Suchprofil: EU-Arbeitsmarkt,_-Integration Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 04/23 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** %0 Journal Article %J Quality & quantity %V 57 %N 2 %F Z 1079 %A Carlsen, Lars %A Bruggemann, Rainer %A Fattore, Marco %T Factors determining the degree of gender equality within the European Union %D 2023 %P S. 1483-1499 %G en %# 2006-2017 %R 10.1007/s11135-022-01405-w %U %U %X "This paper aims to identify the major determinants of the structural differences in gender equality for EU countries, using tools from partial order theory on a system of 6 indicators, pertaining to the Sustainable Development Goal 5 'Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls'. The paper analyzes the gender equality partial orders, among EU countries, for years 2006, 2010 and 2017. Performing a sensitivity analysis, the pay gap indicator was disclosed as the most relevant source of differences across European nations, for each of the three years considered. Subsequently the paper focuses on the temporal evolution of gender equality in three specific countries, i.e., Denmark, Germany and the Czech Republic, studying which elementary dimensions has the strongest impact on its dynamics. Interestingly it turns out that, in different countries, different indicators play the major role (related to women's political representation, for Denmark and Germany, and to care giving, for Czech Republic). These sensitivity analyses are performed using posetic tools, to avoid the possible information loss of an aggregative procedures, involving the computation of composite indicators. This constitutes a major methodological contribution of the paper." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Gleichstellung %K internationaler Vergleich %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Europäische Union %K Frauen %K Gleichstellungspolitik %K Lohnunterschied %K erwerbstätige Frauen %K erwerbstätige Männer %K Determinanten %K Kinderbetreuung %K Beruf und Familie %K Erwerbsbeteiligung %K politische Partizipation %K Führungskräfte %K Quote %K Familienpolitik %K institutionelle Faktoren %K Altenpflege %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Dänemark %K Tschechische Republik %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2023-04-20 %M K230331X70 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Journal of European Social Policy %N online first %F Z 1342 %A Christl, Michael %A De Poli, Silvia %A Ivaskaite-Tamosiune, Viginta %T Does it pay to say 'I do'? Marriage bonuses and penalties across the EU %D 2023 %P S. 1-23 %G en %# 2017-2019 %R 10.1177/09589287231159492 %U %U %X "We analyse the different fiscal treatment of married and cohabiting couples across all EU Member States using microsimulation methods. Our article highlights important differences across EU countries' tax-benefit systems, where seven countries show substantial bonuses for married couples and four exhibit marriage penalties. On a micro level, we find that these marriage bonuses/penalties differ substantially across household types and income. From a policy point of view, our results suggest that the abolishment of marriage-related tax-benefit components in countries with marriage bonuses would leave some households financially worse off but would increase governments revenues that could be spent to targeted support of specific groups. From both an equity and efficiency point of view, this abolishment would be desirable." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Ehepaare %K nichteheliche Lebensgemeinschaft %K Besteuerung %K internationaler Vergleich %K Europäische Union %K Steuerpolitik %K Steuerentlastung %K Auswirkungen %K Steueraufkommen %K Einkommenseffekte %K Haushaltseinkommen %K verfügbares Einkommen %K Europäisches Haushaltspanel %K Sozialleistungen %K Verteilungseffekte %K Sozialabgaben %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2023-04-24 %M K230404YDF %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J European Economic Review %V 151 %F Z 252 %A Cucu, Florin %A Panon, Ludovic %T Asylum policies and international tensions %D 2023 %P Art. 104322 %G en %# 1999-2017 %R 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2022.104322 %U %U %X "This article examines how international relation dynamics shape asylum policies. Using data on asylum applications in the European Union (EU) and international events from 1999 to 2017, we document that EU Member States admit relatively more refugees when diplomatic relations with the country of origin deteriorate. This result holds after controlling for push and pull factors as well as bilateral determinants of refugee migration. Our results highlight the importance of non-humanitarian factors in the grant of political asylum." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en)) %K internationale Beziehungen %K Auswirkungen %K Asylpolitik %K Europäische Union %K Asylbewerber %K Quote %K Geflüchtete %K Einwanderung %K Herkunftsland %K Einwanderungsland %K Konfliktverhalten %K internationale Zusammenarbeit %K internationaler Vergleich %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2023-04-06 %M K230324X35 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Socio-economic review %V 21 %N 1 %F Z 2183 %A Ersanilli, Evelyn %A Präg, Patrick %T Fixed-term work contracts and anti-immigration attitudes. A novel test of ethnic competition theory %D 2023 %P S. 293-318 %G en %# 1995-2018 %R 10.1093/ser/mwab059 %U %U %X "Whether labor market competition is shaping anti-immigration attitudes is a contentious issue. We conduct a novel test of ethnic competition theory by comparing the attitudes toward immigration of workers with fixed-term contracts to those with permanent jobs in Europe. Fixed-term contract workers are particularly at risk of competition as they have to compete for jobs in the foreseeable future. In the first step of our investigation, we analyze cross-sectional data (European Social Survey, 2002-18) from 18 Western European countries. We find that-contrary to our expectation-fixed-term workers are less anti-immigration. The effect is substantively small. In the second step, we use a fixed-effects design with longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP, 1999-2015) to rule out time-constant unobserved heterogeneity. We find that transitioning from a fixed to a permanent contract does not affect anti-immigration attitudes. Our combined results thus add to the growing body of studies that do not find evidence for labor market competition as an explanation of anti-immigrant attitudes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Einstellungen %K Einwanderung %K Wettbewerb %K Ausländerfeindlichkeit %K internationaler Vergleich %K befristeter Arbeitsvertrag %K Auswirkungen %K Arbeitsplatzgefährdung %K Wahrnehmung %K Inländer %K ausländische Arbeitnehmer %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Westeuropa %K F22 %K J24 %K J15 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2023-04-04 %M K230321X2G %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Socio-economic review %V 20 %N 1 %F Z 2183 %A Tober, Tobias %T European institutional integration, trade unions and income inequality %D 2022 %P S. 351-371 %G en %# 1955-2014 %R 10.1093/ser/mwz053 %U %U %X "What are the distributional implications of European institutional integration? This article argues that European institutional integration exerts a moderating effect on the relationship between trade union strength and income inequality-particularly inequality at the top-within countries of the European Union (EU). I contend that European institutional integration reduces the bargaining power of trade unions due to rising market competition and decreasing union control over the supply of labor. Thus, the effectiveness of trade unions in reducing inequality should decline with progressing European institutional integration. On the basis of a long-term within-country analysis of the EU15, I will show that the effect of trade unions on inequality varies strongly with European institutional integration. Consistent with the theoretical argument, the inequality-reducing effect of trade unions becomes substantially lower the more a country integrates in the EU." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K europäische Integration %K institutionelle Faktoren %K Gewerkschaft %K Lohnunterschied %K Auswirkungen %K Verteilungseffekte %K Europäische Union %K Tarifverhandlungen %K Einkommensverteilung %K soziale Ungleichheit %K Integrationspolitik %K internationaler Vergleich %K F15 %K F16 %K J50 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2023-04-04 %M K230321X2E %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Journal of Common Market Studies %N online first %F Z 661 %A Zacharenko, Elena %T Long-term care in EU policy 1999-2022: women's responsibility, migrants' work? %D 2023 %P S. 1-17 %G en %# 1999-2022 %R 10.1111/jcms.13476 %U %U %X "As the population of the European Union (EU) is