Suchprofil: Ältere_im_Betrieb Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 07/23 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** @Article{Azzollini:2023:DDU, Journal= {The British journal of sociology}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Leo Azzollini}, Title= {Doubly disadvantaged: Unemployment, young age, and electoral participation in the United Kingdom}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-20}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Previous studies examine how unemployment affects socio-political behaviour, but this literature has scarcely focused on the role of the life-course. Integrating the frameworks of unemployment scarring and political socialisation, we posit that unemployment experiences, or scars, undermine electoral participation, and that this is exacerbated at younger ages. We test these hypotheses relying on the British Household Panel Survey and Understanding Society datasets (1991-2020), employing panel data analysis approaches as Propensity Score Matching, Individual Fixed Effects, and Individual Fixed Effects with Individual Slopes. Results suggest that unemployment experiences depress electoral participation in the UK, with effect sizes around '5% of a Standard Deviation in turnout. However, this effect varies powerfully by age: the impact of unemployment on electoral participation is stronger at younger ages ('21% SD at age 20), and weaker to not significant after age 35. This is robust across the three main approaches and several robustness checks. Further analyses show that the first unemployment spell matters the most for electoral participation, and that for individuals under 35, there is a scar effect lasting up to 5 years after the first unemployment spell. The life-course emerges as central to better understand the relationship between labour market hardships and socio-political behaviour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: politische Partizipation; Wahlverhalten; Arbeitslosigkeit; junge Erwachsene; Auswirkungen; Berufsverlauf; altersspezifische Faktoren; Entwicklung; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1991-2020}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 012}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230707Z1C}, } @Article{Damaske:2023:LCU, Journal= {Work and occupations}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Sarah Damaske and Adrianne Frech and Hilary Wething}, Title= {The Life Course of Unemployment: The Timing and Relative Degree of Risk}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-42}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We use the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 to identify group-based trajectories of unemployment risk as workers age in the United States. Our novel methodological approach reveals 73% of full-time workers spend much of their 20, 30, and 40 s with a relatively low risk of unemployment.'The remaining sizable minority varies in the-timing-and relative degree'of their unemployment-risk. Eighteen percent experience early career unemployment risk into their early thirties, well after the transition to adulthood. Chronic unemployment characterizes the labor market experiences of the remaining 9%. When expanding the sample to all workers, we find two key differences: the overall prevalence of unemployment is greater each year for all groups and the distribution of respondents across groups differs, with fewer workers experiencing Lower unemployment and more workers experiencing Early Career or Higher unemployment. Unemployment risk is shaped by experiences of long-term unemployment in young adulthood and early labor market constraints. Moreover, while men and women appear equally at risk of Early career unemployment, men are particularly at risk of Higher unemployment. Black workers were significantly more likely to be at risk of Higher unemployment, but only slightly more likely to be at risk of Early career unemployment. Since Early career unemployment risk gives way to steadier work for most, this suggests that some men and some Black workers face disproportionately high levels of employment precarity. Our findings point to the importance of a life course approach for understanding the relationship between unemployment and labor market precarity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufsverlauf; Arbeitslosigkeit; Auswirkungen; Risiko; Arbeitsplatzgefährdung; altersspezifische Faktoren; abhängig Beschäftigte; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Person of Color; Vollzeitarbeit; Lebenslauf; Arbeitsplatzverlust; Einwanderer; Arbeitsmotivation; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1979-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1346}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230707Z05}, } @Article{Fuchs:2023:WDW, Journal= {International journal of nursing studies}, Volume= {Journal Pre-proof}, Author= {Michaela Fuchs and Anja Rossen and Antje Weyh}, Title= {Why do workers leave geriatric care, and do they come back? A timing of events study}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-21}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"In many industrialized countries, demographic change is accompanied by increasing demand for geriatric care workers, which in turn intensifies the need to retain them or to attract them back after leaving. Although much is known about the intention of workers to leave, little is known about how many of them actually do leave and return to geriatric care at a later stage in a comprehensive framework. To examine and explain how many workers withdraw from geriatric care, take up other occupations, and return to geriatric care at a later stage in their careers, and the reasons behind this. This study used administrative daily data that cover all workers in Germany who started working in geriatric care in