Suchprofil: Ältere-Rentenübergang Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 10/20 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** %0 Journal Article %J International archives of occupational and environmental health %N online first %F Z 2249 %A D'Errico, Angelo %A Burr, Hermann %A Pattloch, Dagmar %A Kersten, Norbert %A Rose, Uwe %T Working conditions as risk factors for early exit from work - in a cohort of 2351 employees in Germany %D 2020 %G en %# 2011-2015 %R 10.1007/s00420-020-01566-x %U %U %X "We would assess the possible impact of a range of physical and psychosocial working conditions on early exit from paid employment (i.e., before retirement age) in a representative employee population in Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Arbeitsbedingungen %K Auswirkungen %K Vorruhestand %K Berufsausstieg %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K Arbeitsbelastung %K Arbeitsintensität %K berufliche Autonomie %K Fehlzeiten %K Krankheit %K psychosoziale Faktoren %K physische Belastung %K Arbeitslosigkeit %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2020-10-20 %M K200929SQW %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J European journal of ageing %N online first %F X 1010 %A Hess, Moritz %A Naegele, Laura %A Mäcken, Jana %T Attitudes towards working in retirement: a latent class analysis of older workers' motives %D 2020 %P S. 1-12 %G en %# 2013-2013 %R 10.1007/s10433-020-00584-5 %U %U %X "One of the fastest growing labour market groups is working pensioners, meaning those who work past the statutory retirement age whilst receiving a pension. Previous research has investigated the motives of this group and found very heterogeneous reasons for employment in retirement. However, little is known about the expectations and preferred work arrangements of older workers regarding a potential post-retirement employment. Using data from the German survey transitions and old age potential, we explore older workers' motives, preferences and expectations towards working in retirement. Results show that about half of the respondents plan to work in addition to receiving a pension; however, the share is higher amongst men and those with higher levels of education. The motives for staying in post-retirement employment vary as well: using latent class analysis, we find four distinct patterns of motives that can be classified as (1) financially-driven, (2) status-driven, (3) contact and fun-driven, as well as (4) generativity-driven, underlining the complexity of retirement decisions. Furthermore, preferences regarding arrangements when combining work and retirement are very heterogeneous. Whilst highly educated men want to work as self-employed, women and those with lower qualifications want to stay in their old jobs. Only small differences were found regarding preferred hours (about 17) and days per week (2.24). In summary, the results show that the rapidly growing group of working pensioners and their preferences should be seen as characterised by differences by those responsible for creating these post-retirement employment opportunities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K nachberufliche Tätigkeit %K Arbeitsmotivation %K Rentenalter %K soziale Ungleichheit %K Erwartung %K Präferenz %K Arbeitszeitwunsch %K qualifikationsspezifische Faktoren %K geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2020-10-29 %M K201019FL1 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Ageing & Society %N online first %F Z 2232 %A Jensen, Per H. %T On how different combinations of conditions produce different early exit/retirement outcomes: a qualitative (case-oriented) comparison of Denmark and Sweden %D 2020 %P S. 1-21 %G en %R 10.1017/S0144686X2000029X %U %U %X "Denmark and Sweden are rather similar in most societal dimensions, but differ markedly with regard to the employment rate among older workers, which in 2015 was 65 per cent in Denmark and 75 per cent in Sweden. Using a qualitative (or case-oriented) comparative approach, this article seeks to identify configurations or combinations of conditions that have produced these differences in older workers' work patterns. From an inter-disciplinary perspective, the article draws on the conceptual framework of push (e.g. involuntary retirement due to poor health), pull (e.g. voluntary retirement because of generous welfare benefits), jump (e.g. exit due to a search for life conditions that are more fulfilling