Suchprofil: Mindestlohn Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 08/13 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** @Article{Addison:2013:MWI, Journal= {Labour Economics}, Volume= {23}, Author= {John T. Addison and McKinley L. Blackburn and Chad D. Cotti}, Title= {Minimum wage increases in a recessionary environment}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {30-39}, ISBN= {ISSN 0927-5371}, Abstract= {"Do seemingly large minimum-wage increases in an environment of deep recession produce clearer evidence of disemployment than is often observed in the modern minimum wage literature? This paper uses three data sets to examine the employment effects of the most recent increases in the U.S. minimum wage. We focus on two high-risk groups - restaurant-and-bar employees and teenagers - for the years 2005 - 2010. Although the evidence for a general disemployment effect is not uniform, estimates do suggest the presence of a negative minimum wage effect in states hardest hit by the recession." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Mindestlohn; Lohnentwicklung; Beschäftigungseffekte; Rezession; regionaler Vergleich; Jugendliche; Kellner; Gastgewerbe; regionale Disparität; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 2005; E 2010}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J2; J3; J4; J8}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1120}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130722n03}, } @Article{Laporsek:2013:MWE, Journal= {Applied Economics Letters}, Volume= {20}, Number= {14}, Author= {Suzana Laporsek}, Title= {Minimum wage effects on youth employment in the European Union}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {1288-1292}, ISBN= {ISSN 1350-4851}, Abstract= {"The purpose of this article is to estimate minimum wage effects on youth employment in the European Union (EU). The analysis employs a panel regression method with fixed effects and uses data for 18 EU member states with statutory minimum wage over the period 1996 to 2011. The analysis is restricted to teenage workers between 15 and 19 years of age and young workers between 20 and 24 years of age. The study finds a negative, statistically significant impact of minimum wage on youth employment, by which the disemployment effect appears to be stronger for teenage workers. The effect remains negative and statistically significant also when controlled for other labour market institutions. Taking into account empirical results, we can conclude that EU countries should be more cautious when setting up minimum wages for young workers, as disemployment effects may have been downplayed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Mindestlohn - Auswirkungen; Beschäftigungseffekte - internationaler Vergleich; Jugendliche; junge Erwachsene; Arbeitskräftenachfrage; Erwerbsquote; Europäische Union; Belgien; Tschechische Republik; Estland; Frankreich; Griechenland; Ungarn; Irland; Lettland; Luxemburg; Litauen; Niederlande; Polen; Portugal; Rumänien; Slowenien; Slowakei; Spanien; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 1996; E 2011}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J30; J33; J38}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 099}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130719r15}, } @Article{Moffitt:2012:RER, Journal= {Brookings Papers on Economic Activity}, Number= {2}, Author= {Robert A. Moffitt}, Title= {The reversal of the employment-population ratio in the 2000s : facts and explanations}, Year= {2012}, Pages= {210-250}, ISBN= {ISSN 0007-2303}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The decline in the employment-population ratios for men and women over 2000-07, just before the Great Recession, represents a historic turnaround in U.S. employment trends. The decline is disproportionately concentrated among the less educated and younger groups within the male and the female populations and, for women, especially among unmarried women without children. About half of the decline among men can be explained by declines in wage rates and by changes in nonlabor income and family structure, but the decline among women is more difficult to explain and requires distinguishing between married and unmarried women and between those with and without children, as these subgroups have experienced quite different wage and employment trends. Neither changes in taxes nor changes in government transfers appear likely to explain the employment declines, with the possible exception of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Other influences such as the minimum wage and health factors do not appear to play a role, but increases in incarceration may have contributed to the decline among men." