Suchprofil: Arbeitsvermittlung Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 06/19 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN 7. UNBEKANNTER TYP **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** %0 Journal Article %J European Journal of Social Work %V 21 %N 4 %F X 565 %A Berkel, Rik van %A Knies, Eva %T The frontline delivery of activation: Workers' preferences and their antecedents %D 2018 %P S. 602-615 %G en %# A 2013; E 2013 %@ ISSN 1369-1457 %@ ISSN 1468-2664 %R 10.1080/13691457.2017.1297774 %U %X "This article intends to contribute to the increasing body of academic literature on the frontline delivery of activation policies. In line with the broader literature on frontline work, this literature focuses attention on frontline delivery practices and preferences and how these can be explained. Activation work is an interesting case in this context, because activation workers' jobs designs vary considerably and workers have a diversity of educational backgrounds (including but not limited to social work) in the many countries that have implemented activation policies. This article looks at workers' preferences rather than actual delivery practices. It analyses how job design and educational background are related to workers' preferences concerning servicing clients, managing activation workers and spending time on various activation-related activities. Although the findings of the research that are presented in the article show that educational background and job design play only a modest role as antecedents of workers' preferences, future research into this issue remains interesting. For it may help to increase our insights into the optimal match between what activation aims to achieve and how the provision of activation is organized on the one hand, and workers' skills/qualifications and job design on the other hand." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik %K Politikumsetzung %K Präferenz %K Arbeitsberater %K Arbeitsvermittler %K Sozialarbeiter %K Case Management %K Dienstleistungsorientierung %K Kundenorientierung %K Arbeitsanforderungen %K Tätigkeitsmerkmale %K Aktivierung %K berufliche Qualifikation %K Berufsbeschreibung %K aktivierende Sozialpolitik %K Sozialhilfeempfänger %K Arbeitslose %K Niederlande %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2019-06-07 %M k190520v01 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************************ 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************************ %0 Journal Article %J Social policy and society %N online first %F Z 1976 %A O'Sullivan, Siobhan %A McGann, Michael %A Considine, Mark %T The category game and its impact on street-level bureaucrats and jobseekers : An Australian case study %D 2019 %P 15 S. %G en %# A 2015; E 2018 %@ ISSN 1474-7464 %R 10.1017/S1474746419000162 %U %X "A key question concerning the marketisation of employment services is the interaction between performance management systems and frontline client-selection practices. While the internal sorting of clients for employability by agencies has received much attention, less is known about how performance management shapes official categorisation practices at the point of programme referral. Drawing on case studies of four Australian agencies, this study examines the ways in which frontline staff contest how jobseekers are officially classified by the benefit administration agency. With this assessment pivotal in determining payment levels and activity requirements, we find that reassessing jobseekers so they are moved to a more disadvantaged category, suspended, or removed from the system entirely have become major elements of casework. These category manoeuvres help to protect providers from adverse performance rankings. Yet, an additional consequence is that jobseekers are rendered fully or partially inactive, within the context of a system designed to activate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Case Management %K Arbeitsuchende %K Arbeitslose %K Arbeitsvermittler %K Arbeitsberater %K Profiling %K aktivierende Sozialpolitik %K Unternehmensziel %K Ranking %K Vermittlungserfolg %K schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose %K Jobcenter %K Australien %Z Typ: 2. sonstige referierte Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2019-06-28 %M k190611v13 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* %0 Journal Article %J Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell %N 1 %F Z 1904 %A Wittenbrink, Lena %A Wink, Roman %T Myskills - Test zur Erkennung beruflicher Kompetenzen %D 2019 %P S. 48-52 %G de %@ ISSN 1611-9207 %@ ISSN 1618-9507 %X "Wer zwar Berufserfahrung hat, aber über keinen formal anerkannten Berufsabschluss verfügt, hat es schwer auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Das gilt vor allem für Flüchtlinge. Das neue Testverfahren Myskills misst konkretes Handlungswissen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %K berufliche Qualifikation %K Kompetenzbewertung %K Flüchtlinge %K Erfahrungswissen %K nicht formal Qualifizierte %K Bundesagentur für Arbeit %K informelles Lernen %K Eignungstest %K Validität %K Prüfverfahren %K Arbeitsvermittlung %K Nachqualifizierung %K adäquate Beschäftigung %K Reliabilität %K Fachkenntnisse %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2019-06-28 %M k190612v02 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek 3 von 355 Datensätzen ausgegeben.