the period 1996 to 2018 and observed their employment biographies for a maximum of 26'years. Methods Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and parametric regression survival-time analysis were used to estimate the survival rates and to estimate individual, workplace and regional determinants of leaving and returning to geriatric care. Workers in geriatric care were more likely to leave the profession than other workers, two thirds withdrew within five years of first taking up work in geriatric care. If they remained in employment, they generally chose an occupation related to geriatric care. Half of the leavers returned to geriatric care again within eight years. Individual and workplace-related factors, such as age and remuneration, are statistically significant predictors of leaving and returning. The findings emphasize how important it is for organizations to keep in touch with geriatric care workers leaving their job, since a substantial share of them returns again." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; Altenpflege; Altenpfleger; Pflegeberufe; Arbeitszufriedenheit; Arbeitnehmerkündigung; Berufswechsel; atypische Beschäftigung; Motivation; Wiederbeschäftigung; berufliche Reintegration; Berufsverlauf; Beschäftigungsdauer; altersspezifische Faktoren; ökonomische Faktoren; Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1996-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1185}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230627ZS9}, } @Article{Hernaes:2023:AAL, Journal= {Labour economics}, Volume= {82}, Author= {Erik Hernaes and Tom Kornstad and Simen Markussen and Knut Røed}, Title= {Ageing and labor productivity}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 102347}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We exploit a policy-induced shift in the labor supply of elderly (age 63-67) workers in Norway to explore how aging of the workforce within existing firms is likely to affect labor productivity and the demand for younger workers. Our results are imprecise, but indicate that a higher share of age 63-67 workers increases total wage costs and has a small positive effect on labor productivity in the short run. Postponed retirement of existing elderly workers leads to a significant decline in the hiring of younger (below age 30) workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Produktivitätseffekte; Altersstruktur; ältere Arbeitnehmer; Auswirkungen; Lohnkosten; Rentenreform; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Beschäftigungsgrad; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Beschäftigtenstruktur; junge Erwachsene; Personaleinstellung; Norwegen; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2002-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1120}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230627ZSV}, } @Article{HsuChen-Hao:2023:HWE, Journal= {European Sociological Review}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Chen-Hao Hsu}, Title= {How women's employment instability affects birth transitions: the moderating role of family policies in 27 European countries}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-22}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Why women in some countries are more likely than others to postpone childbirth when facing employment instability? This study uses 2010-2019 EU-SILC panel data to explore whether the impacts of women's employment instability, including being unemployed or temporarily employed by fixed-term contracts, on the first- and second-birth transitions differ across 27 European countries and how governments' provisions of different family policies moderate such relationships. Results showed that while unemployment and temporary employment could generally delay women's first- and second-birth transition, such effects varied across European countries and depended on the levels of family policy provisions. Countries with more generous family cash benefits were associated with less negative and even positive effects of women's employment instability on birth transitions. On the other hand, the birth effects of women's employment instability did not vary significantly across countries according to the length of paid maternity/parental leaves. Most strikingly, countries with higher childcare coverage rates were associated with more negative effects of women's employment instability on birth transitions. These findings highlight the importance of family policy contexts in shaping women's childbirth responses to unstable employment circumstances." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; Auswirkungen; Fruchtbarkeit; erwerbstätige Frauen; internationaler Vergleich; Europäisches Haushaltspanel; Familienpolitik; institutionelle Faktoren; Arbeitslosigkeit; befristeter Arbeitsvertrag; Kinderzahl; altersspezifische Faktoren; Kinderbetreuung; Elterngeld; Elternzeit; Europa; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2010-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 863}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230711Z3A}, } @Article{Labussière:2023:TCA, Journal= {European Sociological Review}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Marie Labussière}, Title= {Timing of citizenship acquisition and immigrants' children educational outcomes: a family fixed-effects approach}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-15}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Various studies suggest a positive effect of host country citizenship on the educational outcomes of immigrants' children. However, little is known about when and for whom citizenship matters and how much this is affected by potential endogeneity in the relationship between parental citizenship acquisition and their children's educational outcomes. Focusing on the Netherlands, this article exploits siblings' variation in their exposure