Suchprofil: Ältere-Rentenübergang Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 09/21 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** Grünwald, O., M. Damman & K. Henkens (2021): Providing informal care next to paid work: explaining care-giving gratification, burden and stress among older workers. In: Ageing & Society, Vol. 41, No. 10, S. 2280-2298 [ ] Handley, K. & B. den Outer (2021): Narrating "potential": older knowledge workers' anticipatory narratives about their future employment. In: Ageing & Society, Vol. 41, No. 10, S. 2375-2395 Melesk, K. (2021): Learning in late career stages in Europe – gendered effects of retirement policies. In: Ageing & Society, Vol. 41, No. 10, S. 2191-2213 Saporta-Eksten, I., I. Shurtz & S. Weisburd (2021): Social Security, Labor Supply, and Health of Older Workers: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from a Large Reform. In: Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 19, No. 4, S. 2168-2208 ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* (2021): Arbeitsmarkt 65 plus. Doppelt soch viele Erwerbstätige wie vor zehn Jahren. In: Sozialrecht + Praxis, Vol. 31, No. 8, S. 499-503 ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** Picchio, M. & M. Filomena (2021): Retirement And Health Outcomes In A Metaanalytical Framework. / Università Politecnica delle Marche. Dipartimento di scienze economiche e sociali (Hrsg.), (Quaderno di ricerca / Università Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartimento di scienze economiche e sociali, 458). Ancona [ ] 6 von 370 Datensätzen ausgegeben.