth in top incomes for men generated a negative income effect on the labor supply of their spouses, which reduced their participation and wages. We show that the slowdown in participation and wage growth was concentrated among women married to highly educated and high income husbands, whose earnings grew dramatically over this period. We then develop a model of household labor supply with returns to experience that qualitatively reproduces this effect. A calibrated version of the model can account for a large fraction of the decline relative to trend in married womenâ''s participation in 1995-2005 particularly for college women. The model can also account for the rise in the gender wage gap for college graduates relative to trend in the same period." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einkommensverteilung; soziale Ungleichheit; Auswirkungen; Frauenerwerbstätigkeit; Frauen; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Entwicklung; Lohnentwicklung; Ehefrauen; Ehemänner; Einkommenshöhe; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; Bildungsertrag; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1965-2011}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: E24 ; J30 ; J20}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230519Y2U}, } @Book{Atanassov:2023:VPW, Institution={Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Berufsbildung (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Rebecca Atanassov and Carolin B{\"o}se and Moritz Scholz and Hannah Wolf}, Title= {Verlorene Pflegefachkr{\"a}fte: Wann die 'Auflage' einer Ausgleichsma{\"ss}nahme das Anerkennungsverfahren ausbremsen kann und wie Abbr{\"u}che vermieden werden k{\"o}nnen}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {38}, Address= {Bonn}, Series= {BIBB discussion paper / Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Berufsbildung}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In Deutschland stellten seit Inkrafttreten des Anerkennungsgesetzes 2012 bis 2021 rund 60.000 außerhalb der EU qualifizierte Pflegekräfte einen Antrag auf Anerkennung als Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger/-in bzw. Pflegefachmann/Pflegefachfrau. Der größte Teil von ihnen muss aber – weil wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen der ausländischen Berufsqualifikation und dem deutschen Referenzberuf festgestellt werden – auf dem Weg zur vollen Gleichwertigkeit eine Ausgleichsmaßnahme erfolgreich absolvieren. Diese kann eine Kenntnisprüfung oder ein Anpassungslehrgang sein. Die amtliche Statistik zur Anerkennung liefert Hinweise darauf, dass eine bedeutende Anzahl der Pflegekräfte genau in dieser Phase das Anerkennungsverfahren beendet oder unterbricht. So droht das Potenzial der im Ausland qualifizierten Personen für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt verloren zu gehen. Für die im Ausland qualifizierte Fachkraft bedeutet dies nicht in ihrem erlernten Beruf arbeiten zu können. Hier setzt die vorliegende Studie an: Die aus den statistischen Ergebnissen abgeleitete Annahme wird durch die Interviewpartner/-innen bestätigt. Es werden Hürden identifiziert, die zu Abbrüchen führen können und Handlungsoptionen benannt, wie diesen entgegengewirkt werden kann." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einwanderer; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Pflegeberufe; Pflegefachkraft; berufliche Qualifikation; Anerkennung; Berufsqualifikationsfeststellungsgesetz; Drittstaatsangehörige; Anpassung; Qualifizierungsmaßnahme; Prüfung; Abbrecher; Case Management; Sprachkenntnisse; Deutsch als Fremdsprache; Fachsprache; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2017-2023}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230602ZBM}, } @Book{Atanassov:2023:VPW, Institution={Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Berufsbildung (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Rebecca Atanassov and Carolin B{\"o}se and Moritz Scholz and Hannah Wolf}, Title= {Verlorene Pflegekr{\"a}fte: wann die "Auflage" einer Ausgleichsma{\"ss}nahme das Anerkennungsverfahren ausbremsen kann und wie Abbr{\"u}che vermieden werden k{\"o}nnen}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {38}, Address= {Bonn}, Series= {BIBB discussion paper / Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Berufsbildung}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In Deutschland stellten seit Inkrafttreten des Anerkennungsgesetzes 2012 bis 2021 rund 60.000 außerhalb der EU qualifizierte Pflegekräfte einen Antrag auf Anerkennung als Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger/-in bzw. Pflegefachmann/Pflegefachfrau. Der größte Teil von ihnen muss aber – weil wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen der ausländischen Berufsqualifikation und dem deutschen Referenzberuf festgestellt werden – auf dem Weg zur vollen Gleichwertigkeit eine Ausgleichsmaßnahme erfolgreich absolvieren. Diese kann eine Kenntnisprüfung oder ein Anpassungslehrgang sein. Die amtliche Statistik zur Anerkennung liefert Hinweise darauf, dass eine bedeutende Anzahl der Pflegekräfte genau in dieser Phase das Anerkennungsverfahren beendet oder unterbricht. So droht das Potenzial der im Ausland qualifizierten Personen für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt verloren zu gehen. Für die im Ausland qualifizierte Fachkraft bedeutet dies nicht in ihrem erlernten Beruf arbeiten zu können. Hier setzt die vorliegende Studie an: Die aus den statistischen Ergebnissen abgeleitete Annahme wird durch die Interviewpartner/-innen bestätigt. Es werden Hürden identifiziert, die zu Abbrüchen führen können und Handlungsoptionen benannt, wie diesen entgegengewirkt werden kann." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einwanderer; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Pflegeberufe; Pflegefachkraft; berufliche Qualifikation; Anerkennung; Berufsqualifikationsfeststellungsgesetz; Drittstaatsangehörige; Anpassung; Qualifizierungsmaßnahme; Prüfung; Abbrecher; Case Management; Sprachkenntnisse; Deutsch als Fremdsprache; Fachsprache; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2017-2023}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZE9}, } @Book{Balestra:2023:LWI, Institution={OECD (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Carlotta Balestra and Donald Hirsch and Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead}, Title= {Living wages in context: A comparative analysis for OECD countries}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {69}, Address= {Paris}, Series= {OECD papers on well-being and inequalities}, Number= {13}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"At a time of rising cost of living, wide wage inequalities and widespread in-work poverty, the demand for a living wage has heightened. The concept of a 'living wage' has some limitations, including that it is operationalised in a variety of ways. This variety may serve the purpose of making it a more relevant instrument, typically by providing information on the cost of living that firms and social partners may embed in their wage-setting processes; however, the variety can also increase a lack of transparency. The paper reviews some of the most common methodologies, by identifying points of convergence and divergence. Living wage estimates produced by the Fair Wage Network are then put into context by benchmarking them against internationally comparable wage metrics and poverty lines. Finally, the paper presents a number of critical steps to strengthen the concept of a living wage. This paper does not assess the economic cost or feasibility of living wages, not at the firm level or at the broader industry and economy level. This paper advises using the living wage as one of the pieces of information that – when properly contextualised – could inform wage negotiations and wage policies set in consultation with social partners." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Niedriglohn; Lohnhöhe; Mindestlohn; Lohnfindung; Konzeption; Lebenshaltungskosten; Lohnpolitik; Tarifpolitik; OECD; internationaler Vergleich; Geringverdiener; Niedriglohnbereich; Lebensstandard; soziale Mindeststandards; Armut; Armutsbekämpfung; Benchmarking; Wohlfahrtsmessung; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2020}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: E31 ; J31 ; I32 ; E21}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230602ZBB}, } @Book{Bezzo:2021:UII, Institution={University of Essex. Institute for Social and Economic Research (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Franco Bezzo Bonomi}, Title= {Universal Independence Income. A EUROMOD Utopian Simulation in the UK}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {69}, Address= {Colchester}, Series= {EUROMOD working paper}, Number= {2021,03}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In this paper we want to provide an utopian attempt to tackle inequality and to tackle, most specifically, what we consider the cultural and ethical origin of inequality: paid work. We believe that a globalised world, structured around the asymmetry between an increasingly small number of employers and an increasing, almost unlimited, supply of always available employees, leads to increasing inequalities. Under our perspective, in the post-industrialised economies of all major developed countries, paid work cannot be seen anymore as an instrument of self-determination (Marx, 1844) but becomes the main generator of exploitation and poverty. For this reason, we try to develop a benefit with attached strong disincentives to paid work that should provide people with an exit strategy and higher bargaining power. After presenting the main typologies of income benefits that are normally in use or discussed we provide a theoretical explanation of the Universal Independence Income (UII) benefit we want to introduce. We simulate the introduction of our preferred version of UII, two variations of UII and five forms of Universal Basic Income (UBI) to be compared with the tax and benefit system currently in place in the UK. Our main findings suggest that UII has a positive effect on inequality an almost null effect on poverty and strong positive effects on work disincentives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen; Umverteilung; Armutsbekämpfung; Utopie; Erwerbstätige; Auswirkungen; Arbeitsanreiz; Alternative; Einkommensverteilung; Einkommensanrechnung; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2015-2015}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZGQ}, } @Book{Bratu:2023:IBA, Institution={Institutet