than paid work), stay (e.g. older workers remain voluntarily in the labour market because work is fulfilling and well paid) and stuck (e.g. older workers remain involuntarily in the labour market because they cannot afford to retire). Findings are that low employment rates in Denmark are an outcome of a relatively strong combination of push-pull-jump factors, while Sweden, with its high employment rate, exhibits a combination of stay-stuck conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K Vorruhestand %K Berufsausstieg %K Determinanten %K internationaler Vergleich %K Gesundheitszustand %K Rentenhöhe %K Lebensqualität %K Arbeitszufriedenheit %K ökonomische Faktoren %K Dänemark %K Schweden %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2020-10-20 %M K200929EMI %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Social science research %V 91 %F X 269 %A Lorenti, Angelo %A Dudel, Christian %A Hale, Jo Mhairi %A Myrskylä, Mikko %T Working and disability expectancies at older ages: The role of childhood circumstances and education %D 2020 %P Art. 102447 %G en %# 2008-2014 %R 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2020.102447 %U %U %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K Erwerbsbeteiligung %K Determinanten %K Bildungsniveau %K Gesundheitszustand %K Sozialisationsbedingungen %K Berufsverlauf %K Auswirkungen %K Lebenserwartung %K soziale Ungleichheit %K Erwerbsunfähigkeit %K Berufsausstieg %K Erwartung %K Lebensarbeitszeit %K USA %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2020-10-02 %M K200918DAY %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Ageing & Society %N online first %F Z 2232 %A Qvist, Jeevitha Yogachandiran %T The working class and early retirement in Denmark: individual push factors %D 2020 %P S. 1-25 %G en %# 1997-2012 %R 10.1017/S0144686X20000203 %U %U %X "Previous research finds that members of the working class have a higher risk of early retirement compared to professionals because they are pushed into early retirement. This indicates that not all workers can respond to incentives to extend their working life. Yet, little previous work has been conducted to quantify systematically the extent to which push factors explain why members of the working class have a higher risk of early retirement compared to professionals. Using longitudinal data on Danish workers, the results suggest that members of the working class have an increased risk of early retirement compared to professionals, but poor health, previous spells of unemployment and low job quality mediate a large part of this effect. Among men, the push factors mediate 57 and 86 per cent of the effect of social class on early retirement for skilled manual and unskilled manual workers, respectively. Among women, the push factors mediate 43 and 55 per cent of the effect of social class on early retirement for skilled manual and unskilled manual workers, respectively. Overly physical work demands is the most important mediator, which explains between 23 and 31 per cent of the total effect of belonging to the working class on early retirement. Moreover, the magnitudes of the indirect effects of the push factors depend on the particular pathway into retirement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K Arbeiterklasse %K Vorruhestand %K Determinanten %K Berufsausstieg %K Gesundheitszustand %K Arbeitsbelastung %K Arbeitslosigkeit %K Männer %K Frauen %K Arbeiter %K Arbeitsplatzqualität %K Dänemark %Z Typ: 1. SSCI-Journals %Z fertig: 2020-10-20 %M K200929EMB %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************************ 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************************ %0 Journal Article %J Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie %V 45 %N 3 %F Z 593 %A Pöschko, Heidemarie %A Wurzer, Katharina %T Frauen zwischen Erwerbsarbeit und Pension %D 2020 %P S. 337-349 %G de %R 10.1007/s11614-020-00421-0 %U %U %X "Obwohl heutige Generationen von der Bildungsexpansion, Emanzipation und gesellschaftlichen Partizipation profitieren, wird der Pensionsantritt im politischen Diskurs immer wieder als kritischer Lebensabschnitt betrachtet. So werden beispielsweise Warnungen hinsichtlich einer künftigen Unfinanzierbarkeit des Pensionssystems ausgesprochen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) %X "Although today's generations benefit from educational expansion, emancipation and social engagement, retirement is still considered a