Suchprofil: Gender_wage_gap Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 09/16 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** %0 Journal Article %J Labour Economics %V 41 %N August %F Z 1120 %A Bryan, Mark %A Bryson, Alex %T Has performance pay increased wage inequality in Britain? %D 2016 %P S. 149-161 %G en %# A 1998; E 2008 %@ ISSN 0927-5371 %R 10.1016/j.labeco.2016.05.002 %U %X "Using data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) we show performance pay (PP) increased earnings dispersion among men and women, and to a lesser extent among full-time working women, in the decade of economic growth which ended with the recession of 2008. PP was also associated with some compression in the lower half of the wage distribution for women. The effects were predominantly associated with a broad measure of PP that included bonuses. However, these effects were modest, typically not exceeding a 0.05 log points change in log wage differentials over the decade. Moreover there is no indication that PP became increasingly prevalent, as some had predicted, over the decade prior to recession." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Leistungslohn - Auswirkungen %K Lohnunterschied %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K erwerbstätige Frauen %K erwerbstätige Männer %K Lohnstruktur %K Lohnzulage %K Weihnachtsgeld %K Urlaubsgeld %K Gewinnbeteiligung %K Großbritannien %K J31 %K J33 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2016-09-13 %M k160913b06 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J American Sociological Review %N online first %F Z 104 %A Mandel, Hadas %A Semyonov, Moshe %T Going back in time? : gender differences in trends and sources of the racial pay gap, 1970 to 2010 %D 2016 %P 30 S. %G en %# A 1970; E 2010 %@ ISSN 0003-1224 %R 10.1177/0003122416662958 %U %X "Using IPUMS data for five decennial years between 1970 and 2010, we delineate and compare the trends and sources of the racial pay gap among men and women in the U.S. labor force. Decomposition of the pay gap into components underscores the significance of the intersection between gender and race; we find meaningful gender differences in the composition of the gap and in the gross and the net earnings gaps -- both are much larger among men than among women. Despite these differences, the over-time trend is strikingly similar for both genders. Racial gaps sharply declined between 1970 and 1980 and continued to decline, but at a slower rate, until 2000. However, at the turn of the millennium, the trend reversed for both gender groups. The growth of the racial pay gap at the turn of the millennium is attributable to the increase in overall income inequality, stagnation in occupational segregation, and an increase in the unexplained portion of the gap, a portion we attribute to economic discrimination." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Lohnunterschied - Ursache %K Lohnunterschied - Entwicklung %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K erwerbstätige Frauen %K erwerbstätige Männer %K Farbige %K Weiße %K Lohndiskriminierung %K Berufsgruppe %K Arbeitsmarktsegmentation %K qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren %K USA %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2016-09-21 %M k160905b05 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Journal of Population Economics %V 29 %N 4 %F Z 923 %A Wilner, Lionel %T Worker-firm matching and the parenthood pay gap : Evidence from linked employer-employee data %D 2016 %P S. 991-1023 %G en %# A 1995; E 2011 %@ ISSN 0933-1433 %R 10.1007/s00148-016-0597-9 %U %X "The parenthood pay gap is not fully explained by human capital depreciation and unobserved heterogeneity. Endogenous worker-firm matching could also account for such wage differences. This hypothesis is tested thanks to linked employer-employee data on the French private sector between 1995 and 2011. Childbirth penalties are estimated for women and for men from hourly wage equations including firm- and worker-fixed effects on top of usual measures of human capital. Though worker-firm matching explains none of the motherhood wage penalty, it plays a role in the case of fathers who do not experience any wage loss after childbirth, but do not enjoy any premium either; there is evidence of an erosion of this premium since the end of the 1990s. In a counterfactual where women do not incur any penalty after childbirth, the gender gap still amounts to 2/3 of the one that currently prevails." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Eltern %K Lohnunterschied - Determinanten %K Elternschaft %K Einkommenseffekte %K Mütter %K Väter %K Beschäftigtenstruktur %K Privatwirtschaft %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Berufsverlauf %K Lohnentwicklung %K Elternzeit %K Lohndiskriminierung %K Frankreich %K J13 %K J16 %K J31 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2016-09-12 %M k160815v11 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************************ 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************************ %0 Journal Article %J Industrielle Beziehungen %V 23 %N 3 %F Z 1144 %A Grimm, Veronika %A Lang, Julia %A Stephan, Gesine %T Tarifverträge und die Lohnlücke zwischen Männern und Frauen : Empirische Evidenz aus Zerlegungsanalysen %D 2016 %P S. 309-333 %G de %# A 2000; E 2010 %@ ISSN 0943-2779 %R 10.1688/indb-2016-03-grimm %U %X "Der Beitrag untersucht mit LIAB-Daten für die Jahre 2000 bis 2010, wie sich der Gender Pay Gap bei Vollzeitbeschäftigten im Zeitablauf entwickelt hat. Dabei wird zwischen dem nicht-tarifgebundenen Bereich der Wirtschaft und dem Bereich mit Flächentarifverträgen differenziert. Die Befunde zeigen, dass die Lohnlücken zu Beginn des Betrachtungszeitraums in beiden Bereichen ähnlich ausfielen, dann aber auseinandergedriftet sind - inzwischen ist die Lohnlücke im tarifgebundenen Bereich deutlich niedriger. Eine Juhn- Murphy-Pierce-Zerlegung verdeutlicht, dass ein Großteil der Unterschiede in der geschlechtsspezifischen Lohnlücke zwischen beiden Bereichen auf nicht beobachtbare Faktoren zurückgeht: Entweder gibt es in Betrieben ohne Tarifvertrag stärker ausgeprägte Unterschiede in den unbeobachtbaren produktivitätsrelevanten Merkmalen von Männern und Frauen, oder aber in diesen Betrieben wird stärker diskriminiert. Eine ergänzende branchenspezifische Analyse bestätigt, dass der Gender Pay Gap in den meisten Sektoren im Regime mit Flächentarifverträgen geringer ausfällt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %X "The article uses LIAB data for the years 2000 to 2010 to analyse the gender pay gap in Germany among full-time workers. It does so by differentiating between the sections of the economy that are not covered by collective agreements and those covered by sectoral collective agreements. The results show that the gap was roughly of the same size at the beginning of the time period, but drifted apart afterwards. Meanwhile the gap is much smaller in the section of the economy covered by collective agreements. A Juhn-Murphy-Pierce decomposition between both regimes reveals that much of the difference in gender pay gaps is due to unobservable factors. On the one hand, unobserved productivity differences between men and women working under collective contracts might be smaller. On the other hand wage discrimination might be less severe under collectively negotiated contracts. An additional analysis by economic sector shows that the gender pay gap is lower under collective bargaining coverage in most industries.'" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K IAB-Linked-Employer-Employee-Datensatz %K Lohnunterschied - Entwicklung %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K erwerbstätige Frauen %K erwerbstätige Männer %K Tarifbindung - Auswirkungen %K Flächentarifvertrag %K Wirtschaftszweige %K Lohndiskriminierung %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K J16 %K J31 %K J51 %Z Typ: 2. sonstige referierte Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2016-09-12 %M k160707303 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* %0 Journal Article %J Japan Labor Review %V 13 %N 3 %F Z 291 %A Komagawa, Tomoko %T Gender-based job segregation and the gender gap in career formation : focusing on bank clerical staff since the postwar years* %D 2016 %P S. 58-79 %G en %# A 1957; E 2016 %@ ISSN 1348-9364 %U %X "Gender-based job segregation in companies is the main cause of the gender gap in pay and careers. This paper sets out to examine the processes of formation and transformation of gender-based job segregation between the 1960s and present. The focus is on bank clerical staff, a field of employment with a large gender career gap in a representative industry that embodies Japanese- style business management. The examination by this paper clarifies the following facts. Male university graduates are assigned with priority to 'lending' and 'corporate and individual financing,' roles in which they build capacity and form careers through regular internal transfers. But this depends on the presence of male high school graduates who accept internal work and tend to