f{\"o}r Social Forskning (Stockholm) (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Cristina Bratu and Linna Martén and Lillit Ottosson}, Title= {Individualized Benefits And Access To Active Labor Market Programs Boost Refugee Women's Economic Integration}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {16}, Address= {Stockholm}, Series= {Working paper / Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI)}, Number= {2023,03}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The economic and social integration of refugees is a key policy concern. The situation of refugee women is particularly challenging, as many never enter the labor force. We study a reform of the Swedish integration program that aimed to tackle this issue by increasing women's participation in and access to active labor market programs. Using administrative data and a regression discontinuity design, we show that the reform resulted in lasting improvements in women's earnings and employment. We find no effects for men. Additional analyses suggest that individualizing benefits and early registration with the Public Employment Service are key mechanisms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Geflüchtete; ausländische Frauen; Migranten; aktivierende Sozialpolitik; Sozialleistungen; Anspruchsvoraussetzung; Reform; Qualifizierungsmaßnahme; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; Teilnehmer; berufliche Integration; Beschäftigungseffekte; Schweden; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2009-2020}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J15 ; J08 ; J61}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230602ZB0}, } @Book{Collado:2020:AMB, Institution={University of Essex. Institute for Social and Economic Research (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Diego Collado}, Title= {The anti-poverty marginal benefit of public funds}, Year= {2020}, Pages= {29}, Address= {Colchester}, Series= {EUROMOD working paper}, Number= {2020,02}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Policy makers are generally interested in both the anti-poverty impact and the efficiency of reforms. To connect these two dimensions, I measure the poverty gap change per unit of net revenue that tax-benefit reforms produce. To isolate the impact of reforms and account for labour supply responses, I apply a microsimulation decomposition framework to poverty gap and net revenue changes. Labour supply responses are accounted for using reduced-form models, partly exploiting variation over time that reforms produce. I measure this indicator in Belgium between 2005 and 2014, focusing on revenue changes at the bottom half of the income distribution. Without considering labour supply reactions, reforms reduced the poverty gap among the poor by '0.6 for each euro of net revenue decline. However, this drops to '0.4 when negative labour supply reactions are included, which were caused by unemployment benefits growing faster than in-work compensations. These results highlight the importance of looking simultaneously at reforms to in- and out-of-work benefits." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Reformpolitik; Auswirkungen; Armut; Armutsbekämpfung; Entwicklung; Steuerpolitik; Sozialpolitik; Geringverdiener; Verteilungseffekte; Arbeitskräfteangebot; öffentliche Ausgaben; Zielkonflikt; Belgien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2005-2014}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZGP}, } @Book{Cortés:2023:IHP, Institution={National Bureau of Economic Research (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Patricia Cortés}, Title= {Immigration, Household Production, and Native Women's Labor Market Outcomes: A Survey of a Global Phenomenon}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {23}, Address= {Cambridge, Mass}, Series= {NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research}, Number= {31234}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Most of the literature on how immigration affects the labor market focuses on the outcomes of natives in direct competition with immigrants. This paper reviews a growing literature on an alternative channel. Immigrants, particularly low-skilled women, are disproportionately represented in the household services sector, a global phenomenon that is seen to some extent in most regions. A simple time-use model suggests that by lowering the price of market-provided household services, immigrant workers allow high-skilled native women to reduce their unpaid household production and increase their participation in the labor market. I review existing evidence that the presence of foreign domestic workers has increased the labor supply of high-skilled native women, has helped narrow the gender earnings gap in high-paying powered occupations, and that these advances have not come at the cost of native women investing less time in their children or having lower birth rates. I discuss the policy implications of these results, as well as some ethical considerations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einwanderung; Auswirkungen; Beschäftigungseffekte; Inländer; Frauen; private Haushalte; Dienstleistungsarbeit; Hochqualifizierte; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Hausangestellte; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Lohnunterschied; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Niedrigqualifizierte; Hausarbeit; Fruchtbarkeit; Kinderbetreuung; Zeitverwendung; }, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J16 ; J22}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230602ZA6}, } @Book{Fang:2023:EDM, Institution={Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Tony Fang and Tingting Zhang and John Hartley}, Title= {Examining the Determinants of Managers' Hiring Attitudes Towards Immigrant Workers: Evidence from an Employer Survey}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {38}, Address= {Bonn}, Series= {IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit}, Number= {16219}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Using a representative survey of 801 employers across Atlantic Canada, we empirically test various factors associated with employer hiring attitudes towards international migrants. Our results indicate that employers who hired international immigrants in the past 12 months exhibited more positive attitudes towards them, consistent with the contact theory. We also find provincial variations in hiring attitudes in that employers in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and PEI had more positive attitudes than those in New Brunswick. In addition, employers in the public sector organizations held more positive perceptions than those in the private sector. Although the coefficients for rural-urban divide and organizational sizes have the expected signs but most of them are statistically insignificant. There are no clear patterns cross industries. Interpretations for our main findings are offered, along with policy and practice implications" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einwanderer; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Personaleinstellung; Beschäftigerverhalten; regionaler Vergleich; Privatwirtschaft; öffentlicher Dienst; Stereotyp; Arbeitgeber; Einstellungen; Stadt; ländlicher Raum; Unternehmensgröße; Auswirkungen; Arbeitsmarktchancen; Kanada; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2019-2019}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J23 ; J61 ; J63 ; J68}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZHF}, } @Book{Filauro:2023:EIO, Institution={Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Stefano Filauro and Flaviana Palmisano and Vito Peragine}, Title= {The Evolution of Inequality of Opportunity in Europe}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {30}, Address= {Verona}, Series= {ECINEQ working paper series / Society for the Study of Economic Inequality}, Number= {2023-644}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper analyses the effect of inherited individual circumstances such as gender, family background, birth location on individual earnings in Europe. By using three waves of the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (2005, 2011, 2019) we study the extent, the evolution, and the sources of inequality of opportunity in labour income in 27 European countries. We provide both country-specific estimates and a novel, pan-European analysis, in which the European Union is treated as a single entity and the country of birth is used as additional individual circumstance. The cross-country analysis reveals that on average about 40 per cent of earnings inequality is explained by pre-determined circumstances, although the data reveal some degree of heterogeneity, both in terms of levels and trends. Gender and parental education emerge as the most relevant circumstances in most countries. Pan-European inequality of opportunity, estimated through a multilevel model, appears much higher than any other country specific estimates: in the last wave about 60 per cent of total earnings inequality is explained by circumstances, although there has been a clear decreasing trend in the last 15 years, showing a sharp process of convergence within Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsmarktchancen; Chancengleichheit; soziale Ungleichheit; Lohnunterschied; Einkommenshöhe; demografische Faktoren; altersspezifische Faktoren; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; regionale Faktoren; internationaler Vergleich; Europäische Union; Europäisches Haushaltspanel; Entwicklung; soziale Herkunft; Auswirkungen; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2005-2019}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: O15 ; D63 ; J31 ; D31}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230516Y1G}, } @Book{Gorn:2023:ASE, Institution={Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (Mailand) (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Alexey Gorn and Antonella Trigari}, Title= {Assessing the Stabilizing Effects of Unemployment Benefit Extensions}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {30}, Address= {Milano}, Series= {Working papers / Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research}, Number= {694}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We study the stabilizing role of benefit extensions. We develop a tractable quantitative model with heterogeneous agents, search frictions, and nominal rigidities. The model allows for a stabilizing aggregate demand channel and a destabilizing labor market channel. We characterize each channel analytically and find that aggregate demand effects quantitatively prevail in the US. When feeding-in estimated shocks, the model tracks unemployment in the two most recent downturns. We find that extensions lowered unemployment by a maximum of 0.35 pp in the Great Recession, while the joint stabilizing effect of extensions and benefit compensation peaked at 1.08 pp in the pandemic." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitslosenversicherung; Rezession; Arbeitslosenunterstützung; Arbeitslosengeld; Leistungsbezug; Dauer; Leistungsanspruch; Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung; Auswirkungen; Reformpolitik; Konjunkturabhängigkeit; Pandemie; Stabilitätspolitik; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1972-2022}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: E52 ; E24 ; E32 ; J64 ; J63 ; J65}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230517Y16}, } @Book{Gromadzki:2023:LSE, Institution={Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Jan Gromadzki}, Title= {Labor Supply Effects of a Universal Cash Transfer}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {44}, Address= {Bonn}, Series= {IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit}, Number= {16186}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"I investigate the labor supply effects of the introduction of a large unconditional cash benefit. I exploit the unique design of the child benefit program in Poland to identify the income effects of the monthly transfer in a difference-in-differences design. On average, the marginal propensity to earn out of unearned income was equal to -0.14. For every extra 100 dollars in monthly child benefit transfers households receive, they spend 43 dollars on consumption and save 43 dollars. Additional evidence shows that the program had a positive impact on investments in human capital and home production efficiency." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Kindergeld; Auswirkungen; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Einkommenseffekte; Einkommensverwendung; Sparen; Konsum; Bildungsinvestitionen; Leistungshöhe; Kinderzahl; Haushaltseinkommen; Polen; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2016-2018}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I38 ; J21 ; J22}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZGH}, } @Book{Haan:2023:HES, Institution={Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r Wirtschaftsforschung (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Peter Haan and Victoria Prowse}, Title= {The Heterogeneous Effects of Social Assistence and Unemployment Insurance : Evidence from a Life-Cycle Model of Family Labor Supply and Savings}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {56, 31 Appendix}, Address= {Berlin}, Series= {DIW-Diskussionspapiere}, Number= {2040}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We empirically analyze the heterogeneous welfare effects of unemployment insurance and social assistance. We estimate a structural life-cycle model of singles' and married couples' labor supply and savings decisions. The model includes heterogeneity by age, education, wealth, sex and household composition. In aggregate, social assistance dominates unemployment insurance; however, the opposite holds true for married men, whose leisure time declines more than that of their spouses when unemployment insurance is reduced. A revenue-neutral rebalancing of social support away from unemployment insurance and toward social assistance increases aggregate welfare. Income pooling in married households decreases the welfare value of social assistance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Sozialhilfe; Arbeitslosenversicherung; Auswirkungen; allein Stehende; Ehepaare; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Sparverhalten; Reformpolitik; individuelle Wohlfahrt; private Haushalte; Arbeitsanreiz; sozioökonomische Faktoren; demografische Faktoren; Lebenslauf; Ehemänner; Ehefrauen; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Westdeutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1991-2004}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I38 ; H21 ; J68 ; J18}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZH2}, } @Book{Jansen:2023:FIV, Institution={Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Andreas Jansen}, Title= {Fachkr{\"a}fteengp{\"a}sse im verarbeitenden Gewerbe in NRW - in manchen Berufsfeldern wird es nicht erst perspektivisch knapp}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {21}, Address= {Duisburg ; Essen}, Series= {IAQ-Report}, Number= {2023-04}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Noch zeigt sich in der Mehrheit der untersuchten Berufsbereiche in NRW zumindest kein flächendeckender Fachkräfteengpass. Flächendeckende Engpässe lassen sich vor allem für Handwerksberufe feststellen. Besonders dramatisch ist die Situation im Berufsbereich Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik sowie in der Zimmerei. Strukturstarke städtische Agglomerationsräume sind in geringerem Maße von Fachkräfteengpässen betroffen als große, stark ländlich geprägte Flächenkreise. Neben der Zuwanderung sollte die Ausschöpfung des heimischen Fachkräftepotenzials stärker in den Blick genommen werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Niedriglohn; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; sektorale Verteilung; Tarifverhandlungen; Niedriglohnbereich; Lohnentwicklung; regionaler Vergleich; Beschäftigtenstruktur; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; Tarifpolitik; Leiharbeit; Gastgewerbe; Gebäudereiniger; Fachkräfte; Arbeitskräftemangel; Berufsfelder; verarbeitendes Gewerbe; Handwerksberufe; regionaler Vergleich; Laufzeit; offene Stellen; Berufsgruppe; Arbeitslosenquote; Arbeitslosigkeit; Zu- und Abgänge; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Ostdeutschland; Westdeutschland; Nordrhein-Westfalen; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1995-2020 ; 2018-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZFA}, } @Book{Karamessini:2023:FWB, Institution={Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi,Noisy-le-Grand (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Maria Karamessini}, Title= {From Work-life Balance Policy to the European Care Strategy: Mainstreaming Care and Gender in the EU Policy Agenda}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {27}, Address= {Noisy-le-Grand}, Series= {Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi. Document de travail}, Number= {213}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"La politique d'équilibre ou de conciliation entre travail et vie privée est devenue un domaine distinct de la politique sociale de l'Union Européenne (UE) en 1997, lorsqu'elle a été intégrée dans la stratégie européenne pour l'emploi sous le pilier de l'égalité des chances afin d'augmenter l'activité et les taux d'emploi des femmes. Elle a pris de l'importance avec la stratégie de Lisbonne et les objectifs de Barcelone en matière de garde d'enfants, mais est repassée à l'arrière-plan pendant la Grande Récession. Sa renaissance coïncide avec le socle européen des droits sociaux (EPSR) et sa première directive de mise en 'uvre sur la conciliation du travail et de la vie familiale. La plupart des universitaires et militantes féministes ont critiqué cette politique pour ne s'adresser implicitement qu'aux mères qui travaillent et ignorer la répartition inégale du travail de soin (care) non rémunéré entre les femmes et les hommes. L'EPSR représente un tournant sur cette question suivi par l'actuelle stratégie européenne pour l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, adoptée en mars 2020, qui fait de la réduction de l'écart entre les sexes en matière de soins (non rémunérés) l'un de ses objectifs. La pandémie de Covid-19 a sensibilisé la société au caractère central des soins pour la perpétuation de la société et a permis l'adoption d'une stratégie européenne du soin, qui s'inspire de la proposition féministe d'investissement social de masse dans une "économie du care" basée sur la reconnaissance, la revalorisation et la redistribution du travail de care entre les femmes et les hommes ainsi qu'une rémunération juste et la représentation des travailleurs. La stratégie européenne du soin est clairement une avancée du point de vue de l'égalité entre femmes et hommes et de la politique sociale de l'UE. Cependant, elle reste en deçà d'une initiative plus ambitieuse d'un "Care Deal pour l'Europe" à côté du "Green Deal européen", alors que sa mise en 'uvre serait entravée par un retour aux politiques d'austérité au niveau des États membres dans les années à venir." (Résumé d'auteur, IAB-Doku) ((fr)) ; "Work-life balance/reconciliation policy emerged as a separate area of EU social policy in 1997, when it was integrated into the European Employment Strategy under the equal opportunities pillar in order to increase female activity and employment rates. It gained prominence with the Lisbon Strategy and the Barcelona targets for childcare, but fell into the background during the Great Recession. Its revival coincides with the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and its first implementation Directive on Reconciling Work and Family Life. Most feminist scholars and activists have criticised this policy for implicitly addressing only working mothers and ignoring the unequal division of unpaid care work between women and men. The EPSR represents a turning point on this issue, while the current European Gender Equality Strategy, adopted in March 2020, sets the closing of the gender (unpaid) care gap as one of its objectives. The Covid-19 pandemic raised social awareness of the centrality of care to social reproduction and triggered in its aftermath the adoption of a European Care Strategy, which has been inspired by the feminist economic proposal for mass social investment in a 'care economy' based on the recognition, revaluation and redistribution of care work among women and men and the adequate remuneration and representation of care workers. The European Care Strategy is clearly an advancement from an EU gender equality and social policy perspective. However,it falls short of a more ambitious initiative for a 'Care Deal for Europe' next to the 'European Green Deal', while its implementation would be hampered by a return to austerity policies at the Member-State level in the coming years." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Work-Life-Balance; Beruf und Familie; EU-Politik; Familienpolitik; europäische Sozialpolitik; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Gleichstellungspolitik; Kinderbetreuung; Mütter; Väter; historische Entwicklung; Rezession; Pandemie; Sozialinvestitionen; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZGS}, } @Book{Keck:2022:VUE, Institution={Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Max Keck}, Title= {Versprechen und Entt{\"a}uschung – Die zwei Gesichter von Hartz IV beim {\"U}bergang in die Nacherwerbsphase}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {17}, Address= {Duisburg}, Series= {Alters{\"u}bergangs-Report / Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation (IAQ), Universit{\"a}t Duisburg-Essen}, Number= {2022-02}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In dieser Studie wird mithilfe der Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) der Bezug von Grundsicherungsleistungen beim Übergang in die Nacherwerbsphase für die Daten der Jahre 2006 bis 2020 untersucht. Dieser Bezug hat zwei Gesichter: Einmal als prekärer Übergangspfad in eine Nacherwerbsphase ohne Grundsicherungsbezug und zunehmend als verfestigter Bezug über das Ende der Erwerbsphase hinaus. Der Anteil verfestigten Bezuges steigt von 2006 bis 2020 von 5 Prozent auf 9 Prozent der Übergänge. Alleinlebende Männer, ehemalige Angestellte in Berufen mit einem Anforderungsniveau bis Ausbildungsabschluss und umbruchsgeprägte Ostdeutsche leben häufiger in Haushalten, bei denen mit dem Übergang in die Nacherwerbsphase auch der Bezug von Grundsicherungsleistungen beendet wird (prekärer Übergangspfad). Alleinlebende Frauen, Kleingewerbetreibende, Langzeitarbeitslose im SGB II Bezug und Personen mit transnationaler Migrationserfahrung sind besonders häufig von verfestigtem Bezug beim Übergang in die Nacherwerbsphase betroffen. Ein Bezug von Grundsicherungsleistungen, der erstmals mit dem Beginn der Nacherwerbsphase auftritt, ist sehr selten und tritt in Haushalten mit sehr geringen Erwerbseinkommen auf ('Working-Poor'). Personen mit transnationaler Migrationserfahrung und Angestellte sind hiervon besonders betroffen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger; ältere Arbeitnehmer; Berufsausstieg; Persistenz; Leistungsbezug; Sozialleistungen; Lebenslauf; Grundsicherung nach SGB II; Grundsicherung nach SGB XII; Rentner; allein Stehende; Ehemänner; Ehefrauen; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2006-2020}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZFF}, } @Book{Kunze:2023:EEW, Institution={Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Astrid Kunze and Marta Palczynska and Iga Magda}, Title= {The Employment Effects of a Wage Subsidy for the Young during an Economic Recovery}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {49}, Address= {Bonn}, Series= {IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit}, Number= {16196}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This study investigates the employment effects of a large-scale wage subsidy programme for the young unemployed that was introduced in 2016, during a period of recovery in the Polish economy. The focus is on the question of whether the effects differed between men and women. The study employs a large population administrative data set from the unemployment register, and exploits for identification the fact that firms were only eligible to participate in the wage subsidy programme if the newly recruited worker was below age 30 and was previously unemployed. A challenge in this research is that before 2016, standard packages of active labour market programmes for all unemployed and specific programmes for unemployed below age 30 had been in place. Exploiting the long period and broad data coverage, we estimate the differential impact of the new programme using a difference-in-discontinuities design. The main finding is that over the medium term, the new wage subsidy programme was effective for low- and middle-skilled eligible young women, but not for men. We discuss the policy implications of such programmes targeting young unemployed people." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Jugendarbeitslosigkeit; Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung; Konjunkturaufschwung; Lohnsubvention; aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; Beschäftigungseffekte; junge Erwachsene; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Auswirkungen; Polen; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2011-2019}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J64 ; J68 ; J08}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZGT}, } @Book{Lillie:2022:PST, Institution={European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Nathan Lillie and Katarzyna Karkk{\"a}inen and Quivine Ndomo}, Title= {Posting, short term labour migration, and social rights access : How to rework an alienating system?}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {15}, Address= {Wien}, Series= {European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research. Policy brief}, Number= {10}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In this brief, we discuss how posted and other hypermobile migrant construction workers suffer from marginalization in both the labour market and in access to social insurance, with variations between biographically different groups of posted workers. The brief is based on biographical worker histories of individual workers with varied posting experiences across the EU and sectoral expert insights from thematic focus group discussions. All data were collected under the rubrics of the SMUG project between May 2021 and March 2022 by research teams in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Poland, and Slovenia. The policy brief is written by the Finnish research team for the Finnish policy audience." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitnehmerüberlassung; Auslandstätigkeit; Arbeitsmigration; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Bauarbeiter; kurzfristige Beschäftigung; Entfremdung; soziale Ausgrenzung; Soziale Sicherheit; Sozialleistungen; Leistungsanspruch; soziale Mindeststandards; Europäische Union; europäische Sozialpolitik; Sozialversicherung; Finnland; Österreich; Dänemark; Italien; Polen; Slowenien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2021-2022}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZFH}, } @Book{Merkl:2023:PEA, Institution={Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r Wirtschaftsforschung (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Christian Merkl and Timo Sauerbier}, Title= {Public Employment Agency Reform, Matching Efficiency, and German Unemployment}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {51}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Series= {SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin}, Number= {1185}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Our paper analyzes the role of public employment agencies in job matching, in particular the effects of the restructuring of the Federal Employment Agency in Germany (Hartz III labor market reform) for aggregate matching and unemployment. Based on two microeconomic datasets, we show that the market share of the Federal Employment Agency as job intermediary declined after the Hartz reforms. We propose a macroeconomic model of the labor market with a private and a public search channel and fit the model to various dimensions of the data. We show that direct intermediation activities of the Federal Employment Agency did not contribute to the decline in unemployment in Germany. By contrast, improved activation of unemployed workers reduced unemployed by 0.8 percentage points. Through the lens of an aggregate matching function, more activation is associated with a larger matching efficiency." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Hartz-Reform; Auswirkungen; Arbeitsverwaltung; öffentliche Verwaltung; matching; Effizienz; Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung; Arbeitsvermittlung; Eingliederungsbilanz; Aktivierung; Beschäftigungseffekte; Arbeitsuche; Arbeitslose; IAB-Stellenerhebung; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1993-2018}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: E24 ; E00 ; E60}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZFC}, } @Book{Puehringer:2017:FET, Institution={Cusanus Hochschule f{\"u}r Gesellschaftsgestaltung. Institut f{\"u}r {\"O}konomie (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Stephan P{\"u}hringer and Markus Griesser}, Title= {From the "planning euphoria" to the "bitter economic truth": The transmission of economic ideas into German labour market policies in the 1960s and 2000s}, Year= {2017}, Pages= {20}, Address= {Koblenz}, Series= {Working Paper Serie der Institute f{\"u}r {\"O}konomie und Philosophie / Cusanus Hochschule f{\"u}r Gesellschaftsgestaltung}, Number= {{\"O}k-30}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper compares the interconnections between dominant economic thought and processes of policy-making in the area of labour market reforms in Germany in the late 1960s and the early 2000s. The transition in labour market policies in this period could be described as a change from an active to an activating approach. At the level of economic discourse these policy changes correspond to a paradigm shift from Keynesian to neoclassical/neoliberal economic thought. We investigated these changes by focussing on two distinct reforms of labour market policies and carried out a critical discourse analysis of the relevant public and academic discourse of economists. We find that the paradigm shift in economic thought was accompanied by a shift in economists' discourses on labour market policy issues." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Reformpolitik; ökonomische Faktoren; politischer Entscheidungsprozess; politischer Wandel; aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Diskurs; Paradigma; Neoliberalismus; Wirtschaftswissenschaft; politische Ökonomie; institutionelle Faktoren; Massenmedien; Hartz-Reform; Arbeitsförderungsgesetz; Keynesianismus; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1966-1969 ; 2002-2005}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: B22 ; J88 ; J41 ; B52 ; B21 ; A11 ; J53}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230614ZID}, } @Book{Schaefer:2023:PZV, Institution={Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft K{\"o}ln (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Holger Sch{\"a}fer}, Title= {Potenziale zur Verl{\"a}ngerung der Wochenarbeitszeiten}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {3}, Address= {K{\"o}ln}, Series= {IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft K{\"o}ln}, Number= {2023,36}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Die Ausweitung der Arbeitszeit ist neben der Erhöhung der Erwerbsbeteiligung eine wichtige Stellschraube für die Bewältigung des demografischen Wandels am Arbeitsmarkt. Dabei geht es nicht nur um eine längere Wochenarbeitszeit für Vollzeitbeschäftigte, sondern auch um eine Verlängerung der Arbeitszeit bei Teilzeit oder bestenfalls deren Überführung in Vollzeit. Ein Potenzial für eine derartige Arbeitszeitverlängerung ist vor allem bei Frauen feststellbar. Demgegenüber besteht die Herausforderung bei Geringqualifizierten und Älteren eher darin, sie überhaupt stärker in den Arbeitsmarkt zu integrieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Wochenarbeitszeit; Arbeitszeitverlängerung; Teilzeitarbeitnehmer; Auswirkungen; Erwerbspersonenpotenzial; demografischer Wandel; Niedrigqualifizierte; erwerbstätige Frauen; ältere Arbeitnehmer; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230605ZCW}, } @Book{Schuele:2023:CPA, Institution={Ifo Institut (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Paul Sch{\"u}le}, Title= {Career Preferences and Socio-Economic Background}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {50}, Address= {M{\"u}nchen}, Series= {Ifo working papers}, Number= {395}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Career decisions, that is educational and occupational choice, are not only made by comparing expected incomes, but also by considering non-monetary rewards like social impact, chances of promotion, or the compatibility of work and family. In this paper, I use rich panel data from Germany to show that preferences about such aspects of a career as stated at age 17 are strong predictors of future earnings in the labor market. At the same time, these preferences differ significantly by socioeconomic background, and intergenerational income persistence is reduced by 8-22 percent when accounting for career preferences." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufswahl; Determinanten; Intergenerationsmobilität; Beruf und Familie; Jugendliche; Einkommenseffekte; Präferenz; sozioökonomische Faktoren; soziale Herkunft; Einkommensmobilität; Berufsinteresse; Berufsprestige; Einkommenserwartung; Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J62 ; J24 ; D63 ; D01 ; I38}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZGL}, } @Book{Sommerfeld:2023:TMP, Institution={Zentrum f{\"u}r Europ{\"a}ische Wirtschaftsforschung (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Katrin Sommerfeld}, Title= {Tailoring Migration Policies to Address Labour Shortages}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {4}, Address= {Mannheim}, Series= {ZEW policy brief}, Number= {2023-05}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Labour markets in the European Union are increasingly facing labour shortages. This ZEW Policy Brief argues that immigration from third countries should be increased to alleviate bottlenecks in the supply of workers to the economy. On the one hand, immigration policies should target high-skilled individuals and those trained in shortage occupations and allow them to search for a job from within the EU. On the other hand, low-skilled employees also appear to contribute to mitigating labour shortages. This is because labour shortages are also present in some low-skill occupations, and because additional immigrant workers could 'free up' native workers to work in shortage occupations or push natives into better jobs. Therefore, this ZEW policy brief recommends enabling the immigration of such individuals when they have a job offer available. Broader policy measures should be put into place to facilitate the recognition of foreign qualifications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einwanderungspolitik; Arbeitskräftebedarf; Arbeitskräftemangel; Einwanderung; Drittstaatsangehörige; Fachkräfte; Hochqualifizierte; Niedrigqualifizierte; Asylbewerber; Förderung; Europäische Union; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230609ZFI}, } @Book{Ziegler:2023:DFP, Institution={Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Lennart Ziegler and Omar Bamieh}, Title= {Does a Flexible Parental Leave System Stimulate Maternal Employment?}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {27}, Address= {Bonn}, Series= {IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit}, Number= {16172}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This study examines the effect of two recent parental leave reforms in Austria that allow parents to choose leave schemes with varying duration. Using a regression discontinuity design, we find that the introduction of more flexible scheme choices led mothers to take, on average, 1-2 months less of leave. This decrease in leave duration, however, was not accompanied by an employment increase of similar magnitude. To understand the absence of labor supply effects, we examine data on work preferences from the Austrian Microcensus. Child care duties are cited as the primary reason for not seeking work but few mothers indicate that they would start working if better access to formal childcare were available. Switching to the more flexible leave system had a minimal effect on the labor market choices of mothers, as the majority continue to prioritize child care responsibilities and do not consider nurseries as a desirable alternative." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Elternzeit; Reformpolitik; Auswirkungen; Flexibilität; Dauer; Kinderbetreuung; Mütter; Beruf und Familie; institutionelle Faktoren; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; berufliche Reintegration; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Österreich; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2002-2016}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: I38 ; J12 ; J13 ; J22 ; J18}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230601Y8M}, } *************************** 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR *************************** @Book{Baisch:2023:BIM, Institution={Deutsches Jugendinstitut, M{\"u}nchen (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Benjamin Baisch and Dagmar M{\"u}ller and Corinna Zollner and Laura Castiglioni and Christina Boll}, Title= {Barrieren der Inanspruchnahme monet{\"a}rer Leistungen f{\"u}r Familien : Abschlussbericht}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {108}, Address= {M{\"u}nchen}, ISBN= {ISBN 978-3-86379-457-6}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Die vorliegende Studie ist das zweite Teilprojekt des vom BMFSFJ geförderten Projekts 'Familien mit Migrationshintergrund (migfam)'. Ein bis zwei Drittel der Haushalte, die in Deutschland zum Bezug von Grundsicherungsleistungen berechtigt sind, nehmen diese nicht in Anspruch. Auch familienpolitische Leistungen erreichen häufig nicht die Zielgruppen, für die sie gedacht sind. Die Nichtinanspruchnahme monetärer Leistungen ist ein politisches Problem, weil die mit den Leistungen verbundenen Ziele, etwa die Bekämpfung von Armut oder der Ausgleich familienbedingter Lasten, schwerer erreicht werden. Daher ist es wichtig, die Gründe zu verstehen, die zur Nichtinanspruchnahme führen, um darauf aufbauend Strategien zu entwickeln, die Menschen die Verwirklichung ihrer sozialen Rechte erlauben. Das Projekt, dessen Ergebnisse im vorliegenden Bericht dargestellt werden, hat sich vor diesem Hintergrund eingehend mit der Literatur zur Nichtinanspruchnahme monetärer Leistungen befasst und dabei insbesondere die Barrieren der Inanspruchnahme für Migrantinnen und Migranten in den Blick genommen. Diese liegen teils schon im rechtlichen Ausschluss von bestimmten Leistungen, der Fokus im Projekt lag jedoch auf der Nichtinanspruchnahme von Leistungen trotz Anspruchsberechtigung. Hauptziel der Studie war es, den Forschungsstand zu (migrationsspezifischen) Barrieren der Inanspruchnahme zu sichten, das Potenzial vorhandener Surveys für weitergehende Analysen zu prüfen und Ideen für anschlussfähige Forschungen zu entwickeln. Aus der Literatur lässt sich ableiten, dass es vor allem bürokratische Hürden sind, die Menschen an der Inanspruchnahme von Leistungen hindern, z.B. komplexe Antragsverfahren, zu erbringende Nachweise oder die unzureichende Abstimmung zwischen den einzelnen Leistungssystemen. Hinzu kommen Unkenntnis und mangelnde Information über Rechtsansprüche, Sprachbarrieren, Schamgefühle sowie stigmatisierende und diskriminierende Erfahrungen der Antragstellenden. Teilweise wird auch kein Bedarf gesehen, etwa, weil die Leistungshöhe im Vergleich zum Beantragungsaufwand zu gering erscheint. Die Gründe für die Nichtinanspruchnahme monetärer Leistungen sind allerdings noch nicht hinreichend erforscht. Beispielsweise ist unklar, wie die einzelnen Einflussfaktoren zusammenwirken. Auch über regionale und gruppenspezifische Unterschiede der (Nicht-)Inanspruchnahme ist wenig bekannt. Die Auswertung vorhandener Bevölkerungssurveys führt nur bedingt weiter, weil relevante Informationen teils gar nicht erhoben werden und die Repräsentativität und Aussagekraft der Daten begrenzt ist. Sinnvoll wären, je nach Fragestellung, auch qualitative und experimentelle Studien. Insgesamt empfiehlt sich daher ein Mixed Methods-Ansatz, der die Seite der Anspruchsberechtigten ebenso wie die der Verwaltung in den Blick nimmt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Haushaltspanel; Familienpolitik; Transferleistung; Inanspruchnahme; Leistungsbezug; Familie; Migrationshintergrund; Determinanten; empirische Forschung; Datengewinnung; Befragung; Sprachkenntnisse; Bildungspaket; IAB-Haushaltspanel; Sprachbarriere; Bürokratie; Informationsbedarf; Sozialgeld; Kindergeldzuschlag; Wohngeld; Grundsicherung nach SGB II; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230531Y70}, } @Book{Braun:2023:IA, Institution={Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, N{\"u}rnberg (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Wolfgang (Red.) Braun}, Title= {IAB-Politikbrief April 