Suchprofil: EU-Arbeitsmarkt,_-Integration Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 11/18 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** %0 Journal Article %J Empirica %V 45 %N 4 %F Z 591 %A Barcenilla-Visús, Sara %A López-Pueyo, Carmen %T Inside Europe: human capital and economic growth revisited %D 2018 %P S. 821-847 %G en %# A 1950; E 2011 %@ ISSN 0340-8744 %R 10.1007/s10663-017-9394-2 %U %X "This paper investigates the impact of human capital on the process of innovation and technology catch-up in European Union countries. Based on the framework proposed by Benhabib and Spiegel (in: Aghion and Durlauf (eds) Handbook of economic growth, 1A, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2005), a panel data model is estimated from 1950 to 2011 using the improved total factor productivity and human capital variables included in PWT 8.0. Following Vandenbussche et al. (J Econ Growth 11(2):97 - 127, 2006) we also analyse the differential impact of skilled and unskilled human capital on growth. The empirical analysis applies instrumental variables panel data methods which resolve the endogeneity bias. Our results show robust evidence of the significant direct and indirect effects of human capital on the process of total factor productivity (TFP henceforth) growth in euro area countries. When we analyse the impact of different kinds of human capital on different ways of increasing TFP we conclude that, regardless of academic level, the quantity of unskilled human capital boosts imitation in EU countries while, by contrast, highly qualified human capital is essential for growth through innovation." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Humankapital - internationaler Vergleich %K Innovation %K technische Entwicklung %K Diffusion %K Faktoreinsatz %K Produktivität %K Wirtschaftswachstum %K Wissensgesellschaft %K Bildungssystem - Qualität %K technischer Fortschritt %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Bulgarien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Estland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Italien %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Malta %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Schweden %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Tschechische Republik %K Ungarn %K Großbritannien %K Zypern %K Kroatien %K C33 %K J24 %K O47 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k181023v02 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Social policy and administration %N online first %F X 107 %A Bekker, Sonja %A Mailand, Mikkel %T The European flexicurity concept and the Dutch and Danish flexicurity models: How have they managed the Great Recession? %D 2018 %P 14 S. %G en %@ ISSN 0144-5596 %R 10.1111/spol.12441 %U %X "In the mid-2000s, the flexicurity concept was developed into a key EU policy concept. It drew its inspiration from the Danish and Dutch practices to combine labor market flexibility and security. However, the crisis' focus on bringing down national deficits and debts left little room to advance the concept. Lately, more emphasis has been placed on the need to take into consideration the social aspect of economic policy-making. Current EU level documents see flexicurity as a guidance for structural reforms. However, the European flexicurity initiatives seem never to have had much impact in Denmark and the Netherlands. There are few accounts of the recent adjustment to the flexicurity models, be it at the EU or at national levels. Therefore, this article assesses the fate of flexicurity by scrutinizing its (adjusted) use as a political concept as well as a socio-economic model. Although the Danish flexicurity model resembles the European flexicurity concept to a large extent, recent reforms have, overall, weakened rather than strengthened the flexicurity model. The Dutch flexicurity model has a narrower focus on normalizing atypical work, while recent reforms support this narrow flexicurity model. Meanwhile, the EU level concept has been changing every year, encompassing a growing number of issues." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en)) %K Flexicurity - Konzeption %K Flexicurity - internationaler Vergleich %K Rezession %K Krisenmanagement %K Arbeitsmarktkrise %K atypische Beschäftigung %K Reformpolitik %K EU-Politik %K Arbeitsmarktpolitik %K Europäische Union %K Niederlande %K Dänemark %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-21 %M k181105803 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Social policy and administration %N online first %F X 107 %A Dinan, Shannon %T A typology of activation incentives %D 2018 %P 15 S. %G en %# A 2000; E 2014 %@ ISSN 0144-5596 %R 10.1111/spol.12456 %U %X "Activation has received an enormous amount of attention over the past decade and a half. Despite the immense academic interest, activation policies remain difficult to compare. This is notably because these policies can be adapted multiple ways and are not confined to one policy area. Furthermore, common activation indicators such as expenditures can be misleading as not all activation instruments affect spending levels. These limitations notwithstanding, states continue to create and adapt activation policies. With the objective of identifying and comparing second-order change, the author proposes a typology of activation policies according to how they affect target population behavior through incentives. The typology first identifies the lever to the labor market, supply, or demand. Second, it determines whether the mechanism for labor market integration is financial or human capital. In so doing, it allows for a more detailed understanding of the policy instruments adopted. This can be used as a tool in qualitative analysis to identify a change in policy instruments within and between cases." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en)) %K Aktivierung - Typologie %K Arbeitsanreiz %K Anreizsystem %K aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik %K aktivierende Sozialpolitik %K politischer Wandel %K Jugendpolitik %K arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme %K Aktivierung - internationaler Vergleich %K Reformpolitik %K Europäische Union %K Dänemark %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-21 %M k181105804 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies %N online first %F Z 1113 %A Felbo-Kolding, Jonas %A Leschke, Janine %A Spreckelsen, Thees F. %T A division of labour? Labour market segmentation by region of origin : the case of intra-EU migrants in the UK, Germany and Denmark %D 2018 %P 24 S. %G en %# A 2012; E 2014 %@ ISSN 1369-183X %R 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1518709 %U %X "The 2004/2007 EU enlargements rendered CEE citizens legally equal to EU labour market participants. However, CEE migrants still face 'racialisation' and segmentation in North-Western European labour markets. Similar processes might extend to EU-South migrants, giving rise to a division of labour, whereby CEE and EU-South migrants end up in poor-quality, low-pay jobs. We compare the labour market integration of recent intra-EU migrants (EU8, EU2, EU-South, EU-West/EEA) in the UK, Germany and Denmark. Using labour force, microcensus and register data, we model quantitative and qualitative integration through labour force participation and wages. We find no significant differences in labour force participation between nationals and migrants in the UK. Whilst in both Denmark and Germany, the labour force participation of EU-migrants is significantly lower. Notwithstanding differences in migration trends, labour markets and welfare regimes, we find evidence of a division of labour along occupational and industry lines - that translates into wage differences. EU-West/EEA migrants occupy better jobs (even outperforming nationals), followed by EU-South and CEE migrants. In Denmark and Germany, EU8 and EU2 migrants' wages are lower than those of nationals even after controlling for differences in occupations. These findings suggest that inequalities across the EU are reproduced rather than converging." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Einwanderer - internationaler Vergleich %K EU-Bürger %K Herkunftsland %K EU-Osterweiterung %K internationale Migration %K Einwanderungsland %K berufliche Integration %K Arbeitsmarktchancen %K Arbeitsmarktsegmentation %K Arbeitsteilung %K Erwerbsbeteiligung %K Diskriminierung %K Berufsprestige %K Europäische Union %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Großbritannien %K Dänemark %K Westeuropa %K Osteuropa %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-09 %M k181017v22 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Papers in regional science %N online first %F Z 967 %A Heider, Bastian %T The impact of EU Eastern enlargement on urban growth and decline : new insights from Germany's Eastern border %D 2018 %P 26 S. %G en %# A 1995; E 2013 %@ ISSN 1056-8190 %R 10.1111/pirs.12407 %U %X "This paper uses the quasi-experimental setting of the 2004 EU enlargement, as well as town-level data along the affected German border, to estimate the effect of economic integration on border town population development. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we find that the accession has had a significant positive effect on the rate of population change after 2004. However, this does not offset the, generally, poorer population development of border towns compared to interior towns. Moreover, the integration effect appears to strongly depend on initial local conditions. No effects were found for Polish towns on the opposite side of the border." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en)) %K EU-Osterweiterung - Auswirkungen %K Grenzgebiet %K Stadtentwicklung %K Bevölkerungsentwicklung %K europäische Integration %K demografischer Wandel %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Ostdeutschland %K Polen %K Tschechische Republik %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-23 %M k181108v21 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Labour Economics %V 54 %N October %F Z 1120 %A Obiols-Homs, F. %A Sánchez-Marcos, V. %T Education outcomes and the labor market %D 2018 %P S. 14-28 %G en %# A 2001; E 2006 %@ ISSN 0927-5371 %R 10.1016/j.labeco.2018.06.001 %U %X "The quality of education appears to be negatively correlated with both the overeducation of workers at the tasks they perform and the unemployment rate across EU-15 countries, and positively correlated with the wage premium associated to tertiary education. We develop a model of the labor market with frictions to quantitatively investigate the impact of the education outcomes on the labor market. We show that both the ability of educated and non educated workers have sizable effects on the incentives of firms regarding the type of vacancies they open and also regarding the incentives of educated workers as of where to search for a job. Therefore education outcomes are relevant to understand the overeducation phenomena observed in the labor market. According to our quantitative analysis had the quality of education observed in Spain been similar to the European average then the overeducation rate would have been between 5 and 10 percentage points lower and the unemployment rate of the two types of workers would be reduced by 40%, but the tertiary education wage premium would be slightly smaller than in the benchmark economy." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en)) %K Bildungsertrag - internationaler Vergleich %K Hochschulbildung %K kognitive Fähigkeit %K ökonomische Faktoren %K mismatch %K Arbeitslosenquote - internationaler Vergleich %K nicht formal Qualifizierte %K Hochschulabsolventen %K Überqualifikation %K institutionelle Faktoren %K Bildungssystem %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Großbritannien %K Irland %K Italien %K Luxemburg %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Portugal %K Schweden %K Spanien %K I26 %K J21 %K J24 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-21 %M k181107v04 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Journal of European social policy %N online first %F Z 1342 %A Otto, Adeline %A van Oorschot, Wim %T Welfare reform by stealth? Cash benefit recipiency data and its additional value to the understanding of welfare state change in Europe %D 2018 %P 18 S. %G en %# A 2003; E 2013 %@ ISSN 0958-9287 %R 10.1177/0958928718796299 %U %X "Trends in social protection schemes have been one of the main subjects in comparative welfare state research, not least since the financial crisis and the austerity measures that many European countries implemented in its aftermath. One of the key debates in literature is about how to measure the extent of public welfare provision as an indicator of welfare state change. Many quantitative researchers have used macro-level data on programmatic social expenditure or on the generosity of benefit rights, bringing forth major theories of welfare state retrenchment, system convergence, path dependency and paradigm changes in social policies. Recently, however, micro-level data on cash benefit receipt is seen as an alternative measure of welfare state change. Instead of gauging the cost reality of spending trends or the law reality of social rights reforms, this indicator is claimed to provide insight into changes of actual welfare receipt. This article studies benefit recipiency data from the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, covering 14 European countries for the period 2003 to 2013. It investigates cross-national welfare state dynamics by analysing national receipt-based benefit access rates and transfer shares and how they relate to dynamics in the prevailing indicators. Results show how much the choice of the indicator for the dependent variable affects the results of descriptive accounts of welfare state change. In addition, findings indicate what could be called welfare state reform by stealth. In several countries, levels of unemployment benefits stay significantly behind the development of median household incomes. This observation applies particularly to countries that are believed to have generous welfare systems, and it has not been revealed by research based on disaggregated social spending data or social rights data." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Sozialpolitik %K politischer Wandel %K Datengewinnung %K Sozialausgaben %K Sozialhilfeempfänger %K Wohlfahrtsmessung %K Reformpolitik %K Europäisches Haushaltspanel %K Arbeitslosenunterstützung - internationaler Vergleich %K Leistungshöhe %K Leistungsanspruch %K Europäische Union %K Österreich %K Belgien %K Dänemark %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Niederlande %K Norwegen %K Portugal %K Spanien %K Schweden %K Großbritannien %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-30 %M k181113v12 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J European Sociological Review %V 34 %N 5 %F Z 863 %A Polavieja, Javier G. %A Fernández-Reino, Mariña %A Ramos, María %T Are migrants selected on motivational orientations? : selectivity patterns amongst international migrants in Europe %D 2018 %P S. 570-588 %G en %# A 2005; E 2014 %@ ISSN 0266-7215 %R 10.1093/esr/jcy025 %U %X "Migration scholars often assume migrants are the most ambitious and motivated individuals of their home countries. Yet research on motivational selectivity is scant. We present the first systematic cross-national analysis of migrants' selectivity on achievement-related motivational orientations (ARMOs). We measure ARMOs using a validated scale that combines orientations towards socio-economic success, risk, and money. Matching the European Social Survey and the World Value Survey cumulative data sets, we examine whether international migrants recently arrived in Europe are more achievement-oriented than those observational equivalents that do not migrate. We focus on migrants from nine different origins (France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Morocco, Brazil, and Andean countries) sampled at different European destinations varying in gross domestic product, type of welfare state, and linguistic distance. Our findings seem to contradict the arguments about a common migrant personality put forward by social psychologists, as well as most of the predictions of standard economic models. We do find, however, some support for the welfare magnet hypothesis, as well as for the expectation that gender traditionalism favours negative selectivity of migrant women. We show that reported estimates are not driven by educational selectivity and are unlikely to be biased by destination effects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K internationale Migration %K Migranten - internationaler Vergleich %K Herkunftsland %K Motivationsforschung %K Motivation %K Migrationstheorie %K Aufenthaltsmotiv %K Erwerbsmotivation %K Wanderungsmotivation %K Einwanderungsland %K Frankreich %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Großbritannien %K Polen %K Rumänien %K Türkei %K Marokko %K Brasilien %K Kolumbien %K Ekuador %K Peru %K Europäische Union %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k181030v04 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Journal of European social policy %N online first %F Z 1342 %A Rogge, Nicky %A Self, Ryan %T Measuring regional social inclusion performances in the EU : looking for unity in diversity %D 2018 %P 20 S. %G en %# A 2015; E 2015 %@ ISSN 0958-9287 %R 10.1177/0958928718792135 %U %X "This study measures and benchmarks regional social inclusion performances in Europe using a composite index constructed on the basis of the commonly agreed sub-indicators of the Europe 2020 headline indicators. The multidimensional nature of these issues and the disparate social policy priorities of nations/regions in addressing them call for a reconciliatory performance evaluation framework, for which this article advocates the use of benefit-of-the-doubt (BoD) weighting. Based on the composite scores, leading and lagging regions in social inclusion are identified and the impact of regional contextual characteristics is examined. Overall results show that regions of Denmark and Sweden are consistently strong performers, while the Continental regions of Italy and Spain typically perform poorly. As to the poverty and social exclusion determinants, results show that low educational attainment and a high percentage of single-parent households relate negatively to regional social inclusion." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Inklusion %K soziale Integration %K regionaler Vergleich %K soziale Indikatoren %K Armut %K soziale Ausgrenzung %K sozioökonomische Faktoren %K demografische Faktoren %K Europäisches Haushaltspanel %K soziale Deprivation %K Arbeitslosigkeit %K Niedrigeinkommen %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Bulgarien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Estland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Italien %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Malta %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Schweden %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Tschechische Republik %K Ungarn %K Großbritannien %K Zypern %K Kroatien %K Schweiz %K Island %K Türkei %K Norwegen %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-30 %M k181113v10 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Economics of education review %V 66 %N October %F Z 727 %A van Huizen, Thomas %A Plantenga, Janneke %T Do children benefit from universal early childhood education and care? : a meta-analysis of evidence from natural experiments %D 2018 %P S. 206-222 %G en %# A 2017; E 2017 %@ ISSN 0272-7757 %R 10.1016/j.econedurev.2018.08.001 %U %X "This study examines the effects of universal Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) on child development and children's later life outcomes. Using meta-analytical techniques, we synthesize the findings from recent studies that exploit natural experiments to identify the causal effects of universal ECEC arrangements. We use 250 estimates from 30 studies conducted between 2005 and 2017. Our meta-regressions include estimates on a wide variety of children's outcomes, ranging from (non-)cognitive development measured during early childhood to educational outcomes and earnings in adulthood. Overall, the evidence on universal ECEC is mixed. Age of enrollment is not a major factor in explaining the impact. Some evidence indicates that more intensive programs produce more favorable outcomes. Program quality matters critically: high quality arrangements consistently generate positive child outcomes. Publicly provided programs produce more favorable effects than privately provided (and mixed) programs. There is no evidence of fading out. Furthermore, the gains of ECEC are concentrated within children from lower socioeconomic families." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en)) %K Kinder %K Frühförderung %K Frühpädagogik - Auswirkungen %K Bildungsertrag %K Vorschulerziehung %K kognitive Fähigkeit %K Kinderbetreuung %K Bildungsabschluss %K Einkommenseffekte %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Lebenslauf %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Großbritannien %K Irland %K Italien %K Luxemburg %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Portugal %K Schweden %K Spanien %K Norwegen %K Schweiz %K USA %K Kanada %K Australien %K Neuseeland %K H40 %K I26 %K I28 %K J13 %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2018-11-23 %M k181109v01 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************************ 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************************ %0 Journal Article %J European Journal of Social Security %V 20 %N 3 %F X 028 %A Wang, Jinxian %A van Vliet, Olaf %A Goudswaard, Kees %T Minimum income protection and EU coordination %D 2018 %P S. 253-271 %G en %# A 1990; E 2009 %@ ISSN 1388-2627 %R 10.1177/1388262718798896 %U %X "A number of studies suggest that the Europeanisation process is having a profound impact on national labour market policies. Nevertheless, rather little research has been devoted to the development of social assistance schemes across countries and over time. Relying on two new