critical period of life in political discourse. For instance, warnings have been issued regarding the future funding of the pension system. Due to the upcoming adjustment to the retirement age, women in particular compared to men will need to find new ways to make livings in 2024. Therefore, a study by P und P Sozialforschung researched what is important to women before or in the third age, i.e. the transition between gainful employment and retirement. Heidemarie Pöschko and Katharina Wurzer present essential findings on the life situation of women between the ages of 45 and 60. For this purpose, secondary statistical analysis and literature research that reflect the economic situation of this age cohort were carried out. It can be noted that part-time work, interruptions in employment history and jobs in low-paid sectors are the reasons for the low pensions of women compared to men. Measures such as 'pension splitting', which leads to a redistribution of the pension between parents, can only conditionally contribute to an improvement in the situation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en)) %K Frauen %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K Berufsausstieg %K Reformpolitik %K Lebenssituation %K Pension %K Pensionierung %K Ruhestandsalter %K Erwerbsunterbrechung %K Auswirkungen %K Rentenunterschied %K prekäre Beschäftigung %K Teilzeitarbeit %K Einkommenserwartung %K Rentenhöhe %K Österreich %Z Typ: 2. sonstige referierte Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2020-10-29 %M K201019FL6 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* %0 Journal Article %J Social Policy and Administration %N online first %A Nivorozhkin, Anton %A Nivorozhkin, Eugene %T Job search, transition to employment and discouragement among older unemployed welfare recipients in Germany %D 2020 %P S. 1-19 %G en %# 2007-2015 %R 10.1111/spol.12657 %U %U %X "This paper quantifies the importance of active job search for the probability of re'employment, estimates the share of older job seekers that become discouraged and explore factors that may lead to discouragement. We use the sample of older unemployed welfare benefit recipients in Germany covered by the Panel Study 'Labour Market and Social Security' (PASS). We find that employment transition rates are low for older job seekers: only around 11% found a job within a year. Participation in job search is an important but not a decisive factor for the transition to employment, other variables such education levels and health status are as important for the probability to transit to employment. Furthermore, more than 29.4% of individuals that did not find employment gave up the job search. We argue that a large share of these group of unemployed could be classified as discouraged. The job centre caseworkers' strategies specifically aimed at helping older job seekers to develop a new perspective in the labour market are likely to increase their probability of continuing to search for work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K berufliche Reintegration %K Arbeitsuche %K Arbeitsuchende %K IAB-Haushaltspanel %K Erwerbsbeteiligung %K Erwerbsverhalten %K Berufsausstieg %K Arbeitsmarktchancen %K Zu- und Abgänge %K Einstellungsänderung %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2020-10-29 %M K201008FG5 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek %0 Journal Article %J Work, aging and retirement %N online first %F X 1062 %A Wilckens, Max R. %A Wöhrmann, Anne M. %A Deller, Jürgen %A Wang, Mo %T Organizational Practices for the Aging Workforce: Development and Validation of the Later Life Workplace Index %D 2020 %P S. 1-35 %G en %R 10.1093/workar/waaa012 %U %U %X "The present three studies focused on the development and validation of a multifaceted measure of organizational practices for the aging workforce, the Later Life Workplace Index (LLWI). The first study developed a comprehensive item pool based on expert interview evidence from Germany and the United States. Two further studies among workers across industries in Germany (N = 609, N = 349) provided psychometric evidence. The LLWI comprises nine distinct domains of organizational practices for the aging workforce, namely an age-friendly organizational climate and leadership style, certain work design characteristics, health management, individual development opportunities, knowledge management, the design of the retirement transition, continued employment opportunities, and