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Konjunkturentwicklung; Konjunkturaufschwung; Erwerbsquote; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Männer; Frauen; Niedrigqualifizierte; Mütter; allein Erziehende; Arbeitskräfteangebot - Determinanten; geschlechtsspezifischer Arbeitsmarkt; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; altersspezifische Faktoren; Lohnentwicklung; Transferleistung; Zeitverwendung; Gesundheitszustand; Straffällige; Mindestlohn; institutionelle Faktoren; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 1999; E 2007}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 596}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130729n09}, } @Article{Nguyen:2013:IMW, Journal= {Economics of Transition}, Volume= {21}, Number= {3}, Author= {Cuong Viet Nguyen}, Title= {The impact of minimum wages on employment of low-wage workers : evidence from Vietnam}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {583-615}, ISBN= {ISSN 0967-0750}, Abstract= {"This study provides empirical evidence on the impact of a minimum wage increase on employment of workers in the formal sector who have wages below the minimum level in Vietnam. Using the difference-in-differences with propensity score matching and the Vietnam Household Living Standard Surveys of 2004 and 2006, the article finds that the minimum wage increase in 2005 reduced the proportion of workers having a formal sector job among low-wage workers. Most workers who lost formal sector jobs became self-employed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Mindestlohn - Auswirkungen; Beschäftigungseffekte; Geringverdiener; Arbeitsplatzverlust; berufliche Selbständigkeit; Lohnerhöhung; Einkommenseffekte; informeller Sektor; Vietnam; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 2004; E 2006}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J31; J23; D31}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1234}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130805n06}, } ************************************ 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************************ @Article{Cette:2013:MWA, Journal= {Economics Bulletin}, Volume= {33}, Number= {3}, Author= {Gilbert Cette and Valérie Chouard and Gregory Verdugo}, Title= {Minimum wage and the average wage in France : a circular relationship?}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {1832-1839}, ISBN= {ISSN 1545-2921}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper investigates whether increases in the minimum wage in France have the same impact on the average wage when intended to preserve the purchasing power of the minimum wage as when intended to raise it. We find that the impact of the minimum wage on the average wage is strong, but differs depending on the indexation factor. We also find some empirical evidence of circularity between the average wage and the minimum wage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Mindestlohn; Lohnhöhe; Indexlohn; Lohnentwicklung - Determinanten; Lohnerhöhung - Auswirkungen; Wettbewerbsfähigkeit; Reallohn; Frankreich; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 1970; E 2010}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1979}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130716n02}, } @Article{Maguire:2013:YUF, Journal= {Intereconomics}, Volume= {48}, Number= {4}, Author= {Sue Maguire and Bart Cockx and Juan J. Dolado and Florentino Felgueroso and Marcel Jansen and Izabela Styczynska and Elish Kelly and Seamus McGuinness and Werner Eichhorst and Holger Hinte and Ulf Rinne}, Title= {Youth unemployment : Forum}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {196-235}, ISBN= {ISSN 0020-5346}, Abstract= {"Youth unemployment has been on the rise since the beginning of the crisis in 2008. Even more troublesome is the dramatic rise in the number of youth not in employment, education or training, which has led to widespread concerns about the impact on social cohesion and fears of a 'lost generation'. Given the extreme differences in youth unemployment levels among member states, it is clear that no single labour market policy will be appropriate throughout the EU. There may, however, be opportunities for mutual learning on how to combat youth unemployment. This Forum explores youth unemployment in the EU via case studies of England, Belgium, Spain, Poland and Ireland. It also examines Germany's dual vocational training system as one potential solution." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) Contents: Sue Maguire: What measures can be taken to address the specific problem of young people who are NEET (196-201); Bart Cockx: Youth unemployment in Belgium: Diagnosis and key remedies (202-209); Juan J. Dolado, Florentino Felgueroso, Marcel Jansen: Spanish youth unemployment: Déjà vu (209-215); Izabela Styczynska: Enhancing youth opportunities in employment: Determinants and policy implications (216-223); Elish Kelly, Seamus McGuinness: The impact of the recession on the structure and labour market success of NEET youth in Ireland (224-230); Werner Eichhorst, Holger Hinte, Ulf Rinne: Youth unemployment in Europe: What to do about it? (230-235). ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Jugendarbeitslosigkeit; Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung; Berufsbildungssystem; betriebliche Berufsausbildung; Rezession; Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung; Ausbildungsverzichter; Ungelernte; arbeitslose Jugendliche; benachteiligte Jugendliche; Schulabbrecher; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Berufsbildungspolitik; schulische Reintegration; berufliche Reintegration; Arbeitslosenquote; institutionelle Faktoren; Kündigungsschutz; Mindestlohn; junge Erwachsene; Großbritannien; Belgien; Spanien; Polen; Irland; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 127}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130806n01}, } @Article{Manning:2013:MWV, Journal= {Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik}, Volume= {14}, Number= {1/2}, Author= {Alan Manning}, Title= {Minimum wages: A view from the UK}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {57-66}, ISBN= {ISSN 1465-6493}, Abstract= {"In the past economists were generally hostile to the idea of a minimum wage regarding those who supported the policy as being economically illiterate. But the balance of professional opinion has also shifted. In this article I will describe the evidence that has led to this position, largely seen through the experience of the UK with the introduction of its National Minimum Wage (NMW) in 1999. The article will set out a brief history of minimum wages in the UK, then summarize the evidence on the impact of the NMW on employment and wage inequality and then briefly describe the lessons that might be learned for Germany." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Mindestlohn; Mindestlohnrecht - historische Entwicklung; Lohnpolitik; Beschäftigungseffekte; Einkommenseffekte; Lohnunterschied; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1261}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130807n05}, } ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* @Article{Groll:2013:VBA, Journal= {Wirtschaftsdienst}, Volume= {93}, Number= {8}, Author= {Domink Groll and Stefan Kooths}, Title= {Vor der Bundestagswahl : Argumente f{\"u}r Mindestl{\"o}hne {\"u}berzeugen nicht}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {545-551}, ISBN= {ISSN 0043-6275}, Abstract= {"Lohnuntergrenzen werden mittlerweile von allen im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien befürwortet. Die empirische Forschung zu den Beschäftigungswirkungen von Mindestlöhnen hat bislang noch keinen Konsens hervorgebracht. Anhand theoretischer Überlegungen zeigen die Autoren, dass die gängigen Argumente für Mindestlöhne entweder konzeptionell inkonsistent sind oder Markteigenschaften voraussetzen, die kaum auf die Gegebenheiten im Niedriglohnbereich zutreffen. Im Ergebnis ist daher bei der Ausweitung von Lohnuntergrenzen in Deutschland eindeutig mit Beschäftigungseinbußen zu rechnen. Da Arbeitslosigkeit ein Hauptgrund für Armut ist, würde das Ziel der Armutsbekämpfung nicht erreicht, sondern im Zweifel noch weiter verfehlt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"For the first time ever, all political parties represented in the German Bundestag are proposing some form of minimum wage regulation in their federal campaigns. After sketching an overview of the vast empirical literature on the employment effects of minimum wages, which has yet to come to a consensus, the paper concentrates on the most common theoretical arguments for the view that minimum wages need not reduce the employment levels of affected workers. The authors find that those arguments are either conceptually inconsistent or assume market characteristics that can hardly describe the reality of low-wage labour markets. In the end, minimum wages are a blunt instrument to reduce poverty among workers - its primary objective because it benefits many that are not poor and does not address the most important determinant of poverty in Germany, namely unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Mindestlohn; Lohnpolitik; Niedriglohngruppe; Beschäftigungseffekte; Arbeitslosigkeit; Tariflohn; sektorale Verteilung; Wirtschaftszweige; Wahlkampf; Bundestag; Lohnabstandsgebot; Arbeitslosengeld; Arbeitsuche; Lohntheorie; Effizienzlohntheorie; Arbeitskräftenachfrage; Lohnsubvention|15,16|; Mitnahmeeffekte; Produktivitätseffekte; Niedrigqualifizierte; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J23; J31; J38}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 213}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130814n03}, } @Article{Weber:2013:PFD, Journal= {{\"O}konomenstimme}, Number= {10 07 2013}, Author= {Enzo Weber}, Title= {Politik f{\"u}r den Arbeitsmarkt: Worauf es ankommt}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {3}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Die institutionellen Regeln des Arbeitsmarkts stehen regelmäßig im Zentrum von Auseinandersetzungen um die Richtung der Politik in sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Belangen. Minijobs, Zeitarbeit, Mindestlohn, Befristungen und Sozialleistungen sind typische Themen auf der politischen Agenda. Dabei stehen Forderungen nach stärkerer Regulierung und sozialer Gerechtigkeit Argumenten gegenüber, die Möglichkeiten zur Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen zu verbessern. Gerade in Wahlkampfzeiten lassen sich so Profile schärfen und Positionen auf den Punkt bringen. Natürlich werden Verhalten der Akteure und Ergebnisse des Arbeitsmarkts davon bestimmt, wie Regeln ausgestaltet sind. Die Hartz-Reformen - mit ihren positiven wie negativen Wirkungen - sind dafür das Beispiel schlechthin. Aber was ist politisch zu tun, wenn man wie Deutschland bereits über einen reformierten Arbeitsmarkt verfügt? Sind (De-)Regulierungsfragen überhaupt das, worauf es ankommt, um jetzt weitere substantielle Verbesserungen zu erreichen?" (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"The way the labour market is institutionally regulated is repeatedly at the centre of disputes on the direction of policy in social and economic issues. Minijobs, temporary