indicators, benefit levels and replacement rates, we examined the relationship between the Lisbon Strategy and changes in national social assistance benefits. We found no robust results for the first years of the Lisbon Strategy. However, after its re-launch in 2005, there was a positive association between the Lisbon Strategy and social assistance benefit levels. In addition to the Lisbon Strategy, domestic political, institutional and several economic factors were significantly associated with social assistance benefits." (Author's abstract, © Intersentia, Ltd.) ((en)) %K europäische Integration %K Sozialhilfe - internationaler Vergleich %K Leistungshöhe %K Lohnersatzleistungen %K institutionelle Faktoren %K Sozialpolitik %K Reformpolitik %K Integrationspolitik - Auswirkungen %K Armutsbekämpfung %K Methode der offenen Koordinierung %K Europäische Union %K Österreich %K Belgien %K Dänemark %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Irland %K Italien %K Luxemburg %K Niederlande %K Portugal %K Spanien %K Schweden %K Großbritannien %K Australien %K Kanada %K Japan %K Neuseeland %K Norwegen %K Schweiz %K USA %Z Typ: 2. sonstige referierte Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k181030v17 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** %0 Edited Book %A Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (Hrsg.) %T Education for unaccompanied migrant children in Europe : Ensuring continued access to education through national and school-level approaches %D 2018 %P 9 S. %C Brüssel %G en %@ ISBN 978-92-79-89022-2 %R 10.2767/199533 %U %X "This policy memo provides a brief overview of national and school-level approaches to the inclusion of unaccompanied migrant children in formal education systems across EU countries. The memo also discusses wider policy responses to the integration of these children into the host societies. The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) is an evidence-based online platform that provides information about policies that can help children and their families face the challenges that exist in the current economic climate in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Flüchtlinge %K ausländische Kinder %K Schulbildung %K schulische Integration - internationaler Vergleich %K Recht auf Bildung %K ausländische Jugendliche %K Asylbewerber %K Einwanderung - internationaler Vergleich %K Herkunftsland %K Ausländerpolitik %K Bildungspolitik %K Schulpolitik %K Sprachförderung %K soziale Integration %K Flüchtlingsfürsorge %K Europäische Union %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k180831r04 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %A Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (Hrsg.) %T Paternity and parental leave policies across the Europena Union : Assessment of current provision %D 2018 %P 6 S. %C Brüssel %G en %@ ISBN 978-92-79-89029-1 %R 10.2767/51284 %U %X "This policy memo provides an overview of the current paternity and parental leave provisions across EU countries, and examines these provisions against the changes proposed within the framework of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the proposal for a Directive on work-life balance for parents and carers. The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) is an evidence-based online platform that provides information about policies that can help children and their families face the challenges that exist in the current economic climate in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Familienpolitik - internationaler Vergleich %K Väter %K Mütter %K Elternzeit %K Elterngeld %K Rechtsanspruch %K Urlaubsdauer %K Leistungshöhe %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Bulgarien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Estland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Italien %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Malta %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Schweden %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Tschechische Republik %K Ungarn %K Großbritannien %K Zypern %K Kroatien %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k180831r05 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (Hrsg.) %1 Forschungsnetzwerk Alterssicherung (Hrsg.) %1 Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation (Hrsg.) %A Kaboth, Arthur %A Brussig, Martin %T Alterserwerbsbeteiligung in Europa auch in Zeiten der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise im Aufschwung? %D 2018 %P 18 S. %C Duisburg %G de %# A 2005; E 2016 %B Altersübergangs-Report : 2018-01 %@ ISSN 1614-8762 %U %X "In nahezu allen 28 Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union ist die Erwerbsbeteiligung Älterer von 2005 bis 2016 gestiegen. Trotz dieses praktisch universellen Trends, gibt es erhebliche Unterschiede innerhalb der EU. Die europäischen Beschäftigungsziele von 2010 wurden auch im Jahr 2016 teilweise nicht erreicht. Große Unterschiede in der Alterserwerbsbeteiligung zeigen sich vor allem zwischen Männern und Frauen. In der Regel sind die Erwerbstätigenquoten der Männer höher als die der Frauen. Die stärkeren Zuwächse sind allerdings auf Seiten der Frauen zu beobachten. Der Abstand der Erwerbstätigenquoten zwischen jüngeren und älteren Erwerbstätigen - die Alterslücke - wird kleiner. Auch dies ist in nahezu allen Ländern vorzufinden. Die Alterslücken von Männern und Frauen unterscheiden sich in den meisten Ländern der EU nicht wesentlich voneinander. Vor allem die stärkere Erwerbsintegration älterer Frauen lässt die Alterslücke kleiner werden. Geringqualifizierte (Ältere) sind in den meisten europäischen Ländern benachteiligt, wenngleich in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß. Es zeigt sich eine starke Streuung innerhalb der EU bei dieser Personengruppe. Mit steigender Qualifikation sinkt hingegen die Alterslücke. Höhere Bildungsabschlüsse erhöhen die Erwerbschancen auch für Ältere. Die Alterslücke ist nahezu überall in Europa gesunken, auch in Ländern mit langanhaltender rückläufiger wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung. Im Vergleich zu früheren Rezessionen ist die relativ stabile Alterserwerbsbeteiligung in Europa ein Novum, denn in der Vergangenheit wurden bei hoher Arbeitslosigkeit Ältere vielfach vom Arbeitsmarkt verdrängt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %K ältere Arbeitnehmer - internationaler Vergleich %K Erwerbsbeteiligung %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Männer %K Frauen %K Erwerbsquote %K qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Bulgarien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Estland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Italien %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Malta %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Schweden %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Tschechische Republik %K Ungarn %K Großbritannien %K Zypern %K Kroatien %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2018-11-09 %M k181018v11 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg (Hrsg.) %A Knörr, Marlene %A Weber, Enzo %T Employment policy cooperation at European level : issues, instruments, processes, institutions, and policy advice %D 2018 %P 40 S. %9 Stand: 21.11.2017 %C Nürnberg %G en %U %X %X "In the past twenty years, supranational employment policy cooperation in the European Union has increased significantly. Whereas plenty of programs on numerous employment-related issues were established, cooperation between the member states predominantly occurs on a voluntary basis. Monitoring is conducted via instruments like peer reviews, benchmarking and mutual learning in the formal framework of the European Semester. With regard to designing and evaluating common activities, various EU institutions strongly rely on internal and external research-based policy advice." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Beschäftigungspolitik %K internationale Zusammenarbeit %K EU-Politik %K Politikberatung %K Benchmarking %K Monitoring %K Peer Review %K Wirkungsforschung %K Methode der offenen Koordinierung %K institutionelle Faktoren %K Sozialpartner %K Arbeitsverwaltung %K Europäische Union %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2018-11-21 %M k181030305 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 OECD, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (Hrsg.) %A Liebig, Thomas %A Tronstad, Kristian Rose %T Triple disadvantage? : A first overview of the integration of refugee women %D 2018 %P 37 S. %C Paris %G en %# A 2013; E 2018 %B OECD social, employment and migration working papers : 216 %@ ISSN 1815-199X %R 10.1787/3f3a9612-en %U %UüchtlingsfrauenStudie.pdf %X "45% der Flüchtlinge in Europa sind Frauen. Über ihre Integrationsergebnisse und die spezifischen Herausforderungen, mit denen sie konfrontiert sind, ist jedoch nur wenig bekannt. In diesem Bericht werden frühere Forschungsarbeiten zur Integration weiblicher Flüchtlinge, sowohl im Vergleich zu männlichen Flüchtlingen als auch zu anderen Migrantinnen, zusammengefasst. Darüber hinaus werden neue Vergleichsdaten aus ausgewählten europäischen und nichteuropäischen OECD-Ländern präsentiert. Weibliche Flüchtlinge sind einer Reihe von besonderen Integrationsherausforderungen ausgesetzt. So sind ihre Gesundheits-, Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarktergebnisse beispielsweise ungünstiger als die männlicher Flüchtlinge, die ihrerseits bereits gegenüber anderen Migrantengruppen benachteiligt sind. Zudem ist bei geflüchteten Frauen ein Jahr nach der Ankunft im Aufnahmeland eine Geburtenspitze zu beobachten. Viele weibliche Flüchtlinge kommen aus Ländern, in denen erhebliche Ungleichheiten zwischen Männern und Frauen herrschen und die Frauenerwerbstätigkeit im Allgemeinen gering ist. Allerdings besteht nur eine geringe Korrelation zwischen den Indikatoren der geschlechtsspezifischen Differenzen bei Erwerbsbeteiligung und Beschäftigung in den Herkunfts- und den Aufnahmeländern. Dies lässt den Schluss zu, dass die Integrationsherausforderungen durch beschäftigungs- und bildungspolitische Maßnahmen im Aufnahmeland bewältigt werden können. Der Bericht stellt außerdem fest, dass die Förderung des Erwerbs grundlegender Kompetenzen (Bildungsniveau, Sprache des Aufnahmelandes) zu deutlich verbesserten Arbeitsmarktergebnissen führt. Ferner ist ein generationsübergreifender positiver Effekt auf die Kinder von Flüchtlingsfrauen zu beobachten. Daher scheinen strukturierte Integrationsprogramme, wie sie in den skandinavischen Ländern angeboten werden, eine lohnende Investition zu sein." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %X "45% of refugees in Europe are women, yet little is known on their integration outcomes and the specific challenges they face. This report summarises prior research on the integration of refugee women, both compared with refugee men and other immigrant women. It also provides new comparative evidence from selected European and non- European OECD countries. Refugee women face a number of particular integration challenges associated with poorer health and lower education and labour market outcomes compared to refugee men, who are already disadvantaged in comparison with other migrant groups. They also show a peak in fertility in the year after arrival. A large fraction has come from countries where gender inequality is high and employment of women tends to be low. However, there is little correlation between indicators such gender differences in participation and employment in the origin and in the host country, suggesting that the integration issues can be addressed by host-country employment and education policy instruments. The report also finds that building basic skills in terms of educational attainment and host-country language training bears a high return in terms of improving labour market outcomes. It also provides intergenerational pay-off for their children. Against this backdrop, structured integration programmes such as the ones in the Scandinavian countries seem to be a worthwhile investment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Flüchtlinge %K ausländische Frauen - internationaler Vergleich %K Benachteiligung %K Einwanderer - Integration %K soziale Integration %K berufliche Integration %K Qualifikationsstruktur %K Erwerbsquote %K Sprachbarriere %K soziales Netzwerk %K Gesundheitszustand %K Fruchtbarkeit %K Asylbewerber %K Herkunftsland %K Europäische Union %K OECD %K Dänemark %K Norwegen %K Schweden %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Österreich %K Belgien %K Großbritannien %K Kanada %K F22 %K J15 %K J16 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k180903r04 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Book %1 European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Hrsg.) %A Patrini, Valentina %T Employment effects of innovation support : Labour market change %D 2018 %P 20 S. %C Dublin %G en %B Eurofound policy brief %@ ISBN 978-92-897-1774-8 %@ ISSN 2599-8153 %R 10.2806/77342 %U %X "Government-backed initiatives to support innovation in business are widespread across the EU. These support measures, if designed and implemented correctly, have the potential to also create jobs - better-quality jobs - to upskill the labour force, to improve job quality and to boost the employment of disadvantaged groups. However, this potential is often not recognised by policymakers and tends to be overlooked in policy development. This brief highlights the employment-related impacts of 15 initiatives in 10 EU Member States implemented by governments to stimulate innovation. The findings offer lessons for effective public interventions aimed at supporting innovation and employment simultaneously." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Wirtschaftsförderung %K Förderungsmaßnahme %K Innovationspolitik - internationaler Vergleich %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Arbeitsmarktstruktur - Strukturwandel %K Monitoring %K Wirkungsforschung %K Innovationsprozess %K Technologietransfer %K Europäische Union %K Niederlande %K Schweden %K Großbritannien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Frankreich %K Estland %K Italien %K Polen %K Rumänien %K Bulgarien %K Österreich %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k181025r05 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek *************************** 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR *************************** %0 Book %1 Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (Hrsg.) %A Bofinger, Peter %A Feld, Lars P. %A Schmidt, Christoph M. %A Schnabel, Isabel %A Wieland, Volker %T Vor wichtigen wirtschaftspolitischen Weichenstellungen : Jahresgutachten 2018/19 %D 2018 %P XXI, 447 S. %9 Abgeschlossen am 28. Oktober 2018 %C Wiesbaden %G de %B Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der Gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Jahresgutachten : 2018/19 %U %X Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft befindet sich in einer der längsten Aufschwungphasen der Nachkriegszeit. Ungünstigere außenwirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen, temporäre produktionsseitige Probleme und Kapazitätsengpässe dämpfen jedoch das Expansionstempo. Es bestehen Risiken für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung durch eine Eskalation des Handelskonflikts, einen ungeordneten Brexit oder ein Wiederaufflammen der Euro-Krise. Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft steht vor großen Herausforderungen. Dies erfordert die richtigen wirtschaftspolitischen Weichenstellungen wie z.B. Stärkung des Freihandels und Verhinderung des Protektionismus durch die EU, eine Vertiefung der europäischen Banken- und Kapitalmarktunion, Stärkung des Wettbewerbs im Gesundheitswesen und Ausbau der digitalen Infrastruktur. (IAB) %K Wirtschaftsentwicklung %K Wirtschaftspolitik %K europäische Integration %K technischer Wandel %K demografischer Wandel %K Globalisierung %K Protektionismus %K Außenhandelspolitik %K Klimaschutz %K Steuerbelastung %K internationaler Wettbewerb %K politische Unabhängigkeit %K Arbeitsmigration %K Alterssicherung %K Infrastrukturpolitik %K Weltwirtschaft %K Konjunkturentwicklung %K Beschäftigungsentwicklung %K Außenhandelsentwicklung %K Investitionsquote %K Konsum %K Konjunkturprognose %K Stabilitätspolitik %K Kapitalmarkt %K Bankgewerbe %K Finanzmarkt %K Wohnungspolitik %K Immobilienmarkt %K Preispolitik %K Sozialpolitik %K Gesundheitspolitik %K Gesundheitswesen %K Wettbewerb %K Europa %K Europäische Union %K Eurozone %K Großbritannien %K Schwellenländer %K USA %K China %K Japan %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-23 %M k181108r10 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %F 40.0286 %A Bonoli, Giuliano %A Natali, David %2 Jenson, Jane %2 Crouch, Colin %2 Keune, Maarten %2 Hemerijck, Anton %2 Häusermann, Silja %2 Clasen, Jochen %2 Clegg, Daniel %2 Naumann, Ingela %2 Ebbinghaus, Bernhard %2 Davidsson, Johan B. %2 Emmenegger, Patrick %2 Palier, Bruno %2 Ferrera, Maurizio %T The politics of the new welfare state %D 2013 %P 316 S. %7 Reprint %C Oxford %I Oxford University Press %G en %@ ISBN 978-0-19-964525-1 %U %X "Since the early 1990s, European welfare states have undergone substantial changes, in terms of objectives, areas of intervention, and instruments. Traditional programmes, such as old age pensions have been curtailed throughout the continent, while new functions have been taken up. At present, welfare states are expected to help non-working people back into employment, to complement work income for the working poor, to reconcile work and family life, to promote gender equality, to support child development, and to provide social services for an ageing society. The welfare settlement that is emerging at the beginning of the 21st century is nonetheless very different in terms of functions and instruments from the one inherited from the last century. This book seeks to offer a better understanding of the new welfare settlement, and to analyze the factors that have shaped the recent transformation." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en)) Inhaltsverzeichnis: Giuliano Bonoli, David Natali: The Politics of the 'New' Welfare States: Analysing Reforms in Western Europe (3-17); Jane Jenson: A New Politics for the Social Investment Perspective: Objectives, Instruments, and Areas of Intervention in Welfare Regimes (21-44); Colin Crouch, Maarten Keune: The Governance of Economic Uncertainty: Beyond the 'New Social Risks' Analysis (45-67); Anton Hemerijck: Stress-testing the New Welfare State (68-90); Giuliano Bonoll: Blame Avoidance and Credit Claiming Revisited (93-110); Silja Häusermann: The Politics of Old and New Social Policies (111-132); Jochen Clasen, Daniel Clegg: Adapting Labour Market Policy to a Transformed Employment Structure: The Politics of 'Triple Integration' (135-157); Ingela Naumann: Childcare Politics in the 'New' Welfare State: Class, Religion, and Gender in the Shaping of Political Agendas (158-181); Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Europe's Transformations Towards a Renewed Pension System (182-205); Johan B. Davidsson, Patrick Emmenegger: Insider-Outsider Dynamics and the Reform of Job Security Legislation (206-229); Bruno Palier: Tuming Vice into Vice: How Bismarckian Welfare States have Gone from Unsustainability to Dualization (233-255); Maurizio Ferrera: The New Spatial Politics of Welfare in the EU (256-283); Giuliano Bonoli, David Natali: Multidimensional Transformations in the Early 21st Century Welfare States (287-306). %K Wohlfahrtsstaat %K Sozialpolitik %K Reformpolitik - internationaler Vergleich %K Alterssicherung %K Familienpolitik %K politischer Wandel %K Arbeitsmarktpolitik %K Sozialinvestitionen %K Rentenpolitik %K Kinderbetreuung %K Kündigungsschutz %K Regionalpolitik %K EU-Politik %K europäische Sozialpolitik %K Europa %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-09 %M k181023j02 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %A Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (Hrsg.) %T Activation measures for young people in vulnerable situations : Experience from the ground %D 2018 %P 46 S. %C Brüssel %G en %S Social Europe %@ ISBN 978-92-79-91131-6 %R 10.2767/014727 %U %X "Since its launch in 2013, the Youth Guarantee has supported millions of young people across the European Union to find a job, a traineeship, an apprenticeship or to continue in education. Yet despite this, too many young Europeans are still without work. Across the EU, more effort is needed so that all young people can benefit from quality offers under the Youth Guarantee. This report looks at measures that support young people facing multiple obstacles to employment and who may need more tailored and holistic support to enter the labour market. It is one in a series of five reports on Youth Guarantee delivery, presenting existing practices from the ground from the first five years of its implementation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K benachteiligte Jugendliche %K Benachteiligtenförderung %K Aktivierung - internationaler Vergleich %K arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme %K Profiling %K Bildungsförderung %K Ausbildungsförderung %K Monitoring %K Wirkungsforschung %K NEET %K best practice %K Beschäftigungsförderung %K arbeitslose Jugendliche %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Bulgarien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Estland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Italien %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Malta %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Schweden %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Tschechische Republik %K Ungarn %K Großbritannien %K Zypern %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-23 %M k181108r06 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %A Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (Hrsg.) %T Effective outreach to NEETs : Experience from the ground %D 2018 %P 34 S. %C Brüssel %G en %@ ISBN 978-92-79-91134-7 %R 10.2767/788210 %U %X "Since its launch in 2013, the Youth Guarantee has supported millions of young people across the European Union to find a job, a traineeship, an apprenticeship