health and retirement coverage. The final LLWI consists of 80 items in total. In addition, the studies demonstrated that the LLWI measures correlated with older workers' work outcomes such as stress level, workability, person-organization fit, and post-retirement work intentions in meaningful ways. Applications for the LLWI in research and practice are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K altersadäquate Arbeitsplätze %K Arbeitsplatzgestaltung %K Indikatorenbildung %K Personalpolitik %K Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement %K Weiterbildungsangebot %K betriebliche Weiterbildung %K Wissenstransfer %K Erfahrungswissen %K Berufsausstieg %K Berufswegplanung %K nachberufliche Tätigkeit %K betriebliche Alterssicherung %K Betriebsklima %K Unternehmenskultur %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K USA %Z Typ: 3. sonstige Zeitschriften %Z fertig: 2020-10-29 %M K201019FLX %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** %0 Book %1 OECD, Economics Department (Hrsg.) %A Turner, David %A Morgavi, Hermes %T Revisiting the effect of statutory pension ages on the participation rate %D 2020 %P 28 S. %C Paris %G en %B OECD Economics Department working papers : 1616 %R 10.1787/3f430e2b-en %U %U %X "Many OECD governments have enacted, or are contemplating, future increases in statutory pension ages, sometimes provoking vociferous political opposition. Empirical cross-country estimation work consistently finds that coefficients on statutory pension ages are positive and highly statistically significant in explaining labour-force participation at older ages. There is also some consistency in the magnitude of the estimated effects across studies, although this magnitude seems surprisingly modest when translated into the implied effect on average retirement ages: an increase in statutory pension ages by one year is typically estimated to increase the average effective retirement age by only about two months." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) %K Rentenalter %K Auswirkungen %K Rentenversicherung %K Erwerbsbeteiligung %K internationaler Vergleich %K OECD %K Reformpolitik %K institutionelle Faktoren %K Berufsausstieg %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K altersspezifische Faktoren %K J26 %K J21 %Z Typ: 4. Arbeitspapiere/Discussion Paper %Z fertig: 2020-10-06 %M K200923DWQ %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek *************************** 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR *************************** %0 Edited Book %A Naegele, Gerhard %A Hess, Moritz %T Alte und neue soziale Ungleichheiten bei Berufsaufgabe und Rentenübergang : Ergebnisse des EXTEND-Projektes %D 2020 %P 253 S. %C Wiesbaden %I Springer VS %G de %# 2016-2018 %S Dortmunder Beiträge zur Sozialforschung %@ ISBN 978-3-658-31663-1 %@ ISSN 2626-0360 %R 10.1007/978-3-658-31663-1 %U %U %U %X "In diesem Sammelband befassen sich die Autor*innen mit sozialen Ungleichheiten im Verrentungsgeschehen in 5 Ländern mit besonderem Fokus auf Deutschland. Berichtet werden eigene, z.T. empirische Forschungsergebnisse aus dem EXTEND-Projekt (Social inequalities in extending working lives) zu institutionellen Veränderungen in den Arbeitsmarkt- und Rentenpolitiken und Auswirkungen auf Verrentungsentscheidungen und -praktiken, Beschäftigungssituationen älterer Arbeitnehmer*innen, Einfluss von Gesundheit auf Lebensqualität in der vor- und nachberuflichen Lebensphase, Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Pflege, Arbeitsbedingungen im professionellen Altenpflegesektor, Good Practices und Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen, Empfehlungen für Politik und betriebliche Praxis." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) %K ältere Arbeitnehmer %K Berufsausstieg %K Ruhestand %K soziale Ungleichheit %K Rentenalter %K Reformpolitik %K Auswirkungen %K Determinanten %K Gesundheitszustand %K prekäre Beschäftigung %K Arbeitsbelastung %K internationaler Vergleich %K Beruf und Familie %K Pflegetätigkeit %K Pflegeberufe %K häusliche Pflege %K Doppelrolle %K best practice %K human resource management %K Diversity Management %K Lebensarbeitszeit %K Arbeitszeitverlängerung %K Bundesrepublik Deutschland %K Finnland %K Dänemark %K Niederlande %K Großbritannien %Z Typ: 5. monographische Literatur %Z fertig: 2020-10-20 %M K200930EQ0 %~ LitDokAB %W IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek 10 von 325 Datensätzen ausgegeben.