ageing and its working-age population shrinking, concerns are rising about how the growing demand for long-term care (LTC) will be met. Since unpaid care, provided mainly by women, is increasingly scarce, some EU states are becoming dependent on migrant labour for the functioning of their elder care systems. To address the growing deficit of care in the EU, the European Commission put forward a European Care Strategy, for the first time proposing a stand-alone policy on LTC. This followed on from a Commission proposal for a new strategy on migration, calling for labour migrants to be proactively attracted to work in the EU's care sector. As the (lack of) availability of LTC is increasingly shaping EU policy, it is timely to investigate what its impact is on key policy areas, such as gender equality, social and migration policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en)) %K Altenpflege %K EU-Politik %K Einwanderer %K ausländische Arbeitnehmer %K Rekrutierung %K Altenpfleger %K Gleichstellungspolitik %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Einwanderungspolitik %K Sozialpolitik %K Fachkräfte %K Arbeitskräftemangel %K Staatstätigkeit %K öffentliche Aufgaben %K demografischer Wandel %K Auswirkungen %K Nachfrageentwicklung %K EU-Kommission %K Europäisches Parlament %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2023-04-24 %M K230404YCV %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* %0 Journal Article %J DIW-Wochenbericht %V 89 %N 11 %F Z 016 %A Bremus, Franziska %A Rieth, Malte %T Internationale Finanzmarktintegration stärkt Abwehrkräfte einer Volkswirtschaft gegen Folgen von Naturkatastrophen %D 2023 %P S. 127-134 %G de %# 1995-2018 %R 10.18723/diw_wb:2023-11-1 %U %U %X "Aufgrund des Klimawandels kommt es häufiger zu Stürmen, Überschwemmungen und anderen Naturkatastrophen. Die vorliegende empirische Analyse zeigt, dass eine bessere Integration von Ländern in internationale Finanzmärkte die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Abwehrkräfte gegen solche Schocks stärkt. Die Produktion ist nach einer Naturkatastrophe in Volkswirtschaften, die über Auslandsforderungen und -verbindlichkeiten stark mit anderen Finanzmärkten verflochten sind, signifikant höher als in weniger integrierten Volkswirtschaften. Die empirischen Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Finanzierung über ausländisches Eigenkapital und auch Investitionen in ausländische Anleihen eine schnellere Erholung begünstigen. Fremdkapital aus dem Ausland kann hingegen die Erholung nach einer Naturkatastrophe bremsen. Dieser Befund unterstreicht trotz aller Vorbehalte gegen zu starke Abhängigkeiten die Vorteile globaler Verflechtungen der Finanzmärkte, die vor allem dann stabilisierend wirken können, wenn sie diversifiziert und auf Eigenkapital ausgerichtet sind. Dies sollte die Europäische Kommission berücksichtigen, wenn sie die dringend erforderliche Kapitalmarktunion vorantreibt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %K Umweltschaden %K Krisenmanagement %K internationale Zusammenarbeit %K Finanzmarkt %K Integration %K Industrieländer %K Stabilitätspolitik %K Kapitalmarkt %K Europäische Union %K Klima %K Kapitalverflechtung %K Ausland %K Natur %K Auslandsinvestitionen %K OECD %K internationaler Vergleich %K Kredit %K Verschuldung %K Q54 %K E44 %K F36 %K F62 %K G11 %K G15 %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2023-04-04 %M K230320X17 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** %0 Book %1 Europäische Kommission. Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle (Hrsg.) %A Mariscal-de-Gante, Álvaro %A Palencia-Esteban, Amaia %A Grubanov-Boskovic, Sara %A Fernández-Macías, Enrique %T Feminization, ageing and occupational change in Europe in the last 25 years %D 2023 %P 23 S. %C Sevilla %G en %# 1995-2019 %B JRC working papers series on labour, education and technology : 2023,04 %U %U %X "This paper presents new evidence on the interaction between demographic and occupational change in Europe over the last 25 years. We use data from the European Union Labour Force Survey covering six European countries to make the results representative of the different EU institutional families. The analysis is based on a cross-sectional comparison between the population and employment distributions in 1995 and 2019. This strategy allows us to study the changing demographic dynamics, which have brought a more feminised, aged and educated working population, in a context of structural employment change, where higher job polarisation or occupational upgrading are the main patterns. The results indicate that the increasing female participation has been accompanied by job polarisation, driven especially by the expansion of low-paid jobs among women. Although educational upgrading was particularly relevant for females, a multinomial logistic regression shows that occupational returns to education have declined more for women than men. Finally, despite the fact that the share of young (old) workers has decreased (increased), the occupational profile has changed similarly for both groups and the gender-based differences remain regardless of their age." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Arbeitsmarktstruktur %K Strukturwandel %K demografischer Wandel %K Berufsstrukturwandel %K geschlechtsspezifischer Arbeitsmarkt %K Niedriglohnbereich %K Frauen %K Erwerbstätigenstruktur %K Erwerbsbeteiligung %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K altersspezifische Faktoren %K Europäische Union %K internationaler Vergleich %K Arbeitsmarktchancen %K Bildungsbeteiligung %K Auswirkungen %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Frankreich %K Italien %K Spanien %K Schweden %K Tschechische Republik %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2023-04-17 %M K230327X5R %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Hrsg.) %A Weber, Tina %A Adascali'ei, Drago' %A Isusi, Inigo %A Durán López, Jessica %A Hahne, Anne Sophie %A Spielhofer, Thomas %A Hadjivassiliou, Kari %T Measures to tackle labour shortages: Lessons for future policy %D 2023 %P 73 S. %C Dublin %G en %# 2013-2022 %B Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions %@ ISBN 978-92-897-2316-9 %R 10.2806/216577 %U %U %X "As economies begin to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, labour shortages are becoming increasingly evident despite the impact of the war in Ukraine on energy and commodity prices. These include shortages exacerbated by the crisis in some sectors and professions where they had been endemic for some time. This report looks at measures implemented at national level to tackle labour shortages in the health, care, and information and communication technology sectors, as well as those arising from the twin green and digital transition. It assesses what measures are effective and explores the contextual factors supporting or hindering effective policy implementation and outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Fachkräfte %K Arbeitskräftemangel %K Arbeitsmarktpolitik %K Pandemie %K Auswirkungen %K internationaler Vergleich %K Europäische Union %K Gesundheitsberufe %K informationstechnische Berufe %K Dekarbonisierung %K sektorale Verteilung %K Berufsgruppe %K Nachwuchssicherung %K Informationswirtschaft %K Gesundheitswesen %K technischer Wandel %K Erfolgskontrolle %K arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme %K Beveridgekurve %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2023-04-17 %M K230406YEU %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek *************************** 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR *************************** %0 Book %A OECD %T Introduction Measures for Newly-Arrived Migrants %D 2023 %P 122 S. %C Paris %G en %B Making Integration Work / OECD : 6 %@ ISBN 978-92-64-91520-6 %R 10.1787/5aeddbfe-en %U %U %X "The OECD series Making Integration Work summarises, in a non-technical way, the main issues surrounding the integration of immigrants and their children into their host countries. Each book presents concrete policy lessons for its theme, along with supporting examples of good practices and comparisons of the migrant integration policy frameworks in different OECD countries. This sixth volume presents a set of considerations for policy makers in designing introduction measures for newly-arrived immigrants and includes a mapping of national practices." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Einwanderer %K Integration %K Einwanderungspolitik %K best practice %K OECD %K Europäische Union %K Sprachförderung %K Kompetenzbewertung %K berufliche Qualifikation %K Anerkennung %K Gesundheitspolitik %K Wohnungspolitik %K internationaler Vergleich %K Förderungsmaßnahme %K berufliche Integration %K soziale Integration %K Gleichstellungspolitik %K Individualisierung %K arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2023-04-28 %M K230421YKI %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek 10 von 283 Datensätzen ausgegeben.