2023}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {9}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Series= {IAB-Politikbrief}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {Der IAB-Politikbrief informiert in komprimierter Form über aktuelle Themen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. ; "Inhalt: Bürgergeld und Wohngeld: In teuren Ballungsräumen lohnt es sich nicht immer, mehr zu arbeiten; Wandel der Erwerbsformen: Das Normalarbeitsverhältnis behält seine Bedeutung; Arbeitsanreize für Geringverdiener: Mindestlohn-, Wohngeld- und Kinderzuschlag-Erhöhung gleichen die negativen Arbeitsanreize der Bürgergeld-Erhöhung aus; IAB-Prognose für 2023: Rekord-Erwerbstätigkeit in schwierigen Zeiten; Demografische Entwicklung: Um das Erwerbspotenzial konstant zu halten, ist eine jährliche Nettozuwanderung von 400.000 Personen erforderlich" (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Bürgergeld; Unterkunftskosten; Wohngeld; Reform; Auswirkungen; Arbeitsanreiz; Ballungsraum; Großstadt; Wohnkosten; regionale Disparität; regionaler Vergleich; Normalarbeitsverhältnis; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; atypische Beschäftigung; Mindestlohn; Lohnerhöhung; Kindergeldzuschlag; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Geringverdiener; Einwanderer; Erwerbspersonenpotenzial; Einwanderungspolitik; Drittstaatsangehörige; IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; München; Bayern; Gera; Thüringen; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230522Y37}, } @Book{Bruecker:2023:ZM, Institution={Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, N{\"u}rnberg (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Herbert Br{\"u}cker and Andreas Hauptmann and Sekou Keita and Ehsan Vallizadeh}, Title= {Zuwanderungsmonitor Mai}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {5}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Series= {Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Daten und Indikatoren}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In aller Kürze: Die ausländische Bevölkerung in Deutschland ist nach Angaben des Ausländerzentralregisters im April 2023 gegenüber dem Vormonat um rund 39.000 Personen gestiegen. - Die Beschäftigungsquote der ausländischen Bevölkerung betrug im März 2023 53,1 Prozent und ist damit im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat um 0,4 Prozentpunkte gesunken. - Die absolute Zahl der Arbeitslosen mit einer ausländischen Staatsangehörigkeit ist im Mai 2023 gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat um 248.000 Personen gestiegen. Dies entspricht einem Anstieg von 35,6 Prozent. - Die Arbeitslosenquote der ausländischen Bevölkerung lag im März 2023 bei 14,8 Prozent und ist im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat um 2,3 Prozentpunkte gestiegen. - Die SGB-II-Hilfequote der ausländischen Bevölkerung lag im Februar 2023 bei 21,2 Prozent und ist gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat um 3,3 Prozentpunkte gestiegen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Europäische Union; Einwanderer; berufliche Integration; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Wanderungsstatistik; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; unterwertige Beschäftigung; Lohnhöhe; Arbeitslosenquote; Erwerbsquote; Qualifikationsstruktur; Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger; Einwanderung; Krieg; IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Ukraine; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230606ZD2}, } @Book{Bundesagentur:2023:AIP, Institution={Bundesagentur f{\"u}r Arbeit. Statistik/Arbeitsmarktberichterstattung}, Title= {Arbeitsmarktsituation im Pflegebereich}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {23}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Series= {Berichte: Blickpunkt Arbeitsmarkt / Bundesagentur f{\"u}r Arbeit}, Number= {Mai 2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"' 2022 waren in Deutschland knapp 1,7 Millionen Pflegekräfte sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt. Die sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung in der Pflege ist lange Zeit stärker gewachsen als die Beschäftigung insgesamt. Seit Anfang 2022 hat der Beschäftigungsaufbau in der Pflege allerdings spürbar an Dynamik verloren. – Pflegeberufe sind weiterhin eine Frauendomäne: Ein Großteil der Beschäftigten ist weiblich – allerdings steigt der Anteil männlicher Pflegekräfte beständig. Teilzeitbeschäftigung ist weit verbreitet. Auch die Zeitarbeit hat sich – anteilig etwa auf dem Niveau der Gesamtbeschäftigung – etabliert. – Nach einer zwischenzeitlichen coronabedingten Unterbrechung setzt sich der rückläufige Trend bei der Arbeitslosigkeit von Pflegerinnen und Pflegern im Jahr 2022 wieder fort. – Die Zahl der gemeldeten Stellen für Fachkräfte in Pflegeberufen übersteigt die der Arbeitslosen deutlich. Bei Pflegehelfern stellt sich die Situation genau umgekehrt dar. Die Arbeitslosen-Stellen-Relation lag sowohl für Helfer als auch für Fachkräfte etwa auf dem Niveau von vor der Corona-Pandemie. – Nahezu alle Indikatoren der Engpassanalyse weisen auf deutliche bestehende Fachkräfteengpässe hin. – In der Risikobetrachtung lassen in der Pflege insbesondere das geringe Substituierbarkeitspotenzial und die Entwicklung des Anteils älterer Beschäftigter keine nennenswerte Entspannung dieser Engpässe erkennen. – Erfolgreiche geförderte Aus- und Weiterbildungen von Pflegekräften bieten beste Chancen für eine Arbeitsaufnahme am ersten Arbeitsmarkt. – Die Zahl der neu abgeschlossenen Ausbildungsverträge für die generalistische Ausbildung zum Pflegefachmann bzw. zur Pflegefachfrau ist vorläufigen Angaben zufolge gesunken." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Pflegeberufe; Gesundheitswesen; Arbeitsmarktentwicklung; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; geringfügige Beschäftigung; sozialversicherungspflichtige Arbeitnehmer; Lohnentwicklung; Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung; Arbeitskräftenachfrage; offene Stellen; Fachkräfte; Arbeitskräftemangel; Weiterbildungsförderung; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2012-2022}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZGW}, } @Book{Bundesministerium:2021:BGG, Institution={Bundesministerium der Finanzen ; Bundesministerium der Finanzen. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat}, Title= {Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen : Gutachten 02/2021 vom 21. Juli 2021}, Year= {2021}, Pages= {51}, Annote= {Art: Stand: September 2021}, Address= {Berlin}, Series= {Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats beim Bundesministerium der Finanzen}, Number= {2021,02}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Seit vielen Jahren wird immer wieder die Einführung eines bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens (BGE) in Deutschland diskutiert. Allen Bürgern soll ein fester monatlicher Betrag ausbezahlt werden, ohne die Auszahlung dabei an Bedingungen zu knüpfen. Dieser Betrag soll unter anderem das Arbeitslosengeld I und II, das Sozialgeld, das Kindergeld sowie die Grundsicherung im Alter und bei Erwerbsminderung ersetzen und damit eine radikale Vereinfachung und Entbürokratisierung der sozialen Absicherung ermöglichen. Das Gutachten geht auf die unterschiedlichen Vorschläge ein, legt jedoch das Hauptaugenmerk auf diejenigen Vorschläge, die ein BGE vorsehen, das dem heutigen gesellschaftlich akzeptierten soziokulturellen Existenzminimum entspricht. Bevor das Gutachten die BGE-Vorschläge rechtlich und ökonomisch analysiert, gibt es in den folgenden Abschnitten zunächst einmal einen kurzen Überblick über die verschiedenen Vorschläge und die unterschiedlichen damit verbundenen Zielvorstellungen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen; Existenzminimum; soziokulturelle Faktoren; Einkommenshöhe; Beschäftigungseffekte; Auswirkungen; Szenario; Ideengeschichte; Verfassungsmäßigkeit; öffentlicher Haushalt; Finanzierung; verfügbares Einkommen; Haushaltseinkommen; Freizügigkeit; EU-Bürger; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230524Y5R}, } @Book{Dietrich:2023:ZGB, Institution={Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, N{\"u}rnberg (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Hans Dietrich and Bernd Fitzenberger and Simon Janssen and Thomas Kruppe and Julia Lang and Ute Leber and Christopher Osiander and Holger Seibert and Gesine Stephan}, Title= {Zum Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung zur St{\"a}rkung der Aus- und Weiterbildungsf{\"o}rderung und zum zugeh{\"o}rigen Antrag der Fraktion DIE LINKE : Stellungnahme des IAB zur {\"o}ffentlichen Anh{\"o}rung im Ausschuss f{\"u}r Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 22.5.2023}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {16}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Series= {IAB-Stellungnahme}, Number= {04/2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Das IAB hat für die öffentliche Anhörung im Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 22.5.23 die folgende Stellungnahme zum Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung zur Stärkung der Aus-und Weiterbildungsförderung sowie zum zugehörigen Antrag der Fraktion DIE LINKE vorgelegt. Die Stellungnahme zum Gesetzentwurf bezieht sich auf folgende Aspekte: Reform der Weiterbildungsförderung Beschäftigter nach § 82 SGB III, Einführung eines Qualifizierungsgeldes, Verlängerung der Erstattungen bei beruflicher Weiterbildung während Kurzarbeit, Einführung einer Ausbildungsgarantie, Berufsorientierungspraktikum, Mobilitätszuschuss, Einstiegsqualifizierung sowie Berufsausbildung in außerbetrieblichen Einrichtungen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"For the public hearing in the Committee for Labor and Social Affairs of the German Bundestag on 22.5.23, the IAB provided the following statement on the Federal Government's draft act to strengthen the promotion of initial and continuing training and on the associated motion of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE. The statement on the draft act relates to the following aspects: Reform of further training support for employees in accordance with § 82 of the Third Book of the Social Code (SGB III), introduction of a qualification allowance, prolongation of the reimbursement of social security contributions in the case of further training during short-time work, vocational orientation internship, mobility allowance, introductory qualification, and vocational training in firm-external