or to continue in education. Yet despite this, too many young Europeans are still without work. Across the EU, more effort is needed so that all young people can benefit from quality offers under the Youth Guarantee. This report is one in a series of five reports on Youth Guarantee delivery, presenting existing practices from the ground from the first five years of its implementation. It looks at measures to better reach out to young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training, and to encourage them to register for Youth Guarantee schemes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K NEET %K Jugendsozialarbeit - internationaler Vergleich %K EU-Politik %K europäische Sozialpolitik %K Case Management %K best practice %K Benachteiligtenförderung %K benachteiligte Jugendliche %K Niedrigqualifizierte %K Heterogenität %K Aktivierung %K nichtstaatliche Organisation %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Bulgarien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Estland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Italien %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Malta %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Schweden %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Tschechische Republik %K Ungarn %K Großbritannien %K Zypern %K Kroatien %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k181016r06 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %A Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (Hrsg.) %T Employment and entrepreneurship under the Youth Guarantee : Experience from the ground %D 2018 %P 42 S. %C Brüssel %G en %# A 2013; E 2017 %S Social Europe %@ ISBN 978-92-79-91132-3 %R 10.2767/053196 %U %X "Since its launch in 2013, the Youth Guarantee has supported millions of young people across the European Union to find a job, a traineeship, an apprenticeship or to continue in education. Yet despite this, too many young Europeans are still without work. Across the EU, more effort is needed so that all young people can benefit from quality offers under the Youth Guarantee. This report looks at employment incentives, direct job creation measures and start-up incentives that help young people to overcome employment barriers. It is one in a series of five reports on Youth Guarantee delivery, presenting existing practices from the ground from the first five years of its implementation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Jugendliche %K Beschäftigungspolitik %K Unternehmensgründung - Förderung %K arbeitslose Jugendliche %K arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme - internationaler Vergleich %K Beschäftigungsförderung %K Anreizsystem %K Lohnsubvention %K Einstellungszuschuss %K Arbeitsbeschaffung %K EU-Politik %K Politikumsetzung - Erfolgskontrolle %K nationaler Aktionsplan %K junge Erwachsene %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Bulgarien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Estland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Italien %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Malta %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Schweden %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Tschechische Republik %K Ungarn %K Großbritannien %K Zypern %K Kroatien %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-23 %M k181108r07 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %A Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (Hrsg.) %T Labour market policy statistics : Methodology 2018 %D 2018 %P 76 S. %C Brüssel %G en %S Social Europe %@ ISBN 978-92-79-91299-3 %R 10.2767/291515 %U %X "Labour market policy (LMP ) statistics are one of the data sources for monitoring the Employment Guidelines. The guidelines specifically refer to the provision of active labour market policies, which cover LMP measures and LMP services, and adequate social security systems, which include LMP support. A comprehensive methodology defines the scope of the LMP data collection, the statistical unit and coverage, describes the classification system of LMP interventions, and gives precise guidelines on the data to be provided. This publication presents the LMP Methodology 2018, which incorporates a number of changes approved by the LMP Task Force and Expert Group." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Arbeitsmarktpolitik %K arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme %K Arbeitsstatistik %K statistische Methode %K Klassifikationsmethode %K öffentliche Ausgaben %K Teilnehmer %K Zielgruppe %K Methodologie %K Arbeitsmarktforschung %K EU-Kommission %K Europäische Union %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k180831r03 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %A Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (Hrsg.) %T The effects of the minimum wage on employment : Evidence from a panel of EU Member States %D 2018 %P 14 S. %C Brüssel %G en %S Analytical web note : 2018,01 %@ ISBN 978-92-79-77748-6 %@ ISSN 2443-6348 %R 10.2767/816632 %U %X "This note estimates the employment effects of statutory minimum wages for a panel of EU member states. Statistically significant negative effects of the minimum wage are found for young adults (ages 20-24), with estimated elasticities of about - 0.15 to - 0.2 in the preferred specifications. This means that a 10% increase in the minimum wage is associated with a 1.5% to 2% decrease in the employment rate of young adults, an estimate that is consistent with the range found in the previous literature. At the same time, results are unstable for the broader youth age group (ages 15-24). Further, statistically significant negative effects are found for low-skilled workers that are similar in magnitude to the effects for young adults. The effect of the minimum wage on the overall employment rate (ages 15-64) is estimated to be negative, but it is relatively small in magnitude and statistically not significant. Finally, the note documents that results are sensitive to the specification, in particular to whether controls of country-specific time trends are included." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Mindestlohn - Auswirkungen %K Beschäftigungseffekte - internationaler Vergleich %K qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren %K altersspezifische Faktoren %K Niedrigqualifizierte %K junge Erwachsene %K Jugendliche %K Erwerbsquote %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Tschechische Republik %K Estland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Ungarn %K Irland %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Niederlande %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Großbritannien %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k180309r11 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %A Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Internationale Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (Hrsg.) %T The inclusive green economy in EU development cooperation : An innovative approach at the intersection of the EU's Planet, People and Prosperity objectives %D 2018 %P IV, 78 S. %7 1. Aufl. %C Brüssel %G en %S European Commission. Tools and methods series : Reference document : 25 %@ ISBN 978-92-79-93585-5 %R 10.2841/615005 %U %X "The green economy is a pathway to sustainable development. It focuses on resource efficiency and natural capital as the building blocks of the economy, recognising that environmental degradation