agency work, a minimum wage, fixed-term employment, and social benefits are typical topics on the political agenda. Here demands for stronger regulation and more social justice are met with arguments about improving the possibilities of creating jobs. During election times in particular, this is a way to sharpen profiles and put one's standpoint in a nutshell. It is of course true that the behaviour of actors and the results on the labour market are determined by how these regulations are shaped. The Hartz reforms - with both their positive and negative impacts - are quite simply the best example of this. But what is to be done in the policy sphere if one has a labour market which is already reformed, such as Germany? Are the (de-)regulation issues what really matter if further substantial improvements are now to be achieved?" (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Mini-Job; Zeitarbeit; Mindestlohn; Niedrigqualifizierte; Qualifizierungsmaßnahme; Fachkräfte; Arbeitskräftemangel; Berufsverlauf; Berufsaussichten; Lebensperspektive; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 883}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130711301}, } ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** @Book{Cahuc:2013:YUI, Institution={Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit, Bonn (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Pierre Cahuc and Stephane Carcillo and Ulf Rinne and Klaus F. Zimmermann}, Title= {Youth unemployment in old Europe : the polar cases of France and Germany}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {29}, Address= {Bonn}, Series= {IZA discussion paper}, Number= {7490}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"France and Germany are two polar cases in the European debate about rising youth unemployment. Similar to what can be observed in Southern European countries, a 'lost generation' may arise in France. In stark contrast, youth unemployment has been on continuous decline in Germany for many years, hardly affected by the Great Recession. This paper analyzes the diametrically opposed developments in the two countries to derive policy lessons. As the fundamental differences in youth unemployment are primarily resulting from structural differences in labor policy and in the (vocational) education system, any short-term oriented policies can only have temporary effects. Ultimately, the youth unemployment disease in France and in other European countries has to be cured with structural reforms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Jugendarbeitslosigkeit - internationaler Vergleich; Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung; Arbeitslosenquote; institutionelle Faktoren; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Berufsbildungssystem; Kündigungsschutz; Mindestlohn; Rezession - Auswirkungen; demografische Faktoren; Frankreich; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 2000; E 2012}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J24; J38; J68}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130719r08}, } @Book{Meer:2013:EMW, Institution={National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Jonathan Meer and Jeremy West}, Title= {Effects of the minimum wage on employment dynamics}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {39}, Address= {Cambrige, Mass.}, Series= {NBER working paper}, Number= {19262}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The voluminous literature on minimum wages offers little consensus on the extent to which a wage floor impacts employment. For both theoretical and econometric reasons, we argue that the effect of the minimum wage should be more apparent in new employment growth than in employment levels. In addition, we conduct a simulation showing that the common practice of including state-specific time trends will attenuate the measured effects of the minimum wage on employment if the true effect is in fact on the rate of job growth. Using a long state-year panel on the population of private-sector employers in the United States, we find that the minimum wage reduces net job growth, primarily through its effect on job creation by expanding establishments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Mindestlohn; Beschäftigungseffekte; Privatwirtschaft; zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; Arbeitsplatzabbau; Erwerbsquote; regionaler Vergleich; Lohnerhöhung - Auswirkungen; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Arbeitskräftenachfrage; Lohnkosten; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 1977; E 2011}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J21; J23; J38}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130802r10}, } @Book{Riley:2013:MDF, Institution={National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Rebecca Riley}, Title= {Modelling demand for low skilled/low paid labour : exploring the employment trade-offs of a living wage}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {37}, Address= {London}, Series= {NIESR discussion paper}, Number= {404}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper analyses labour demand for low skill/low pay labour in order to explore the potential employment trade-offs associated with moving to a Living Wage. Using industry sector panel data we model demand for labour classified