to naturalization in order to net out the effect of time-constant parental characteristics. Results from a linear mixed model show that children who acquire Dutch citizenship have a substantial advantage in terms of academic performance over those who are still foreign citizens, especially if they naturalized in early childhood. A novel bounding estimator that gauges the sensitivity of the estimates to omitted variable bias confirms the robustness of these results. Moreover, the effects of citizenship are concentrated among students whose parents are at a disadvantage in the labour market and housing market, shedding light on hitherto under-explored effect heterogeneity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Einwanderer; Einbürgerung; Auswirkungen; ausländische Kinder; Schulleistung; Schulerfolg; altersspezifische Faktoren; ausländische Schüler; zweite Generation; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Primarbereich; Staatsangehörigkeit; Niederlande; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2008-2015}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 863}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230711Z29}, } @Article{Maestas:2023:VWC, Journal= {The American economic review}, Volume= {113}, Number= {7}, Author= {Nicole Maestas and Kathleen J. Mullen and David Powell and Till Von Wachter and Jeffrey B. Wenger}, Title= {The Value of Working Conditions in the United States and the Implications for the Structure of Wages}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {2007-2047}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"We document variation in working conditions in the United States, present estimates of how workers value these conditions, and assess the impact of working conditions on estimates of wage inequality. We conduct a series of stated-preference experiments to estimate workers' willingness to pay for a broad set of working conditions, which we validate with actual job choices. We find that working conditions vary substantially, play a significant role in job choice, and are central components of the compensation received by workers. We find that accounting for differences in preferences for working conditions often exacerbates wage differentials and intensifies measures of wage inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen; Präferenz; abhängig Beschäftigte; Lohnstruktur; Lohnunterschied; Auswirkungen; Wahrnehmung; Arbeitsplatzwahl; Lohnhöhe; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; demografische Faktoren; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; altersspezifische Faktoren; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2015-2018}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J28 ; J31 ; J81 ; J22}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 002}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230712Z5Q}, } @Article{Oesterman:2023:UWS, Journal= {European Sociological Review}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Marcus {\"O}sterman and Anton Br{\"a}nnlund}, Title= {Unemployment, workplace socialization, and electoral participation: evidence from Sweden}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-14}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"How unemployment affects electoral participation is a archetypal question in political sociology and of particular relevance in economic crises; in the 1930s as well as during a pandemic. A frequent argument in the literature is that unemployment leads to political withdrawal as the unemployed have to focus on their economy and other personal matters. Some scholars, on the other hand, reason that unemployment triggers political mobilization through feelings of grievance and a strive to protest against leading politicians. However, existing empirical evidence is mixed and often suffers from limitations in data and research design. To make progress on this difficult empirical question, the present study leverages Swedish register data on turnout, spanning nine elections between 1970 and 2018. This extensive panel dataset enables us to more adequately address the causal status of the relationship by relying on the with-in individual variation in turnout. Our results report significant but modest negative effects of both unemployment in general and of losing a relatively well-paid job (job loss). The effects are driven by the young. We also find that the negative effect is less pronounced for those who have previously worked at a workplace where most colleagues participate, supporting a socialization mechanism." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitslosigkeit; Auswirkungen; politische Partizipation; Wahlverhalten; Arbeitsplatzverlust; Politikverdrossenheit; altersspezifische Faktoren; berufliche Sozialisation; Betrieb; Schweden; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1970-2018}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 863}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230711Z3I}, } @Article{Rouvroye:2023:DFI, Journal= {European Sociological Review}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Lin Rouvroye and Hendrik P. Van Dalen and Kène Henkens and Joop J. Schippers}, Title= {A distaste for insecurity: job preferences of young people in the transition to adulthood}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {1-16}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Given the trend towards labour market flexibility in various European countries, this article examines whether the offered type of employment contract has an impact on young people's ratings of the attractiveness of a job. It empirically assesses the notion that young people's preference for secure employment increases as they transition into adulthood. We conducted a factorial survey among a representative sample of 1,025 people aged 18-35 years old in the Netherlands. Participants were asked to evaluate hypothetical job offers. Results show that, compared with a permanent contract, the offer of a temporary contract for 3 years has a small negative effect on young adults' job ratings, whereas offers of an agency contract or an on-call contract have a large negative effect. In line with our predictions, this preference for job security is stronger for men and women who have left the parental home or who have entered parenthood. For men, we also find that their preference for job security is even stronger if they have entered a romantic relationship. These findings suggest that young adults regard insecure employment undesirable, but that, based on their overrepresentation in non-standard employment, their preferences are often not met." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: junge Erwachsene; Arbeitsplatzwahl; Präferenz; Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; Beschäftigungsform; befristeter Arbeitsvertrag; unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag; Männer; Frauen; altersspezifische Faktoren; Leiharbeit; kapazitätsorientierte variable Arbeitszeit; Niederlande; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2021-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 863}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230711Z27}, } ************************************ 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************************ @Article{Andersen:2023:LMI, Journal= {Journal for labour market research}, Volume= {57}, Author= {Henrik L. Andersen and Liv Osland and Meng Le Zhang}, Title= {Labour market integration of refugees and the importance of the neighbourhood: Norwegian quasi-experimental evidence}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 16}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper exploits a quasi-experimental feature of the Norwegian spatial dispersal policy for UNHCR quota refugees, which leads to nearly as-if random initial residential settlement of the refugees. In this framework, we study if there are positive long-run employment consequences of being assigned to neighbourhoods with higher residential labour force participation rates. Our results show a positive and statistically significant relationship between the initial neighbourhood participation rates and refugee labour market outcomes, but these overall effects are substantively small: A one standard deviation higher participation rate in the initial neighbourhood is associated with an 1.2%-point increase in the refugees' later employment probability. However, our subgroup analysis shows substantial effects around 2.6%-points for men older than 25 years at the time of entry to Norway. In comparison, the point estimates for women and persons younger than 25 years at the time of arrival are close to zero and statistically insignificant." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: regionale Verteilung; Einwanderungspolitik; Geflüchtete; berufliche Integration; Nachbarschaft; soziale Beziehungen; Auswirkungen; Wohnort; Erwerbsquote; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; altersspezifische Faktoren; Norwegen; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2010-2019}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 259}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230620ZN4}, } ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* @Article{Amilon:2023:IRA, Journal= {European Journal of Ageing}, Volume= {20}, Author= {Anna Amilon and Mona Larsen}, Title= {Increasing retirement ages in Denmark: Do changes in gender, education, employment status and health matter?}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. 24}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Recent studies report significant increases in retirement ages over the past two to three decades in most countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development-increases that research has attributed mainly to changes in the legislative frameworks for retirement in these countries. Using unique data from the Danish Longitudinal Study of Ageing, this study investigates whether and, if so to what extent, changes to the workforce in terms of gender, education, employment status (employed or self-employed) and health contribute to explaining differences in retirement ages between the cohorts born in 1935 and 1950. The retirement window of these cohorts stretches from the early 1990s to the late 2010s'a period characterized by substantial changes to workforce. On average, retirement ages increased by two years from the 1935 cohort to the 1950 cohort. However, due to changes in the investigated factors having offsetting effects, the net effect of such changes on retirement ages was minor. Thus, while increasing levels of education and better health among older workers contributed to increasing retirement ages, increasing female labour force participation and fewer self-employed workers had the opposite effect. In absolute terms, the total compositional and behavioural influence on retirement ages of changes in terms of employment status (' 0.35 years) was almost as large as the total changes in terms of education (0.44 years). Thus, future studies investigating long-term changes in retirement ages would benefit from including changes in employment status (self-employed or wage earner) as an explanatory factor." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufsausstieg; ältere Arbeitnehmer; Rentenalter; Determinanten; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; Bildungsniveau; beruflicher Status; abhängig Beschäftigte; Selbständige; Gesundheitszustand; altersspezifische Faktoren; Dänemark; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2002-2017}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2445}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230630ZT5}, } @Article{Haywood:2023:WCJ, Journal= {Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Luke Haywood and Markus Janser and Nicolas Koch}, Title= {The welfare costs of job loss and decarbonization - evidence from Germany's coal phase out}, Year= {2023}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Der Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen in Branchen mit hohem Anteil an Verbrennungstechnologien steht häufig im Mittelpunkt der klimapolitischen Diskussion. Warum sind Arbeitsplatzverluste teuer? Wer ist am stärksten betroffen? Wie können die Wohlfahrtskosten verringert werden? Wir stellen ein einfaches Modell der Arbeitsplatzsuche vor, um die lebenslangen Wohlfahrtskosten von Arbeitsplatzverlusten zu berechnen. Basierend auf der Grundgesamtheit deutscher Erwerbsbiographien wenden wir das Modell auf eine archetypische fossile Industrie - den Kohlenbergbau - an. Im Gegensatz zumöffentlichen Diskurs spielt Arbeitslosigkeit bei den Wohlfahrtskosten des Arbeitsplatzverlustes nur eine untergeordnete Rolle, während Lohnunterschiede und Arbeitsplatzsicherheit wesentlich wichtiger sind. Kontrafaktische Simulationen quantifizieren den Anstieg der Wohlfahrtskosten einer schnelleren Dekarbonisierung und den potenziellen Nutzen von maßgeschneiderten arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"Job losses in fossil industries are often prominent in climate policy discussions. Why are job losses costly? Who is most affected? How can welfare costs be reduced? We present a simple job search model to calculate lifetime welfare costs of job loss. Based on the universe of German employment biographies, we apply the model to the archetypical fossil industry - coal mining. Contrary to public discourse, unemployment is a small factor in welfare costs of job loss, with wage differentials and job security much more important. Counterfactual policy simulations quantify the increase in welfare costs of faster decarbonization and potential benets of bespoke labor market policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Dekarbonisierung; Auswirkungen; Bergbauberufe; Berufsverlauf; Beschäftigungseffekte; Betriebsstilllegung; Braunkohlenbergbau; Energiepolitik; Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien; Klimaschutz; Lohnversicherung; altersspezifische Faktoren; Prognose; Reformpolitik; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; soziale Kosten; arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme; Wirtschaftsstrukturwandel; Arbeitsplatzverlust; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1975-2040}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: J64 ; L16 ; Q54}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 1402}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230706Z0W}, } @Article{Jaschke:2023:MHA, Journal= {BMJ open}, Volume= {13}, Author= {Philipp Jaschke and Yuliya Kosyakova and Coline Kuche and Lena Walther and Laura Go{\"ss}ner and Jannes Jacobsen and Thi-Minh-Tam Ta and Eric Hahn and Silke Hans and Malek Bajbouj}, Title= {Mental health and well-being in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic among different population subgroups: evidence from representative longitudinal data in Germany}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. e071331, 1-54}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Objectives: To examine potential deteriorations in mental health and well-being in the first COVID-19 pandemic year compared with the previous decade focusing on the following vulnerable subgroups in Germany: women with minor children in the household, those living without a partner, younger and older adults, those in a precarious labour market situation, immigrants and refugees, and those with pre-existing physical or mental health risks. Design: Analyses of secondary longitudinal survey data using cluster-robust pooled ordinary least squares models. Participants: More than 20 000 individuals (aged 16+ years) in Germany. Primary and secondary outcome measures: Mental Component Summary Scale (MCS) of the 12-item ShortForm Health Survey measuring mental health-related quality of life, single item on life satisfaction (LS). Results: We find a decline in the average MCS in the 2020 survey that is not particularly striking in the overall time course, still resulting in a mean score below those of all preceding waves since 2010. We find no change in LS from 2019 to 2020 against the background of a general upward trend. Regarding vulnerability factors, only the results on age and parenthood are partially in line with our expectations. In 2020, LS declined among the youngest adults; MCS declined among mothers (and women and men without children) but not fathers. Unlike respective comparison groups, refugees, those unemployed before the pandemic and those with pre-existing mental health risks experienced no MCS declines in 2020, whereas persons living without a partner, the eldest, and those with pre-existing health risks exhibited continued increases in LS. Conclusions: There is no evidence for substantial breakdowns in mental health or subjective well-being in the first pandemic year in the German population or its subgroups, particularly when considering developments of the previous decade. Since the majority of hypothesised vulnerable groups to pandemic stressors showed more stable MCS and LS, our results warrant further study." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))© BMJ Publishing Group) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: IAB-Open-Access-Publikation; IAB-SOEP-Migrationsstichprobe; IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten; Gesundheitszustand; psychische Faktoren; Zufriedenheit; Auswirkungen; Pandemie; allein Stehende; Mütter; prekäre Beschäftigung; Einwanderer; Geflüchtete; altersspezifische Faktoren; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Väter; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2010-2020}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2261}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230522Y35}, } @Article{Meng:2022:EPM, Journal= {European Journal of Ageing}, Volume= {19}, Number= {4}, Author= {Annette Meng and Emil Sundstrup and Lars L. Andersen}, Title= {Employee perception of managers' attitudes towards older workers is associated with risk of loss of paid work before state pension age: prospective cohort study with register follow-up}, Year= {2022}, Pages= {1375-1383}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"It is increasingly urgent to retain older workers in the workforce. In the present study, we analysed the prospective associations between employees' perceptions of their managers' attitudes towards older workers, and of having experienced age discrimination in the labour market with the risk of loss of paid work before the state pension age. Questionnaire data from 10,320 currently employed workers aged 50 + on perceptions of managers' attitudes towards older workers and perceived age discrimination were collected at baseline in the SeniorWorkingLife study. Data on labour market affiliation were obtained from national registers at baseline and two-year follow-up. Results show that the perception of negative attitudes was prospectively associated with an increased risk of loss of paid work for three of the five negative attitudes 'older workers create conflicts, their qualifications are outdated, and they cannot keep up with the pace and development'. Perception of positive attitudes was prospectively associated with a reduced risk of loss of paid work. The perception of age discrimination was prospectively associated with an increased risk of loss of paid work. The results strengthen existing evidence on associations between ageism and labour market attachment, by applying a longitudinal design and including actual change in labour market participation. However, some negative attitudes may be more detrimental to the older workers' labour market participation. Employees' positive perceptions of managers' attitudes reduced the risk. Good relations between employees and managers appear to be important for retaining older workers in the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Beschäftigerverhalten; ältere Arbeitnehmer; Einstellungen; Auswirkungen; Arbeitsplatzgefährdung; Diskriminierung; altersspezifische Faktoren; Arbeitsbeziehungen; Mitarbeiterbindung; Wahrnehmung; Arbeitsplatzverlust; Stereotyp; Dänemark; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2018-2020}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2445}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230623ZQ4}, } @Article{Niedhammer:2023:EED, Journal= {PLoS ONE}, Volume= {18}, Author= {Isabelle Niedhammer and Elodie Pineau and Sandrine Bertrais and Duncan Gallie}, Title= {Exploring the employment determinants of job insecurity in the French working population: Evidence from national survey data}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {Art. e0287229}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Studies are lacking on the employment determinants of job insecurity, that may be helpful to determine highly exposed groups and to assess the feasibility of constructing job-exposure matrices (JEMs) for this occupational exposure. The objectives were to explore the employment determinants of job insecurity in a nationally representative sample of the French working population. The study was based on the cross-sectional data of the 2013 national French working conditions survey including a sample of 28,293 employees, 12,283 men and 16,010 women. Job insecurity was assessed using one single item related to the fear of job loss in the next 12 months. Gender, age, and educational level were studied as well as the following employment variables: temporary/permanent work contract, full/part time work, job seniority, occupation, economic activity of the company, public/private sector, and company size. The associations with job insecurity were studied using bivariate and multivariate analyses. One quarter of the study sample was exposed to job insecurity, without any difference between genders. Lower age and lower educational levels were associated with job insecurity. Employees who had a temporary work contract, lower job seniority, who were working in low-skilled occupational groups, in manufacturing (for both genders) and construction (among men), and in the private sector had a higher prevalence of exposure to job insecurity. The two major employment variables associated with job insecurity were temporary work contract (prevalence ratios>2) and private sector (prevalence ratios>1.4) for the whole sample and for both men and women. Our findings suggested that intervention/prevention measures could be oriented towards specific highly exposed groups of the working population, especially those exposed to temporary work contract and/or working in the private sector. Our study also underlined that constructing JEMs for job insecurity may be possible and could be a useful tool for large-scale occupational health studies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Arbeitsplatzgefährdung; Angst; Arbeitsplatzverlust; Unsicherheit; Determinanten; altersspezifische Faktoren; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Beschäftigungsform; Niedriglohnbereich; Berufsgruppe; Bildungsniveau; Teilzeitarbeit; Betriebszugehörigkeit; abhängig Beschäftigte; Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; Frankreich; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2013-2013}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2136}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230703ZU9}, } ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** @Book{Miho:2023:DAL, Institution={OECD. Economics Department (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Antonela Miho and Martin Borowiecki