undermines long-term economic growth and human development. An inclusive green economy is associated with a wealth of opportunities, for both people - to improve their living environments and have decent jobs - and businesses - to increase benefits through more efficient production practices that generate savings, taking advantage of the growing market for environmental goods and services, etc. The Inclusive Green Economy in EU Development Cooperation is a reference document outlining the EU's vision and approach towards a green economic transition. It aims to promote a better understanding of the green economy, giving policy and operational guidance and presenting best practices. In particular, it provides definitions and explains the rationale for cooperation on the green economy, in line with EU policies and the growing interest in partner countries. It also presents the state of play of EU actions and describes options to support the green economy through dedicated interventions and by integrating green economy issues across relevant sectors, pointing to selected references and tools. As such, it contributes to the EU's efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda, the new European Consensus on Development and the EU Circular Economy Action Plan." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Wirtschaftsentwicklung %K nachhaltige Entwicklung %K EU-Politik %K Entwicklungshilfepolitik %K Umweltschutz %K Umweltverträglichkeit %K internationale Zusammenarbeit %K Klimaschutz %K Kreislaufwirtschaft %K best practice %K Umweltpolitik %K Europäische Union %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-16 %M k181030r02 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %A European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Hrsg.) %T From long-term unemployment to a matching job : The role of vocational training in sustainable return to work %D 2018 %P 74 S. %C Thessaloniki %G en %# A 2006; E 2016 %S CEDEFOP reference series : 107 %@ ISBN 978-92-896-2530-2 %R 10.2801/937641 %U %X "Skill deficits are a major bottleneck in sustainable activation of the long-term unemployed. Those managing to get back to work often end up in less complex and skill-intensive jobs and have fewer opportunities to develop their potential. Those long-term unemployed not successful in making a transition to work are likely to face even more severe and complex skill deficits, among other problems. This report makes the case for a more forward-oriented, skills matching approach to activation that aims at sustainable labour market reintegration. Drawing on evidence and diverse practices from around Europe and the views of practitioners and experts, it presents approaches that put sustainable skills matching centre stage. The report shows how at different steps of the journey towards a job - engagement, programme interventions, and job placement, matching and follow-up - innovative principles, policies and tools can make the return to work of the long-term unemployed a long-lasting outcome." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Langzeitarbeitslose %K berufliche Reintegration %K best practice - internationaler Vergleich %K Aktivierung %K adäquate Beschäftigung %K Qualifizierungsmaßnahme %K Weiterbildungsförderung %K matching %K Qualifikationsdefizit %K Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit %K Arbeitslosigkeitsentwicklung %K nachhaltige Entwicklung %K arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme %K Innovation %K schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose %K Profiling %K Arbeitsvermittlung %K Europäische Union %K Belgien %K Bulgarien %K Dänemark %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Estland %K Finnland %K Frankreich %K Griechenland %K Irland %K Italien %K Lettland %K Litauen %K Luxemburg %K Malta %K Niederlande %K Österreich %K Polen %K Portugal %K Rumänien %K Schweden %K Slowakei %K Slowenien %K Spanien %K Tschechische Republik %K Ungarn %K Großbritannien %K Zypern %K Kroatien %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-23 %M k181107r06 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Edited Book %A OECD (Hrsg.) %T Health at a glance: Europe 2018 : state of health in the EU cycle %D 2018 %P 211 S. %C Paris %G en %S Health at a glance. Europe : 05 %@ ISBN 978-92-64-30335-5 %@ ISSN 2305-6088 %R 10.1787/health_glance_eur-2018-en %U %X "Psychische Erkrankungen wie Depressionen und Angststörungen sowie Störungen, die durch Alkohol- und Drogenkonsum entstehen, betreffen mehr als jeden sechsten EU-Bürger. Abgesehen von den Auswirkungen auf das Wohlergehen der Menschen verursacht dies Kosten, die nach aktuellen Schätzungen bei über 600 Milliarden Euro - mehr als vier Prozent des BIP - in der EU liegen. Die OECD-Studie 'Health at a Glance: Europe 2018' stellt Vergleichsanalysen zum Gesundheitszustand der EU-Bürgerinnen und -Bürger sowie zur Leistungsfähigkeit der Gesundheitssysteme der 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten, fünf Kandidatenländer und drei EFTA-Länder vor. Themen wie die Notwendigkeit koordinierter Anstrengungen für eine bessere psychische Gesundheit oder Strategien zur Reduzierung vermeidbarer Gesundheitsausgaben werden in Teil I diskutiert. Teil II präsentiert die jüngsten Trends in puncto Gesundheitszustand, Risikofaktoren und Gesundheitsausgaben. Außerdem werden Fortschritte im Hinblick auf eine bessere Wirksamkeit, Zugänglichkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit der europäischen Gesundheitssysteme erörtert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %X "Health at a Glance: Europe 2018 presents comparative analyses of the health status of EU citizens and the performance of the health systems of the 28 EU Member States, 5 candidate countries and 3 EFTA countries. It is the first step in the State of Health in the EU cycle of knowledge brokering. This publication has two parts. Part I comprises two thematic chapters, the first focusing on the need for concerted efforts to promote better mental health, the second outlining possible strategies for reducing wasteful spending in health. In Part II, the most recent trends in key indicators of health status, risk factors and health spending are presented, together with a discussion of progress in improving the effectiveness, accessibility and resilience of European health systems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Gesundheitswesen - internationaler Vergleich %K Gesundheitszustand - internationaler Vergleich %K Lebenserwartung %K Sterblichkeit %K Unfallhäufigkeit %K Selbstmord %K Kinder %K Krebs %K AIDS %K Diabetes %K psychische Störung %K Krankheit %K Gesundheitszustand - Determinanten %K Ernährung %K physiologische Faktoren %K Sucht %K Alkoholismus %K Sport %K Erwachsene %K medizinische Versorgung - Qualität %K Infrastruktur %K Medizintechnik %K Krankenhaus %K ambulante Versorgung %K Arzt %K Krankenschwester %K Gesundheitskosten %K öffentliche Ausgaben %K Gesundheitswesen - Finanzierung %K Herzkrankheit %K Kreislauferkrankung %K nachhaltige Entwicklung %K Beschäftigungseffekte %K Einkommenseffekte %K Berufsausstieg %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Europäische Union %K Montenegro %K Norwegen %K Serbien %K Mazedonien %K Island %K Türkei %K Schweiz %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2018-11-26 %M k181126r01 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek 27 von 462 Datensätzen ausgegeben.