have limited scope for promotions and elevation, and females who take care of clerical work. The aspect of females gradually raising the ceilings on their careers is important, based on measures for 'utilizing women' in the workforce. However, this 'utilization of women' by banks is no more than a measure designed to overcome occasional management problems, and has merely created new 'women's jobs.' Meritocratic management and the 'utilization of women' have transformed gender-based job segregation into a gender gap in promotions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Bankberufe %K geschlechtsspezifischer Arbeitsmarkt - historische Entwicklung %K Bankgewerbe %K Berufsverlauf %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Lohnunterschied %K erwerbstätige Frauen %K erwerbstätige Männer %K Tätigkeitsfelder %K Beförderung %K beruflicher Aufstieg %K job rotation %K interner Arbeitsmarkt %K innerbetriebliche Mobilität %K Personalmanagement %K organisatorischer Wandel - Auswirkungen %K Unternehmensorganisation %K Japan %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2016-09-28 %M k160914b09 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** %0 Book %1 University of Warwick, Coventry, Department of Economics (Hrsg.) %A Artz, Benjamin %A Goodall, Amanda H. %A Oswald, Andrew J. %T Do women ask? %D 2016 %P 27 S. %C Coventry %G en %# A 2013; E 2014 %B Warwick economic research paper : 1127 %@ ISSN 2059-4283 %U %X "Women typically earn less than men. The reasons are not fully understood. Previous studies argue that this may be because (i) women 'don't ask' and (ii) the reason they fail to ask is out of concern for the quality of their relationships at work. This account is difficult to assess with standard labor-economics data sets. Hence we examine direct survey evidence. Using matched employer-employee data from 2013-14, the paper finds that the women-don't-ask account is incorrect. Once an hours-of-work variable is included in 'asking' equations, hypotheses (i) and (ii) can be rejected. Women do ask. However, women do not get." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K erwerbstätige Frauen %K Lohnunterschied - Ursache %K erwerbstätige Männer %K Lohndiskriminierung %K soziales Verhalten %K Persönlichkeitsmerkmale %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Lohnfindung %K Lohnerhöhung %K Australien %K J31 %K J71 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2016-09-28 %M k160913r05 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg (Hrsg.) %A Brenzel, Hanna %A Laible, Marie-Christine %T Does personality matter? : The impact of the big five on the migrant and gender wage gaps %D 2016 %P 48 S. %C Nürnberg %G en %# A 2011; E 2012 %B IAB-Discussion Paper : 26/2016 %@ ISSN 2195-2663 %U %X "Anhand eines verknüpften Arbeitnehmer-Arbeitgeber Datensatzes wird untersucht, in wie weit die Big Five Persönlichkeitsmerkmale dazu beitragen die Lohnunterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männer ebenso wie zwischen Einheimischen und Migranten zu erklären. Wir erweitern die bestehende Literatur hinsichtlich eines Lohnunterschieds zwischen Frauen und Männern und liefern erste Evidenz für einen Zusammenhang zwischen den Big Five und Lohnunterschiede zwischen Einheimischen und Migranten. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich beide Gruppen in ihren Durchschnittswerten in den Big Fives unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus lässt sich ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und Löhnen feststellen. Der Einfluss variiert dabei zwischen den zwei Gruppen. Die Ergebnisse einer Oaxaca-Blinder Lohnzerlegung deuten zusätzlich darauf hin, dass Persönlichkeitsmerkmale einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Erklärung des Lohnunterschieds zwischen den Geschlechtern als auch zwischen Migranten und Einheimischen liefern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %X "We investigate whether the Big Five Personality Dimensions contribute to explaining gender and migrant wage gaps by using a linked employer-employee dataset. We expand the scarce literature concerning personality traits and gender wage gaps in Germany and we provide first evidence for the relationship between the Big Five and the migrant wage gap. Our results reveal that the genders differ in their average personality traits, as do migrants and natives. Further, we find significant associations between the Big Five and wages. The magnitude of this relationship varies across the gender and the migratory status. The results of Oaxaca-Blinder wage decompositions suggest that the Big Five significantly contribute to explaining gender and migrant wage gaps." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Persönlichkeitsmerkmale - Auswirkungen %K Lohnunterschied %K ausländische Arbeitnehmer %K Einwanderer %K erwerbstätige Frauen %K erwerbstätige Männer %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Inländer %K IAB-Datensatz Linked Personnel Panel %K IAB-Betriebspanel %K Einkommenseffekte %K Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K J15 %K J16 %K J24 %K J31 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2016-09-19 %M k160816j04 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Hrsg.) %A Kampelmann, Stephan %A Rycx, Francois %T Wage discrimination against immigrants : measurement with firm-level productivity data %D 2016 %P 49 S. %C Bonn %G en %# A 1999; E 2010 %B IZA discussion paper : 10159 %U %X "This paper is one of the first to use employer-employee data on wages and labor productivity to measure discrimination against immigrants. We build on an identification strategy proposed by Bartolucci (2014) and address firm fixed effects and endogeneity issues through a diff GMM-IV estimator. Our models also test for gender-based discrimination. Empirical results for Belgium suggest significant wage discrimination against women and (to a lesser extent) against immigrants. We find no evidence for double discrimination against female immigrants. Institutional factors such as firm-level collective bargaining and smaller firm sizes are found to attenuate wage discrimination against foreigners, but not against women." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Einwanderer %K Lohndiskriminierung %K Lohnunterschied %K Inländer %K Arbeitsproduktivität %K erwerbstätige Frauen %K ausländische Arbeitnehmer %K Belgien %K J15 %K J16 %K J24 %K J31 %K J7 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2016-09-28 %M k160913r14 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek *************************** 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR *************************** %0 Book %1 Universität Mannheim (Hrsg.) %A König, Stefanie %2 Langhauser, M. (Mitarb.) %2 Cesinger, B. (Mitarb.) %T Labour market flexibility between risk and opportunity for gender equality : analyses of self-employment, part-time work, and job autonomy %D 2016 %P 147 S. %C Mannheim %G en %# A 1990; E 2014 %U %X This paper investigated gender differences in final labour market exits by taking jobs, families and career histories into account. While family characteristics, especially the presence of a partner is only relevant for retirement decisions of women, this study highlighted that this determinant is becoming less important for later cohorts. However, even today, women with a partner leave the labour market around one year earlier in all countries. Since this is not the case for men, this family feature contributes to the persisting gender gap in retirement timing. Regarding job characteristics, no clear gender differences can be found across the three countries. While higher job strain was generally related to lower exit ages, job autonomy is only weakly related to higher exit ages. However, in combination with the interpretation for self-employment and educational level, the positive effect of good working conditions on later retirement should not be underestimated. - König, S. und Langhauser, M. (2015). Gendered division of housework in Germany – the role of self-employment, relative resources and gender role orientation. - König, S. und Cesinger, B. (2015). Gendered work-family conflict in Germany – Do self-employment and flexibility matter? - König, S. (2015). Gender gaps along the earning distribution in paid employment and self-employment in Germany. König, S. (2015). Previous careers, last jobs or families – what determines gendered retirement timing in Germany, Denmark and Sweden? %K Arbeitsmarkt - Flexibilität %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K institutionelle Faktoren %K berufliche Selbständigkeit %K Teilzeitarbeit %K berufliche Autonomie %K Arbeitsteilung %K Hausarbeit %K Geschlechterrolle %K Rollenverständnis %K Beruf und Familie %K erwerbstätige Frauen %K erwerbstätige Männer %K Lohnunterschied %K Selbständige %K abhängig Beschäftigte %K Berufsausstieg - internationaler Vergleich %K Mütter %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Dänemark %K Schweden %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2016-09-21 %M k160905301 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek 9 von 408 Datensätzen ausgegeben.