institutions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; Ausbildungsförderung; Weiterbildungsförderung; Gesetzentwurf; abhängig Beschäftigte; Sozialgesetzbuch III; Kurzarbeit; Berufsorientierung; Praktikum; Mobilitätsförderung; Einstiegsqualifizierung; überbetriebliche Ausbildung; Weiterbildung; Berufsausbildung; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZKF}, } @Book{Englert:2023:UDS, Annote= {Sign.: Z 755 10/2023;}, Institution={Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, N{\"u}rnberg (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Kathrin Englert and Claudia Globisch and Markus Gottwald and Peter Kupka}, Title= {Umsetzung des § 16i SGB II Teilhabechancengesetz durch die Jobcenter: Zwischen Sozialem Arbeitsmarkt und Integrationsinstrument}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {8}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Series= {IAB-Kurzbericht}, Number= {10/2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Seit der Einführung des Teilhabechancengesetzes steht den Jobcentern mit § 16i SGB II eine Förderung zur Verfügung, die der Kernidee eines Sozialen Arbeitsmarkts nahekommt. Die Jobcenter begrüßen das neue Instrument, in seiner Deutung und Umsetzung zeigen sich jedoch erhebliche Unterschiede. Die Zielsetzung der jeweiligen Jobcenter wird von der Arbeitsmarktlage sowie der internen und externen Steuerung beeinflusst. Ihr Grundverständnis des Instruments beeinflusst auch wesentliche Aspekte der Umsetzung: Die Auswahl der Geförderten, die Akquise der Arbeitgebenden sowie das Coaching. Insgesamt ist 'Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt' in der Umsetzung je nach Ausrichtung des Jobcenters nicht hauptsächlich an den Prinzipien eines Sozialen Arbeitsmarkts ausgerichtet: In Jobcentern der Variante Arbeitsmarktintegration wird die Förderung - anders als bei Jobcentern der Variante Sozialer Arbeitsmarkt - primär als Integrationsinstrument genutzt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; Langzeitarbeitslose; Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger; sozialer Arbeitsmarkt; berufliche Reintegration; Lohnkostenzuschuss; Beschäftigungsförderung; Jobcenter; Teilnehmerauswahl; Coaching; Politikumsetzung; schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2022}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 755}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230612ZGC}, } @Book{Faller:2023:DBG, Author= {Gudrun Faller}, Title= {Diversityorientiertes Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement : Integration von Gesundheit und Vielfalt in Arbeits- und Organisationskontexten}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {252}, Address= {Weinheim}, Publisher= {Beltz Juventa}, ISBN= {ISBN 978-3-7799-7531-1}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die in professioneller Weise das Management von Gesundheit und von Diversität in Betrieben und Organisationen verknüpfen wollen und sich für die Hintergründe dieses Vorgehens interessieren. Neben Studierenden der Gesundheits- und Sozialwissenschaften werden betriebsinterne und -externe Gesundheits- und Diversity-Manager*innen, Organisationsberater*innen, Mitarbeiter*innenvertretungen, Arbeitsschutzfachleute und Führungskräfte besonders angesprochen. Der Band enthält einen praxisbezogenen Leitfaden in Form eines integrativen 10-Schritte-Konzepts, der – ergänzt um spezifische Vertiefungen für einzelne Kategorien von Vielfalt – ein erfolgreiches und nachhaltiges Vorgehen ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus werden die begrifflichen, theoretischen, empirischen und rechtlichen Grundlagen beleuchtet, die erforderlich sind, um im diversityorientierten Gesundheitsmanagement ein professionelles Handeln zu ermöglichen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Beltz Juventa)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement; Diversity Management; abhängig Beschäftigte; Gesundheitszustand; soziale Ungleichheit; Behinderte; erwerbstätige Frauen; erwerbstätige Männer; ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Arbeitsbelastung; psychosoziale Faktoren; Auswirkungen; Organisationsentwicklung; Arbeitsrecht; Professionalisierung; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230515Y0U}, } @Book{Koerber-Stiftung:2023:MDI, Institution={K{\"o}rber-Stiftung ; mmb Institut - Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Medien- und Kompetenzforschung}, Title= {Mehr Diversit{\"a}t in der MINT-Bildung : Chancenungleichheit aufgrund sozialer Herkunft: Ursachen und L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze : Eine Studie von MINTvernetzt}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {20}, Address= {Hamburg ; Essen}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Diese Studie untersucht, welchen Einfluss die Dimension 'Soziale Herkunft' auf die MINT-Bildung von Kindern und Jugendlichen hat. Sie liefert gleichzeitig konkrete Empfehlungen für die Praxis, um mehr Chancengleichheit zu schaffen und so die Diversität in MINT-Berufen zu verbessern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: soziale Herkunft; Auswirkungen; Bildungsungleichheit; Chancengleichheit; soziale Ungleichheit; MINT-Berufe; Berufswahl; Mathematik; Schulleistung; Naturwissenschaft; naturwissenschaftliche Berufe; technische Bildung; informationstechnische Bildung; Fächerwahl; Schule; PISA-Studie; Bildungschancen; Studienfachwahl; Didaktik; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2012-2022}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230619ZMT}, } @Book{Loschert:2023:PBP, Institution={Sachverst{\"a}ndigenrat f{\"u}r Integration und Migration (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Franziska Loschert and Holger Kolb and Franziska Schork}, Title= {Prek{\"a}re Besch{\"a}ftigung - prek{\"a}re Teilhabe : Ausl{\"a}ndische Arbeitskr{\"a}fte im deutschen Niedriglohnsektor}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {118}, Address= {Berlin}, Series= {SVR-Studie / Sachverst{\"a}ndigenrat f{\"u}r Integration und Migration}, Number= {2023-1}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Ausländische Arbeitskräfte sind in vielen Branchen der deutschen Wirtschaft längst unverzichtbar geworden. Dazu zählen auch solche Sektoren, in denen prekäre Arbeitsverhältnisse, die durch geringe Entlohnung und harte Arbeitsbedingungen gekennzeichnet sind, oftmals nicht die Ausnahme, sondern die Regel sind. Der SVR untersucht im Rahmen einer qualitativen Interviewstudie die Ursachen und Folgen von Prekaritätsverhältnissen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, die ausländische Arbeitskräfte betreffen. Die Studie gibt praxisorientierte Handlungsempfehlungen für Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: ausländische Arbeitnehmer; Niedriglohnbereich; prekäre Beschäftigung; Auswirkungen; soziale Partizipation; Aufenthaltsrecht; Arbeitsrecht; Sozialrecht; berufliche Qualifikation; Anerkennung; Sozialleistungen; Leistungsanspruch; EU-Bürger; Drittstaatsangehörige; Interessenvertretung; Baugewerbe; häusliche Pflege; Saisonarbeit; Landwirtschaft; Fleischverarbeiter; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2021-2022}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230615ZKP}, } @Book{Mayrhofer:2023:KWU, Editor= {Wolfgang Mayrhofer and Johannes Steyrer}, Title= {Karriereachterbahn : Was unsere Berufswege wirklich beeinflusst}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {199}, Address= {Wien}, Publisher= {Linde}, ISBN= {ISBN 978-3-7093-0704-5}, Abstract= {"Wer warum Karriere macht: Warum wird die eine Bundeskanzlerin, der andere Geschäftsführer eines mittelständischen Unternehmens und die dritte arbeitet über Jahre in Teilzeit? Wodurch werden Karrieren bestimmt? Wie sehr können Menschen ihre Karriere beeinflussen? Und: Wie stark hängt der Karriereerfolg von persönlichen und situativen Faktoren ab? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen analysiert das Buch anhand von sieben Dimensionen des Karriereerfolgs Berufsverläufe aus mehr als vier Jahrzehnten. Dafür wurden erstmals auch über 500 Studien aus einem Zeitraum von fast 50 Jahren mit über 600.000 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern sowie eine über Jahrzehnte angelegte Langzeitstudie ausgewertet. Die Daten zu individuellen Karrieren und ihren Bestimmungsfaktoren zeigen: Anstrengung und Leistung lohnen sich, auch wenn Persönlichkeit, der eigene soziale Hintergrund und die Unterstützung durch die Organisation sowie Arbeitsmarkt und Konjunktur eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Ebenfalls wird deutlich, dass der Einfluss von Persönlichkeit und strategisch-taktischem Agieren heute wesentlich größer ist als früher." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Linde Verlag)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufsverlauf; Determinanten; Berufserfolg; Leistungsmotivation; Persönlichkeitsmerkmale; soziale Herkunft; soziale Unterstützung; Konjunkturabhängigkeit; Typologie; beruflicher Aufstieg; Einkommenshöhe; Zufriedenheit; Mikropolitik; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; technischer Wandel; Auswirkungen; Berufswegplanung; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230425YMT}, } @Book{Ostermann:2023:KAI, Annote= {Sign.: Z 755 9/2023;}, Institution={Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, N{\"u}rnberg (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Kerstin Ostermann and Katja Wolf}, Title= {Kleinr{\"a}umige Analysen innerhalb deutscher St{\"a}dte: Die Lohnungleichheit ist in ostdeutschen Nachbarschaften kleiner als in westdeutschen}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {8}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Series= {IAB-Kurzbericht}, Number= {9/2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Innerstädtische Nachbarschaften unterscheiden sich nicht nur im Lohnniveau ihrer Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner, sondern auch in ihrer Homogenität – in manchen Vierteln leben vorwiegend Geringverdienende oder vorwiegend Hochverdienende, in anderen Vierteln leben beide Gruppen in direkter Nachbarschaft. Georeferenzierte Daten erlauben es erstmalig, das Ausmaß und die Entwicklung von Lohnungleichheiten innerhalb deutscher Städte systematisch zu dokumentieren und zu analysieren. Die kleinräumige Lohnungleichheit innerhalb von Großstädten ist in Ostdeutschland systematisch niedriger und nimmt im Zeitverlauf auch stärker ab als in Westdeutschland. Die beiden Befunde lassen sich zu einem großen Teil durch unterschiedliche Erwerbsmuster sowie durch die Einführung des Mindestlohns erklären." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"In using georeferenced data, we systematically describe and analyze small-scale wage inequalities within German cities. The small-scale wage inequality is systematically lower in East German cities and decreases more over time than in West German cities. Different employment patterns and the introduction of the minimum wage explain these two findings to a large extent." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; Lohnunterschied; Nachbarschaft; regionaler Vergleich; Stadt; Großstadt; Lohnhöhe; regionale Disparität; Stadtregion; Lohnstruktur; soziale Ungleichheit; Sozialstruktur; Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Ostdeutschland; Westdeutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2006-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 755}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230606ZDK}, } @Book{Tophoven:2023:KUJ, Institution={Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r Interdisziplin{\"a}re Sozialpolitikforschung (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Silke Tophoven}, Title= {Kinder und Jugendliche in Armutslagen : Sozialpolitische Herausforderungen und Handlungspotenziale in der Kommune}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {40}, Address= {Duisburg ; Bremen}, Series= {Studie / Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r interdisziplin{\"a}re Sozialpolitikforschung}, Number= {2023,05}, ISBN= {ISSN 2748-7199}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Dieser Bericht gibt einen Überblick über die Situation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in materiellen Armutslagen unter Berücksichtigung regionaler Unterschiede. Dargestellt werden Hintergründe, Herausforderungen und Handlungspotenziale für eine präventiv angelegte Sozialpolitik auf kommunaler Ebene mit Blick auf Kinder und Jugendliche in Armutslagen. Dabei müssen weitere Rahmenbedingungen im Mehrebenensystem wie der Landes- und Bundes- und EU-Ebene und sich daraus ergebende Schnittstellen berücksichtigt werden. Aktuell gibt es eine Vielzahl von Ansätzen und Programme auf den verschiedenen Ebenen, die Kinder- und Jugendarmut und ihre Folgen adressieren. Trotz dieser Vielzahl kann Armutslagen und Armutsfolgen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen bislang nicht nachhaltig entgegengewirkt werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"This report provides an overview of the situation of children and youth in material poverty, taking into account regional differences. It describes the background, challenges and potentials for preventive social policies at the municipal level with regard to children and youth in poverty. Other framework conditions in the multi-level system, such as the state, federal and EU levels, and the resulting interfaces must be taken into account. Currently, there is a multitude of approaches and programs on different levels that address child and youth poverty and its consequences. Despite this multitude, poverty situations and poverty consequences among children and youth cannot yet be addressed in a sustainable way" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Kinder; Jugendliche; Armut; Armutsbekämpfung; Sozialpolitik; Kommunalpolitik; regionaler Vergleich; regionale Disparität; Erfolgskontrolle; Soziale Sicherheit; Sozialleistungen; Inanspruchnahme; Bundesländer; Gemeinde; Kompetenzverteilung; europäische Sozialpolitik; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2021-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230613ZGZ}, } @Book{Vereinigung:2023:NEI, Institution={Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft}, Title= {Niedriglohn - Einstieg in Aufstieg}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {12}, Annote= {Art: Stand: Februar 2023}, Address= {M{\"u}nchen}, Series= {Position / vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V.}, Number= {Februar 2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Trotz vielfältiger Krisen entwickelt sich der Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland und Bayern weiterhin positiv. Insbesondere mit Blick auf den sich verschärfenden Arbeitskräfte- und Fachkräftemangel müssen alle Arbeitspotenziale ausgeschöpft werden. Um eine Beteiligung möglichst vieler Menschen am Arbeitsleben sicherzustellen, braucht es gerade für Geringqualifizierte und Langzeitarbeitslose eine faire, niederschwellige Chance auf Teilhabe. Ein flexibler Niedriglohnbereich schafft Aufstiegschancen: Ein flexibler Niedriglohnbereich schafft Chancen für einen niedrigschwelligen Einstieg und ist insbesondere für Geringqualifizierte und Langzeitarbeitslose der Weg in eine Erwerbstätigkeit. Arbeitslosigkeit ist das größte Armutsrisiko, Beschäftigung und Bildung sind der Schlüssel zur Armutsvermeidung. Marktgerechte Rahmenbedingungen begleiten den Strukturwandel mit einem Produktivitätszuwachs und schaffen neue Arbeitsplätze. Chance Teilqualifizierung: Neue Chancen für Geringqualifizierte oder Arbeitsuchende: Durch ihren modularen Aufbau bieten Teilqualifizierungen die Möglichkeit, sich auch berufsbegleitend in Teilbereichen der Facharbeitertätigkeit weiterzubilden und das berufliche Einsatzfeld für An- und Ungelernte Stück für Stück zu erweitern. Wer alle Bausteine durchläuft, hat anschließend sogar die Möglichkeit, sich für die externe Facharbeiterprüfung anzumelden. So können insbesondere auch für An- und Ungelernte Teilqualifizierungen eine gute Chance bieten. Niedriglohn – Einstieg in Aufstieg: Unser Positionspapier beleuchtet, welche Chancen der Niedriglohnbereich für Beschäftigte und Unternehmen bietet. Ziel muss stets sein, noch mehr Menschen in Arbeit zu bringen und den Einstieg in den Aufstieg wirkungsvoll und durch passgenaue Weiterqualifizierung zu unterstützen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Niedriglohn; beruflicher Aufstieg; Lohnhöhe; internationaler Wettbewerb; Wettbewerbsfähigkeit; Niedriglohnbereich; Geringverdiener; Teilqualifikation; Armutsbekämpfung; Mindestlohn; Auswirkungen; Tarifautonomie; Lohnpolitik; Lohnfindung; Niedrigqualifizierte; Langzeitarbeitslose; Arbeitsmarktchancen; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230619ZMC}, } *************************** 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN *************************** @Incollection{Riester:2003:APN, Editor= {M. Kuhlo and J. Hilse and I. Ehlers}, Booktitle= {Reformen f{\"u}r den Arbeitsmarkt / Nachhaltige Finanzpolitik / Globarisierung verantwortlich gestalten / Wettbewerb der Marktpl{\"a}tze}, Author= {Walter Riester}, Title= {Alte Probleme, neue L{\"o}sungen : Arbeit im Wandel - gezielte Ma{\"ss}nahmen f{\"u}r Jobsucher sollen die Arbeitslosigkeit reduzieren}, Year= {2003}, Pages= {17-32}, Abstract= {"Die beiden größten Herausforderungen, denen sich Beschäftigungs- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik stellen müssen, sieht Riester im deutsch-deutschen Einigungsprozess sowie im strukturellen Wandel am Arbeitsmarkt. Erfolge habe die Arbeitsmarktpolitik bereits dort erzielt, wo sie denjenigen Beschäftigungsgruppen nutze, die wenig Chancen auf Eingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt hätten: so zum Beispiel Jugendliche ohne Abschluss, erwerbslose Schwerbehinderte, Langzeitarbeitslose und auch ältere Arbeitnehmer. Kombilohn-Modelle wie das Mainzer Modell oder Programme wie "Jump" für die Integration von jugendlichen Arbeitslosen sind laut Riester kleine Schritte hin zu einer geringeren Arbeitslosenquote. Außerdem soll das neue Job-Aqtiv-Gesetz die Vermittlungschancen erhöhen. Eingliederungsvereinbarungen und Profiling sind die Instrumente, die individuell auf die Bedürfnisse und Erfordernisse des Arbeitsuchenden eingehen. Reformen wie diese, so der Minister, seien wichtig: Doch fast noch entscheidender für notwendige Veränderungen ist das Umdenken der Menschen - bei der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, bei den Kirchen , bei den Wohlfahrtsverbänden und vielen anderen mehr." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Reformpolitik; Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung; Beschäftigungspolitik; Jugendliche; Niedrigqualifizierte; Behinderte; Langzeitarbeitslose; Arbeitsvermittlung; Kombilohn; Beschäftigungsförderung; Bundesanstalt für Arbeit; Weiterbildungsförderung; Job-AQTIV-Gesetz; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230519Y3F}, } @Incollection{Strobel:2003:FUF, Editor= {M. Kuhlo and J. Hilse and I. Ehlers}, Booktitle= {Reformen f{\"u}r den Arbeitsmarkt / Nachhaltige Finanzpolitik / Globarisierung verantwortlich gestalten / Wettbewerb der Marktpl{\"a}tze}, Author= {Eva Strobel}, Title= {Fordern und F{\"o}rdern : Wege aus der Besch{\"a}ftigungsmisere - Ans{\"a}tze, Neuerungen, L{\"o}sungen}, Year= {2003}, Pages= {33-44}, Abstract= {"Strobel stellte neue Ansätze gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit im Lande vor, wie etwa das Mainzer Modell, ein oft praktiziertes Kombilohn-Modell. Im Gegensatz zum weniger erfolgreichen "Saar-Modell" (Modell der Saar-Gemeinschaftsinitiative), das auf Entlastung der Arbeitgeber bei den Lohnnebenkosten setzt, schafft das Mainzer Modell durch Zuschüsse bei Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen und Kindergeld einen Anreiz für Jobsuchende, auch eine gering bezahlte Beschäftigung anzunehmen. Doch nicht nur politische Reformen, sondern auch neue Vermittlungsstrategien der Arbeitsämter sollen der hohen Arbeitslosigkeit entgegen wirken: Beim Profiling etwa wird zunächst einmal ermittelt, welche Voraussetzungen und Kenntnisse der/die Arbeitsuchende mitbringt. Die Eingliederungsvereinbarung versucht - ganz im Sinne von "Fördern und Fordern" - die Angebote der Arbeitsämter mit den Ansprüchen des Arbeitsuchenden zu vereinbaren. Um die Massenarbeitslosigkeit zu reduzieren, sind, wie im Folgenden nachzulesen, neue Wege zu beschreiten." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: aktivierende Sozialpolitik; aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Reformpolitik; Kombilohn; Lohnsubvention; Niedrigqualifizierte; Arbeitsvermittlung; Profiling; Eingliederungsvereinbarung; Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung; Auswirkungen; Arbeitsanreiz; Erfolgskontrolle; Job-AQTIV-Gesetz; Vermittlungsgutschein; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Saarland; Rheinland-Pfalz; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230519Y3G}, } 143 von 486 Datensätzen ausgegeben.