and Jens Hoj}, Title= {Digitalisation and the labour market: Worker-level evidence from Slovenia}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {25}, Address= {Paris}, Series= {OECD Economics Department working papers}, Number= {1767}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"This paper provides evidence on the effects of digitalisation on the labour market in Slovenia using a unique dataset of Slovenian workers and firms for the years 2016 to 2020. Results show that at the firm level, digitalisation – measured in terms of ICT investment, is associated with positive and statistically significant effects on employment. However, job growth is not evenly distributed: High-skilled workers and younger workers benefit the most from employment gains, whereas there is little to no employment increases for low- and medium-skilled workers and older workers aged 50 or more. Furthermore, employment effects from digitalisation are strongest for private manufacturing firms. In contrast, ICT investment by state-owned firms is not associated with employment gains." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Informationstechnik; Investitionen; Beschäftigungseffekte; Auswirkungen; soziale Ungleichheit; altersspezifische Faktoren; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; Privatwirtschaft; staatlicher Sektor; Einkommenseffekte; technischer Wandel; Slowenien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2016-2020}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: E22 ; O33 ; J62 ; E24}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230710Z15}, } @Book{Rinaldi:2023:IEI, Institution={ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Riccardo Rinaldi and Alessandro Arrighetti and Andrea Lasagni and Jacopo Canello}, Title= {Immigrant entrepreneurship in Europe : a comparative empirical approach}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {[30]}, Address= {Kiel}, Series= {EconStor Preprints}, Number= {270873}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"The aim of this paper is to use a multi-country approach to assess the role played by individual characteristics and local labor market conditions in influencing migrants' self-employment decisions. The empirical investigation exploits data from the EU Labor Force Survey for the 2005-2016 period and focuses on two countries (Italy and the UK) characterized by significantly different labor market dynamics. Our findings suggest that the impact of individual characteristics is similar across countries, whereas the role of the local economic environment changes significantly, resulting in different migrant entrepreneurship patterns. These findings appear to be consistent with the most recent strand of literature, suggesting that while individual characteristics of self-employed migrants are similar across countries, national and regional differences play a key role in determining migrants' entrepreneurial propensity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Unternehmertum; Einwanderer; internationaler Vergleich; Auswirkungen; Individualentscheidung; Arbeitsmarktentwicklung; regionale Faktoren; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Einwanderungsland; Arbeitslosenquote; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; altersspezifische Faktoren; qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren; Italien; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2005-2016}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230622ZP3}, } *************************** 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR *************************** @Book{Simonson:2023:AIT, Editor= {Julia Simonson and Jenna W{\"u}nsche and Clemens Tesch-R{\"o}mer}, Title= {Ageing in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic}, Year= {2023}, Pages= {VIII, 253}, Edition= {1st ed. 2023}, Address= {Wiesbaden}, Publisher= {Imprint: Springer VS}, ISBN= {ISBN 978-3-658-40487-1}, Annote= {URL:}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {Part I: Introduction -- Part II: I Material and the employment issues during the Corona Pandemic -- Part III: Active ageing and participation issues during the Corona Pandemic -- Part IV: Health and well-being issues during the Corona Pandemic -- Part V: Social issues during the Corona Pandemic and beyond -- Part VI: Conclusion and implications}, Abstract= {"This Open Access Book contains reports on the situation of people in the second half of life during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The analyses are based on the German Ageing Survey (DEAS) and they provide insights on four main areas of life: income and work, subjective health and well-being, social support and loneliness as well as societal participation. This book is useful for scientists as well as political actors by directing attention to the risk groups that have been hard hit by the pandemic while also highlighting the resilience and adaptive capacities of many people in the second half of life. The Editors Dr. Julia Simonson, Dr. Jenna Wünsche and Prof. Dr. Clemens Tesch-Römer work at the German Centre of Gerontology (DZA)." (Provided by publisher)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: E-Book; Pandemie; Auswirkungen; ältere Arbeitnehmer; altersspezifische Faktoren; Beschäftigungseffekte; Einkommenseffekte; Arbeitssituation; Gesundheitsgefährdung; Gesundheitszustand; Selbstbild; Altenpflege; Sport; Gesundheitsverhalten; soziale Isolation; soziale Unterstützung; häusliche Pflege; erwerbstätige Frauen; Altenbetreuung; Kinderbetreuung; Mehrgenerationenfamilie; Beruf und Familie; soziale Partizipation; Freizeitbeschäftigung; alte Menschen; Diskriminierung; Internet; Soziale Medien; Medienkonsum; soziale Ungleichheit; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2020-2021}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K230703ZW5}, } 18 von 372 Datensätzen ausgegeben.