into 5 groups defined by age and highest educational qualification. Low pay is most prevalent amongst the less skilled and the young. Amongst the 11 market sector industry groups we consider, the three sectors that would face the largest rise in their wage bill were all employers to sign up to the Living Wage are: Wholesale & Retail, Hotels & Catering; Other Community, Social & Personal Services; and less skill intensive manufacturing industries. Our calculations suggest that, conditional on the level of output and worker effort, these cost increases would reduce employers' demand for young low-skilled employees in the private sector by approximately 300,000. The analysis highlights the importance of allowing for labour substitution in considering the employment demand effects of exogenous shifts in wages. We find that in aggregate the reduction in conditional labour demand with the Living Wage is around 160,000; this is around half the reduction in the demand for young lower-skilled employees because employers substitute younger with more experienced workers. The number of employees who would see their earnings rise with a Living Wage far outweighs the estimated reduction in labour demand." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitskräftenachfrage; Geringverdiener; Niedrigqualifizierte; Mindestlohn; Beschäftigungseffekte; Einkommenseffekte; Existenzminimum; Lohnhöhe; Arbeitskosten; sektorale Verteilung; Wirtschaftszweige; Qualifikationsstruktur; Altersstruktur; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 1970; E 2011}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130702r02}, } *************************** 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR *************************** @Book{Aumayr-Pintar:2013:DIC, Institution={European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Christine Aumayr-Pintar and Karel Fric}, Title= {Developments in collectively agreed pay 2012}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {73}, Address= {Dublin}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"EIRO's annual analysis of collectively agreed pay for 2012 finds that although average nominal agreed increases were slightly greater than in 2011 in many countries, the rise in prices diminished people's purchasing power. In real terms, only a handful of countries had positive collective pay increases on average - and, if so, then very modest. In 2012, these were Sweden (+1.7%), Austria (+0.8%), Germany (+0.6%), France (+0.4%) and Belgium (+0.4%, already including indexation). In the case of Austria, this was a return to positive figures after two years of real decline on average. In countries where some form of pay indexation mechanisms are in place, the increases set via these mechanisms did - by and large (with the exception of Italy) - compensate for the rise in prices in 2012, while they had failed to do so in 2011. The report also examines collectively agreed pay increases in three selected sectors (metal, banking and local government) and developments in statutory minimum wages. " (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Lohnentwicklung; Lohnfindung; Tariflohn; Tarifvertrag; Tarifverhandlungen; Nominallohn; Reallohn; Wirtschaftszweige; EBM-Industrie; Bankgewerbe; Gemeinde; öffentlicher Dienst; Mindestlohnrecht; Mindestlohn; Lohnerhöhung - internationaler Vergleich; Europäische Union; Belgien; Bulgarien; Dänemark; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Estland; Finnland; Frankreich; Griechenland; Irland; Italien; Lettland; Litauen; Luxemburg; Malta; Niederlande; Österreich; Polen; Portugal; Rumänien; Schweden; Slowakei; Slowenien; Spanien; Tschechische Republik; Ungarn; Großbritannien; Zypern; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 2012; E 2012}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130726r03}, } @Book{Wiemers:2013:FWE, Institution={Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, N{\"u}rnberg (Hrsg.)}, Author= {J{\"u}rgen Wiemers}, Title= {Fiskalische Wirkungen eines Mindestlohns}, Year= {2013}, Pages= {6}, Address= {N{\"u}rnberg}, Series= {Institut f{\"u}r Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Das IAB legt hiermit Simulationsrechnungen zur Abschätzung von fiskalischen Wirkungen vor, die mit der Einführung eines Mindestlohns von 8,50 Euro pro Stunde verbunden sein könnten. In der Simulation werden mögliche Änderungen des Arbeitsangebots- und -nachfrageverhaltens nicht berücksichtigt. Die ermittelten fiskalischen Effekte sind somit als kurzfristige Wirkungen zu interpretieren. Die zu erwartenden Mehreinnahmen bei der Einkommensteuer beziffern sich in der kurzen Frist auf gut 800 Mio. Euro. Die Arbeitnehmer- und Arbeitgeberbeiträge zu den Sozialversicherungen steigen zunächst einmal um knapp 1,7 Mrd. Euro. Die kurzfristig zu erwartenden Entlastungen bei den SGB-II-Ausgaben belaufen sich auf mindestens 0,4 Mrd. Euro und höchstens knapp 1 Mrd. Euro." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Mindestlohn - Auswirkungen; Aufstocker; öffentliche Ausgaben; öffentliche Einnahmen; Steueraufkommen; Einkommensteuer; Sozialabgaben; Grundsicherung nach SGB II; öffentlicher Haushalt; Transferleistung; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 2011; E 2011}, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k130726303}, } 14 von 399 Datensätzen ausgegeben.