Suchprofil: Ältere-Rentenübergang Durchsuchter Fertigstellungsmonat: 08/12 Sortierung: 1. SSCI-JOURNALS 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER 5. MONOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR 6. BEITRÄGE ZU SAMMELWERKEN **************** 1. SSCI-JOURNALS **************** @Article{González:2012:ERL, Journal= {Urban Studies}, Volume= {49}, Number= {10}, Author= {Jorge González Chapela}, Title= {The effect of residential location on retirement age : theory and some evidence on male behaviour in the US}, Year= {2012}, Pages= {2153-2168}, ISBN= {ISSN 0042-0980}, Abstract= {"Retirement age choice is introduced into a conventional model of residential location to show that the retirement age of workers who do not move after retirement can be influenced by the urban variation of leisure and housing prices. A retirement demand equation that incorporates commuting characteristics is estimated on a sample of US urban male owners interviewed by the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. It is found that commuters retire around two years earlier than comparable home-based workers, although the evidence provides no support for this gap to be the result of differences in leisure or housing prices across both groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Rentenalter - Determinanten; regionale Faktoren; Wohnort; ältere Arbeitnehmer; erwerbstätige Männer; Erwerbsverhalten; Berufsausstieg; Immobilienmarkt; Preisniveau; Arbeitsweg; Pendler; USA; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 1975; E 1987}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 1058}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k120807n03}, } @Article{Imrohoroglu:2012:SSR, Journal= {American Economic Journal. Macroeconomics}, Volume= {4}, Number= {3}, Author= {Selahattin Imrohoroglu and Sagiri Kitao}, Title= {Social security reforms: benefit claiming, labor force participation, and long-run sustainability}, Year= {2012}, Pages= {96-127}, ISBN= {ISSN 1945-7707}, Abstract= {"This paper develops a general equilibrium life-cycle model with endogenous labor supply in both intensive and extensive margins, consumption, saving, and benefit claiming to measure the long-run effects of a proposed Social Security reform. Agents in the model face medical expenditure, wage, health, and survival shocks. Raising the normal retirement age by two years increases labor supply by 2.8 percent and the capital stock by 12.6 percent, showing that both margins of adjustment are critical. General equilibrium effects are important to account for the effects of reform on savings, although the effects on labor supply are less important." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Rentenalter; Reformpolitik; Rentenreform - Auswirkungen; Altersgrenze; Beschäftigungseffekte; Erwerbsverhalten; Erwerbsbeteiligung; ältere Arbeitnehmer; Arbeitskräfteangebot; öffentlicher Haushalt; Gesundheitskosten; altersspezifische Faktoren; USA; }, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: D91; E21; H55; I13; J22}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 2024}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k120813n05}, } ************************************ 2. SONSTIGE REFERIERTE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************************ @Article{Gasche:2012:GID, Journal= {Sozialer Fortschritt}, Volume= {61}, Number= {7}, Author= {Martin Gasche and Carla Krolage}, Title= {Gleitender {\"U}bergang in den Ruhestand durch Flexibilisierung der Teilrente}, Year= {2012}, Pages= {149-159}, ISBN= {ISSN 0038-609X}, Abstract= {"Vor dem Hintergrund der Anhebung der gesetzlichen Altersgrenzen wird oft eine Verbesserung der Möglichkeiten des gleitenden Übergangs in die Rente für diejenigen gefordert, die im Alter nicht mehr so viel arbeiten wollen oder können. In dieser Studie werden Optionen eines gleitenden Übergangs miteinander verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass die weitaus beliebteste Option der Altersteilzeit gegenüber der kaum wahrgenommenen Teilrente aus der Sicht des Versicherten keine wesentlichen Vorteile aufweist. Der große Nachteil der Teilrente sind die starren Stufen und die komplizierte Berechnung der Hinzuverdienstgrenzen. Durch eine Abschaffung der Stufen könnte die Attraktivität des Teilrentenbezugs und des Hinzuverdiensts wesentlich erhöht und die Altersteilzeit zumindest aus der Sicht des Versicherten obsolet werden. Dieser Vorschlag der flexiblen Teilrente wird mit dem Konzept der Kombirente des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales verglichen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)}, Abstract= {"Against the backdrop of an increasing legal retirement age, broader opportunities for a smooth transition to retirement are often demanded for elderly workers who are disinclined or unable to continue to work full-time. This study compares different options for a transition to retirement. It becomes evident that from the point of view of older workers, the far more popular option for early retirement called 'part-time employment prior to retirement' or 'Altersteilzeit' has no significant advantages in comparison to the barely known partial retirement (Teilrente). The biggest disadvantages of partial retirement are the three fixed pension levels (Teilrentenstufen) and the intricate calculation of supplementary income limits. Abolishing fixed pension levels might make partial retirement and earning supplementary income significantly more attractive, possibly superseding the Altersteilzeit option. Our suggested flexible partial retirement (flexible Teilrente) is compared to the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affair's proposal called 'Kombirente', which will allow some workers to retire early without any financial losses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Berufsausstieg - Flexibilität; ältere Arbeitnehmer; Teilrente; Altersteilzeit; Zuverdienstregelung; Einkommenshöhe; Nettoeinkommen; Rentenpolitik; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Sprache: de}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 535}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k120801801}, } @Article{Hostenkamp:2012:SCH, Journal= {Schmollers Jahrbuch. Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften}, Volume= {132}, Number= {2}, Author= {Gisela Hostenkamp and Michael Stolpe}, Title= {The social costs of health-related early retirement in Germany : evidence from the German Socio-economic Panel}, Year= {2012}, Pages= {323-357}, ISBN= {ISSN 0342-1783; ISSN 1439-121X}, Abstract= {"Using data from the German Socio-economic Panel, we study how stratification in health and income contributes to the social cost of health-related early retirement, the balance of lost labour income and health benefits. On average, early retirees improve their health by almost two thirds of the loss suffered during the last four working years. We calibrate counterfactual scenarios and find keeping all workers in very good health, the highest of five categories of self-assessed health, would delay the average retirement age by more than three years and reduce the social costs by more than 20 percent." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Frührentner; Frühinvalidität - Ursache; Krankheit; soziale Kosten; Sozioökonomisches Panel; Rentenalter; Gesundheitszustand; Gesundheitsfürsorge; ältere Arbeitnehmer; Prävention; Medizintechnik; technische Entwicklung; Lebensarbeitszeit; Arbeitszeitverlängerung; öffentliche Ausgaben; Berufsausstieg; Entscheidungsfindung; Gesundheitskosten; medizinische Faktoren; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 1992; E 2005;}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: H55; I12; O15}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: Z 065}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k120820n10}, } ************************* 3. SONSTIGE ZEITSCHRIFTEN ************************* @Article{Ricardo:2012:TTA, Journal= {Journal of Disability Policy Studies}, Volume= {23}, Number= {2}, Author= {Ricardo Pagan-Rodriguez}, Title= {Transitions to and from self-employment among older people with disabilities in Europe}, Year= {2012}, Pages= {82-93}, ISBN= {ISSN 1538-4802; ISSN 1044-2073;}, Abstract= {"This paper analyses the labor-market transitions among older people with disabilities in Europe as compared to their nondisabled counterparts. Particular attention is paid to the workers' transitions to and from self-employment. Using data from the two first waves (2004 and 2007) of a panel data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), we estimate employment transition matrices for disabled and non-disabled individuals aged 50 years or over, taking into account the possible transitions in disability status that individuals may experience throughout our panel data. The results show that older people with disabilities (especially females) who are self-employed in 2004 are less likely to remain in the same labor status three years later. In contrast, transitions from self-employment to 'out of labor force' were relatively higher for disabled individuals as compared to non-disabled ones. In addition, the results vary when we take into consideration the disability trajectories. Areas of future research and policy recommendations are given." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: Behinderte; ältere Arbeitnehmer; berufliche Mobilität - internationaler Vergleich; berufliche Selbständigkeit - Zu- und Abgänge; Berufsausstieg; Nichterwerbstätigkeit; Arbeitslosigkeit; abhängig Beschäftigte; Österreich; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Schweden; Niederlande; Spanien; Italien; Frankreich; Dänemark; Griechenland; Schweiz; Belgien; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 2004; E 2007}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {IAB-Sign.: X 559}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k120813p03}, } ********************************** 4. ARBEITSPAPIERE/DISCUSSION PAPER ********************************** @Book{Vogel:2012:AAP, Institution={Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (Hrsg.)}, Author= {Edgar Vogel and Alexander Ludwig and Axel B{\"o}rsch-Supan}, Title= {Aging and pension reform : extending the retirement age and human capital formation}, Year= {2012}, Pages= {54}, Address= {M{\"u}nchen}, Series= {MEA Discussion papers}, Number= {257}, Annote= {URL:}, Abstract= {"Projected demographic changes in industrialized countries will reduce the share of the working-age population. Analyses based on standard PLG models predict that these changes will increase the capital-labor ratio. Hence, rates of return to capital decrease and wages increase with adverse welfare consequences for current middle aged asset rich agents. This paper addresses three important adjustments channels to dampen these detrimental effects of demographic change: investing abroad, endogenous human capital formation and increasing the retirement age. Our quantitative finding is that openness has a relatively mild effect. In contrast, endogenous human capital formation in combination with an increase in the retirement age has strong effects. Under these adjustments maximum welfare losses of demographic change for households alive in 2010 are reduced by about 3 percentage points." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))}, Annote= {Schlagwörter: demografischer Wandel - Auswirkungen; Altersstruktur; Arbeitskräfteangebot; Erwerbsbevölkerung; ältere Arbeitnehmer; ältere Menschen; Rentenalter; Humankapital; Erwerbsbeteiligung; soziale Indikatoren; Einkommenseffekte; private Haushalte; Industrieländer; }, Annote= {Bezugszeitraum: A 1960; E 2050}, Annote= {JEL-Klassifikation: C68; E17; E25; J11; J24}, Annote= {Sprache: en}, Annote= {Quelle: IAB, SB Dokumentation und Bibliothek, LitDokAB, k120711r16}, } 6 von 378 Datensätzen ausgegeben.