Suchprofil: Ältere-Rentenübergang Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 02/20 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** @Article{Barban:2020:CET, Journal= {Sociological methods & research}, Volume= {49}, Number= {1}, Author= {N. Barban and X. de Luna and E. Lundholm and I. Svensson and F. C. Billari}, Title= {Causal Effects of the Timing of Life-course Events : Age at Retirement and Subsequent Health}, Year= {2020}, Pages= {216-249}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {In this article, we combine the extensive literature on the analysis of life-course trajectories as sequences with the literature on causal inference and propose a new matching approach to investigate the causal effect of the timing of life-course events on subsequent outcomes. Our matching approach takes into account pre-event confounders that are both time-independent and time-dependent as well as life-course trajectories. After matching, treated and control individuals can be compared using standard statistical tests or regression models. We apply our approach to the study of the consequences of the age at retirement on subsequent health outcomes, using a unique data set from Swedish administrative registers. Once selectivity in the timing of retirement is taken into account, effects on hospitalization are small, while early retirement has negative effects on survival. Our approach also allows for heterogeneous treatment effects. We show that the effects of early retirement differ according to preretirement income, with higher income individuals tending to benefit from early retirement, while the opposite is true for individuals with lower income. (Author's Abstract, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufsausstieg; Rentenalter; Auswirkungen; Gesundheitszustand; Lebensplanung; Ruhestand; Lebensalter; Vorruhestand; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Einkommenshöhe; ökonomische Faktoren; Rentner; Schweden; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1990-2006}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1142}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K200127AJ6}, } @Article{Grøtting:2020:HER, Journal= {Journal of population economics}, Volume= {33}, Number= {2}, Author= {Maja Weemes Grøtting and Otto Sevaldson Lillebø}, Title= {Health effects of retirement: evidence from survey and register data}, Year= {2020}, Pages= {671-704}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {Using a local randomized experiment that arises from the statutory retirement age in Norway, we study the effect of retirement on health across gender and socioeconomic status. We apply data from administrative registers covering the entire population and from survey data of a random sample to investigate the effects of retirement on acute hospital admissions, mortality, and a composite physical health score. Our results show that retirement has a positive effect on physical health, especially for individuals with low socioeconomic status. We find no effects of retirement on acute hospitalizations or mortality in general. However, our results suggest that retirement leads to reduced likelihood of hospitalizations for individuals with low socioeconomic status. Finally, we show that the positive health effects are driven by reduced pain and reduced health limitations in conducting daily activities. Our findings highlight heterogeneity in the health effects across socioeconomic status and across subjective and objective measures of health. (Author's Abstract, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufsausstieg; Auswirkungen; Ruhestand; Gesundheitszustand; Rentner; sozioökonomische Faktoren; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Sterblichkeit; medizinische Versorgung; Krankenhaus; stationäre Versorgung; soziale Ungleichheit; Quote; Norwegen; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2002-2014}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 923}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K200203AMH}, } @Article{Wildman:2020:LIO, Journal= {Work, employment and society}, Volume= {34}, Number= {2}, Author= {Josephine M. Wildman}, Title= {Life-Course Influences on Extended Working: Experiences of Women in a UK Baby-Boom Birth Cohort}, Year= {2020}, Pages= {211-227}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {Combining feminist political economy and life-course perspectives, this mixed-methods study critically examines the extent to which extended working life policies take account of women's experiences of paid and unpaid work. I explore how decisions to extend working life are shaped by gendered social structures and norms across the life course among women in the Newcastle Thousand Families Study, a UK early baby-boom birth cohort. Among this cohort of women currently transitioning into retirement, analysis of longitudinal survey data identifies a range of mid- and later-life factors that impact on the likelihood of women working beyond state-pension age. In-depth life-course interviews identify further complex and interacting gendered life-course experiences, not captured in the survey data, which act to necessitate, encourage, enable or constrain extended working. I conclude that, if women are to extend their working lives, 'joined-up' policies are required, addressing gendered inequalities across the life course. (Author's Abstract, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Lebenslauf; Auswirkungen; Frauen; Lebensarbeitszeit; Arbeitszeitverlängerung; ältere Arbeitnehmer; nachberufliche Tätigkeit; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Gesundheitszustand; Lebenssituation; Zufriedenheit; Rentenalter; Großbritannien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 1997-2016}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 917}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K200130ALP}, } @Article{Wilinska:2019:IOA, Journal= {Work, employment and society}, Number= {online first}, Author= {Monika Wilinska and Bo Rolander and Pia H. Bulow}, Title= {'When I'm 65': On the Age-negotiated Duty to Work}, Year= {2019}, Pages= {1-16}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {The duty to work is an unquestionable norm in contemporary welfare systems. Nonetheless, as argued in this article, duty to work can be negotiable, and there are age norms that can be used to loosen its otherwise rigid character. This interview-based article follows the work rehabilitation stories of 57 men and women who, in making sense of their illnesses, rehabilitation and work, recurrently use age norms to validate their accounts. In the context of heightened social pressures on paid labour, the practices of doing age seem to both validate and counterbalance the norms of paid labour. Interestingly, the use of age norms is not bounded by any age, gender or education groups; rather, it is used across various social positions. The article discusses age and age norms and their relation to the moral norms of paid labour in contemporary welfare societies. (Author's Abstract, IAB-Doku)}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: soziale Normen; Erwerbsarbeit; altersspezifische Faktoren; berufliche Rehabilitation; ältere Arbeitnehmer; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Lebensalter; Rehabilitanden; Verhandlungstheorie; Arbeitspflicht; chronische Krankheit; Behinderte; psychisch Kranke; Rentenalter; Erwartung; Lebensplanung; Schweden; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: 2014-2016}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 917}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, K200130ALW}, } 4 von 260 Datensätzen ausgegeben.